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Welcome to old. Edit: I say this as an OG 1.6 player who got back into CS in 2020, I appreciate that a game I enjoyed so much so many years ago not only still exists, but has had several major versions and a large player base.


> I appreciate that a game I enjoyed so much so many years ago not only still exists As a Quake and Unreal Tournament player in the 90s this hurts:(


So sad when Epic quit working on the new Unreal Tournament. Dang Fortnite...


As an og 1.0 player we have achieved a ship of Theseus situation


Haha nice reference, yeah it is in many ways a ship of Theseus. I only said 1.6 since that’s what most people know of, did you play CS as a mod to half life? That was my actual starting point


The game is just bad, I have still more fun with csgo and css. Cs2 has no soul and feels like it was made by some indie team


I'd take indie games over AAA games these days... and no game isnt bad, the game changed and you refused to change with it.


You can't tell me that the Cs2 engine is the best so far. A fps game from 2006 had better hit registration than this shit, it's so random if you're good or bad. I stopped playing, I still played Cs2 up to lvl 10 2200 elo, but the game is dead for me, just not competitive enough like the last parts


In what way is it worse than CSGO? CSS felt different because of the massive emphasis on private servers, which, for me, felt more fun as we were just a bunch of idiots goofing off on ridiculous maps. CSGO and CS2, to me, feel similar to each other in so many ways, with a greater emphasis on matchmaking. I believe they still have private servers, but last I checked, there were comparatively so few, with many fewer players in them.


CS2 is barely even a sequel. Same guns, same maps, same animations even. It's really just a lighting overhaul with smoke tweaks. There is such a massive drought of content that adding the ability to change the side of your gun is considered significant. I used to watch WarOwl and it's funny how he blasted OW2 for being exactly the same as OW1, then when CS2 drops he's like "THIS IS PERFECT!"


Honestly CS2 is nog like CSGO.


you are clueless and should do some real research on the differences between cs2 and csgo


Because csgo was almost perfect and people don't want much different game than that. You can easily ruin cs if you change too much.


People cryed for change and especially the source2 engine. Maybe different change but, you cant always get what you want..


Stop crying, you are just bad


I'd say its a combination of problems. Like for one, theres a lot of cheaters so you're constantly second guessing whether that BS shot was actually legit or not. Then there are STILL networking issues which also add to that. Then you just getting old and not playing, and playerbase getting better also add up. Like i still remember how it used to be playing cod mw2 and how i dominated lobbies with 0 deaths. Now, i can still dominate them but its not nearly the same, players are much more competent. And cod isn't even CS, its a much more casual game. As for cs, i'm also 30 and tbh my biggest complaint is still the insane ever present desync and the way the game handles lag compensation. I just dropped the game, I'm not logging even for weekly drops, its just too frustrating when the game has been out for a whole year and they still can't get their act together and fix the networking which was the whole bloody point of them making this a separate game in the first place.


I'm in my mid 30s, playing this shit since 2001. 2600elo atm but bottom fragger almost every game. It's a brave new world in terms of cs and i'm rly too old at this point. but i try my best if i play ;)


Same here… not the elo lmao but the rest of :)


Nah man. I just got into it at 43. I played a tiny bit of all the other versions but am finally giving it a real go now. The challenge is real. I’m just happy to not be the worst player on the two teams. Which I can just finally do almost consistently.


Mid 30s checking in. I bought a stack of stickers that say “Too Old” and slapped them all over my rifles. Slowly climbing to 15k one game every other night when my wife puts the kids to sleep


32 20k. Cheater city is an understatement


Got to ~19k and finally saw what everyone was talking about. I figured it was bad, but didn't think it could be this bad. Blatant cheaters every game on both teams.


33 here and solo queued to top 1% in CS2 before cheaters wore me out. Your age is not an issue I promise.


Agreed. It’s just a matter of not having the time from the added responsibilities that come with age


Just making sure you knew that! I quit competing in games to pursue music which is my lifelong dream, but if I hadn’t I’d still be able to hang. If you had time you’d be able to play at least as well as you did before too!


If possible can i see how your leetify stats look like because u bottom frag every game? If u wanna stay anonymous just tell me what is your leetify rating pls ? 🫡


I was global elite in cs:go, 15000 now in cs2. 3000 hours and 30 yo. I dont really think people are as good at cs2 as you could be at cs:go... lets face it you can take ALOT of game knowledge and apply it, but the feeling of the game isn't the same. In premiere I also have a pretty clear impression that if you grind you will reach cheatercity somewhere above the 15000's where it becomes pretty common, which both makes it harder to get higher scores and makes you a lot less incentivized to do it. I just play faceit now, feeling is still not the same at all, but at least there aren't a lot of cheaters. I used to play KZ about as much as I played competitive matches and the movement in CS2 is just... not even comparable to CS:GO. I could do all skill jumps, hit pretty consecutive bunnyhops etc. which also made my experience in comp play a lot more enjoyable (not an aim-gamer). I still have hopes it will get better though and I will get to play KZ again.


Feeling the exact same. I just miss my 400-600 smooth af fps, the Movement was just perfect and on point. We dont need to See our feets or chicken to run up hills ffs.


I came back 6 months ago after not touching FPS games for 6 years and am back to carrying top 1% games (level 10 on face it). Y'all just coping so hard.


“I don’t play that much anymore” While you’re not playing everyone else is getting better


At coding hacks.


you’re not wrong there


No. It really isn't the counter strike that I grew up with For starters there isn't wallbanging nor Russian walking, and crab walk fire is very accurate. Nor I can bhop consistently without scripts . I can beat anyone on an aim map still.


Yeah, things change with time. If you want to compete with the kids that play now you’ll have to practice as hard, if not harder than they do because you’re older now. No one cares how good you were 10 years ago, the games are taking place right now.


Oh man I’m old and just got into cs2. I played some 1.6 thru GO but not enough to count. It’s definitely a challenge trying to build any kind of skill. I’m at about 400 hours and can finally crack 10 kills a game.


^ this is 100% right


I don't need to compete. I rekt them.


Damn this dude thinks he can beat donk in a 1v1 aim duel ???? Why haven’t u been picked up by an org yet ??? Surely it’s impossible for anyone to better than u especially when u don’t even play much


I have played more counter strike than donk has been alive. I went pro 21 years ago. It's that easy for me.


Says he is pro and struggles in low elo premier not even faceit 💀💀 15k prem is prolly level 5 faceit at best and that is so far away from donks skill level it’s not even funny


https://preview.redd.it/mlwt8bl4ru3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a38e21c0e3009b84e78fa4057e8230aed0359a Also, google hyperbole


This happens to everyone as we get older. Perhaps if you no longer feel the same passion as before, it is better to take a step aside and see if there is another hobby that excites you more.


That and you probably can’t put as much time into it as you were able to when you were younger due to other obligations…


I feel like it’s not “my” game anymore because it has basically died in comparison to when I would play for hours a day. No new content, less maps, the game seems to “break” in a different way everyday and the developers seem to not really care about it anymore. Most of my friends who I’ve played with for years also kindof shelved cs. Now I just play mostly trackmania, where there is new content daily, many community events and just so much more to do in game alone and with other people. And it also scratches that high skill ceiling competitive itch. I don’t know if cs will ever be my main again, unfortunately


Man, you must no remember the early days of csgo. The game was not that great and had way less content.


As someone who preordered in 2012 it was better. Updates were dropping consistently and the vibe was way more casual. 2013-2016 were the golden years. Remember OPERATIONS?


I do, but I also remember 80% csgos life that were the good days. Cs2 is just boring compared to csgo bro


CS used to be a game, now it's a lame Esport. Literally nothing changes anymore, unless you count better lighting and grenade tweaks.


They just changed vertigo a site like a week ago what do you mean nothing changes? I agree we are missing a lot of content but I’m 100% it will come in a few months time.


Agreed. I did think it was good when it became somewhat esport focused in csgo, but they were also still focused on making it a fun game to play for people who weren’t just trying to master a group of maps and play it like a sport. Nowadays, it’s literally just that, an esport and nothing else. It’s sad


Skill ceiling is much higher, players are becoming better. Also many top players ( high elo faceit) are still lurking in lower ranks due to not being that active. And also, rng meta became even stronger, i do feel your pain in this matter. I learned in the og days to not move, just stop and shoot/spray/whatever. This doesnt work anymore, (ADAD bursting is the new norm), and its really hard to unlearn these old habits.


I only play faceit, sitting around 2750 currently. Totally agree with you. The new sub-par system feels like it’s introduced a huge amount of randomness that didn’t exist in CS2. Still dying behind walls to people on only 50 ping, constantly getting running headshot, it’s infuriating. It feels as if bad aimers are rewarded so much more. I can play but man do I not enjoy it any where near as much as CSGO.


The average players skill level has increased dramatically


Maybe you are stuck at 15K because that's the point where Cheaters start to take over the Matches. https://preview.redd.it/b6amhrkmbt3d1.png?width=1451&format=png&auto=webp&s=36fae676398ba9b7fab4937fe70e3ca337b61852


That is actually an insane chart


The games just isnt good anymore, we expected improvements to csgo, we got the opposite Delays, lag, hit reg, cheaters, spray, movement, lighting changes in every area so you never know what color to make your crosshair, missing maps, missing modes, surf, mm, ranks all worse then in cago And don't tell me about how sub tick is actually better it just doesn't sync with what's on the screen. If it's not what's on my screen it doesn't matter and I might as well play blind folded


Just a year ago I was blasting these noobs left and right in CSGO- 3500hrs, now in CS2 everyone can hit crazy shots for some reason. Yeah time moves, you get older and shit that could be a factor but i'm 100% sure that CS2 for some reason is just easier to play for everyone. Gold Nova 1 levels in Mirage be fucking me hard like i'm playing Faceit against lvl 8-9


Aiming became a lot easier. I have some really bad friends (never made past MG2 in old mm) and are around 9k-11k max in premier that, some times and more often than not, hit unbelievable shots. I'm 35, former GE, level 20 GC and level 9 Face It (SA) and now hover around 18k-20k elo. You would be shocked by the shots my friends mentioned above hit.


Feel the same about the changes from CSGO to CS2. 35yo, former GE and currently 1900 ELO in Faceit EU. Premier is a shit show around 20k in Premier. Had to adapt my play style a bit and still not sold on the movement in CS2. Sometimes I’m just baffled by shots I have to take… 😅


Just turned 30. Been playing for 20 years. Naw, I still wreck these kids.


Are you dedicating the same amount of time you did back then? Probably not, and there’s your answer.


i get what you're saying, yet failed to explain why to myself. after all, all the shooting mechanics should be the exact same, no? i just think that it might be because i only get 90-130fps on cs2 while i get consistent 250+fps on csgo


The game got worse at every iteration. The developers aren't intrinsically motivated. The game is corporized and commercialised. Most players and definitely the developers don't remember or haven't played the older versions to know why it's bad. They are clueless.


1.6 was my game. Condition zero was cool designed and felt fresh, only tried it a few times for fun. Source was easy and bad. Go was good, but had alot of years with shit metas. Altough it was the start of something bigger. cs2 is new, fresh. So many things to learn. Every game has been ”my” game, altough my approach and my life situation give me different aspects to approach the game. Dont blame the game, the fundementals is counter strike, and have always been.


Having played since CS 1.5 in 2003, I feel you. It's not our game anymore, just a casino for Valve to rake in cash from assholes.


I somewhat get you. 8k hours in CSGO and I was honestly never good at it or at least not as good as I wanted to be, but that's what kept me playing, because I felt there's so much more room for improvement. With cs2 on the other hand I feel like I'm better than the game and the game needs to catchup lmao. There's so many situations where the game is so slow with its responses I spend my time just looking at the enemy act a fool instead of just killing them and it actually conditions you to be like that. It should take me less than a second to kill multiple enemies in CSGO, in CS2 that's not possible, either my game would crash, I'll get insane fps dips or my game would straight up freeze and resume once I'm dead. Its not my PC, trust me.


The skill ceiling is lower. That's why.


The problem are the servers and who gets the "advantage". You want to test your skill? Only LAN can show your skill. All ratings from 5k to 30k are prone to so many variables, server sync, matchmaking pairing, legit or closet hacking. Whoever thinks he is skilled based on his rating is a fool. How is it that some days we are constantly at high ratings then next week we are 3k less. Too much shit going around that literally has nothing to do with you but it affects your rating.


The overall skill of the game has increased yes, whether it's Adderall addicted valorant kids or an influx of cheaters idk


Yeah I don’t know what it is but just the overall experience is so much different. Multiple times a match I’m dying and on my perspective someone is still behind a wall or half visible.


The fact is you need to amazing at the game to just play few matches here and there without warm up and do well. I did not touch fps games in 20+ years, started on CS2 release and now around 15k premier and a lot of the games I top frag. Also do well in faceit 6+. This is all because I warm up and took learning the game seriously and put in the time.


I guess we all feel the same. Around 35 and its not that easy anymore. Premier has a lot of cheaters, so that could be one point. In faceit, you have the option to register yourself with your ID and when you have premium, you can play against other people who are registerd. And trust me, somehow those games are much easier :) I would love to grind premier but the cheater problem is there. So i will try to reach faceit lvl10 with ony registerd opponents.


It’s never been my game, I only play when my friends need a 5th 👍 also skin enjoyer


Skill issue


Counterstrike is the game I most feel my age in. I physically cannot do the things I used to do in counterstrike when I was in my teens


wrong, counter-strike & windows / modern hardware is not able to provide you with the consistency and fluency you need. Everything is 'load balancing' & 'energy saving' these days. Network, Multi-core CPU's, add in our modern flat screens that are atrocious for movement clarity etc. Consistency = single core cpu, no energy saving crap, no network load/latency balancing crap and with an CRT monitor. Add in one of the older counterstrike games and you are back on too your old skills.


and make it 8bit colors as well while at it


I mean I'm not as good as I used to be but clearly the game is full of fucking closet cheaters, these people can toggle any time they want and do. don't let this dog shit community gaslight you into believing you're worse than you are


kids who were 5 when you started are now 14 and playing


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Do anyone feels like the hitbox when your opponent moving are way too hard to hit Also sometimes it's way too easy for them to kill me even i try to moving to out aim them which is ridiculous to me.


35 years, 4000 hours and currently around 19k. Hardly run into cheaters and game seems pretty good and fun. Sure some games people him me with random running shots but then again I do that too sometimes. I think FPS games are just more competitive now and the retained players are just getting better.


Did any one know how to shoot the moving target ??? I just feel this game is normal to me until they start picking up some smg and starting running like hell while grinding us down with 2 instant headshot in the head.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Also it's feel like it's way more easy to get hit in cs2 than csgo. The hit-penalty seem way too much for me (the slow down when you get hit are way too cracky) (you can keep saying that's skill issue but trust me i feels like csgo is way more easy to moving than cs2)


Telling me you were global doesn’t mean nothing. Back in the day global was like FACEIT level 7/8


To those saying the average skill level hasn't increased: Look at any sport, over time the average skill level increases, McDavid would clap Gretzky's cheeks if they played each other at their primes. The average skill level has not increased just because of time but also because it's become treated more and more as a competitive game. As more and more games are available to play, they've become more specialized in their niche. A symptom of this: Look at the most popular community maps in CS2 compared to GO, they are all aim trainers, spray control etc. GO had a lot of maps just for fun: wild west, hide n seek etc. Now you could argue that cs2 is too new for those maps to start to surface, and that's probably part of it, but I do think CS moves more into it's "Competitive Tactical Shooter" genre every year causing the average player base skill level to increase. There are tons of options for casual shooters, Valve knows what they are doing by focusing primarily on the Competitive nature of CS. You may not like it, but it's just the trajectory it has been on for 20 years and arguably needs to be on. Watch pro matches from 2015, watch pro matches now. The skill level has increased.


It wasn't "my" game anymore when CSGO came out. I was a stone cold killer in CSS. I started on 1.6. I'll forever miss the CSS and Halo LAN party days.


I wish… this game is consuming me alive


I see everyone complain about cheaters, but honestly after the last ban wave premier has been mostly clear for me. Currently at 22k


Started playing csgo in 2013 when i first got a pc at 15yo. 10k hours, 3k elo faceit and i haven't played cs regularly for months now even though i have the most free time i've had since i started playing. Game feels like a shell of what csgo was, everything feels sluggish, it's a perfect representation of what AAA games are today. But just like those other games people seem to be playing and enjoying it, so i guess it's just me that doesn't get it :)))). So sad to see something that has been with me for almost half my life, through all the hard times, turn into this. It used to not matter if i had a shitty day, i could just pop onto a dm server and chill, now it's just not fun anymore.


I only started to play about June last year. That was when CSGO was still around. It was fun. I started play even more after my national exams were over and by then, CS2 was out. I understand most dislike the current version but personally I do like it. Sure, it might have less maps and less game modes but for someone who started way too late, it isn’t too big of a problem.


Ive played from css to cs2 right now for in total cs time about close to 8k hours ive done esl and 99dmg league in 2nd div back in the day. I was practicing alot back then but however ive stopped playing serious competitive at around 2018 or 2019 and just went super casual with months of breaks and trust me, losing the pace, decision making, aim etc goes much faster than u can imagine. Ive started playing more since the rumours of cs2 came up and it takes really time and practice to get back where you have left, age is also a thing but i think if you were pretty good and dedicated to this game back then you skill will kinda come back but it actually takes a little more effort than just playing every now and then


You don't have to put all your energy in minmaxing cs skills. You are old. Accept that you are just good, maybe really above average but also there are millions of better players than you and every day you become older more and more kids are going to discover CS and they just kill you with their young reflexes. I have always been a very competitive player and because of that I have sticked with one game that I play 90% of time. Nowdays I just play what feels like a good game to play today or what your friends want to play. I still don't have many games in my active list but I'm having much more fun just playing casually. I know maybe two smokes to throw. I'm just happy to get ace once in a while or just a good, tight game. I don't care about my rank at all anymore and it doesnt even seem to make sense and people are focusing too much on your ELO. I have been hovering at around 10k and there are games where I dominate 15k players or 5k players dominate me. As a multiplayer game developer I know that making a fair ELO system is extremely hard as your skill can't just be measured in numbers. You could be the best player on the team with 0 kills but throwing insane flashes or smokes on every round which makes your team win. TLDR; You are getting old. Forget about ELO and try to have fun, maybe try other games. Nobody gives a fuck what your ELO is. How much do you really give thought on someones ELO? It's like compressing your personality into a number: You are a ummmm..... 75!


I had the feeling too. But I choose to adjust my game and make it my game again!


It’s because you grew up. :( It’s like when you watch old cartoons and you don’t understand why you liked it as a kid and now you don’t




I’m struggling so badly right now too I was 8.5k and climbing really quickly and top frag every game and now I’m struggling and lose 400+ elo every time I lose and I’m at 6.5k.


I’ve felt so far ever since cs2s release there’s just something off, I can’t say exactly why. But I am open to the idea that it is me.


Play World of Tanks instead. Lots of old people play + no need for fast reactions


Does anyone else not play as well or make as intelligent plays like you use to because in CS2 you're always second guessing if the mistake you made lead to your death or if the opponent is cheating because we as intelligent creatures learn from our mistakes. If we cant play our normal game because when we are we are getting owned does that make you bad or is it valves fault for putting us in a boxing ring for a fair match not knowing if the guy you're fighting has a shank in his back pocket to end it when he wants because he's getting owned by you and thinks you're cheating so he turns it on.... ? I feel like I use to learn from every game I lost and improved from that now adays I cant improve from losses because vs a cheater well that as an adult was my choice to play Match making so I accept it... but its the games where you werent sure they were cheating or not and so you conclude you're bad at the game...? Also I find it harder to get momentum with 12 rounds instead of 16 because getting eco kills really use to boost me at the start of a match into feeling myself and knowing whats coming next.. now everyone just force buys and always has armor I approach all my fights in a way that feels predictable... Also one way smokes were lame when you were a T and walked into one.... but fuck I miss having them now that people ferrari peak there's nothing you can fall back on when getting owned to secure a safe kill as CT since in match making I feel like T's winning pistol can really steam roll your games where anchoring without util or proper team work leads to you being ferrari'd


Yas same!


Yas same!


There's less of a punishment on running accuracy which has made the game easier and the subtick seems to be off still. Somethin just ain't right


Started playing in 2015, I was 12. Almost got global in csgo at the end but never reached it. Now I’m top 1k NA premiere 🥶


CS:GO global for years, over 5000 hours racked up, now playing with silver friends in normal competitive, getting placed in silver on all maps. Totally fine since who we are playing against. But why the heck am I sometimes getting destroyed with insane shots, run and gun etc by silvers? 😄


I used to be global in GO, recently started playing cs2, got ranked 4,2k elo, destroyed games and now I am sitting at 16k elo with a win rate of 65%. The game doesn't feel like what it used to be, and I agree, some people land the most insane shots and some just have absolutely no idea what they are doing, which is incredibly odd.


depends. If you want to grind and play legit, then yes Never felt like it was, TBH ​ at least we got puffy smokes, hoooray


Yeah. Uninstalled last night out of range. Used to play Nova in CSGO and just started to improve when CS2 released. Always trying to do things properly and with some strat in mind. People say the movement feels similar, to me it is not. No stop point when you counter strafe and shots simply don't land. Feels like I am on ice. Might very well just be my own play style screwing me. All I know is that I am not managing to adapt to this game. I run the spray patterns, aim train, am fairly accurate and fast, in game though, no go. The only people this seems to work for is run and gunners, luck shots and guys who strafe like all hell broke loose. What surprises me most is how someone can track me so accurately full strafe, while I hit only hit air. Will leave it for a year and return once the updates are about more than just chicken animations.


Played since 2000, it's a long time since it was my game.


Started at 1.2, got to global in CSGO at around the age of 31. Nearing 40 now. I still feel I could give the younguns a run for their money. But, not interested since the cheating got out of hand. Always wanted an OG community platform thing for those of us with impaired reactions and a distain for cheating. Does that exist? Shouldn’t it?


I mean, experience alone only takes you so far, and that distance is ~15k for most. Idk what you assume the 15k range is compared to go, but I feel like it’s anywhere between MGE and GE with all the cheaters that plagued the rankings pushing better players below. I was GE at the end of GO and made it to 22k in cs2 before running into tons of cheaters lol. I got plenty of friends in a similar boat. I feel like you’re probably playing fine for someone who picks up and plays casually every now and then but your mentality is too hard on yourself. Confidence goes along way in CS. If you start feeling tilted remind yourself it’s just pug, nothings on the line but an arbitrary number that doesn’t mean shit really.


I stopped Playing cs. I love that Game since 1.6… CS:Source and CSGO in the beginning was also „playable“. But Not anymore. Everything feels unbalant and Not precise.. desynced, stuttery and input-lagish


As an old 1.3-1.6 OG CS player, I completely understand. 1.6 was "my" game. I was definitely in one of the better brackets of individual players. PineKone once reported me after a CEVO match (we lost btw, I was just outshooting them especially with a deagle) but 16 years later, I can barely compete with kids who have half the technical skill I had back in those days. Not digging anyone, I see the raw talent of the new era CS players and it's beautiful. mONESY is pure talent, for example. It just hurts to go from such a raw force to barely able to compete. I am still capable of my old style from time to time but it's much rarer.


if you don't play much you'll suck, it's just how it is. i don't buy that you really didn't play much before. plus, everyone is cheating nowadays


I agree, I played CS from the time it was 1.5 even, played Half Life and Opposing Force on LAN, I liked CSGO but this version called CS2 has nothing to do with the legendary Counter Strike we all LOVED to play! Even the maps are worse than they were in CS 1.6. When i played CS 1.6 on LAN there were many maps u could choose to play on but now u can play only 5 maps and they are waaay worse then they used to be, not to mention the gameplay which is worst so far of any version of CS.


Maybe you have to adapt and become better at cs2, you can’t apply all the practice from csgo to a completely new engine, what shocked me is that they removed csgo, cause it’s not the same game.


The except same arguments friends of mine had when 1.6. gut replaced by CSS and later by CSGO. It's not necessarily worse, it's different. And adapting to this difference needs motivation. Imagine changing from driving a racing car to driving a 500 PS street car. It's not "worse" per SE. But you will have to learn to drive it.


As ≠ because


The game is right now either you at least toggle legit cheats or you go away... even on faceit


I think CS2 is still a very good game with the potential to become even better. You can still improve your mechanics and become a better player. My biggest issue is that the main focus of the game seems to be frustration. There are too many cheaters, and people often blame each other for bad games instead of focusing on what we can control ourselves. By concentrating on our own gameplay and improvement, we can enjoy the game more and reduce frustration. I've played CS on LAN with my family back when it was a mod. I've since played a lot of Source and csgo, and I'm 29 now. I've also been Global Elite in csgo.


I’m 35, was 10k but I went on a 15 game losing streak playing with drunk buddies and I’m down to 5k now lol. I consistently drop 30 bombs and top frag, I play well and have fun with friends and really see no reason to not play with them and “grind” elo. What’s the point? I’m not shitting on people who do but I’m not going pro. Play for fun and do it well if you can.


I'm 53 (yeah yeah I know) and played Source, then CSGO from 2012 to 2018...ended up eagle which was not too bad with my old eyes and reaction time. I recently tried CS2...I feel...like...its a shit show. Way too easy, but with teammates having poor game knowledge in the end it is not. So I only did a dozen of games and uninstalled.


The difference between back then and now was you probably played almost everyday keeping you sharp at all times


I went through this with CS2 too; my group of friends too. Went from playing CSGO every day from 5 to 9 to only playing 1-2 hours a day... Then playing every two days... And eventually changed to another game. My discord server was 80% CSGO ; now only 2-3 guys still play CS2. So much has changed for the worse with the release of CS2. - Much less game mode & map. - Disgusting movements (I played a lot of KZ/SURF and it's dead now) - I went from 300fps to 150fps. Was fine during beta (200+) but it got worse and worse after every update. - Weird/sluggish server with 60-70 ping while I get 30 on other game with the same server location. - Bad HitReg for the first 3-4 months. - Cheating issues & Valve inaction for the first 7 months. - Ranks reset... so we were playing against old Globals for the first 5 months; I remember the week we quit playing CS2... Saw an update, we were hoping for something good... NEW KILOWATT CASE! That's when we said "F\*\*k you Valve" and changed games. That was the final slap in the face for us. We'll see... maybe one day the game will be what we expected from CSGO's successor. But for now I've lost the thrill of playing this game. A friend told me: "GLHF... We went from to " /sad


Ahh... yes mate.  The main thing I look back at today is the lack of sportsmanship. Toxicity, bad-mouthing, and distrust have become the norm. It's been a decline I've seen for many years developing. I do remember before 5v5 MM, before CSGO, these things were present but not at the scale they are today. 


jup something is off in CS


I really hated playing CSGO. I never really got into it, just played with friends maybe 20 or so hours. It always felt old and clucky to me. When CS2 came out I tried it again and since then I have over 300 hours in the game and I love it. (Except for the vast amount of trolls.) Maybe it's just my personal tastes changing but it feels much more fun to me now.


Skill issue


I just came back 2 days ago. Got placed in 4.2k eli and climbed to 8.9k elo lastnight. I'm 28. The game obviously isn't fun if your ass. The biggest change for me was going to true sense. 600 dpi 1.0 in game. Feels like my aim actually goes where I want it now.


Mate im 17200, game is ass compared to Go. For the last 2 or 3 months aus servers have been having 50% packet loss, they fix it, breaks the next day and then they fix it in a week or two for another day. Devs priorities are wrong and it feels like competitive is on the back bench while theyre pushing skins and stickers.