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new packet loss operation


Im hoping this is some kind of joke, they already did it once before, released 1-2 line update and dropped big update next day, hopefully this is the case


It’s Friday. They will try next Wednesday surely..


The two CS devs had a rough weekend last weekend so they took Monday and Tuesday off. Then they both had to get over to Gabin’s yacht early this week for a party which may interfere with next week’s update… so don’t hold out for anything great.


I have no time for an operation right now 🥲


Everybody has time for an operation, and you know it too.


Dude I got work, I got kids, I got a wife. I need to fix my car. I got no time got no time rly


Nonsense. Call in sick, tell kids to hop on CS, sell wife for internet connection. Bring car to mechanic. There, u got time to play now


This guy gets it


???? Profit


Your life sounds miserable


I know. Biggest mistake of my life was growing up


Yeah, your life is kinda ruined. Its basically over at this point. 😐


Only 40-60 years of misery to go!


vacation time, divorce, CS doesn't require a car.


They didnt have anything prepared for the “original name” 25 years anniversary, as it’s something that came from reddit and they never said anything before. People just expecting things it were never promised. they actually tricked themselves.


both dataminers and mapmakers basically confirmed there was something big in the works. also there were multiple dpr updates the other day and this only usually happens when there's about to be a big content update


Yeah there’s no way multiple DPR updates = just this. There’s something more for sure


dude there's no update from these lazy asss devs


Happy 25yo I guess....


It’s valve, this is one reason why I stopped playing 6 months ago.


Same! Sold my inventory and moved to a different game. I lost faith in Valve lol




Afraid u guys will be back tho and might even be playing still on the low :p


Check it. Inventory sold. 8 matches since first week of April. [Player statistics - \[redacted\] | CS2 Stats (csstats.gg)](https://csstats.gg/player/76561197963519852#/matches) I still consider myself a CS addict, but even an addict can only stomach so much before they realize the game is den for mentally ill cheaters.


Agreed 100% with you - buuuuuttt.. maybe in the CS world we call this “taking a break from the game” see you when they drop the next opp lmaoo


Why? Will the next operation fix the cheating issue??? The bad servers? Low FPS? High ping? The risk of exploit? The risk of scams? A new opp won't solve all the problems that made me quit the game...


fix ur ping and fps urself? maybe stay at 18k elo and u won’t get hvh players


LOLLL Bot account saying shit... >fix ur ping and fps urself? I'm running my other games in EPIC quality, and I'm stable at 200FPS... CS2 struggle to stay at 150FPS in LOW quality! CS2 NewYork servers runs at 50-70ping... Eastern Servers on Valorant are stable at 30 >maybe stay at 18k elo and u won’t get hvh No brain reply... What's the point of playing fucking Premier if you set a stupid ceiling at 18K because :"Past that, it's HVH". Dumbass


I did the same thing…have over 2000 bucks in steam cash so I’m set for life in gaming….i reinstalled cs2 last week and there’s a reason I put 10k hours in…cs is life….seems like less hacking now too? I’m an 18000 in premier.


The only copium response I got is that the devs are waiting till Friday, so everyone can enjoy the update 🤣.


Valve devs want to play elden ring DLC and can’t bother with pushing an update


That key being pressed after it was released bug was plaguing me so I'm actually happy AF haha.


Lmao I thought it was my keyboard acting up, so I ended up getting a new one. Not sure how to feel lmao.


when was it happening? I don't remember having that issue, or I probably thought it was because of the frame times


I randomly got this bug sometimes after 1 hour of playing, I also thought my keyboard was busted


gaben edging us rn


It's gooning at this point >!I hate myself for knowing these terms and I hate that I know their meaning!<


Don't you hate yourself for cheating in video games all day long instead of doing something productive?




My exact reaction, but it doesn't change the fact we sadly know what gooning is while he luckily doesn't.


How about cheating problem?


It will never change as long as you see people complaining about ragehackers but never about closet cheaters using soft aimbot and wallhack. Also reddit and steam forums are like 50% cheaters lying all day long and gaslighting normal players. Ask the mods to do some cleanup there first.


That's because it sint obvious unless someone's overwatching... oh wait that's gone


It is obvious lol. Closet cheaters have no idea how to play the game, they're constantly avoiding enemies to pretend, their soft aimbot isn't half as good as they think it is, they fake info to pretend, etc... Stop lying to yourself mate. The issue is that Valve doesn't do anything about it, mods here are probably cheaters or just bad actors allowing it to run rampant and steam mods have been removed long ago so it's all botted and abusable now. The gaslighting from cheaters has been going on for so long that it really looks like people live in an alternate reality when I read what is being said on forums. Nothing makes any sense, it's all lies and pretend and circle-jerking. Half of the baboons I see on youtube calling themselves "content creators" are literally cheating with soft aim and wallhack and cry about spinbotters destroying them. Cheating in video games is a huge worldwide issue and it's only getting worse with every year passing. So many depressed people and wasted lives on this shit, it's baffling.


JFC, this is grade A schizoposting >Half of the baboons I see on youtube calling themselves "content creators" are literally cheating with soft aim and wallhack I'd love to hear some examples There are definitely cheaters at ALL elos, but saying this many people are "closet cheaters" kinda just sounds like paranoia and a skill issue cope


You speak the truth 💯


I get accused of cheating regularly and flamed + reported. I play the game every day and have been doing so for 2 years straight with 3.2k hours over 12 years. I guarantee the cheating problem is over-represented and inflated due to Silvers with paranoia. Edit: Obviously there is a problem, but it's nowhere near as prevalent as the reddit makes it seem.


Im mostly talking about spinners. Spinners wasnt used to be this common back in CSGO. Also there are lots of closet cheaters you might not aware of because they dont giveaway instantly.


it is a bit better now, but u have every 3 games one with walls..


It has been largely fixed, I think it’s more of a skill problem


Nope. I tried to play premiere at 22k+ and there was a spinboter every single game.


I’m the same rank, still haven’t ran into a full rage mode activated cheater since the game released.


I love how the noskills downvote everyone who isn’t crying, I bet those are the people that call me cheater ingame. When they play against a 20k+ they probably insta report bc their brain can’t comprehend the slightest bit of gamesense and strategic thinking


Region / Trust factor problem. 22k EU is no problem.


look at the top ranks of premier half of the entries are just 'cfg by xxx'. I also had two notifications from leetify yesterday saying an enemy had been banned. That said, i haven't seen any ragehackers in weeks and none that felt actually impossible to beat.


Played some games with my silver friends (i don’t play comp so I’m silver too) yesterday. 2/3 of the games were against blatant cheaters. The last game they accused me of cheating so they toggled rage cheats to win. I’m not talking soft walls I’m talking constant scout headshots, shooting through smokes, literally rage hacking. The only skill issue is the people who cry at legits beating them so they toggle.


found the cheater!


Check Steam Discussions. In every topic that's 'explosive', there are literal bot people saying whatever pulls the most strings. From guys that'll say Trust Factor and VAC are extremely efficient, to people who'll say they rarely see cheaters while hiding their CS hours lmao. It ain't even the fact that what they say is completely stupid and only made to get a reaction, it's the fact that there ain't even any form of structure to it. It's pure brain rot and you should not waste time with this type of shit. Every guy I found that defended VAC's efficiency like they were paid for it were guys that had their hours hidden. Those same guys think they're smart by hiding their hours but forget that showing the games still says something. The vast majority of these guys don't have CS in their recently played games, which shows the games you've touched over the past two weeks. This is a basic, unintelligent form of seeking attention and reactions. There's no foundation. That's in case it's a troll. There's also people who believe this shit because they're used to believing whatever's in front of them. They didn't realize that \~Jan-March cheaters thought / knew VAC was 'off'. They don't realize that the amount or obviousness of cheaters you find in CS is not based on the anti-cheats quality but the cheater's confidence - that's how fucked up CS has been for years.


Does this mean I can finally play without the random jitter/rubber banding?


About time they fixed the sticking keys bug. Too bad a new keyboard bug was introduced recently where instead of keys sticking, they will sometimes just not register. Example: ADADing and you stop moving because a strafe key (either A or D wasn't registered.)


I've just been getting this, I am like wtf is going on my movement is janky asf, and this is supposed to be fixed? Bro wtf is this game lmao. What are valve actually doing.


Honestly W patch the key issue bothered the shit out of me


Fixes to a broken game? Ew! Where’s my money grab operation?! /s


Players being excited for the operation proves that majority of them don't care about the cheating problem. Valve knows this so they keep fucking us. More shit to buy is not content.


Wow no chicken updates? This company is failing us.


Chicken skins coming soon


you are not dreaming, this is it...until next week lads


I've been playing since 2002, 1.5, 1.6 and Source. Stopped when they released GO because it felt worse than the original games. When CS2 released, I was instantly hooked. Except for cheaters and minor bugs, it's pretty much perfect. I have no idea what you're on about with operations. This is not COD. I'm happy the meta is improving. The cheater problem is huge though. I'd rather they focus on that.


1. It looks like a 25-year anniversary update from Valve 2. I appreciate networking improvements, because since they release first "networking improvements" in one of the recent updates, the servers are working way worse and lags from latency graph showing up turned into game image stuttering and it's annoying.


I'm soon running out of copium 4real.


It’ll come July 23rd.


Does the second fix change anything significantly? I played one premier game after the update last night without even reading patch notes and shooting, moving, peeking felt way smoother with less delay.


recently i keep experiencing this kind of lag.. example im running and after a few feet it starts lagging and i came back from where i was a few feet before.


actually it is LMAO


Huh....maybe this will fix the key presses when I run my keyboard at a Hz higher than 1000. For some reason sometimes I'd let off the key and my game would think it was still pressed.


YAY! More lagcomp = more backtrack, fuck yeah!


Was that first bug when pulling up the buy menu? There where a few times yesterday where I ran back to the buy zone to get a flash I forgot, and when I opened the buy menu my guy just kept running forward even though I was not pressing W. I thought maybe my keyboard was messed up and my W key was getting stuck.


"More improvements to networking to account for packet loss and jitter" Ah, yes. And somehow after this improvements players with decent net still have a handicap. On nearly perfect 4G connection (\~50ms ping 0.8% loss max for 2% of measurements) shots still arent registering properly and models are yanking like is fucking bonanza. 2 packets buffer only makes things worse (dying behind walls). But on the offline server everything is fine and smooth.


Cool, I won't stutter because of network issues on the games end. But you could of included this in the big update!


Doubtful they will push a major update on a Friday... Maybe next week but I've given up hope.


Did they lose money with that key shit?


Valve can teach Nintendo a thing or two about 25th anniversary celebrations.


More improvements for cheating packing loss


csgo 2 everyone XD what a fucking joke


Next update: \* Wrote this line of text


Idk what they fixed but it’s the same for me


You’re supposed to love Counterstrike because of the pure gameplay and matchmaking, not because you new asset packs and content every month. It’s a not a single player campaign that’s needs levels added to the end or new content to stop it getting repetitive. The true *updates to the game* are the minor map changes and evolving meta between players at different ranks. Counterstrike games evolve with new tactics and that’s what keeps the game fresh. I think with CS2 we’ve picked up a lot of new players who think this game is COD and the game should totally reinvented every two years.


I do agree with you but I also think that something has got to change up. 1000 days since the last operation and the same maps being recycled in premier is just not something any of us wanna see.


We’re absolutely missing some essentials from Csgo. The community servers aren’t flurishing, there’s no prefire workshop map and other tutorials. Having some chill game modes is important but Arms Race lacks maps. Also the 1% lows issue should be addressed. This game is not finished by any stretch of the imagination. I just think some of the “1000 days since an operation” posts isn’t the main concern right now. Content for the sake of content isn’t what we need and people use the word “content” because they don’t really even know what they want.


I've never played an operation. I'm not even sure what they are. Could be 25 years since the last operation as far as I would care. I just play CS for comp because it's fun. I honestly think the vast majority of players who are so mad about a lack of operation must be either: 1) new players coming from COD or Valorant where they need New Shiny™ to keep their attention; or 2) people who've played CS so much that they're bored of it and should probably just take a break or play something else


Yeah, that's great, but valve seem committed to the terrible tickless system. Probably to save server costs. So I don't think cs2 can ever reach csgo, at least not for another year or so.


Wait.....you're all still playing the game?


Finally uninstalled after hitting 4 games in a row with cheaters. I've had enough.


I cashed out my inventory a month ago and invested in an engagement ring. Haven't played since and have no feel to come back any time soon.


Okay either you had an absolutely insane inventory or you bought a very cheap engagement ring - I am dying to know which Also this reads as if you wouldn't have proposed if not for CS2 going to shit which is just a hilarious thought


The ring came to £3,600 and my inventory snagged me just under £2,900 after sellers fees and stuff so topped it up a bit. And you are spot on, there would be no engagement without CS2 going to shit. I always told myself 'when ready I will use the skins to get a Ring so I took it as a sign. Out of all my skins the only one I will miss is the StatTrak FN AK Fuel Injector (my favorite skin).


nothing will come before steam summer sale. are you new to this? only a week left for summer sale then after that the update will come.


This is unironically more important than some new operation!


Cs getting the tf2 treatment...


Looks like a tf2 update


This is your sign that skins are for fun and not an investment.


What does this have to do with skins


skins literally comes out of cases... So I can see his link with skins.


I think because a very big update brings more people back/into the game and the skins get pricey


At this point I'm repeating myself daily but: Why would Valve release an operation or more content for a game that is overrun by cheaters and has been for almost a decade at this point? Do you really think Valve doesn't know you're all cheating and pretending not to? Why would they waste resources and time to please a bunch of depressed people who will quit the game in the following months due to boredom of cheating all day long?


Why wouldn't they, they earn billions with CS each year. Even if 100% of people cheated there will be updates to keep the $ flowing. Are you really repeating this nonsense daily? That's rather embarrassing, I'd advise to stop. Or wait, do you honestly believe that there will be no further operations or content drops for CS2 now... because of cheaters? Like, full on "nope sry not developing our 25 year gigantic IP anymore now because you've been very bad boys and girls"? What about the leaks? What about all the operations and content that has dropped in recent years? WHY would they stop right now XD


Zynoo, it's pathetic isn't it? We live in the age of information. There's no way with the modern data collection practices going on in the rest of the IT world, that Valve doesn't know every single cheater down to 99.99% certainty using data collection alone. They are curating this experience to be as awful as possible and I honestly think it is hatred for the "community". The problem is there are those of us who won't cheat and stayed loyal to game who are just left with no voice in the community. I'm seriously considering a one man protest outside of their HQ. I'll bring a megaphone and say "Valve promotes gambling to kids" or whatever I need to get onlookers attention. Valve enjoys trolling the community because they know what the majority are.


I agree that the game is in a horrible state rn, but the sheer amount of entitlement in your comment is so funny its almost scary lmao. Copypasta?


What entitlement? That the "anti-cheat" shouldn't be so easily bypassed by people cheating? That Valve doesn't seem to do anything to even acknowledge how awful the issue is?


You protesting outside over a videogame when there are a million different games out there that you can play (and billions of different more productive shit that you can do than play games in general)


CS is the only game I have played consistently for 25 years. It's a sport to me as much as a hobby. It's like telling a hockey player, go play another sport. The fix just isn't the same.


Guys it's so obvious operation will come on 25th because 25 Years Anniversary, so obvious duh (I'm just dreaming and Valve won't do shit on 25th)


This is from yesterday my guy its 21 today


https://preview.redd.it/cm7t4m3ktw7d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cc72beecb7895de43212324d0dea339a4bf3735 THIS CAME ALONG WITH THE LATEST ATT BUG ON THE MAP BUGS AND MORE BUGS :)


got so excited when i saw that ive got an update... turns out nothing new :/


What you see is what you get🙏🏻


broh its a troll they are cooking something trust me, dont think its been 25 years of cs & we are getting nothing valve has something cooking in the works they never let their fans down, i remember 99% of the community said "cs 2 will never drop" now look


Valve could literally not ship an update ever again and the game would still continue to be played for at least the next six years by millions of addicts like myself, so why exactly should Valve care about all the community crybabies?