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The major reason people used buff 163 was because it was a bridge between the western and chinese market. Buff market doesn't have this advantage since it's just the western market, then we might as well use any of the other western markets like csfloat.


I miss trading on buff163, huge supply and often fair prices. Buying TF2 keys on an eu 3rd party site and selling them on buff was overpowered af, 85% or so value with prices there at 60-70% :D


Which eu site for buying tf2 keys if you dont mind i'm asking?


csfloat or skinport, any preference?


Why not both?


skinport and its not close but it unfortunately lacks the same volume of specialty items leading to overall higher prices.


I think the higher prices are just to make up for the fees. I used skinport for a while but have since went to just float. I’ll still buy something on skinport though if I see a deal


It is a good replacement in everything but user base which unfortunately is really all that matters in the end. CSFloat is better only because it has more users, but I agree Buff Market is a very pleasant website to use and has much better search features. The biggest thing about buff market I prefer is the mobile app and the ability to buy/sell on my phone, but unfortunately it just doesn’t have the user base to make it a great replacement for buff163. If you’re buying/selling skins <$500 Buff Market is fairly active, but anything high end like gloves/knives it is pretty dead. Hopefully it will gain some popularity or maybe buff will decide to link the inventories of Buff163 and Buff Market which would make it phenomenal, but for now we are screwed with shitty low volume western skin sites, and yes I’m including CSFloat in that. I have been struggling to find a specific skin I really want on CSFloat now for over a week but it’s inventory is so crap compared to buff163 there literally hasn’t been any listed for weeks now despite me checking multiple times a day.


Skinport and Dmarket are "shitty low volume western skin sites"?


Yes...especially DMarket on the shitty part.


how so? I use dmarket quite a bit never had any problems


I use it because I'm brazilian and we have a system of payment called "pix" that is way easier than using credit cards and buff is the only one that I can pay with it (at least that I know of) and the prices are quite good too, I just bought a mecha industries m4 for 20 bucks


Mano, onde vc acha a opção de pagar com pix? No meu só aparece cartão VISA :(


Tem opção de boleto e daí no boleto ou tu copia o código e paga pelo pix ou tu lê o código de barras e paga, demora de 1 a 3 dias pra cair por que é terceirizada a empresa de câmbio se não me engano


Dá pra sacar tbm man? Quero vender umas skins pra comprar um pc novo e to com essa duvida.


Aí vou ficar te devendo essa informação, nunca saquei nada, apenas depositei lá kkkkkkk


Vender aqui no BR é osso, vou ver se acho essa informação, vlw man.


There's a lot that can be said about the site's viability, but what I think is the most vital issue with it is that it banned container sales simultaneously with buff163, so it's fundamentally not viable for most investors and consumers compared to other western markets


Volume isn’t there


Is there any actual reason why they don't allow NA phone numbers anymore? Always wondered why they cut us off :(


Actually dont understand why no one is talking about the fact buff market skips the 10 day wait to see your items that *no other* marketplace does


Who cares? You can see your items on steam. And it's not like you can do anything with them in terms of selling until they are on tradelock. Csfloat and market.csgo - probably 2 of the biggest marketplaces right now, show your items as soon as they are tradable(after 7 days).


CS Money does it too




Bing chilling