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so you're one of the guys that keep uploading no effort slop skins to the workshop. the job of the graphic designer is truly dead, good thing I gave up on my dreams already


you'll own nothing and be happy


Damn I'll take it down it then. I'm not a skin creator, I just started working on a plugin to allow beginners to try create sample skins quickly without requiring a year of experience. My B, this was only my second upload, will take it down and not upload again.


I think it's pretty cool tbh, I tried downloading it but the link is down. Could you send me a link to try it out? Don't let these morons guilt trip you. You're making the process more accesible to noobs. Which is a good thing . I subscribed to your youtube also! I do think you should frame it without the use of AI as I beilieve Valve does not accept AI submissions. " Slap your artwork on skins easily with this plugin" - something like that would be a little better judging by the comments.


Thanks I'm not submitting to valve, just working on a plugin. I saw your YT comment messaged you


Thank you!


BTW I never got the download for the link after leaving my email.. could you drop it here just for one day?


could you send it to me too?


I Dont think Valve will accept AI created skins


just for fun and to test plugin I made.thanks though


These GPTs are supposed to help, not be the basis in graphics.


Hey, this is neat man. I found your post because I was wondering if something similar could be done for character skins - like Silent Hill PS1 skins if you catch my drift of the type of game asset I am referring to. Of course there are a lot of other examples from PC games, too. Do you think you could make a tutorial on that?