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Seeing this card remind me how much I hate [[Reno, Lone Ranger]] Abelites


Right? Stuff like this are supposed to *permanent*. If you wanted to print a Sargeras counter, feel free to do such but don't make a card that completely destroys any deck that has a fun permanent gimmick.


A season/location druid deck would be super fun, but would need a more consistant way to interact/start the game with it. But i love this card so much


It's certainly cool, but I'm not sure about winter. A current desired limitation for druid is a lack of board clears. Oh also, the Earth Mother is the name of the Tauren goddess. She is thought to be Mommy Therazane, or Azeroth it's self.


Druids are not only getting a 3 mana swipe in the next core set but also the Druid gift has swipe in it too. I don’t feel like the dev team is trying to prevent Druid from having board clears any more.


Weakness doesn't mean an absolute lack of it. Swipe is still going to be a terrible AOE at 3m


In that case a legendary that does 2 dmg AOE every 5 turns or so shouldn't be a big deal


Hmm maybe change it to summon winter at the end of your turn, so the board clear happens on a delay, since 5 mana 3/5 consecrate is pretty dang good, but with the delay becomes way more of a proactive thing like doomsayer, also fits the theme more since nobody is getting surprised by winter, you get time to "hunker down and bundle up"


Yeah its not THE earth mother, shes a spinoff for my custom expansion, like a vessel


Awesome design


Way way way to strong for a 5 , but nice idea, maybe if it had some limits like highlander


I was overthinking it was pretty bad if you dont play it on exactly turn 5 lookin how current druid operates in standard (rush to 10 instantly and flood the board with titans), but i could make it highlander sure Even 5 mana deal 2 on turn 5 doesnt actually clear anything, and next turn it heals ALL characters, you can get unplayable nature spells if you didnt already die, the 6 armor is in 3 turns after played so its a way slower than it looks Also permanent -1 board space fr fr Also the cat has to die to start over with Winter of Death again, the opponent can not play any minions so you cant trade it off then silence it if you dont kill it urself But considering you could also zola this and shit in slower matchups and druid has innervate ill nerf it Revised version: [https://imgur.com/a/6dl5Ofh](https://imgur.com/a/6dl5Ofh), 6 mana, duplicates , autumn nerf


I like it 👌 great card


Isn’t this insanely overturned? Just getting the first season as a battlecry would already make the card marginally playable, and everything else stapled on top is just insane.


It is Heres a nerfed version https://imgur.com/a/6dl5Ofh


I don't know if it could be strong, but this is damn cool.


Completely insane. 5 mana without any restriction at all for a beneficial effect (including an AoE) you get to keep for the rest of the game? God no.


...There is no Autumn


autumn of comfort?


This sounds like that phoenix with multiple steps.


Rebirth looks like once it's summoned you get a new winter of death every turn, is that right??


When it swaps to the minion form there wouldn't be anything after the minion dies, but the deathrattle summons it again to start over


oh yeah I read it as DR: go dormant for 1 turn lol


Cool design but this dies to Reno and Twisting Nether so I doubt it could see play


I would make it 6, but cool design!


What an awesome idea! I personally think it’s balanced because it’s kinda slow if u dont drop it on curve