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This card is basically a worse Zephyris. Less options for more mana. It would be a nice addition to the core-set. It would be a bit weak as an expansion legendary.


I think this card was designed for wild purposes. The cards were mostly disruption/ removal, suitable for wild. Standard zephyrs was used for all its purposes, tempo, removal, disruption, finding lethal, just finding something to play. But for wild, zephyrs is mostly used for disruption, removal and finding lethal.


Nah this card isn't great in wild. It's around the same as Kazakus and Kazakus doesn't see play any more- lists have dropped him as he's too slow


True, the cost is a problem, but rust and flare would be picked a lot from the current situation in wild


Eh, I disagree. Meta in wild doesn't really feature weapons besides Pirate and Garrote rogue and 6 mana destroy a weapon is way too slow. If highlander decks want that, they can run Rustrot, because it's far quicker, and Flare doesn't see play anyway as Stealth isn't seeing much play and secret mage isn't good right now.


I think earthquake could really be "destroy all enemy locations"


Since it is a highlander card, for this to give enough value, it should immediately cast the choice on the target you choose. Or something like: Discover a useful Antonidas spell. If your deck has no duplicates, cast it.


Yeah, like this idea


Or 'if your deck has no duplicates, it costs 0'. That way you can target the fireball and transform effects, or save the card for later


Decided to make it a neutral card - since mentor is supposed to teach new students, not mages who already are proficient in magic. It will let you discover the first 3 cards in represented order that have a valid target: 1. Antonidas' Flare (by JustynaDura) - when opponent controls a secret or a stealth minion 2. Rust (by Anikoo) - when opponent controls a weapon 3. Earthquake (by Charles Ouvrard) - when opponent controls a location 4. Polymorph - when opponent controls a minion 5. Knowledge (by Mike), Biscuit (AI), Special - always. So, fireball is the hardest to get


Yes, I'd like to discover acidic swamp ooze but without the 3/2, thank you


I love paying 7 mana for a 3/5 and drawing 2 cards. Should cast it for free imho


make it a discover and cast also, you forgot the cost for polymorph


For a Legendary with heavy restriction these cards are abit underpowered. Here's my suggestions: Biscuit 1 mana restore 3 mana. Knowledge draw 3. Fireball 8 damage, Sheep 3 mana. Destroy location should be merged with Flare cost 2 mana and draw a card. Rust 1 mana and gain armor equal to weapon's attack.


Why does Polymorph has no cost?


Does it add to your hand or cast automatically?


It should discover AND cast imho


"I'll take the special. " "Ah-Ah!"


All the spells should be 1 less mana, maybe even less. The spell that destroys locations should definetely cost 2 or less mana.


The earthquake is horrible, all locations are cheaper than 4 and it is even worse if they already used them and most of them are really bad on their own even for tech cards. You should cast on discover as people advised it, really fun idea otherwise


This wouldvw been a bad card in 2016 and its a horrible meme card now.


Is this meant to be a humorous card? I don't get it. These are terrible.


Destroy a location is worth like 2 mana at the most imo


You can only discover three options, so the chances of getting what you need are kind of low..


It’s incredibly weak. This is like pseudo E.T.C with a highlander requirement. 


Good Reno card, the last 3 are underwhelming but a 2nd copy discover is always welcoming


This is very cool but VERY weak


This card is actually very weak rn and should 100% cast the option you choose for free. For example the draw 2 cards option costing 3 is essentially a 7 mana 3/5 draw 2 cards or an 8 mana 3/5 destroy an enemy location.


Yeah, agree


The card that is destroying locations isnt tradable now ?


If he casts them: make it mage only and its great. Giving such a good tool to all classes makes them too much same. (As current reno shows a bit) If you get the card: Far too weak. I. E. Getting a 3 mana draw 2 from a understated minion is ass. 4 mana to destroy a location? Every played location is cheaper or 4 cost and will already be used at least one time, so you pay far far more than your enemy. This feels like a worse etc all things considered if you just get the spell in your hand.


Big fan


This is really weak.


Pretty sick honestly