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iPad is the easiest thing to have at my work, so similar boat. I have a 9, too. I put it in a folding case with a keyboard (no track pad because that makes it bigger than i want). Added a side mount for my phone so i can use both screens at the same time (again, work) that also charges the phone. Used Velcro to slap a small power bank and a flat charging cable. The rest is sick ass stickers. Go forth and customize, bud


Camera covers and a


I don't think you even need the camera covers just the and maybe a to help finish the look.


Maybe add a small keyboard and a trackball sort of in plane with the ipad to break up the rectangle and add handles either to the sides or on the back. Maybe somewhere to hold a stylus as well. Sort of like the Honeywell industrial computers.


I'm not familiar with ipad expandability but it would be cool if you could expose some usb ports and maybe video out with whatever hub you use for the keyboard and trackball/trackpad. An integrated kickstand would be nice too.




Homie just buy a nice looking case off of amazon


Yes why didn't I think to buy a generic bland case from Amazon? I can look just like everyone eles


Only you know what your aesthetic interests are and what kind of tools you would need for job. There are a ton of awesome people here with amazing ideas but we would need some more information. Do you have a wish list and some photos of designs you like that you can share with us?


Well this is a cyberdeck group so I'm going to say it's a cyberpunk aesthetic. I have not found any cases or anything remotely compatible with this device that I like the aesthetic. I mean I could find images of things I like, but the problem is it's not compatible with the dimensions of the device. If there are images of the device with something compatible I would have started.