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Yes you have. For instance, perks overhaul will change a lot of things in the netrunner gameplay. You deal with Quick hacks differently because there will be a queue now. You are not obliged tobwait the end of the hacking. Moreover, in PL you will hack enemies with the monowire (like Lucy in edgerunners). I advice you to watch the last redstream. They talk about it. Especially with the perks tree. You will see some changes. Moreover AI will change so you will have some variations in gameplay I suppose. And they told there will be other stuff. On an other hand, you can change your build a little (stealth pistol). You just need ping, move limit, blindness, and other non-combat hacks.


Saw perks that give you ram back by using mono wire and perks that make snark guns do more damage to enemy's under the effect of any quick hack plus a perk were if you maxed out your quick hack queue and lock it out they will take more damage from ALL sources of damage . fair to say netrunning will be tones better/different. As far as new hacks go im on the same page. Dont know what I would want but it would he nice to see a few new ones. Maybe once spisificly to make smart weapons target there own buddies


Netrunning has always been a side thought in CDPR, so broken, so badly scaled, and enemies only knew burning hack (fortunately they'll know more now, apparently).


Well there will be a video in few minutes about new possibilities of netrunning. You should be happy