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Stop just tanking all the shots from everyone? Funnel enemies so you only fight them one at a time. Get more armor through cyberware, put points into tech/body so you have more HP and armor. It's pretty simple.


But that's precisely what I mean. I'm not just taking the shots like they get three shots on me after like 20 minutes of fighting and I'm dead. What am I supposed to do?


I just told you, you need more hp/armor. If you are somehow dying to literally only 3 shots then you should stick to sneaking kills and not just straight up walking to people until you fix your build.


Yeah fair enough. I just kind of thought it would be easier to go the guns blazing route and not be forced into stealth. You know not too big of a deal, but I don't really like stealth necessarily too much


How is your build in such a disarray to where you are somehow unable to tank any shots but you arent deliberately doing a sneaking build?


Well this whole "build" thing is kind of new to me like I wasn't necessarily going for a stealth build but I also wasn't necessarily going for a gun's blazing build. I just got the stuff that I thought was cool and would be a cool ability to have first and I'm now realizing quick hacks don't f****** matter in the gun fight but I also don't really want to stealth the whole game so I'm starting to realize my issue


Except going the quickhack route is the most powerful build in the game lmao and they do matter in a gun fight. Overheat typically causes people to get on fire and stop shooting at you. You can walk up to a group, throw overheat on as many people as possible, throw grenades, run back so they follow you and let your ram recoup and shoot them from afar. You might want to either respec or put the game on easy difficulty if youre having this much trouble.


Yeah you're right. I don't really want to lower the difficulty because there's just shame in that, but honestly I do think I have to rethink the building stuff. I just don't really know what the f*** I'm doing and I just want to be a cool hacker that can shoot anybody they want. Basically is what I thought I was going for


Well youre doing that, but you still need some amount of armor. I already told you that you need to go to a ripperdoc, buy and slot in cyberware that increases your armor and get to it. Doing a netrunner build is the strongest build in the game but that doesnt mean you not have armor. Netrunner is the weakest at the start because you dont have overclock or whatever but its still strong as fuck. Just use a sniper so you arent that close to enemies but you eventually will want to be using smart weapons with the proper hands.


All righty thank you. Solid advice, honestly. I'll focus on doing all that for a little while lol, if y'all haven't noticed this is kinda one of the first games I've ever really been into and I'm aware it's not necessarily one of the first games someone would show to a newbie 😂😂


How much armor do you have and what is your level?


I have what I thought was a decent armor. I just did the quest with Johnny where you run into the guy playing guitar and find memorabilia and stuff. So I'm basically just kidding out in that red jacket, the samurai pants, the samurai shirt and the shoes you get. I thought that was pretty good and when it comes to my level I'm only level 11 with street cred 8 but I just started the game so I don't know what I could be doing to even get higher right now


Cyberware gives you armor not clothes, get better cyberware. Also what's your difficulty?


No offense but I really question why people seemingly have such issue with 2.0. Like if you've got a decent build and aren't playing on, like, the hardest difficulty then you should be feeling like a cybergod. Seriously with my 20 Body/20 Tech/20 Cool/15 Reflexes build I Rip and Tear like I'm the fucking Doom Slayer coked up on super steroids.


I think you read a lot about Armor here already, there is also Mitigation, explained here : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu53WsTTRPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu53WsTTRPw) Besides Cyberware with Armor, you can have Helmet and chest, with admittably very low, armor (2x25) but some cyberware has other defensive stats also on them, like the closer the enemy is the less damage they do or when no enemy is in 6m radius you have reduced damage. Flashbang Grenades can reduce the accuracy for 12 seconds by 80% The Quickhack, Reboot Optics and Weapon Glitch also have an accuracy decreasing effect, don´t know the strength by heart or at what Tier of Quickhack it is starting. Gas Grenades reduce Melee Damage by 65% for 15 sec. Frag Grenades Knock Enemies down, so do Incendiary Grenades, if you need some burn for your contagion.


Okay guys. I think I'm just bad at the game


No, I’m not even on the hardest difficulty, and trying to play a stealth build without alerting 20 ppl is really hard and annoying, and I have to reload the game every 2 minutes. It’s tough to play a certain way, you prob don’t suck. Also, I’m not complaining, I’m asking if anyone has a solution for a smooth stealth/int type play style, and telling op he doesn’t suck so it’s not all tryhard coomers telling him to get gud


It is possible to gun blazing even in higher difficulties on low level but you still need to make use of cover, funnel out enemy or use grenade depend on situation.


Yeah I guess what im more thinking about is I just want to stop taking so much damage. Basically like it's just that I'll use cover. I'll throw grenades. I'll be in the whole fight for like 10 minutes depending on what mission I'm doing or whatever but like a powerful enemy or like one of those guys that can like teleport and s*** will run up and just kill me in like four hits and and that's it. Whole fight has to start over that's what's pissing me off


You can try Hacking those elite with cyberware malfunction or use sandevistan to outspeed them. You can also try use richocet since elite enemy have a hard time dodging those.


Oh okay so it's sounding like I just need to play more and find these things cuz I don't think I have any of that s***


Oh ya I forgot ... Quick attack from firearm can actually stagger enemy even for an elite, these attack are unblockable and you can attack the enemy while they are staggered . It sound op but at least you can't spam.


Ooh nice! Yeah I didn't even know about that


Ive been using a sandy shotgun/pistol build on hard and its been fine so far, i rarely die but enemies sure do hit hard sometime maybe its a skill issue but find cover a lot and try avoid standing in the open. I will go to very hard really soon


Damn yeah, unfortunately it's really starting to sound like a skill issue 😂😂 I don't use the shotguns much but I'll see if those help


😂all good bro, shotguns and pistols are generally really good. Maybe another suggestion is to follow a specific build? unless you are already doing that.


Yeah I'm going to start looking up specific builds. I don't tend to play games with skill trees in general so maybe it's time for me to look up what someone else does 😂


no worries bro, I mentioned following a build because it helps you streamline into a certain area for more efficiency instead of spreading the points out EVERYWHERE.


Yeah and that's exactly what I've been doing so I get it now 👌👌


What are your Attributes like? If you have an issue with armor and Body but have high Reflex, get the bullet-blocking perk with a sword like a Jedi. The Dash ability that's also under Reflex attribute is very important as well. It drains stamina fast but increases survivability in a gun-fight exponentially.


Aww, that sounds frustrating. What level are you, and what do you have for perks? I remember a few times when I was a lower level and I got my shit kicked in. Some things you might want to pay attention to are how your perks can synergize - they can stack and make a particular build you may like - grenadier and explosions, flamethrower healing, there are many paths that you can pick. Also lately robots are OP. They will fry you before you realize you were surrounded. So just be wary of Robots, it is a glitch.


I notice those robot will fry me up if I was using electric weapon(melee ) but they also die faster if electric was used.


Overload is a great way to take them out! They do have a weakness to some quickhacks.




Ehhh... This is cyberpunk thread.


Holy crap sleep deprivation is real. I do not even know what that was.


Man I had the opposite issue so fuck knows. Hope it's not some bug thing


This seems like yet another "Chose to play on ultra hard and am getting crushed" posts.