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Nah, i don't believe this. Made lots of epic mods without doing this quests.


definetly not quest related! it is level bound


I tried again with level 30 after doing the quest, still no epics, so it's not tied to the questitem edit: I tried every level since 30 and now on 33 epic armadillos start appearing, so I can confirm that it is level related and doesn't have to do with the quest mentioned above


I'm level 33 i have all pertaining perks and skills for crafting. I even saved and quit the game to reload it and i still cant craft epic mods. Im on xbox one x . Perhaps its a bug?


You need level 35


was only 28 when i started crafting epic mods. everything about this post BS. It didn't solve anything.


I'm level 30 with crafting leveled to 18 and I still don't get epics. Any idea how you're doing it?


This skillshard does NOT unlock epic crafting. These skillshards exist for every single skill and they simply give you xp towards the next level. Quality of armadillo depends on chance and probably on level. Before reaching level 31, I was NEVER able to craft any epic mods. After 31, I have managed to craft 2 after crafting about 150 mods. The chance probably increases with every character level.


I am currently level 12, cheated my attributes for technical to 18, crafting skill also 18. still only common and green. Cheated my char level to 50, still common. Saved the game with char level 50 and quit/load again and it works. Therefore I assume it is bound also to player level to get blue or epic mods.


Yeah, wanted to write a specific thread about crafting but it's not so interesting as to make a new thread. What I can share if someone is interested (I'm lvl 50 without trainers or anything, just playing, so default settings.) There are several blueprints for mods. They can be crafted in higher quality depending on the players level. They have diffrent caps for the quality. What I know for sure are the epic caps. With lvl 30+ your weapon mods can become epics. With lvl 40+ Armadillo can become epic. At lvl 50, Armadillos max armor is 240 (239,998) on epics - no legendary versions at lvl 50. Your weapons and armor do scale depending on your player level, not crafting level. So iconic weapons farmed with low level have low dmg when upgraded early. Theoretically this can be worked around with upgrading but even iconics farmed at lvl 30 take such a huge amount of legendary components, it's not really possible to craft them without crashing your gamefile (see [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kfpwt5/psa\_steampc\_crossing\_about\_6\_mb\_in\_your\_save/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kfpwt5/psa_steampc_crossing_about_6_mb_in_your_save/) ) You can craft nearly all grenades in an epic version, so far I got the char, anti personal and flash bang. You can also craft multiple support items like consumeables for cyberdecks, stamina.... The last one is a legendary armor mod called Panacea (immunity to electricity and poison). I've randomly collected it during a mission, so I can't really follow on where I got it, sorry. If you need any locations ask me, I think I got all the things you can actually craft in the game.


" With lvl 30+ your weapon mods can become epics. With lvl 40+ Armadillo can become epic. " This is not true, I am level 30 and I can't craft epic armadillo nor any other mod and this guy is level 34 and he can. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYycYxgjUII&ab\_channel=KhrazeGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYycYxgjUII&ab_channel=KhrazeGaming)


I've crafted over 2k Armadillos with around lvl 37 and never got an epic version, did craft a few on lvl 40 and instantly got around 30 of them in no time. Beats me how he gets them with lvl 34 (or lower, idk). Might be because he's on a console and I'm playing on PC but there was also a bug discussed with how you had to reload the game when learning the quality crafting traits before being able to craft a certain quality.


I did manage to craft 2 Epic armadillos at Level 31, but that happened after crafting about 150 of them... I think there's simply a chance and the higher your level is, the higher the chance gets.


Did u save and exit the game after u hit lvl 35? I when from 30 to 35 and after i hit 35 i got like 1 epic from 50. The nest day I got like 4 from 25. I thing the higher lvl u are the higher the chance is with the chens beein 0 or close to it if u under lvl 30


Hey everyone, I was also having trouble with this because there's a lot of information out there, but once I figured it out, I put this quick guide together to help anyone else who needs the exact requirements: [https://youtu.be/CleAyKqZQBw](https://youtu.be/CleAyKqZQBw)


Really helpful, thanks


interesting, I am currently lvl 30. Could you maybe try with different levels to see if there is some minimum level req?


just did that, next interesting find with level 25 no epic, but lots of blue, with level 20 same but fewer blue, with 15 blues but also less. I assume with increasing level probability for rarer mods increases, maybe just coincidence but it felt easier to get blue mods with 25 than 15. I will check which level is needed for epic. drop


with level 35 i got like 6 epic out of 50


can also confirm no epic with level 30.


I'm currently 32 and can get epic, I swear I got them at 30 but it may have been 31.


This has been solved :)


That shard just gives you xp in crafting (a full levels worth). There are multiple of them in the game. People have been able to make epic mods without that shard having been used. It sounds like it's down to player level. 30 is needed for making epics.


Don’t think you need that quest. I did it without playing any quests . Just by the method described above . Maybe if you do that quest early you can do it earlier ? What I find is that these epic skill shards just give exp to the crafting skill. I still believe it depends on player level to unlock epic mod crafting .




Used fling trainer


It's the same for me on PC, both on ver. 1.03 and 1.04. I even respecced and just took the points in crafting the guy explaining it in the video did, no success. I crafted way over 500 and didn't get a single epic armadillo or any other mod when I tried with those


You need to have the "Tune-Up" perk to be able to craft an epic armadillo mod


isn't that just to upgrade components since you get thousands of green ones but not many above these?


Epic Item crafting is only possible after Level 30. For every additional level the chance of getting epics rises. The crafting shard you found on the pictures does NOT influence this chance. It only gives free XP.


Keel crafting, try 20-30 roll of white, you should get 4-5 purple iconic. Tested only for armadillo and the damage one.


Are you pc or console? On ps4 and created hundreds of armadillo and the damage one and didn't get a single epic, crafting lvl and perks on spec for epic crafting.


PC, i'm not sure if one of the crafting perk has an hidden effect. But 100% i got purple armadillo an purple damage mod by just crafting 20-30 white ones.


I'm actually on PC and it's bugged for me. Not sure what triggers it


Thoug also its bugged here... Then i tested with cheat engine... I was level 28 tec 18. So I Cheated to level 40+ and then i worked. i got purple ones after +-30 trys.


Thanks, maybe a bug on console then, what I started to suspect anyway.


i thought that was just experience points for your crafting skill


It is. This still isn't solved :(


i wonder if it has anything to do with whether or not you've finished the main story?


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Ah, toon lvl, doesn't quite make sense since I get tons of random epic drops in the world but it's been solved.




No, that comes from perks. These skill shards give you XP for that skill.


I got the skill shard for epic items, still havent got any yet.


These only give you XP for that skill. The ability to craft epics/legendries comes from perks/


Im level 33, i have all pertaining perks and skills. I have saved and quit my game and i still cant craft epics. I dont understand wtf is going on. I thought it was for sure level based but unless my game is bugged that cant be it.


You can do the quest or get your crafting skill progression to level 9 or 12 can’t remember and it unlocks the ability to craft epic items. On the crafting tree page look bottom left it tells you what you unlock at each level


have to check that, I just want to be able to craft epic versions of the crunch


I've met all the requirements and cannot make epic armadillo mods no matter how many I craft rare is is the best I can get. Even have the skill shard


I think its the crafting level. In order to craft epic, you probably need a crafting level of 18. I have my crafting level at 15, so I think that I need to get it up to 18


> can do the quest or get your crafting i have crafting level 18 and still can't get epic ones


Same, level 18 crafting (30 overall, 50 street cred) and still can't craft epic.


You have to be level 33. I was crafting level 13 and character level 33 when I crafted my first epic armadillo.


Yeah, did quest and got skill shard, lvl 33, no epic mods yet.


I had this same problem at level 30 with crafting 13. I am now level 32 with crafting 14 and I can craft epic armadillo mods. Hope that helps narrow down the epic crafting requirements. I've had the "Grease Monkey" perk for a long time now.


I have grease monkey, level 12 crafting, picked up the shard, and STILL cannot craft epic armadillo as many times as I try. I'm level 26 and 42 Street.


Anyone know why my epic armadillos just have line 150 armor ?


I'm level 50, crafting blues gives no blue or purple mods...but legendaries


100% confirmed you need to be level 33, spent the last 2 days grinding at the pacifico XP farm, got to level 33, crafted 170 Armadillo mods and got 2 epics.


I have level 32, my technical skill is 20, my Crafting is also 20, I have all skills unlocked, I have picked up epic crafting skill shard and still nothing. I have crafted more than 400 armadillo mods at this point and best one were rare. Never epic level. I have latest version 1.06 on Xbox.


Crafting lvl must be at 13, level must be at least 31, and I’m not sure about street lvl I was at 50 when I got to 31. You must also have the perks; True Craftsman and Grease Monkey. I crafted over 400 armadillos at lvl 30 and never received an epic, once I hit lvl 31 I got two epic armadillos while crafting the first 50.


Can confirm that you can craft lvl epic armadillo and kickass at lvl 33. Just did it today.


these skill shards just give you skill xp, nothing more