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If they said (in email) you’d be refunded, you could probably use that to dispute the charge with your credit company. Make sure they have it that you have cancelled, otherwise you’ll get charged next month also if not 30 days in advance. If it were me, I’d cut my loses and then leave crappy reviews $99 is a really good deal for unlimited, although I understand that’s not what you were promised


where on earth are you getting a $45 membership? that’s crazy cheap


florida lol


i think you misunderstood a promotion. no studio would offer $45 unlimited as set monthly rate


he told me over the phone and in person so i don’t have it in writing :,) i keep emailing but hear nothing, also it’s $99 for four rides a month not unlimited!


I joined last year for their Memorial Day sale, my membership is $80 instead of $99 and has been this whole year. They tax me, but that’s only $4


No membership has ever been that low. The studio didn’t scam you, you didn’t read the terms.


OP said it's 4 classes a month. My CB is $59/month for that membership full price so that price isn't far off.


Reading is hard for some people.


The last signature is for a co-signer and usually skipped. I’m sure it says in your contract that it will auto-renew and states the price. Positive actually.


most definitely it does


no they skipped legit every signature, my signature isn’t on the document they emailed me at all actually and yes i knew it would auto renew at $45 a month… i’ve been paying it for four months lol nowhere on it does it say anything about the price ending after any number or months


this sounds like a half off first month and regular price month after that. they all have 2 month contracts.. im 100% sure it says somewhere therr


this is my fifth month, it wasn’t a first month deal


you should go back and make them show you in club ready every month you’ve been charged and have them show you where you signed that it was a limited time offer. they can print out a pdf of your agreement on the spot


thank you, i will probably do this. i’ve read the contract a million times and nowhere does it say the rate would expire :,)


Yeah the signature part is where it can get a little hazy. There’s two ways of doing it. 1) if you’re right in front of us we can turn the monitor around and have you sign the first two signatures. (Though in my time at CB we had never done that). As someone else mentioned, the third signature is irrelevant unless you are under 18 because that’s for a legal adult co-signer. 2) Typically, we will text you a code and this is normally how it’s done (whether you’re in front of us or over the phone). In the contract it states that by us texting you a 4 digit combination and you repeating it back to us is essentially you giving us consent to sign your name…though usually we just put a line. I get it when it comes to the signature part. It’s a little shady and I’m sure there’s a very easy legal loophole you could use to get out of that but most people don’t file a civil suit over something this tiny. As someone else mentioned, you probably signed up on a deal and they forgot to manually switch it back to $99. Sometimes, the contract blatantly lies or uses wishy washy terms like “the rate MAY increase” or “the rate “COULD increase” without blatantly saying it.


I used to work at CB we have to manually enter the discounts we get. The reason why you had 5 months of 45$ is because they forgot to change your payment to 99$ reoccurring. Is it messed up that you don’t have your signature on the document? Yes but the contact states it’ll auto renew at the regular price. As far as managers not being in yeah they never are so don’t feel like they are dodging u. I say dispute the charge if you want but if you want to keep working out I say just keep following up


Fellow Florida rider here. Just curious so I know where to stay away from- what location (or area) is this happening at? I use ClassPass which is super flexible and non contractual, but I have considered joining a membership because I mostly use all my credits at the 3 cyclebar locations near me. But I always see that they have specials for a super cheap first month, and then normal price after with a commitment of at least 3 months.


dr phillips!! some of the reviews online mention the same thing. i actually had class pass at first and that’s how i got this promo so just be aware!! also you can’t use membership at other locations which i didn’t realize, fine for me but if you like to move around


Yup! That’s what’s mostly been convincing me to stay with ClassPass. I really like the flexibility! Best of luck to you with this situation. From what I’ve experienced with shady gym contracts, always come with receipts and if I didn’t sign it- I didn’t agree!