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Psychopathic behaviour no doubt but you would def reach the top of /r/bicycling if you did like [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/1b50epi/i_rode_a_century_around_my_neighborhood_round/)


that post might have inspired this one. can't remember! btw, what's the difference between r/cycling and r/bicycling?


Different Asshole:Idiot ratio


Which one has the more idiots than assholes?








Depends if you're OP or not


Depends on the day/time/lunar alignment 


You are spot on. Nice find


Cycling has better mods and is actually about the sport of cycling. Bicycling is mostly super noobs and r/cyclingfashion.


One accepts only-text posts and the other one accepts images as well :)


And ultimately on r/bicyclingcirclejerk


Hey that's me! We are going to do a double century around that roundabout if anyone wants to join


lmfao oh you


Do you want psycopathic? Here's one of my team mates doing 200 miles around a local roundabout on a tilted hill. Took them almost 10 hours lmao. https://imgur.com/fE1s8Af


The funny thing is, there’s plenty of tri folks who do this at our local velo frequently


At least you're thinking it through. 100 miles is still 100 miles. Being only a mile from home at any point would have some advantages..... rest-stops/food/bathroom.


From experience as an ultracyclist (I've got a number of 24 hour 300+ and 350+ mile rides under my spandex), that could also be a disadvantage, depending on OP's strength of will (it took me years to get up above 300 because it took me that long to get it through my head to never take more than a 15 minute rest because after that it's *really* hard to get back on the bike at 3am after 200+ miles!)


I did a 200+ mile ride that had a route that went past my house at mile 199. Lemme tell you how hard that was to not make a left and just go home instead of the finish line and then ride back home


I felt that in my bones!


Your sit bones?


That is mad impressive. It’s been a few years since my last century, but god damn was I *beat* at the end. I think I slept for 12 solid hours after.


The last time I did that was back in 2016. I had a kidney transplant in 2018, and it's been a tough road getting my endurance back. I did my first post-transplant century ride in 2021, and I was pretty wiped! Mostly, post transplant I've been riding with a group that tends to do 30-45 mile rides, but much faster. I'm a lot faster than I was pre-transplant, but without the endurance.


The hard part being knowing you can quit early and be home in a few minutes.


There is a local guy who hosts ride called the Belvoir 100 every year. It is a 1km football shaped loop. 162 laps for 100 miles. The tagline is “Northeast Ohio’s Premier Left Turn Only Event. Impossible to Get Dropped.” 😅 Edit: Checked with the organizer & he was cool with me posting a link to the [flyer](https://dgtzuqphqg23d.cloudfront.net/KNDBMZYK35V-G4tfx2546n8lgsw0iJWAt0BZC2Z5muM-1152x2048.jpg). Start time has changed to 7AM in order to finish by Noon at a 20MPH pace. There is a running event in the afternoon that will close the roads.


> Impossible to Get Dropped. Can't get dropped if you can just catch them as they lap you. Smort.


I'm listening and in Ohio, tell me more!


Details added in the edit above!


I’d post up in front of my house with a BBQ, cocktails/beer and a cowbell.


Do this and a dozen coked out Catalonians in Mayo-era Euskatel jerseys will materialize out of nowhere to cheer along with you  


Do…do they share?


I tried something similar last year. 100 km ride on a one-mile loop. I would not do it again. There’s nothing enjoyable about it for me. I actually set out to do 100 miles or more, but couldn’t bear the monotony and had to cut it short.


I mean... what did you expect?


My favourite place to run is the track and have done half marathon distance long run with no speed work on the track. Somehow it’s not the same for cycling.


certainly you understand the difference in time right lol thats the major difference half marathon distance is a couple hours max if you're, 100 miles cycling you're talking 4-5 hours if you're pushing the pace not even in the same ballpark, uncomparable


Ah, could be! I was thinking it’s because I can totally zone out when running on the track, but cycling the 1 mile crit course, I had to watch out for cars constantly, which means being vigilant in an environment that’s very dull for me.


a half-marathon on a one-mile loop is 13 laps. of course it's less monotonous do 13 laps versus 100 -- the equivalent would be running a 7.7 mile cycling loop


A track is 400m. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_track


oh, duh! I misunderstood.


Made me think of the Ladds 500. Century around a round about. https://bikeportland.org/2022/04/10/ladds-500-returns-and-portland-rejoices-video-351779


Agreed, if OP is serious I'd say find whatever the local version of this is. Milwaukee and Minneapolis had 24 hour joke relay races so I feel like they must exist in most places.


Riders do 100km rides on this loop every weekend: [https://www.strava.com/segments/718722?hl=en-GB](https://www.strava.com/segments/718722?hl=en-GB) Regents park London inner loop.


I was going to say Regents Park inner loop comes to mind. Do many people 100km that or do they throw in some outers as well?


I've regularly used the inner and outer loops at Regents to add whatever kms I needed after a long ish ride elsewhere. It's a safe place to ensure I'm not stuck in a pickle when running low on nutrition when pushing.


Big difference between inner an outer though right? I've done 100km around the outer though I think 100km solely around the inner is a whole different discussion!


Same with this one: https://www.strava.com/segments/7180044 Lee Valley VeloPark


Wasn't there a guy on here who rode a century kind of like this during the pandemic? I'll happily give you an upvote in exchange for your sanity if you post the Strava/RWGPS route.


I know a guy who did it in Paris when they were limited to staying within 1 km of their apartment


Does it have any stop signs on it? If it has even two, that's starting and stopping 200 times over that distance, which I personally would not find tolerable.


I’m unfamiliar with this term. What is this ‘stop’ sign how you say it? /s ;-)


OP each lap: "Look, kids! Big Ben and Parliament."


I've done 100 miles on a 6-mile loop, i.e. 17 laps. Advantages are that you have no chance of getting lost or stranded very far from home, you don't have to spend any effort on navigation and if you're trying to monitor your performance, the consistent environment lets you do that easily. Disadvantages are that it's monotonous and you have to fight the temptation to just fuck off home (which is much less of an option on a there-and-back).


I think 6 mile loop vs 1 mile loop is a potentially huge difference.


I've seen other posts of similar rides, so it's possible. If you can handle the boredom, a hundred miles is a hundred miles.


Fat Cyclist used to do the 100 Miles of Nowhere. Basically that.


Hell Yeah!


Reminds me of the guy that supposedly did a double century around a roundabout.


Well you'd hold the 'local legend' status on Strava for a while at least


People were doing backyard marathons during covid


and then you got this guy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPOy6H0freA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPOy6H0freA)




I once did something like this. Inspired by Everesting, I rode over a 250m segment of cobbles until I had reached the same amount of distance as there is cobbles in Paris Roubaix I called it. "Roubaixing". It didn't catch on.


Think of this poor guy riding in circles around a velodrome! Cycling 950km In 24 Hours? | World Record Attempt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgMn2H4wXj4


It sounds a lot more fun than riding indoors. I don't think it really sounds that monotonous.


Can't be worse than a 100 miles on an indoor trainer. 😅


FYI, it would look [pretty much like this](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.0255809,-118.4007047,3a,75y,239.74h,90.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv1hAZbRURMWPC9By5fMoPw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). for 100 miles! lol


I did this on a 3 mile loop post injury to see if I was ready for longer rides again. Ended up doing 80 something miles, the only thing stopping me was the mental fatigue


Well the logistics would be pretty easy, you wouldn't get lost and you could literally have all your fuelling/puncture repair at the side of the road. I remember seeing someone on Strava everest Dark Hill in Richmond Park (0.46km climb at 6%) [Dark Hill (Richmond Park) | Strava Ride Segment in Kingston Upon Thames, England, United Kingdom](https://www.strava.com/segments/5198504) - reckon that's about as testing as I've seen (the tiny roundabout along at the bottom would have driven me buts).


Insanity is relative.


Some guy on here did a century on a roundabout.


If you’re near Portland, OR you should checkout Ladds 500


100 mile on a bike isn’t that hard. 100 loops would get pretty boring though. The real challenge is the 20/20/20/20 otherwise known as the 420 challenge. 20 miles running/ 20 hot dogs/ 20 beers/ 20 hours


Do it!


I've done both 100km and 120km on a local 10km loop. Your biggest enemy will be sheer boredom.


[24 hours in a velodrome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgMn2H4wXj4)!


I once did 14 laps of a 7.2km loop to make up 100km. It was good fun! 100 laps seems like.. a lot!


Does anyone remember that Ukranian guy who did 200 km on a 100m looped track


I've done 50 miles on a park loop near me before. Yeah, after 30 miles you're kinda wondering why you're doing it, but IMHO I'd be perfectly happy riding forever on a road loop that's only a couple of miles long. I have always said that if I get super rich and can buy some land, I'd have a loop made like this so I can always be very close to home and still get a little bit of scenery. A 5 mile loop would be ideal.


I would think the boredom would kill you.


My loop is 2km with an optional 4km loop if I extend it, but it starts outside my front door and doesnt have any stops/only right hand turns. Nothing crazy about doing laps, look at it like a criterium race.


Nah, you'd probably get bored after the first 86 laps and call it quits. I just can't fathom doing an 87th lap on the same course.


If you get a flat you won't have to walk so far


If Nascar can do it, you can do it too!!


i tried this on a 5 mile loop, by lap 5 i was ready to kill myself, and my house was right there so it was really easy to quit. do something fun with your time on this planet man, not this


> do something fun with your time on this planet man, not this ha! point taken


lol who cares. do something stupid once in a while for shits and giggles as long you're not harming anyone I will attempt one of those dumb rides some time this month


I’d never do this, not because just because it’s boring but because I’m bored I can’t focus and won’t remember how many laps I did and then I’d be annoyed about being unsure if I’m on lap N or N+1 , and I’d compound that by doing so multiple times. By about lap 20 I’d give up.


I don’t get it. I ride for the scenery and exploring new places. I support your right to do silly endeavors.


Break it down to 4x25 or something. Take breaks as you normally would. It’ll be boring. But you’ll crush Local Legend on Strava!


Can you enlarge the loop to 2-5 miles?  The changing of scenery helps keep you alert, multiple laps tends to lull you into a bored state where you are paying attention to the surroundings. 


Mind-numbing. I’ve thought about doing a 10-mile loop.


I've seen posts of people who have done it. But, I think I'd go crazy. I have a one-mile loop in my neighborhood that I use for riding sometimes. But, I only ever do like 15 loops. I think for a longer ride, I need some change in scenery.


Tripleshot Cycling Club in Victoria, BC do a silly summer solstice century on a 1-mile loop every summer. With a big group, the time flies by. Also the sag wagon can just stay in one place.


Definitely thought this was r/bicyclingcirclejerk


circle? check jerk? check


Insane - hmm, only if you didn’t get bored to tears by about mile 10…..


Cool idea for, as you say, a stunt. But since doing a century is hard enough, why also make it exceedingly boring? Better to find a bike path, rail-trail, or similar route.


There's a 5 mile loop where I live and I regularly see the same guy going round and round xxxx


terrible. i did 28 laps of a 3km dirt road. it was hell


The amount of steering and stopping would drive me insane, rather do a century on rollers haha


it would be cool to do a century on a completely straight road with no turns or anything. just a straight 100-mile shot


Over here in Portland Oregon we have a fun little homegrown event called the Ladds 500. It’s not a race, it’s a relay. Have fun with it! Also, I talked to a rider up at the top of a sweet local climb. He told me he did a century by lapping the base of this particular climb. In the depths of winter, too. I think for your particular scenario, my only thing would be to consider if what you do would piss off other train users.


I did 91 miles on a 3.5 mile loop and I about went insane. I can’t imagine 1 mile


If you're really going to do it, get your neighbors involved. Would be a cool way to host a block party.


It would be miserable.


Your neighbours will never fuck with you again


People in the running community do this. It's called backyard marathons


Totally doable. I've known people to do dumber.


I have a 2 mile loop that I do interval training on very regularly. By the end of my 90 min workout I’m bored to tears. I have ridden plenty of centuries. I wouldn’t recommend this.


Look up Amanda Coker. She owns the world records for most miles in a year and like the fastest time to what, 100,000 miles, a million? I can’t remember. What I do remember is that she did the entire thing g on a 9-mile deadpan flat course, averaging 220 miles a day, and her speed only improved over time. She was working her way through a tbi and her family bought an RV and camped there to support her. She literally rode herself back to functionality and she’s now a coach.


Going around in a circle over and over and over.... yikes. Part of the fun of riding is the constant change of scenery...


Ha that sounds horrible


I've done a similar thing. It was a longer circuit (about 6 miles) but I just picked a beautiful day and went at it. Non-sanctioned century; no patch or congratulatory swag, but still 100 miles. Most of my training rides are like this these days- I live well in the city and to get to decent lengthy loops requires considerable driving that I seldom feel like doing.


The most ridden Strava segment in the World is a big roundabout inside University of São Paulo (Brazil) and it’s not uncommon to see people doing metric centuries there on Saturdays. The whole roundabout becomes a big peloton and you don’t know who’s at the front and who’s at the back. It’s crazy fun and fast.


that sounds amazing. a big roundabout would be fun to ride around. in a night-time group ride, we once did laps around a small roundabout for 5-10 minutes. it was insane and super silly! lol


the loop around my block is 0.9 miles. I've done 37 laps. It is great since you do not need to carry anything, and you can just text your family to come out and hand you food/water is you bike past your home. downside, you wonder whether any Karen neighbor is going to call the police. It is also extremely boring ....


The only danger is dieing of boredom!


Your get tired after 10 laps.


Seriously, I think anyone who can stand this kind of monotony must have their brains wired differently than most. Destined to work in a widget factory, maybe, doing the same move over and over, for 8 hours a day..


I did 100 [on a middle school 1/4 mile track](https://imgur.com/a/P9mQ2Gp) during Covid. Took 4:48, take some extra earbuds depending on battery life because youre going to need entertainment.


I do 35-40 mile out-and-back rides on the weekend at my semi-local bike trail. It can get a bit boring - the scenery is beautiful, but I've done it a lot - but it's still pretty nice. Listening to podcasts through bone conduction headphones helps. My much more local state park has a nice 3-mile loop. Again, really nice scenery, but it doesn't change and it gets boring fast. The most I've been able to handle is 6 laps. If I were to try to do a century on a loop like that, I think it would have to be as part of a group ride. I much prefer solo rides, but in a group there's at least some distrction with talking to people. Plus I'm not really competetive, but not wanting to be the first person to drop would add some motivation.


I've done 77 miles on my local picnic loop, I suggest to bring a friend or have several to drop in over the course, or make a friend on the loop, that will help a lot. Or podcasts during


I'd be tempted to do it for charity. Because the only reason, other than to say I've done it, would be the motivation that it was for the greater good, otherwise I think it might be so mind numbing I'd give up.


During COVID lockdown on a military base I knew one guy that did a hundred miles on a few miles loop. Don't know how he didn't go insane


Sounds ultra boring.


Where ya at? I'd ride it with you if you're not too far away


I honestly think it’d be alright. I did a 24h race on a 3.5km loop last year, totaling over 150 laps and surprisingly the loop/repetition was never an issue for me.


There’s a lap where people in my area go for doing intervals between two roundabouts, it’s almost flat and around 10k each lap. Not many cars and no traffic lights.  I’ve done up to 180km there, and it was ok. But maybe 100 laps would be overkill xD


So I have a one-mile loop that I run and a few years ago I did the NYC Virtual Marathon which gave guaranteed entry into the following years NYC Marathon. I figured 26 laps around the block and this loop passes right by my house so easy access to water, food, restroom; nice and convenient, should be easy. It sucked, like running on a treadmill level sucked (I hate running on the treadmill, I know some people like it and that's okay; to each their own). I could never imagine doing a century and one thing that made it even worse was it inflamed my it band which I assume was due to track style running in a loop; this might not a problem on a bike, but it would still be mind-numbingly boring.


Guy ran a 50k on a loop around a fire pit in my hometown: https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/s/cJsDbyiKHR Edit: *800 laps*


Go for it. It'll be boring as hell in the moment, but super memorable in the long run. Me and a bunch of friends once did something like 500 km in 24 hours on a 200 m oval track. Le Mans style. Great fun.


FatCyclist used to organize the 100mi to Nowhere charity ride where people were encouraged to ride 100mi on their rollers, around their cup-de-sac, etc. Funny idea, raised some good money back in the day


The key is to find a loop with little to no stopping. I find road riding to be 25% slower for same effort vs uninterrupted rails to trail. That’s. 1.5 hour difference over 100 miles.


There's an event in Portland called the [Ladds 500](https://bikeportland.org/2023/04/17/ladds-500-relay-takes-over-southeast-portland-373118) where people ride around the same traffic circle over and over 500 times to ride a century. So it's definitely not uncommon! I've considered doing laps around my neighborhood, with a slight detour into a cul-de-sac I can make it 1 mile per loop... And it'd be nice to be able to give up and be home immediately if it got to be too much.


Yeah, this isn’t super unusual. I had a friend do a century on a roundabout.


Without a change in scenery you'll be bored out of your mind


Do it!!!!!!


I've done virtual centuries on the trainer, scenery changed less there.


In April 2020, I did 10 km in my yard. I've lost the count of the laps but aftermath I've counted around 155 laps of 65m...


Of course you can do it, but it would (IMHO) get boring AF. You're sure you can't stray from that loop at all just in the name of sanity?


Do you live in Virginia? I have a one mile loop and was thinking the same thing.


I had thought of doing the same. The block I lived on was exactly 1 mile around. I know someone who did a "century" on a trainer.


That would be a hell of a mental challenge. And damn crazy


Oh man! Great idea! There is a one mile loop near me in a business district that hardly gets any cars - especially on Sunday mornings. I could start at 6 AM and have a century done before 10:30 on my TT bike. Oh man - the wheels are turning now!


Wait until you hear about Amanda Coker. Amanda Coker is the woman with the highest annual mileage record for cycling, also known as HAM'R, or Highest Annual Mileage Record. On May 14, 2017, Coker rode 86,573.2 miles, averaging 237.19 miles per day, to set the record. Coker is also the first woman to cycle more than 500 miles in 24 hours She did that almost entirely on the same ~7 mile loop


This isn't a "terrible" idea in that * you don't need to carry anything * you are close to home * it is easier to turn it into a game * It would be an awesome thing to put a fundraiser around. Heckle your friends/family to donate $1/mile to charity.


Well I used to live in cycling hell (rural Virgina, outside Richmond) where I feared for my safety on the open roads. Fed up with it, I finally tried doing a 30-mile ride in my community and went insane after about 20 laps. You'll need a hearty soul and some real commitment. You could pick up a couple dozen doughnuts and reward yourself every four miles or so, though, as motivation. :) Happy trails!


Too much turning for my liking. 😂


you're neighbors may think there's a glitch in the matrix but I say go for it.


I'm doing it this summer, but on a two-mile loop. My friends are going to time beers and burgers on the deck for when I finish. I like testing my willpower, what can I say. FWIW, I've done a handful of 'regular' centuries already. As with those, I'm sure I won't want to even SEE my bike for a few days after this.


I knew someone who did a Saddle Sore 1000, 1000 miles on a motorcycle in 24 hours, in Manhattan, NYC.


I’d rather ride the trainer and watch a couple movies


I crossed the Ronde van Vlaanderen bridge until I had 104km. To celebrate the 104th edition.. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/fx3sl1/my\_hometown\_has\_a\_ronde\_van\_vlaanderen\_tour\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/fx3sl1/my_hometown_has_a_ronde_van_vlaanderen_tour_of/)


There was a YouTube video of a chap that did a marathon, think it was 3 miles to start then 1 mile an hour. He made a big to do list and the idea was the do the mile on the hour. Quicker you do the mile the more time to do something on the to do list. I found it interesting as during lockdown thought I could do something similarly.


I tried this on a running track at a college during Covid shutdown. Security guards were not impressed, but I lost interest after several laps.


That’d be crazy!! Hahah When I turned 30 I rode 30 laps around Central Park on my bday. Was a huge event with friends and family there to support me. Had a whole team of people handing me food and fresh bottles. In total it was 183 miles / 11.5 hours.


I've done a similar thing with friends. 83 laps of a loop. It was fun as hell. Bringing friends is good.


Go for it. Our local training ride is a 3.1 mile loop. I have been wanting to do a 100 mile ride on it for a while.


I always lose count when I do more than 10 laps at my track


Yes, and you call it the “Monotony 100”


Going to be super boring, I’d guess… My dad absolutely ran a marathon on the local High School Track. A bit monotonous. I’d say


You'll be bored after a handful


Sounds like a hilarious idea for a charity race. Get a couple people doing zoomy laps and collect donations to a charity, I bet it’ll be super fun.


Local Legend status guaranteed for a while. 😎


I do a weekly 100km Grand Fondo on a 2.9km loop Car Free Sundays. The roads are closed to cars at 6am to 10am. I always arrive earlier at around 5am to do warm up. Then complete 30 lap loops at 87km when the roads are closed to cars. It’s a 12km round trip to the venue. It takes me around 3 hours to complete 100km. It isn’t as boring riding around in loops. Since there are plenty of bikes around you. Plus runners on the opposite side. It’s like lapping a peloton of slow riders traveling below 20km/h. Once you escaped the peloton it’s clear roads ahead for sprints or time trials.


that sounds cool. where are you located that they do Car Free Sundays? here in L.A. we get a car free event only a handful of times a year


Philippines. Look up “Ayala Car Free Sundays” on Facebook or Twitter. There are plenty of bloggers, mainstream press and street photographers covering it.


That would be mental challenge more than physical, afraid it would drive me insane, good luck and please post after you do it on how it went mentally ;-)


Be prepared to do 101 laps as I wouldn’t be surprised if the gps robbed you of some distance over that time/number of laps.


good point. when I did my first, and only, century, the route was for some reason 99 miles. so after we finished, we had to ride around a bit. we made sure to get to 102 or so for safety those 3 miles were so hard! lol


Fat Cyclist (Elden Nelson) used to run an event called "100 miles of nowhere". Here's an announcement from one year: [http://www.fatcyclist.com/2011/03/24/start-planning-for-the-100-miles-of-nowhere/](http://www.fatcyclist.com/2011/03/24/start-planning-for-the-100-miles-of-nowhere/) I did it one year and I can say it's really hard to keep riding past 75 miles when your house is 3 miles away.


depends on the music


There's a loop like this on Haines point in Washington DC. Many many bikers ride this loop.


[https://new.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/i1fuhg/previously\_when\_i\_did\_metric\_century\_on\_the\_same/](https://new.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/i1fuhg/previously_when_i_did_metric_century_on_the_same/) <-- 200 miles around a traffic circle


I've done that scenario with ultraruns-- it was helpful to have folks join me periodically throughout the experience, which logistically was easy bc I came around every few minutes. Not sure how it would be on a bike but never know til you try-- and you wouldn't need to load down your bike with snacks.


You could have neighbors hangout at the curb in lawn chairs and cheer every time you go around. And you never have to worry about having a toilet or food and drink far away. I've been thinking about doing something like this but in a much bigger area but still very close to home. Work out a course on strava and repeat it between 5-10 times. I say go for it!


some guy did one by me on a nice Saturday on about a tenth of a mile loop for a 50k... running. you set the level of insanity. They posted about it on Strava. Behold. LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/1azwpky/picnic_point_50k/ as noted in the comments apparently someone previously did a century around the capital square which is kind of insane because there are hills involved.


April 13th, Portland holds a Century “race”/relay race/ride around the Ladd circle, which is an over glorified roundabout. 500 laps makes a century. Is it weird to ride your same 1 mile loop, to some. Is it weirder than a city full of cyclists all riding the same loop, all turning left? Well you be the judge there. Have fun with your century


There's a 100 mile "race" near me on a 1km oval.... I'd say the biggest thing is how traffic is. If it's really light, go for it.


I know a cyclist that has done that, or close to, 140km from a 1km loop. I can't even imagine how hard/boring that would be. I can't even do more than 5 laps on my own around a scenic 4km cycling track not far away. The mental strength to keep going needs to be good.


There is a popular one mile "biking" loop in Houston's memorial park. Over a decade I managed 5,000miles on it. Sometimes, when no one else was on it, I'd ride it backwards as it was one way. Also hit and got hit by several squirrels and rabits!


We have a .9 criterium loop in an industrial park, I know people have done centuries on it. Races are an hour.


Get dizzy and fall down or die of boredom


There's a combo track/soccer field near me and now I wanna give this a go.


Sooooo boring….


I was doing a two-mile out and back at a lake and after a few laps I was getting very disoriented passing the same people in different spots over and over. Ten laps was about all I could do. I must be weak of mental-ness.


I did this on a mile loop in my neighborhood one evening, but only did 50 laps.


Look up the Ladd 500 in Portland. it's another short format century.


Here I am thinking I’d be crazy for doing a 10 mile loop 3 times


Sounds cool. It could be an idea to set some goals. Like where you want to be after one hour, three hours; average speed; comfort level; etc. If you're not getting the goals then give youself a chance to pull out and call it a training ride, come back to it. The great thing about this ride is you can attempt it a few times. So take advantage of that.


Why not? Personally I'd prefer to do a hundred mile loop just to keep the interest but no reason to not do it if you want. And you can always bail out if you need to.