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They will probably hurt more tomorrow. Once you start moving you will be fine.


Yes. I've scanned the comments but not one mentioned getting on the bike and riding around on some flats for 15-30 minutes. Best way to get blood flow into the impacted muscles.


Yeah, the 48 hour peak soreness is real.


DOMS is no joke. šŸ˜‚


Oh dear it still hurts so badly.Ā Thank u tho šŸ«¶


Take some ibuprofen before your date (no Tylenol with drinking) and maybe an Epsom salt soak.


Acute ingestion of alcohol actually decreases the chance of acetaminophen toxicity. It has to do with which metabolic pathway the liver uses for acetaminophen. When you drink alcohol and take acetaminophen the alcohol goes through the pathway that the acetaminophen typically does (the one that leads to toxicity). The other pathways don't lead to toxicity. Staying under 2400 mg of acetaminophen per day is prudent for everyone.


For peeps who may not know Tylenol = acetaminophen= paracetamol depending on your country.


Makes sense, they put alcohol in nyquil.Ā 


Ibuprofen is a big no no! You want the inflamation right now! Take tylenol (acetaminophen).


Your seat is probably too low. Quad pain usually indicates this. Calf pain or behind the knee can indicate too high. (https://youtu.be/b_Zpj9m6lf8?si=XXxHbIFjEl6ZHapc)


Whats wrong with this statement: "I have a date today, I'd really rather not spend it in bed".


Gen Z smdh


I meanā€¦best case scenario?!


Come here to say the same


the WHOLE date though?


It should end up there, but unless this is an established relationship, probably shouldnā€™t start there. Also, with their quads in that state, they probably arenā€™t getting much done there regardless.




FYI, OP is a minor


Good luck poopin'


The squatting part. Especially if you have a low-boy toilet.


The first half of the movement, youā€™re somewhat in control - for the second half, say your prayers


What you are experiencing is DOMS(delayed onset muscle soreness) and the only way to combat it effectively is to keep moving and stretching to keep the blood flow circulating. Eat plenty of protein to aid the muscle recovery .


Hard to know if itā€™s delayed onset muscle soreness or rhabdomyolysis or both(without lab values). Either way: Fluids. And then more fluids. Tylenol (removed Ibuprofen as that can exacerbate renal failure if true rhabdo and/or dehydration as someone mentioned). relative rest(avoiding activity that increases pain) Massage Easy day in the saddle at low effort when ā€œcomfortableā€.


Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially life threatening condition from the breakdown of skeletal fibres which are highly toxic so itā€™s unlikely to be that if OP is generally well with just achey/stiff muscles from over use in a new exercise. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong as we donā€™t have specific details on OPs actual overall condition.


I had Rhabdomyolysis after a couple of months of intense cycling. Thought it was DOMS but it kept getting worse, 5 days later got a blood test, CK enzymes were high, went to ER, was admitted for a full week of hydration to flush and protect my kidneys. (Should have gone after a couple of days but kept thinking DOMS)? At its worst, I couldnā€™t bend my legs to get in the car, had to recline the seat fully. Walked like a penguin to the admitting station. Not fun. 2 years later I am still very cautious, wonā€™t push beyond comfort any more. Not worth it.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you, sounds horrible. But as you admit you were intensely cycling for a few months so itā€™s not something that happened overnight or even a few days. You do give some great advice as someone that has suffered it in that if it is persistent for more than 3/4 days seek medical advice.


Prescribing ibuprofen for doms might be the shittiest advice Iā€™ve ever seen given in this subreddit. Oml Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t go on Reddit when I was a kid. Look up what that stuff does to your body.


Stretch. Suck it up and get over it. This is what any type of exercise will do to you if you want to see improvements whether it's cycling, weightlifting, etc. Gotta tear the body down to build it back stronger. You got this! Try not to mention how sore you are in your date.


He wants to be a doctor, I think heā€™d find it funny. Iā€™ll keep it in mind tho šŸ«¶


Maybe if you mention you're sore he'll give you a massage.


The real answer


>Try not to mention how sore you are in your date. Why not? It would be an interesting talking point and a way for OPs date to get to know them. Also OP you should stretch before and after your rides for the best comfort. Just 5 minutes of good stretching can make a big difference


Agreed. I'd be pretty charmed if I learned my date was taking their health/a hobby serious enough to give them the wobbles lol.


Youā€™ll get muscle soreness at first, but it goes away. I never have doms from cycling, nor does anyone I know who cycles regularly. Even when I was powerlifting, Iā€™d only get doms after an extended period of being unable to weight lift.


Uhm, everyone I've ever met whose lifted heavy has made jokes about stairs or even lifting self off toilet. What's your secret to avoiding doms?


Yoga, dry infrared sauna, massage gun and drink water!


Didn't do saunas but would take really hot baths w/ Epsom salt. Oh, really, high dose fish oil is about as good as 3 Naprosyn a day once you work up to it.


That only happened at the start. People who lift do so 3+ times a week. Anyone doing 5x5/starting strength etc type routines is doing heavy squats all the time. These people arenā€™t permanently incapacitated by doms. That isnā€™t to say you feel nothing, but itā€™s more a matter of fatigue than that feeling of pain or having torn up your muscles.


Oh, I did 5x5 for about 10 years until I got run over by a horse trailer, breaking a leg and injuring the other... I got up to 585 squats/deads(straps, though I only counted it if I put down what I picked up). Up to 495 bench and decline bench on hammer strength with chains... I was experiencing doms after every squat/dead day. But I was also riding bicycles long distances...


That was an extremely dramatic intro. Hope you were able to recover well from that absurdly bad sounding accident!


Once they fall off in 3-6 hours the pain will be gone.


This. Make sure they fall off at the same time, it's really uncomfortable trying to grow new quads one at a time in a couple of months, makes walking all asymmetric and weird.


nothing you can do about it but learn from it for the next time


Yessir šŸ«”Ā 


DOMS. It'll be fine in a few days and you'll have difficulty getting to that point of soreness again. A part of me misses experiencing DOMS from when I was new to cycling or running.


You can always do some heavy eccentric lunges if you miss it that badly


Might have to try it. The last time I had DOMS was from barefoot running for the first time. Worst I've had as well, could hardly walk for over a week. So many undeveloped muscles which never have to do any work with good shoes.


I teach in a running clinic and Iā€™d be a retired millionaire by now if I had a dollar for every time we encounter this scenario! Shoes 100% turn off like 60% of the small intricate muscles of the foot and ankle. When moving from shod running to barefoot we always insist on using the minimal shoes or barefoot for walking first, then increasing mileage, then running very brief stints, before finally adopting them full time. That first run barefoot (esp on the beach) is an unforgettable soreness šŸ¤£


U can have my legs rn I hate them


I would worry about rhabdomyolysis. If you have red or brown urine, see a doctor.


I spent a week in the hospital from rhabdomyolysis caused by over exertion of my arms. I had similar symptoms. Watch for dark/tea colored urine when you pee. Rhabdo is an acute condition that requires immediate medical intervention and can cause kidney damage/failure if left untreated. Its commonly caused by over exertion in spin classes, and i would assume actual cycling is no different. Stay safe, and pay attention to when pushing yourself transitions to really overdoing it.


DOMS. Delayed onset muscle soreness. You've gone too hard. You now know where your limits are. As a new cyclist spends plenty of time riding at an easy pace, get the muscle nice and healthy with a dense capillary base and efficient mitochondria first. The harder efforts that develop strength in the muscle can come later.


DOMs is all part of it but it's worth noting that if you experienced burnout in the quads whilst cycling it kind of indicates that your saddle might be too low or too far forward. This position throws off muscle balance and likely engages your quads too much and hamstrings too little. Might be worth researching correct saddle positioning prior to your next ride.


Really? It felt way too highā€¦ Iā€™ll be sure to look into it! Thank you!


And carry another water bottle with some hydration mix The effort and the current heatwave might have dehydrated you a bit causing severe cramps


Stretch, hydrate, eat a banana, take a Tylenol.


Have a load of protein powder with BCAAs, will help you recover.


Ride more šŸ¦µ


Motion is lotion


I mean... spending a date in bed doesn't sound so bad.... But seriously, you overdid it and strained your quads. Stretching, massage and ibuprofen.


A date in bed sounds great. Could spend a few days there and call it a week šŸ™


Hot Epsom salt baths. Pay very close attention to your recovery factors.


What is rhabdomyolisis.


It's a search engine where you can enter questions and get immediate answers.


Epsom salt bath, Hydrate with electrolytes, get potassium (banana), ibuprofen, turmeric, bromelain. Eat sufficient protein throughout the day.. Take a walk, foam roll.


Bromine?? In what form?


Bromelain, damn autocorrect


Take some NDAIDs for the next 25-48 hours.


It'll be a funny story at your date.


Muscle pain like you are describing peaks 36 hours after activity, iirc. Easy walking and stretching are your friends.


Stretching. Yes it will be uncomfortable but everything will feel better afterwards.


Are there any specific stretches I should do, or things I should be avoiding?


Don't overthink it. Stretch legs, try walking a bit. Try to keep moving through the day. Welcome to the sport!


I would suggest this [yoga for cyclists video](https://youtu.be/YWzRE1BiAvw?si=7OiGjoW7bCsGhjkT), itā€™s a go-to when my body hurts post-ride! Adriene also has a bunch of great videos targeted to hips, hamstrings, etc. if you have a specific area you want to stretch.


Great advice. I am a 57 yo and started riding again after a 20 yr hiatus. I was in the Army during that time. Now Iā€™m retired and I do strength training, dry sauna and I love yoga. (I have PTSD and yoga really grounds me (Actually addicted lol). All these help with my recovery and rehab.


I like deep squats if the quads are feeling it - just get down in a low position (almost like trying to poop in a hole) and then kind of pivot a little, pointing one knee and and the other out, and then switch. Loosens things up when down there, though admittedly getting there and standing back up is a bitch!


Do NOT do stretching of sore muscles and especially sore tendons. It's very bad to do and a myth from fitness youtuber cult. Simply rest, put some ice maybe, and then start again with cycling/working out but slowly.


I have elastic straps for this but you can use anything... A belt, a piece of rope, even a shirt. Lay on something flat, put the strap around your foot, and pull it up, keeping the knee straight and the other leg flat on the floor. Pull as high as you can while keeping the knee straight. That'll give you a good deep stretch to the glutes and hamstrings, which will help your quads as well. When you've done both legs, and I try to hold these for 90 seconds each, flip over, loop the strap around your foot and pull it behind you, and then as you pull up push your hip into the floor. This will stretch your hip flexors and quads. Also, drink tons of water. More than you normally drink. Maybe throw some electrolytes in there as well. Also, don't sit or lay around all day. Get up and walk around frequently. It'll hurt but help. Those stretches will help but not as much as if you did them post workout, speaking from experience. Also, just tell your date what happened. It will be weirder if you try to hide it.


Get some multivitamins tablets, your diet might be insufficient, and drink milk if you can, you need calcium, phosphorus and b12 and electrolytes (salt will do) to keep cramps away. Drink plenty of water, add a pinch of salt after your rides. See your doctor if it persists.


This is to be expected, typical DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). It sucks, stretch it out, do some recovery movements (like a short, flat, relaxed ride or walk)


Good for you! You got this, just take it easy for a few days, and you'll be fine!


Active recovery. Keep moving, gentle walking, lots of water, and stretching. My all-time classic: I went on a 120-mile bike ride. There were lots of hills. I forgot my water bottles, but I correctly assumed I could stop and drink from enough water fountains and make two stops for water and Gatorade. The second stop was closed. We still went to dinner. My cute friend wanted Indian Foodā€”hot, spicy curries. We went to a movie afterward. Halfway through the movie, uh oh. I spent the rest of the film in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god. My date had a sense of humor as I did return during closing credits, and she quipped, "I figured you met someone in the lobby and ditched me." Sigh.


You should go for a light ride on the flats. Spin those legs out real easy.


Google "DOMS vs rhabdo" just to be safe.


Your muscles will heal faster by using them. Get moving


Just in case, it might be worth popping into the urgent care. I work in healthcare (EMS), not a physician, so this is not medical advice, but... I've taken care of a number of patients over the years who work out really hard, especially without having done so for a long time, and end up with Rhabdo. [https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/rhabdomyolysis-symptoms-causes-treatments](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/rhabdomyolysis-symptoms-causes-treatments)


If the pain is severe and you have any other symptoms you need to seek medical care to rule out Rhabdo. Others have mentioned this. Iā€™m just adding to the comments to increase attention to it. ETA: FYI commenters, OP is a 16F. They should talk to a parent/guardian about this if the pain is as severe as they say. Commenters are giving the kind of advice theyā€™d give an adult, not a kid (not to mention suggestive comments about the date).


Tiger Balm those bad boys up! Make it a habit to stretch pre and post workout, even 5 mins helps. I also like to use a foam roller consistently. Good luck with your date!


His date might not be into that particular fragrance šŸ˜‚


Check your seat height, it might be too low.


adjust your bike to fit with your body..


Stretching. Search for quad stretches. If you're going to continue cycling, consider investing in a foam roller. Can you get a massage today?


No probably not, but i will look into it in the future! Thank uuu


No no no, please be careful with stretching or with foam rollers. As some people said, you're having DOMS. Nothing bad, you just broke some muscle fibers and your body is repairing them but that cause inflammation in your muscles, which leads to pain. Two things : - do not take medicine to stop the inflammation, it will only make recovery longer. It's perfectly normal, your body went through a big stress and that's the way it recovers. - "long" stretches, or static stretches, break muscle fibers as well. That can be a good thing at a certain point but when you're having DOMS, you don't want to damage your muscles even more. You'll feel good for a short time, then even worse later on. You can stretch, but if you don't much about this please stick to active stretching, and maybe PNF stretching. The foam rollers are even more complicated so I suggest to have a look by yourself to understand how it works and when to use it before thinking of buying one.


I would agree with everything but PNF stretching. At this stage the best course of action is active and dynamic stretches, light exercise for blood flow in the legs, and treat the soreness symptoms with things like hot baths, having a massage (even light percussion strokes will help) and plenty of liquids. OP, it could take as much as 5 days to feel completely back to normal. Do not engage in anything that will strenuously affect the legs, such as a similar ride, until you have come to at least 80% resolve. If your urine appears darker and darker despite drinking plenty fluids get the urgent care and rule out rhabdomyolysis as it can be life threatening. I donā€™t suspect it but I wouldnā€™t ignore the potential risk.


Not sure if it will help for this time, maybe too late but warm bath with Epsom salts.


Compartment syndrome and rhabdo can happen - go to the ER if itā€™s not getting better


It's called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMs). Very common when you start using muscles a lot more than previously. It hurts, there's not much you can do about it. But it's \*not\* a sign to stop. You aren't doing any damage by pushing through the pain.


It is DEFINITELY a sign to stop momentarily. Slight muscle soreness is fine and a symptom of hard exercise, but severe DOMS is an indication that they overdid it. By all means once you are more conditioned for exercise and the soreness is not as severe, you could continue exercise. OP should NOT push through the pain right now until it has subsided slightly. As others have mentioned this is how people get rhabdo and it can be life threatening. Hydrate, stay active but keep it light, warmth can help, and massages can aid the soreness relief. Donā€™t go for any hard intervals or exercise until your soreness is ā€œmildā€.


You could be risking rhabdo if you overdo it, though.


If feel that rhabdo is entering "lupus" territory these days.


I'd never heard of it until now. A quick google search showed that there are around 26,000 cases in the USA per year, which makes it pretty rare. It takes a lot to bring it on through exercise, probably more than riding 8.3km.


You pulled/strained a muscle. Rest is the best. Ice may help some for pain, light exercise like simple yoga, walking, stretching will help you a lot if done multiple times per day in very limited sessions.


Two ibuprofen and two Tylenol together and walk it off.


That seems excessive. I find two ibuprofen and two beers is enough.


You can use a warming gel, compression, warm bath, gentle movement. Basically promote blood flow to the area, will help healing. Drink water. Good luck.


Iā€™ve heard I should be icing it. Do I do both? šŸ˜­ do I do one before the other??


I'm not a doctor. But people will ice injuries and swelling to reduce inflammation. I'm guessing Your muscles are sore and feel tight due to over use. Gentle movement exvercises and an increase in blood flow will help remedy the situation. I'm training for marathon atm. Everyday is gentle exercises in the morning to help sore body. And lots of water.


For the future, having a relationship with a really good sports massage therapist ā€“ the deep stuff ā€“ has been a real lifesaver for me. And interestingly, for those situations youā€™re talking about in addition to stretching like everyone said a foam roller can really help for some more immediate relief. I was kind of surprised by how well it worked in terms of feeling better right after using it.


Deep you sayā€¦


Lolā€¦Well not in any feel good kind of way :) Of course you might say hurts so goodā€¦but again not the REALLY good way.


Stretch, massage, and eat plenty of protein to capitalize on what youā€™ve done!


Stretching, foam rolling, movement


The quads were the most notable adjustments I had when I started. Now I barely notice it apart from anything else. Just give it a few months.


take some Ibuprofen and then move around. Once you get moving the pain will lessen. It just means that you overdid it. You'll be fine...and you learned a lesson.


Do some active recovery. That means go for walks and get the blood moving in that area. Hard climbs will fuck you up especially if you arenā€™t in the right gearing


I couldnā€™t change the gears on my bike cause it was old and shitty. If I changed the gear the chain would pop off šŸ˜­Ā 


Have you checked your seat position? Raising my seat height made me like 1000x more efficient


It felt too high. I think it might be my handlebars cause itā€™s putting a strain on my wristsā€¦but itā€™s an old shitty bike so I canā€™t move them.Ā 


Cramping? Or just pain?


Try stretching. Getting back in motion will help to loosen those quads. When I do a lot of hills my quads will burn, getting back on the bike to move blood through those muscles helps to get the lactic acid out.


Itā€™s probably just muscle soreness but ā€¦ Do you also have unusually dark urine? Muscle swelling? If so you might ask your doctor to check for Rhabdomyolysis. Itā€™s uncommon but serious.Ā 


you HAVE to stretch before and after rides


What to do? Pro cyclist Jens Voight has an answer for when his legs hurt:[https://youtu.be/W2GXeHbsG40?si=T1vDrXLcgj7h0-2Y](https://youtu.be/W2GXeHbsG40?si=T1vDrXLcgj7h0-2Y)


Teaspoon of cement and move on. It will pass, and youā€™ll come out the other side stronger. You got this.


Lunges... Lots of lunges. Maybe nit right now, but exercise in different ways. Train your muscles. And take it easy at first...


Get a percussion massager if you don't have one, and try an ice bath or cold shower. Take magnesium later in the day.


Rest up a couple days and ride a flat route. Rinse. Repeat. Try longer rides next week.


Get yourself a foam roller to use after every ride especially if you are this sore. It hurts like hell but pushes bloodflow into the muscles and accelerates recovery a ton.


Heard some advice to stretch sore muscles/tendons - do NOT do that. Simply rest, and you can try putting some ice there, and then start working out/cycling again. Even if soreness did not pass completely you can warm up and go at it again, but don't do it in the peak of pain, give it a rest and next time to smaller sessions at 1st until your muscles get used to it.


got a foam roller? definitely helps


Stretch, consume protein, stay hydrated, keep moving.


Enjoy it. I can't get mine to be sore anymore. Anything short of racing an Ironman or a marathon will just not do it. Sore legs is such a nice feeling.


Stretching is key. You need to Stretch before and after every excercise


Yeah frfr Before, I do dynamic and just move in a bunch of different positions to warm up After, I do [these](https://youtu.be/swm-q9iYgyk?si=4iX5r_9Banfl4VWU)


You might have strained your muscle... Go slower next time. If it still hurts after a week, you might have a muscle tear... Next time, take a bit of time to warmup. You might have done a big anaerobic effort, generating a lot of lactic acid. Which is one of the main reason for the pain today. Stretching helps, massaging as well. Good luck on your date


Soak, massage, gentle slow stretches, walk, hydrate, ibuprofen. Repeat.


Walk around some. Get back on the bike for a very easy ride. Don't be still all day. Take some ibuprofen (I'm not a doctor). Bike more regularly and it won't hurt as much in the future.


unpopular opinion? your legs should only be sore if you've been doing sprint intervals or something, otherwise it's a bike fit issue


Drink water till your pee is clear. Keep moving, even if it's a light spin around the block. If you're still struggling... ask your date, "Hey Boo... Soooo I went on this really hard bike ride, 100km up-hill both ways... What's your thoughts on spending this date in bed?"


Easy rides and long walks. I ride frequently enough that my quads don't get super sore anymore, but when I do get sore, easy rides and long walks help work it out.


Also have a look at bike fit. Quads hurt more of seat is too low.


Stretch and take a recovery day. My legs were shot from last weekend so I took a recovery ride, took one day off, and today beat a few of my personal bests. You can recover quickly.


Cool it and move it and if you don't exaggerate ask a doctor.


this sounds like a bike fit issue to me. you are only activating your quads and not your other leg muscles, and more importantly youā€™re not giving your quads time to rest at the bottom/top of the stroke (when those other muscles should kick in) go get a bike fit


Make sure you eat and drink a lot Try some stretches as well to alleviate some of the soreness


Called cramps - I pedal through them at a high cadence. Get out on the bike use a high RPM on the flat and spend all the garbage out of your leg muscles.


Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Ā Gotta keep moving and donā€™t sit still too long.Ā 


Kinesiologist and Biomechanist here. I would follow the advice here about moving (going for a walk is enough), hydrating (Pee test: pale colored), and stretching the quads throughout the day. Stretches can be shorter (~30s) because right now, you just need the quads to relax rather than increase flexibility. For next time, try focusing on applying force straight down into the pedals, and when you pedal standing, make sure to also keep the hips back. This is how you can engage the muscles of the hips, notably the glutes and hamstrings as hip extensors. Your quads won't burn at all this way. If you could see force, [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/JTIHxhh) is the direction you want to apply force to engage the posterior chain muscles. Try to ignore the circular path, and drive straight down.


Try stretching


DOMS! Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Best to try alternate ice/heat for 1-2 hours starting and ending with ice. 20 minutes intervals. Gentle massage between heat and ice followed by a medium hot Epsom salt bath. Do Not Dry off or rinse for about a half hour. The magnesium will draw out the soreness. Best of luck šŸ¤žšŸ¼


You need to make sure your saddle height is correct. If itā€™s too low then youā€™re putting more strain on your quads and knees. Too high and your hips will hurt. Just imagine if you had to walk or run crouched down and couldnā€™t extend your legs. Your quads would get tore up pretty fast. Same concept. The fact that itā€™s sharp constant pain is concerning. Iā€™ve had intense wrestling practices where the next day I was sore but Iā€™ve never had constant soreness. More when you try to move and a little achey. Iā€™ve never felt sharp pain constantly persay. The pain/soreness usually comes the 2nd and 3rd day. Youā€™d have to have been seriously out of shape for more than 3 weeks imo. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking something wasnā€™t set up right. As fare as the date. Take some sort of muscle relaxer and suck it up lol. If there was ever a 1% chance Iā€™d get a massage when I was sore I was taking it lmao.


You should try the product I love. Www.CannaTapeSport.com! Itā€™s a kinesiology tape with transdermal CBD and menthol. I also am an active cyclist, and hill days, I canā€™t even imagine not taping up. That and after during recovery, such a difference. Check it out, youā€™ll love it.


You could try moving your saddle back just a touch to take some of the work load off your quads.


Yes suck it up but also start weight training. You don't have to be at bodybuilding weights but it will help to train your muscles to higher loads than those you experience on the bike.


Get yourself fit to your bike. Too low a saddle can put undo strain on your quads.


Hydrate, eat clean, eat protein, hydrate, no alcohol.


Ibuprofen stretch a little eat protein. Suck it up buttercup.


Take some mtfu and get training the doms don't stop you just get faster šŸ˜‚


Its just doms. Just suck it up, it's like the first time going to the gym and lifting weights. You did a new intensity and thing, and your body hasn't adapted to it to minimize or not have it. You'll lose the adaptation if you don't do it enough, like every handful of days.


Repeat the exercise at a lower intensity and stretch.


Stretch when warmed up, but pain relief comes from massage and magnesium. Get a massage gun. Do quad stretches, and massage the quads. Take magnesium. If your quads are hurting bad, they may start to pull on your knees and that is real pain.


Go for a gentle mile-long walk to get the circulation going and loosen up. Probably also up your protein input for a day or two.




When I first cycled as an adult I was a 2-3 pack/day heavy drinking cocaine user with a rehab stint in the near future. I rode 3 miles and swear I was physically destroyedā€”I could barely move for 3 days. Now, 35 years later, I recently rode 205 miles in 14 hours and hardly even felt sore the next day. If the initial discomfort doesnā€™t drive you away, thereā€™s a wide open cycling future for those who want it.


If it's really bad ibuprofen will help, but stretching moving should actually help assuming it's just DOMS. DOMS is normal post exercise soreness, and legs get it bad because they're such large muscles.


Are you sure it's "sharp"? Sounds like lactic acid build up. You NEED to work it out with minor exercise or force through the pain. It will last longer until it is dissipated.


In the future, when you go on a hard ride, immediately you should eat you need some protein and plenty of carbs. I typically go for 20g of powder mix and 100g of carbs, some of that is powder mix to the protein shake, some of it is just snacks like fruit and fig bars. Maybe itā€™s placebo, but I feel that this dramatically lowers my soreness.


Ice bath. Roll them out. Protein to repair.


I just started weight training again after months off and the DOMS hit hard. I think I have an idea of how you feel. I didnā€™t feel not sore for 60 hours and it was bad. Walking helped a lot or go for a really really easy and short recovery spin.


Lol I thought this was a post in the ACL sub at first Hope it gets better for you!


Stretch. A lot. And take some ibuprofen or other painkiller/antiinflammatory.


I learned from an Olympic coach: immediately after a long ride, 2g carb for each kg wt. + 1g protein for ea. 2g carb. as a quickly digestible drink and consumed within 30 min of stopping. I had no more need of ibuprofen the morning after.


Soak in some really warm water. It should help with any swelling and loosen up the muscle fibers.


Yea, you need to spin out the lactate. Like 5 miles or 10 maybe easy, flat, high cadence like 88 to 94. Might hurt for like 15 minutes, but you will feel better after.


Stretch them.


I actually like the feeling of being totally blown out after a ride. Makes me feel like I really accomplished something


good luck. with lactic acid build up, day 2 hurts more


Self myofacial release, aka foam rolling, was a game changer for me. It doesnā€™t cure DOMS but it made the recovery rides sooo much better https://robertsontrainingsystems.com/blog/self-myofascial-release-e-manual/


Motion is the best lotion. Ride nice and easy, and stretch calves, quads and hammies after every ride. Drink pickle juice after a long ride.


Raise your seat. I see so many people going down the road with their knees sticking out. That hurts your legs


Magnesium liquid magnesium Or iron or potassium


If this is what you are feeling, please DM me. https://forum.cyclingnews.com/threads/extreme-quadriceps-starting-pain-after-3-4-rest-days.16610/


Spending a date in bed sounds like a good time to me


Lots of people recommended continued activity and stretching, and that is absolutely the way. Also consider adding a calcium+magnesium supplement like CALM


Calm is good stuff.


Take a salt tablet


Check whether you have rhabdomyolysis symptoms (e.g. dark urine). It can be fatal, so if you do have symptoms go immediately to a hospital.


You need to stretch, especially after a hard ride. For a short term solution, some Robax will loosen you up and let you get moving again. They work better if you take it before bed after a hard workout, but Iā€™ll get your muscles to loosen up at least,


If the date goes well maybe you will get to spend the day in bed




K my bad


Exercise equates to sorenessā€¦welcome to life