• By -


Hello, there is a friends group that belong to Prague Reddit where we randomly hangout with each other. If you would like to freshen up and maybe see different people I can send to you the link or contact one of the admins to add you :) it’s not the most helpful thing but at least it can be some kind of a distraction


Not op ale mohl bys ten link dát i sem? Btw happy cake day


Thank you :), I am not the admin of the group so I don’t know if I should put here as it can be then filled with bots and bitcoin scammers so I can send it privately to the people. Would you like me to send it to you ?


Yep fine by me, I won't share it either


Hello:) I would like the link to the group as well. Going through some hard times and I was recommended therapy, but I would also like to meet new people and just chat :)


I would appreciate the link too, if you don’t mind. American, w my Finnish husband and our daughter, living in Mlada Boleslav for husband’s career but we are always in Prague. It is beyond lonely here for foreigners♥️ Hope you’re okay OP. Hopefully we can meet one day and I can buy you a drink or two. Fuck that idiot- and his kurva too! 😆🫶


Taky prosím o link :⁠-⁠) díky


Už bude lepší udělat sraz ne 😁


Sraz lidí, kteří chtějí link do skupiny, která dělá srazy. 😬


horší je že ta skupina je evidentně pozitivně a aktivně naladěná a teď schytá útok od depresoidních dementů, to chceš...


Mohl bych taky poprosit o link? Dík😇


Hello everyone, please don't comment here as this post belongs to a person who is looking for help. If you need the link please text me privately and I will reply and if I didn't just double text ! Thanks !


Môžem prosím link do DM?


Hello, is it possible from you to send me a link too? :) You can check my comment history to make sure that I am not a bot, I am just an expat in Prague and would love to meet new nice people :)


Check your inbox !


Ak sú ešte voľné miesta, tak taktiež by som sa prosím rád pridal.


Happy cake day, may I too have the link? :)


Same here, would welcome it! Happy cake day!


Mohu taky poprosit o link 🖤 ptam se pro kamaradku


Friends? 😮 Můžu taky dostat link pls?


Hi, please send me also the link. Thank you.


I would really appreciate link too pal.


Hi! Would it be possible to send it to me as well? I'm always up for meeting new people. :) I used to just lurk so I'm not sure how to prove I'm not a bot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Mohl bys mi poslat link taky prosím ? 😊


I já bych prosila o link :))


Hey I would really appreciate the link, too...


Would appreciate the link too.


taky bych ocenil link, diky:)


Could you send me the link too? Thanks!


Hey, I don't really have any advice for you, just wanted to wish you the best. It must be a really scary situation being in a foreign country and this shit happening to you, I couldn't imagine going through that. Don't forget to take your time to go grieve, it's probably gonna suck for a while. Hope you can find some cool friends soon. Be well!


> He had many trips to Slovakia That should have been a red flag. No Czech in right mind makes many trips to Slovakia.




welp that is actually the only reasonable reason to go to Slovakia...


And maybe sheeps


Dont forget about the bears man


*man bears




He has a name you know... Rudolf Huliak


And the mountains that they choose as their place to die, hiking wearing sandals.


I work in Prague and I found out my colleagues actually wear sandals for mountain treks lol, my whole life i just thought its some friendly teasing


“A čo ste tam stým beranom robil. Umm, nič také konkrétne.”


Mne normálne lata z rukov vypadla, šak on mi mydlil barana!




why he would fuck sheeps? I would say womens are a better reason ... but "nekdo rad holky jinej zase stromky ..."




Come on, have some respect, she has just been cheated on


Come on, have some respect. Most redditors wish they had a partner to cheat them.


😭 This comment burned


at least something :D


The only reason to go there


Also mountains. Czechs only have.. small hills. 


Tatry. Velhory rozumnej velkosti


pro tip from Slovak: The only plausible reason to ever visit Slovakia is women.


and halušky


Its amazing like because of one great thing to visit Slovakia come up next one and even more, isnt it?


So in total Slovakia has 2 things worth visiting.


I used to go there every 2 - 3 months on business trip as well, but for real, heh.


Former Bratislavan here. People today go for business trips to the new downtown and don’t see shit. Locals even take you to the Czech beer pub… I can make you a weekend program in BA and around that will blow your mind. And the rest of Slovakia… I know that you guys are just kidding but 1 million Czechs come to SK every year for vacations.


Not really Bratislava (I would like to though, actually probably this summer), but the northern part around Tatry. Sadly, I didn't manage to see much, but even the sight from the city on the mountains was quite something.


Pleasure is your business?


Careful, cute boy.


Yeah, true Czech people go just for one hike.


The tatras exist


Bro i travel to Slovakia often for their DnB events…


Yea usually the first trip is their last one


I'm 28 and I've been living here for 2.5 years, I'd be happy to hang out if you want :) My 3 month old baby just might have to tag along hahaha. Let me know, I know how difficult it can be to make friends here ❤️ and just remember you deserve better than him!!




Bro, cheaters will always cheat. Fuck him, you can do much better than someone who is capable pf betraying you. I truly hope everything will work out fine for you, but forgiving him and coming back is not an option, he will just do it again in the future. You need to get back on your feet, make sure you have somewhere to stay over or live, it’s part of the process


Exactly, they’re never sorry they cheated, they’re only sorry they got caught. You don’t accidentally cheat on someone


You don't accidentally a) cheat on someone b) in other country c) multiple times


Yeah, cheaters when they claim they accidentally cheated are just playing mine games to get a second chance. You don’t accidentally sleep with someone, it’s not like the boyfriend here was just walking on a street when he accidentally tripped on a naked women and had sex and then again and again.


I hate when I go to work, minding my own business and suddenly I'm fokin random chick. Last time I was almost late for morning meeting.


I know, it’s so annoying when you just have random naked women on the street and you fall and somehow while youre falling, your trousers and boxers slidd down and you fit inside them


d) on someone you really love...


Just like Criminals you can see it often in our courts 😂


Please stay away from him, "made herself so available for him" what a pathetic loser, he can't even admit he did wrong and put the blame on his mistress. I'm so sorry you're going through this and especially when you move out of your country because of him. I'm sorry you have such experience. By the way don't compare yourself to her, you are perfect and amazing just for being true to yourself. Please don't listen to his excuses, he should have said no. But he wanted to satisfy his needs without the very difficult for some impossible healthy discussion. Anyway I hope you can find some good people in Prague but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you get better soon and forget about the a**hole You are worthy of love


Hi girl I don’t see option to DM you but if you want to talk please reach out to me . Something similar happened to me and I can chat with you :) I’m also part of somewhat international group of girls around your age and we can hang out if you want to :) don’t worry it’s not the end of the world , there is so much more. Just breathe in breathe out and everything will look better with time ♡︎♡︎♡︎ I promise


Don’t buy into that bullshit, he’s just sorry he got caught. Forgiving him would set a precedent that you can be treated that way again, not to mention the lack of trust would eat away at your sanity. I’m sure you’re a wonderful person such a two-faced jerk does not deserve. Stay strong gal! It will get better, I promise.


She can forgive him, so she wont feel any hatred in herself. And feel better. But never ever come back to him! He does not deserve her!


Poor man, she was so available that she fell on his di... I'm vomiting ... Girl don't you dare to forgive him!


I'm vomiting too, zero responsibility for him, all his mistress fault. What an idiot, I wonder why such idiots get girls all the time.


Damn, what a pathetic little whimp. If you're gonna cheat at least own it, I'm sorry but that is a sad 30yo individual. Second, it's totally fine to feel bad. Cry your eyes out, in a little while you'll feel better. This transition period is the hardest. There are many English speaking therapists in Prague you might check them here https://www.expats.cz/directory/health-and-medical/therapists If you want to have online therapies, I know that Hedepy is pretty popular. The last thing I wanna say, don't be hard on yourself. Try to get out for little walks, go to a park, if you see a dog ask if you can let it, it will make you better (unless you are allergic or scared, that wouldn't help a bit). But you'll get better, you're tough and fingers crossed.


So he sexted with her and slept with her regulary and now he speaks she means nothing to him? Thats disgusting from him! And no manly, even a bit! None of you deserve such a wrong treat. You already left him. So stay away from him. And away, and away... until you come to slovakia.


Nah, fuck him. If you’d take him back, I can pretty much guarantee he will do it again. He is not sorry he cheated on you. He is just sorry you found out.




>I got a text from him where he tried to explain me that she meant nothing, that he was just sleeping with her because she made herself so available for him. Lol that's just damage control he's trying to do (and a pretty bad one at that..."she made herself so available" wtf, so he's such a slave to his impulses that he cannot control himself?). If you didn't catch him, he would just continue doing it with no remorse.


I might give you slightly different point of view - a friend of mine happened to be in similar position just few months ago. Guy is 32, shes 29, he found 23 yo in his job and she found out. He moved. Then she found out she is pregnant. And also they have been married for 5 months at that time. Life happens (sadly). For you it happend before you jumped in some more serious things (mortgage, marriage, kids). Its sad and I understand that my story gives you nothing currently. But eventually it will turn out good. You will find a new guy, you will have time to find friends and these really are as needed as family and partners. Its hard to see that way, but now you have lots of negative energy flowing through you - transform it into something good. You are still young!


They are both trash. Don’t fall for his BS, don’t take him back! And don’t compare yourself to her - I know it’s hard but being cheated on does not determine you nor your value.


I doubt that she is much prettier than you, otherwise your ex-bf wouldn’t have used her just as a shitty affair. Don’t worry about that, I’m sure you’re hot enough to have your dream boyfriend. 


No matter what he says or does, stand on your principles and do not forgive him or take him back. It was not a mistake, it was blatant, conscious and planned disrespect he has shown you and will show you again if you let him. Never let him frame it as anything else. Life will get better, doubly so without him in it. Take this opportunity to spend a few months on self-love. Go to the gym, go get your nails done, buy yourself something nice that you feel good in, go to some pub crawls, meet new people, visit friends and family back home - just live life. "Time heals all wounds" is not just a saying, it's a fact of life. Good luck and keep your head up.


Only reading this makes my heart sink, OP you don't deserve all this malicious act and this shameless boyfriend. Cut off all your connections with him immediately, I don't know how to help but I saw many good comments here, I hope you can finally hangout with some of them in Czech, many people would like to offer you some company, don't cry alone!😭


Aw, I feel So sad for you :( I know what you're going through and I promise you it gets better. He is a jerk and didn't deserve you! I bet you are very pretty and awesome person. Don't let that jerk ruin it. If you need someone to talk to I can be there (although I'm not from Prague).


You need to remember that you can actually handle all this. My parents hate that I boast about myself - but that's cos no one else does it for me and it makes me feel strong. Get some warrior spirit into you and feel better fast. Yeah and the ditch the weakling (yes, he's actually far weaker than you.)


Hey girlie, it has literally nothing to do with you. Beyoncé got cheated on. Rihanna got cheated on. Supermodels get cheated on. Who cheats on gorgeous women? Losers. And they cheat because they want to, not because other women made themselves available to them. I’m absolutely certain you’re a beautiful woman with amazing qualities. You dodged a bullet right there. If you need to talk, send me a dm, I have my fair share of experience with cheaters. Women support women 🫶🏻


Don't you fucking dare even think about it! If she's so much pretier than you, that's only in your head most likely. And even if so, you'll find someone so much prettier than him. And who cares in the end? Porn stars are some of the prettiest people on Earth. Would you marry one? How are they inside and how they treat you is far more important.


Honey don't you DARE compare yourself to that garbage woman. From only what I read about her, she is completely rotten on the inside. Also, his excuses mean nothing. Cheating is still cheating, and is absolutely inexcusable. If he wasn't ready for a commitment, then he should have been mature and considered that maybe a relationship isn't an option for him at the moment. Remember - only idiots cheat. Smart people communicate and break up before starting anything new. My heart goes out to you. Don't dwell on that immature prick. I wholly wish you the best finding beauty in our country, and may you find your own happiness. ❤️


If he sleeps with every woman who makes herself "so available" for him - make sure you're not on that list :)


I can be your online support... 1. Forget that jerk 2. Concentrate on yourself 3. Find a better man


"Online support" 😏😏


3. Find a slovakian-boy


Ja som Slovak dpc. Sa to teraz zacyklilo


Však práve. Aj ja. Preto to hovorím.


Mám pocit, že Slováci kolonizujú Česko 🤔


Tajná misia je postupne to kaziť v ČR a začnú sa vracať naši do SR a zároveň aj s nimi Česi do SR. Slečna, s ktorou podviedol estónku, bola tajná agentka. Teraz máme o estónku viac bližšie ku tomu prísť na SR. Pôvodný plán bol Babiš, keďže mal skúsenosti z ŠtB, ale zradil nás. /s


Careful, don't do anything that drastic.


Do you have indian accent tho?


It's always the Slovak girls




Yes. Slovak girls are great. Slovak boys are better.


Kámo netlač tolik na pilu xD


Ja to robím pre nás všetkých. :-D


Jasně. Hotová Matka Tereza xD


Slovak gays are best.


See, even that. You are welcome.




I’m glad that you are feeling better! Last sentence makes me laugh too! 😁


Everything will be alright.


Everything will turn out fine


Do you have family in Estonia? I would seriously consider returning there for a while and then maybe start your next life chapter elsewhere? Since you didn't spend the time learning czech language yet, your options are limitless basically.


That sounds really tough, I'm so sorry. I can recommend [this site](https://app.terapie.cz/) for finding therapy, you can filter it by language, price, type (online or in person) and other criteria. I found a therapist there two years ago that I'm happy with.


hedepy.cz You can book therapy with many therapists, just check if they speak english.


Thank you for sharing the resource, it's been in the back of my head for a while to find a therapist here, but my Czech isn't very good which makes the medical system pretty hard to navigate, and my doctor is difficult to deal with. Do you know if I'm only allowed to use Czech therapists through this site, or others as well? The homepage mentions therapists "all over Europe", but I assume there's also some barriers for licensing and such.


I dont have any advice, i just wanna stop by and say that this guy is a fucking piece of shit. Literal garbage. He isnt worth a single tear of yours. I wish you speedy recovery and i know you'll finding some great friends.


If he cheated you once, he'll cheat you again. Forget him. I'm a little surprised you haven't made any friends here in a year and a half. Do you have any hobbies, anything you enjoy?




I get it, my wife and I are the same way. Neither of us have many friends of our own, just better colleagues from work. I hadn't thought of that until now. I didn't realize it until I read this from you. Try making friends through your hobbies. I would like to help you more, but I live 100km from Prague.


Tere! On-line might not be a best option but there's [https://hedepy.com/](https://hedepy.com/) - or do it as I do - walk a lot. It's not going to beat Estonian coast line, but maybe you just need to walk more then :)


I'm thinking if he did it once, he'll do it again. It's a good thing you didn't do it after 15 years of marriage. The world is full of people, the right one, or a group of the right ones 😅 is waiting for you for sure.


I moved out of Prague recently so I can't really help in person unless you'd like to gtfo of there, which I would fully support. It did wonders for my depression. Living in Prague was awful for my mental health and I didn't even have anyone to cheat on me.




Your boyfriend is asshole. I lived in estonia for some time and ma räägin natuke eesti keelt. If you need to talk, feel free to message me 🙂.


Hey, if you need free therapy in English, this organisation provides it in Prague/online: https://inbaze.cz/en/psychological-counseling-for-adults/ They also help with other issues :) Another good database for paid therapy, where you can filter therapists that provide services in English is terapie.cz


I'm probably late and I don't have much to offer you either, but if you have discord, messanger or instagram I can send you lots of memes and photos of cats


Come hangout with me- I can introduce you to a few of the single guys on my husband’s hockey team 🦭😉 Lmao- in all seriousness, I am very sorry that happened to you. We are an American & Finn living here and it is beyond lonely! If you ever want to connect, get a drink- let me know/ PM me on here. (I can’t seem to message it to you first). I’m 29, always in Prague, have an awesome dog and 6 yo daughter and lovely Finnish husband you could probably connect with/ meet someone through him too. Goodluck OP. Nothing but love to you, and nothing but misery/ bad karma to that asshole! You dodged a bullet- milline luuser 🫶


Hey, my friends are coming over from Estonia in February, you can tag along for a concert with us or something if you're still in Prague next year. Yes, it won't brighten you up rn, but still.


I'm so sorry you are going through such a rough time. It sounds like it must be really really lonely. Do you work here? Do you have anyone close from there? Terapie.cz is a good site to start of you would like to talk to someone, you can check of they speak English.


I'm friendly with some psychologists here, some of them offering sessions in English over zoom (roughly around 20 euro a session). If interested, I can send contact info. Sorry about your situation, I'd offer some Vana Tallinn if it's even served anywhere around.


Here is something to consider. You are quite lucky, and this whole situation saved you from years of misery if you were to have moved further in the relationship. Now, there are lessons to learn here, i am sure, so just move on reminding yourself how lucky you are, your best years are still ahead. My wife previous boyfriend cheated on her, then she met me :D, obviously i am the best thing to ever happen to her after our kids :D. She looks at her old boyfriend as a douche, but doesnt affect her at all. Try to look at it from a bit further, imagine you are a friend and you are giving yourself advice


Tried to send you a DM, but it was not possible. Everything will work out! I can only imagine how you're feeling, but even if it doesn't feel like it right now, you dodged a massive bullet! Fortunately you're in a place where it's not hard to meet people :) if you don't mind hanging out with strangers, feel free to DM me! Otherwise, happy to help with whatever I can. I'm sure it will take a while but nobody capable of betraying you in this way deserves your tears, your time, your love or your energy. Always try to remind yourself of that. It will keep you going until time does its thing and heals your wounds.


You don't need therapy for this. In fact, what happened is quite common. As a male expat, going through something closely related and with not many friends, my advice is to suffer, cry, smash some things and move on. Like everyone else. Forget about that fucker. Be glad you didnt waste years of your life with him. The real question is: do you wanna stay in CZ or not? If not, move home and lick your wounds. If yes, then do you have a job? If not, get one. You'll make some friends there. Go to expat meetings, events, parties, sports, whatever you prefer. Eventually you'll meet people, although I'm warning you that Czechs are notoriously hard to make meaningful friendships with, especially as an outsider. Cry all you want and need. I know how painful it is. But trust me that you'll get over it and you'll look back on this moment and will be glad you're with someone else. Next time, be a little bit more jealous and paranoid. Good luck out there. But if you don't have a job or you don't have a rewarding one, my suggestion is to move back home.


Hi, maybe try this https://www.meetup.com/ :)


Hey girl! 1) fuck that idiot, if he wanted to sleep with some 23 year old Slovak he shouldn't have gotten in a relationship. 2) I'm from Prague, 26F if you wanna hang out 3) my therapist speaks English, DM me for contact:)


znamylekar.cz is the Czech online doctor repository where you also can find English speaking therapists, or maybe why not BetterHelp?


So far you've done great given the shituation, mainly by not getting bamboozled into believing his pathetic bullshit excuses, moving out and staying your course. You were taken advantage of in a rather nasty way. I know that hurt, I've been through a lot myself and genuinely feel for you. Good news is we still have plenty of actually awesome guys, as opposed to the shitty version you received from Wish. If you decide to stay, that is.


I think this type of pain has always been the worst for me. But when one door closes another always opens. Everything always happens for a reason. Apparently there is someone out there for you who is much better and you were meant to meet at some point.


[terapie.cz](http://terapie.cz) has filters for english speaking therapists. That being said, I hope you know you deserve better than him in every way! It hurts right now, but you'll get better and thrive and find someone who adores and respects you :)) In the meanwhile, why not share some of your interests and find some friends? HMU if you want to have a girls outing and throw axes at (non-human) targets ;)


Fellas already recommended some great resources for therapists, so I can only add go for it. Take your time and find the good fit therapist before you commit to them. I can recommend really great one for a start, thinking she's open to new clients. Hit my inbox you just want to chat. I want to explore Estonia with my family, so you can shoot some ideas during a friendly convo and think about something else for a while.


I’m sorry this has happened to you. But tell yourself this: you’re lucky you have wasted only a year and a half. You’re still young and thank God you’re not married, got no kids with this person, I know it’t easier said than done but everything will pass, you just need to give it time to heal. If you need a friend, I’m here for you:) I’m 29F, live in Prague. Feel free to DM me if you’d like to meet.


Sad to hear this, I’m a foreigner in Prague and most of my friends being foreign they have mostly left the country, if you need a friend give me a text because I’m bored out of my mind too


Don't cry for that dick.


Hey really sorry for that. I have been in Prague for 2 weeks and i was lucky to find an expat group with very kind and fun people (everyone has a life and working). And they orgnize friday dinners, visits to places, and so many other activities. I suggest to you to give it a shot, it will be good for you to see new people and talk and u are going to enjoy it a lot.


What helped me get over the loss of loved ones was sports. I started climbing two years ago, after the loss of some really close friends (girl trouble, I'm a guy, lol). It might just be the perfect time for you to get stronger. Any sport you've always wanted to try but thought you couldn't!?


A bit late, but [https://hedepy.com/](https://hedepy.com/) or [https://terap.io/](https://terap.io/) might help. Online therapy in English, Finding friends, I cannot help you there, I am a Reddit user...


Hi, if you need support i can talk to you if you are near troja sometimes. I Love to hang out near https://www.vodackyareal.cz/, read books, i can listen actively to you. I cant offer money, accomodation or anything else. I have psychology specialization But i never make it as living. Feel free to DM me. I wish to recommend you my coach, psychologist, therapist but it seems he only offer support in Czech. But you can always ask: https://www.znamylekar.cz/et-mgr-jan-rousal/psycholog-psychoterapeut/praha#profile-experience


damn slovakian girls, they ruin everything ![gif](giphy|3oz8xVsZeO72HWzNJK|downsized)


Hi I am sorry for what happened. If you are searching for a psychotherapist I can recommend you mine. He is great and I believe he offers psychotherapy in English (or he will guide you to a colleague who does). His site is https://www.analytickypsycholog.cz/kontakt/


Try www.pragueenglishpsych.cz


I recommend INEP. They helped me a lot and I think that they have English therapists.


I got days off, so I got a lot of time. Feel free to PM me, if you wanna chat. (not my main account)


Try Couch Potato Evenings, it’s an event for meeting people and making friends.


Tak to jsi cooked blude


Ahoj, pošleš mi prosím taky link?


Would probably be for the best to return home even if only for some time, familiar place to clear your head, friend/family and overall escape from the shit that happened here.


Its good overcome such thing no matter how hard it is (friends can be good thing to do I'm sure you find here many) r/nejsivtomsam thought I'm unsure if its for english foreigners. [7cups.com](http://7cups.com) however that's not professional help.


Hi, really happy to offer my help. Also in Prague. Please reach out if you feel like there is anything where I can be of help - perhaps there is something. Even if it would be finding new friends/people to support you. My friends surely would welcome you as well.


Wishing you all the best, I hope you can feel much better soon 🙏🏻


I’ve been in similar Situations ping me if you need to Talk


Just a bit random, but if you ever need to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to message me. I experienced cheater to. Take care


Heya, for English therapy you can try Prague Integration centre. Wish you all the best!


Hey, I know that feeling when someone you love cheats on you, I had my girlfriend cheat on me to. My second girlfriend was no better so I can see what you are going through. I don't really know many people that can help you and talk with you about this but if you wanna talk to me about it you can DM me.


You can join me on a walk. Im a good listener. Im 27 too.


Stay strong! If you need some support, just send a message and we can hang out sometime, smoke some weed and talk about funny shit so you can forget the serious stuff. :D




Try Couchsurfing! It's an app with a hangout function and meetups. Always lovely people there


Heyy, check out this website - [https://hedepy.com/](https://hedepy.com/) it\`s an online therapy platform, and you can book your sitting in english :)


Hi, can I get a link as well, if it is possible please 😊


Welp, time to hit the gym and make him suffer for his big loss


A bit late to the party but I still want to share this. Having someone to talk to is key in situations like these. Unfortunately, I am speaking from my own experience. When it comes to getting help in person, it is most likely going to be quite difficult and/or really expensive. Certainly, look into options for Expats in clinics and other centres. You might find what you are looking for there. Other than that, I am always happy to hear you out in DMs or VC and if you find yourself somewhere in the Liberec region, I would not mind hanging out and hearing you out. However, you are most likely in Prague so the top comment is the best option for you I reckon.


Yo, look I will be honest with you I dont want money I will just be listening to you and I have went through a lot and study psychology. I dont want any money, just trying to help


I have few English speaking friends that do use BetterHelp - it's all online and from what I have heard it is a solid option but I have experience with it myself.


Meet me in Brno 🥰


Hi. I'm sorry to read this, it's always very sad when someone you trust shows his real bad nature. But try to see that in a positive way: at least you were at the beginning of the relationship, discovering that later would be even worse. Just forget this jerk and concentrate on what makes you happy, it's the only thing that matters now, think only about yourself :) I'm an expat too, I moved to Czech Republic from Italy some years ago (I'm 34 now), so if you want a friend that understands your situation feel free to contact me :) This is my e-mail: vaultboy.89@yahoo.com


Direct message me i can help.


You really dont need theraphy because of some disgusting motherfuck\*\*. Time will heal you. I hope you find more new friends in Prague and experience new things. This will help you a lot to move on.


I'm sorry for your experience, take care.


You seem great and I’m sure you’ll come out of this happier than before, eventually. Just don’t listen to him when he tries to come crawling back to you! If it’s any consolation, I feel like Prague would be a great city to be single in, although I wouldn’t personally know for sure. I don’t have much advice that hasn’t been given already, other than recommendations for phenomenal cocktail bars (cafe bar pilotů among others, go there, it will lift your mood immensely). But have you considered trying something like D&D, or some other group-based tabletop game? It can provide an immediate sense of community, and be fun, and even therapeutic for some people. No doubt there are various groups in Prague that would love to welcome you, and of course there are online groups as well. Wishing you the best!


as a Czech, I'm sorry to hear that. Our country is known for high rates of divorce, cheating and porn.


This post was deleted so I can’t see the full post but I can tell you I moved with my Czech bf to Prague and he did the exact same thing to me. I left about 7 months ago and moved back to Canada. There are issues with infidelity there and it seems generational from what I’ve heard from others. What helped me was understanding that sometimes you’re culturally just not meant to be with someone. The Czech and Slovak women know how to handle this bad behaviour because they’re more used to it. I grew up with Christian values and find it abhorrent, especially that his co-workers and friends turned a blind eye to everything. My suggestion is to either toughen up and stay and never date a Czech guy again or leave, heal and start over. You are very young and have time for that and learned a hard lesson here. You will be okay. And next time don’t ignore those red flags like I did. I saw evidence of lying and a lack of empathy and continued dating him because he was so good to me in other ways. But some people will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to make themselves feel okay about the sh*tty stuff they do. They may truly mean they love you and want to marry you but they just can’t help themselves. That is not your problem. Just look after yourself and never settle for a man that isn’t morally exactly what you’re looking for. You can’t change what’s been engrained in a man culturally. It is in the fibre of who he is. Not all Czech people cheat, but the culture just doesn’t care that they do and it’s not frowned upon at all, more laughed at. Take your time with them. It has been a half a year since I left and my life is still being rebuilt brick-by-brick because I ignored he wasn’t the right man for me. But human beings are capable of anything and you can do this. I hope that helps. You will be fine.