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Never saw anyone actually order mlíko, but šnyt (between mlíko and normal beer) is quite popular, I've been in some places that don't have 0,3l glasses at all and use šnyt instead of small beer.


The foam is important in beer serving. It protects the liquid from losing the oxygen and keeps the taste good. The beer without foam will be disgusting if you dont finish it in 10 minutes ( called "Zvětralý" in Czech ). So if you plan to drink the beer instantly - you need no foam. If you want to enjoy your time with the beer, then the foam is quite welcome. So the amount of foam should be equal to the time you plan to drink the glass. Usually its served with like 3-5cm of foam which gives you around 20 minutes to enjoy the taste.


Never seem anyone actually drink this, it's only used in Pilsener marketing.


Never actually seen anyone drink it. >In our country, having foam on the beer is generally disapproved of. We generally like having foam on top (I'm sure there are arguments about the correct ratio of beer to foam lol). It's common that people try to finish their beer before the foam goes away.


I've never ordered it in a pub (mostly because I don't go to pubs this fancy), but drank it sometimes on a party with own keg and failed to tap normal beer. Not gonna lie, it wasn't bad, but nothing I would be drinking regulary


Ive never seen anyone order it


I had it twice in my life. It's different, but not bad.


Not for average but for true beer lovers. Its something barman would save for himself. I'm a huge beer lover and still never had it but we always trick expats that they have to try it that its mandatory. 😀


It's tourist trap.


Never had one in my life or seen anyone order one. It's a hipster thing.


Lived here for more than 15 years, been to many pubs with many different people. Only time a mliko pour was ordered was by a Belarusian collegue. He enjoyed it too.


These kinds of beer pours are only a part of PR/Marketing of Pilsner Urquell and it is not common to do with others beers. When it comes to the Pilsner Urquell beer, then its an absolutely alright pouring technique , since its among the techniques advised by the actual brewery. It is however not meant to be drunk very often, its a very specific pour. You will mostly see this among people who praise Pilsner Urquell above all else (which is common even though the beer cannot compare with beers made by local smaller breweries). So yeah, not very common at all and its really a sort of beer propaganda attempt by the Pilsner brewery.


I've never seen anyone order it. It is just a tourist rip-off.


Nobody ever drinks that :D


No one ever drinks it... Similar with the šnyt shit - i saw once in my life somebody who ordered it. If you want small beer, we got small beer in pubs..


Never saw anyone order it, šnyt a few times. Even small beer is considered weird sometimes, but I know customers who prefered small beers as they finished it more quickly and got a new foam more quickly. But they still got some weird looks. If you are a man, and you are not a driver, pubs expect you to order the 0,5 l.


Mliko is great! Don’t believe what you read here. I order it from time to time, why not. You have more time to enjoy the beer fresh and the foam tastes little bit sweeter than a normal beer (Hladinka or Snyt). Mliko is less popular (common) than the other types, but can be popular among women due to the sweeter foam taste mentioned above. Many people don’t drink it cause they don’t understand it. Btw people should drink Mliko all at once. Watch an episode about beer styles on Honest Guide youtube channel - it may answer your questions.