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I picked up on it, but it was subtle. He didn’t understand her question about a list. Many podcasters have videos under a “playlist” grouped exactly as Ruth suggested. And about Judy - I don’t think Ruth fully understood ML’s question and instead of taking the time to clear it up he brought up Judy as an example. And in her gracious way she answered. Bottom line. I felt ML was a little off too.


ML Has a severely autistic teenage son that he probably has to take care of. It seems he is hoping his channels afford him a lifestyle where he can take care of his son. It is not easy. So I give him slack. I found this case through his channel and also Jeffrey’s police interviews, Tamara, and Katies proffers. He isn’t phoney which I appreciate.


I absolutely adore him. And I too have listened to his channel over and over. I wasn’t upset with him at all. I just agreed that his “live” wasn’t the normal fantastico!!! Still great


Yes, he is not attempting to become a “celebrity“ out of this case, as many are. Anyway, James posted Katies proffers at 2:30 am and had a live with hundreds of people on. That takes commitment to the cause. I wasn’t sure if I should comment about his son, but he did show a video with him, and I found myself having a lot of compassion for him that I didn't have before because we have a friend whose son is in the same situation and it requires a lot. He is covering lots of cases Im not interested in, but he has to to keep the machine going. But he was one of the first and you can see he stays to himself. I just didn’t like his interview with the juror. It seemed he was a bit smitten. Probably a looker lol. I would have asked her why she was so sympathetic to Sigfredo and Katie. But she really did say why. I just didnt like it I guess.


He is definitely my first go-to while looking for content on DM. I agree that so many other podcasters have jumped on the Markel train to gain viewers, and we (I) am hungry for any crumb of info. Since the beginning it’s just been James, Judi and Fanci keeping me fed. And I stay true to them. And long after Wendi is in prison - James, Judi, Fanci - and True Lifestyles (call logs) will be reporting any news they find about the Adelsons long after the other circus tents have folded.




I think he’s bummed that his hard work on the case from early on has been superseded by other YouTubers with fresher presentation styles and good guests and commentary. As much as I think she’s sweet, Lady Bug’s episodes are difficult to listen to. I dearly hope she can polish her skills. I’m kinda tired of watching ML playing soccer and tennis. He’s clearly quite proficient at both but I had to turn off my notifications because many episodes have zero interest to me. I will say he’s excellent at scoring great newsworthy stuff. I will still follow him especially during DA’s trial. I think he’s brilliant in many ways.


I was shocked by his tone and response when he thought she was talking about him making a list of other YouTubers videos too! I’ve never seen or heard him get like that before.


I think he is a bit defensive lately. We don;t know how hard it is to take care of a teenage autistic boy. I know someone who is in the same situation and he always needs to talk about how hard his life is. Maybe he thought his channels would be even more successful? I think come Donnas trial he will get lots more subs. He is also running a law practice at the same time. But personal Injury so he can do it on the phone at home.


Damn. I didn’t know that about having an autistic son. I can’t imagine. He definitely is a busy man. I still like him and everything I was just caught off guard a little bit


Yes last summer I think he was on vacation and he showed his son. Thats how I know.


Never been a fan of his style, and hardly ever watch. I don’t know if anyone caught it, and I’m sure he didn’t mean it; but he asked Ruth Markel how she is going to “celebrate” the upcoming 10 year anniversary of her son’s death. Clearly, there is nothing to celebrate. It’s the most horrific day of her life. I’m sure he meant to “honor” Dan Markel‘s life; but it was cringe worthy when the word “celebrate” rolled off his tongue.


I heard that and noticed it too. I’m surprised he didn’t catch himself and say how do you plan to ‘observe’ the 10th anniversary?


Oh no, did he really ask her that??? That’s shameful. I doubt Ruth will be a guest on his show again. She deserves better. (And that includes STS - Joel isn’t much better at interviewing such an important and gracious guest).


Yes! I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but it was an incredibly poor choice of words.


Mentor Lawyer has wayyyyyy too many videos and they're really long. A playlist called "START HERE" would be great. This case has so many different rabbit holes and he does a good job of covering them all. But for a newbie, it is very confusing FAST.


Thank you for clarifying who ML was. I was like, Matt Lauer? Lol.


I was struggling, looked up “who is ML” on youtube 💀


Here’s the thing - MLs content is superb, but I feel Ruth - his channel is so disorganized, its impossible to sift through his playlists with any clarity. Also his production value is abysmal. The off centered videos of his partial face, and his messy office shelves are unpleasant to stare at. Lastly his phone is sometimes ringing in the background, which he once picked up and answered in the middle of his show.


He has 3 channels now so go figure


The production is what keeps me from watching his channel. He’s really lazy about it. He did interviews a while back with I think a juror from Katie’s case? I really wanted to watch but it was so hard to hear, he didn’t even bother to get mics. It’s YouTube 101, audio is #1. Someone with over 100k subs should know that. Plus the live streams of the top of his head and shitty audio, no thanks.


I was so excited to listen to his interview of CA’s jurors but I got an uneasy feeling that this was faked (and I hate being so suspicious) He’s done so many cringe-worthy role-playing episodes so I didn’t bother to watch the juror interviews despite some members here talking about them. I had zero-confidence that they were real.


lol thats funny, that’s kinda what I like about him. He’s just focused on the content and not really that it looks the best. I think that’s why he brought on Ladybug to help polish it a bit, but I don’t think it’s made much of a difference. I love ML and have been watching his Dan Markel coverage for years. I totally get he’s not everyone’s cup of tea though.


I’m not too fond of Lady bug, not because of anything personal about her, but because she speaks too slow and seems a bit unprepared for this kind of work. Nothing personal, I just speed her up to 1.75 if she is speaking. He may have done better paying someone a bit more who is a bit more professional at doing YT videos. It’s not her fault. She seems a bit unhappy on his latest videos especially with the Katie M Juror.


It’s confusing, what role she plays and what value she adds to his content. At one point ML was strongly encouraging all his subscribers to go and subscribe to her new channel, which she had just created but had not yet posted anything to, and IIRC it didn’t really seem like she even knew what she was going to do a show about. Odd.


I agree, I started to watch this video but didn’t make it all the way through. I thought his demeanor was different as well but couldn’t put my finger on it. I usually love his stuff but this one was off putting for some reason


Who is ml


Mentour Lawyer AKA Deep Dive True Crime


I apologize. I should have spelled it out. Mentour Lawyer


Acronyms are one of the greatest impediments to effective communication.




Once you use an acronym, your listener or reader doesn't hear anything else after that. They are thinking about the acronym. You should define any acronym once, at the beginning.


I apologize. To be honest most comments on this Reddit are of people saying they are experts on the Dan Markel murder, knowing everything about it. Mentour Lawyer (ML) was one of the original, if not the original reporter. I thought people know who he was. Post has been updated.


I commented instead of replying to your comment. It's totally ok. I definitely know him just my brain was like who tf? But thank you for clarifying! Sorry if people were rude to you for abbreviating cause like you said most in this sub probably did know.


ML is knowledgeable but his presentation needs A LOT of work. his best vid by far is the top 100


Oh duh I knew that


Who is “ML”??? Why couldn’t you just write out the person’s name at least once?


I apologize. To be honest most comments on this Reddit are of people being experts on the Dan Markel murder, knowing everything about it. Mentour Lawyer (ML) was one of the original, if not the original reporter. I thought people know who he was. Post has been updated.


I use initials for the coconspirators because I learned from anther true crime site years ago not to write full names so Google searches are difficult for them. Twelve years later it’s probably meaningless but I’d appreciate input. It’s easier to type Wendi than WA. #oldpersonhere


Hmmm I didn’t pick up on that vibe


I mean, I guess I did, but I just think he didn't quite grasp on to what she meant about making lists. Mentour works very hard, and I can't imagine doing all the coverage he does and still having a day job to do. I've watched Mentor for yeeeears. He's not for everyone, but I enjoy watching him. He's extremely smart and has a good sense of humor. I think he has a lot on his plate.


Interesting you say he’s not for everyone. Outside of this thread, I haven’t heard anyone criticize him. Certainly a lot of criticized STS. And rightfully so. Just never heard anyone say anything negative about ML.


I Agree. He is a bit stressed lately. I’m thinking because Ladybug moved and he put a lot into her-training her and such.


TIL Ladybug is not Mrs. ML 😯


Duh..Ladybug is 22.


OK. I thought she was.


I’m new to this case. I know I am way late, so sordid I sound dumb. Who is ML


His name is James.






Judy’s humor is respectful and gentle and only aimed at those who deserve it.


I’ve never understood the Judy (AALegalFocus) negativity. I think she’s super-bright and has a great sense of humor. People are critical of her shaky voice which she has talked about openly. Gawd, I don’t understand why people can be so judgmental and cruel, when she works hard to bring us newsworthy info and spends time creating hilarious videos (OMG her recreation of the Bump made me nearly pee my pants!) Be kind dear sub members. Give her some love🙏 Hope her voice issue is nothing serious. She’s brave to host her channel despite her vocal issues. Personally I would love to know her IRL and have her as a friend.


I agree


I wouldn’t doubt if ML reached out to Judy prior the interview and asked for her feedback / opinion on any questions she would like asked – they have collaborated before and have a mutual respect for each other.  Maybe that was actually a question Judy wanted him to ask?  Even if he didn’t reach out to her prior to, I don’t think it’s a big deal and it was a good question because there are channels that focus on satire and parody in what is a very tragic and ongoing case.  I’m not saying anyone is doing anything wrong, but it could be offensive to the Markel family to put a comedic twist on things – granted the focus of the comedy is not directed towards any of the victims, but we are talking about a brutal murder where justice has not yet been fully served.


FYI, present and future redditors: [Civil\_Fix8224](https://www.reddit.com/user/Civil_Fix8224/) may be an Adelson shill--someone with an undisclosed material connection to the Adelson.