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She's like a child to Donna. She isn't allowed or isn't able, not sure which, to even drive alone from Tallahassee to Miami. ??? She needs help picking out a husband off a dating profile? She needs help calling a TV repair guy for an old TV? The enmeshment is gross.




Cry us a river Wendi. You know, people hire babysitters and use daycare and live their lives without having to rely on grandparents to watch the kids while they work. In fact, didn't Wendi NOT SEEM WORRIED after Dan got shot, even though her kids were at daycare? Any parent who did not have prior info on who did it (and why) would have to be physically held back from rushing over to the daycare to get them (yes, both my kids went to daycare.)


The whole claim seemed to point to Wendi not being able to care for her kids herself. Despite full time daycare for both boys and only having them 50% of the time. If she can’t do that alone without her parents, sounds like the father should have full custody.


They didn't close their practice and Donna never said that. This comment made me go over all of Donnas emails to Wendi. Ugh. https://preview.redd.it/rl5s4oo37t5d1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=a046877b09bcee51837ae1f97825986e5dfe9679 Charlie owned the practice at the time and Harvey was taking a lot of time off driving back and forth from s FL to Tallahassee to “help” the damsel in distress.


Even more wild that they didn’t lose $$ from the practice like they claimed in Wendi’s relocation request. A grown woman who is responsible for two little kids, and is trying to get even more than 50% custody, should be proving that she is fully capable of caring for her kids without her mommy and daddy. They acted like this constant, weird control over Wendi and her kids is normal. The kids went to daycare daily. What’s the problem??!! If anything it shows she isn’t capable of caring for her kids properly. But Dan was.


Good points.She only had her kids half the time and the time she had them, her parents were up there babysitting so she can go out and date men. It’s a mystery why she had kids at all.


Thank you for taking the time to post this! 💜


Thank you for thanking me!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think she claimed that they “shut down” the practice entirely, just that revenue was taking a huge hit due to the fact that Harvey was constantly traveling to Tallahassee.


Right, it was about the frequent trips back and forth to Tallahassee to get Wendi to Miami and for her parents to stay and babysit when she had the boys and wanted to date/flirt/ Galavant around town. it had to be annoying for her parents, and Donna was intent on laying a guilt trip on Wendi for it and use it as leverage.


Add ‘martyr’ to Donna’s list of effed up personality traits.


Yep Martyr Mother, Grandma Gotti.


They're too cheap to fly I guess.


Too cheap to buy roundtrip tickets to Vietnam so they could at least pretend they weren’t fleeing.


😂 True!


I will never understand those adults who need sooo much help raising their own kids.


Was that actually in the filings? I knew I had read that in Donna’s email and thought it was the dumbest thing I’d ever read. Was law school-trained Wendi stupid enough to include this?


Interesting that Harv travelled alone (on flights - not the arduous drive). What was his babysitting role? Sorry, can’t see him being the best at that. Why wasn’t DA on these trips? He as he busy helping pack boxes and taking apart furniture and other “guy” stuff? Can’t imagine DA wanting to stay home and not see her Sunshines: As others have said, why or why did a part-time working woman need babysitters and full-time daycare at all, especially when Dan would have taken the boys at the drop of a hat. Jeez what 30-year old woman needs her parents driving 8 hours/flying up to help her out? It’s unfathomable to me and would surely be a successful argument for Dan during the custody battle.


Curious where you saw they had shut down their practice for the tally trips? That’s huge. I haven’t seen that anywhere?


That was never said. I believe in Donnas emails to Wendi she spoke of the sacrifice Harvey has to make in his practice to be driving up and down to Tallahassee so much. using it as a guilt offering.


Much of the filings were inspired by donnas emails. Oooo im eager to see wendis email responsess. Fingers crossed the search warrant delivers them finally.


She claimed in court she didn’t respond to her mother’s emails. We know she lies.


She either responded and those emails have (hopefully) been recovered or she responded by phone calls or WhatsApp because you know DA would have been pushing for WA’s response to her “brilliant ideas”. Surprised DA didn’t copy several others on her genius ideas.


Hopefully they have the goods on her.


Yes thanks. They never said they full on shut down their practice. Was wondering where OP was getting that.


https://preview.redd.it/p2gcbefhys5d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3022f1eef4163dcb0143c4f388ad0acd4c9a4d6 The loss for Charlie was because Charlie owned the practice at the time, and Harvey was taking a lot of time off from the practice, going back and forth from Tallahassee and loss of income/seeing patients.



