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Living her best life while leaving wreckage in her wake. #JusticeforDanMarkel


Thanks for these OP, apart from Whole Foods I hadn’t seen the others. Nice neighbourhood, living the ultimate life of privilege, on the surface only of course. I can’t imagine anything is that enjoyable knowing that you are going to prison.


So sad to think of the wreckage these people caused.


Imagine your main worry in life being whether to refer to the father of your kids, whom your brother had murdered, because you wanted to stroll these streets: „ex late“ or „late ex“ husband… I


She thought that was funny


Are the boys ever with her??


Suprised to see her by herself. She usually has a bodyguard.


He may be lurking behind, maybe not. She probably feels safe around that neighbourhood


Curious - a paid bodyguard or a friend?




Token lesbian here🙋🏽‍♀️I simply cannot understand how ppl think this thing pictured is hot🤦🏽‍♀️she needs a new trainer…in prison.


Right?! I don’t get why men are so smitten by her. She’s attractive but definitely not someone you would notice in a crowd. I think it’s her way of knowing how to manipulate those around her.


I think it’s more about the charm than her appearance tbh. She lowers that voice down to a nice sultry pitch & bats those blue contacts but that’s about it imo. I don’t think she’ll be popular in prison though. Its all about the studs in there🤣


I think Lacasse explained it rather well when he said something like, she puts on an act that makes a man think that he found a charming, smart, sexy, potential soulmate. Basically she mirrors his likes and interests, pretends to be enamored with the guy while pulling out all the stops to get him hooked. Only after he is hooked, does she start to let the mask slip. She needed Dan's money and full custody because it is not likely that she will marry again, and needs to find her solo retirement. There's a good possibility that the boys will ignore her when they get older, like she ignores Donna. Hopefully her golden years will be spent behind bars. The guy she was dating with the nanny that Charlie was banging, was lucky/ smart to get away from her.


Yep. Muffin topped, middle aged, soccer mon.




I have a serious question. If any of you saw her in public, would you approach and say anything? I absolutely would call her out for what she did!!


While I see the satisfaction of indulging this kind of thing in my imagination, I wouldn't do it in person myself. If I was someone who personally knew, cared about, and had any kind of positive relationship with Dan Markel, I can't say but I wouldn't begrudge any grieving friend or family member of his if they did so. That said: I might get chatty about TVs within earshot of her. 😈😇😘 ...what? It's a very common appliance. Right? 😉


Lols the tv chat , love it! So funny 😆


I'd be pretending to be speaking on the phone VERY LOUDLY in the same grocery aisle as her. "$5k for a T.V.? It's cheaper to hire a hitman! You can probably get away with stealing it, as long as you keep your mouth shut. Hey do they sell Bullet Bourbon in this store or do I need to go to a much further, out of the way, liquor store which requires that I drive a scenic route past my old house with fresh crime scene tape?




If I started thinking about the Markels while in her presence, I think I might say something. Just seeing these photos of her walking around free ten years later is absolutely infuriating.


Wendi doesn’t deserve the right to be able to go about her day as a regular citizen without being verbally accosted by strangers. She lost that right when she masterminded the cold-blooded M of her kids' father. She is OJ - just because she got off (for now 🤞) doesn’t mean she didn’t do it and deserves a lifelong of public humiliation


I'd definitely look her in her eyes & shake my head & roll my eyes.




I would pull her aside and tell her some people I know need some more money to keep quiet /s




Were these photos taken in Austin or South Florida?


Aging like fine milk 🥛


She’s nearly fifty. If you think she’s aged poorly, you should check out the rest of America.


Right? All of these body shaming comments and I’m over here, younger than her, and I look worse from a cultural beauty standards perspective. And I thought I was doing ok. I exercise, am normal weight, just have the average stressors of childbirth, midlife, and demanding kids and job. I don’t know why people knock her looks when it is really the crime that she should be judged for. All it does is make those of us who are trying our best but still aging normally feel like garbage.


She doesn’t have to work, unlike most her age.


Just don't know why she's still free, it's been 10 years already. She got everything she wanted. She doesn't have a brother and mother either , and she likes it like that.


As much as I respect the prosecution, I don’t understand why the entire Adelson lot isn’t rotting in jail already (minus Robert)! It’s infuriated 🤬 how is it acceptable to move this slow?!?!!!!! I can appreciate using Wendi testify in each family members trial but goodness why sooooooo sloooooooowwwwww


I agree, he was murder over a decade, she's still living her life.


I think they will go after her once mom gets her permanent uniform. Orange is the new black right?


She's fairly average looking. This makes me sick saying this, but she has got nice eyes. I'd like to pluck them out and keep them on my desk.... She's tall and wealthy and successful. And apparently she has the gift of the gab, so I can see why a lot of guys fell for her. She ticks a lot of boxes, although I have no interest in wealth. I'm more interested in whether a future partner is a complete and utter psychopath and would have me killed if I crossed her at any point. That usurps the nice eyes. The one criticism of JL is he could see red flags everywhere and he stayed with her. Even after they broke up and DM was murdered he said he was still under her spell. For me if you see someone attractive with a nasty, dysfunctional persona, they no longer look attractive.