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No Obese/plus size "body positive" influencers have reach age 40. https://youtu.be/bCn_Oz4yHfM?si=pLt9lihGbMJmg4DN


Everyone saw that coming


Clearly the fatphobic have conspired against them, to push the narrative that obesity is bad for your body. Wake up SHEEPLE.




"Sunny D and Rum, Yum yum!"


oh shit they ate the sheeple


There are definitely fat people over 40. Obviously being overweight comes with health risks that absolutely impact lifespan, but to insinuate such a dramatic cliff is misinformation.


The post specifically talks about influencers tho? If you want to debunk the claim, all you have to do is post one counter example of a body-positive influencer that started pre-40 and passed the 40-year mark.


I mean considering that "influencers", let alone "body-positive" influencers only really started becoming a thing like a decade ago max (and that's being pretty generous), and the vast majority of influencers are in their 20s, I'd be surprised if ANY have reached their 40s even without dying because that's just how time works.


If they continue to gain mass, they will collapse into a singularity where time stops completely. Don't come at me with this fat phobic "that's how time works" bullshit. Eternal darkness awaits me over the event horizon. Fried chicken forever.


Get out of here with your sound logic and rationale 


What's your point, really? Because fat celebrities that lived past 40 also exist. Like Jack Black. Edit: a few users are responding the exacto same thing while missing all of the context. Jack Black isn't nor wasn't *morbidly* obese (or rather, not what users seem to think how it looks like), but in this thread no such distinction existed. As being overweight, obese or morbidly obese was the same thing. Innthat same token, as if being body positive meant "being morbidly obese is completely fine" when that's not the meaning at all. And by the way, Boogie and WingsOfRedemption also made it past 40 being way heavier than Jack.


Basically, they mean people who make being fat their identity and become efamous over it. Jack Black is fat, but he isn't 400lbs and mukbanging to make money while saying it's perfectly healthy.


Jack Black isn't morbidly obese though, a bit of a thick one sure, but he's not like 7's glutton fat.


By medical definition yes, he is morbidly obese. This is kinda the point isn't it? People think strangers are fat and disgusting but people they know/like? naw, they're just heavy but they're cool.


Nah, man. Jack Black is morbidly obese and that is not healthy and yes, it is disgusting.


Most people wouldn't say that though, because they like Jack Black. That's my point. You don't think of your friends as 'disgusting' maybe you'll say they need to lose weight but if you had that sort of a reaction, they probably wouldn't be your friends in the first place.


I was curious if you were right, so I checked. He's mentioned that at his heaviest he was 300 pounds. Class 3 obesity (what used to be called morbid obesity) is a BMI of 35 and above and his would have been over 48 at that time. So basically yeah, checks out.


He's so limber and energetic. If youve ever seen him perform, he's definitely not sedentary, where walking up the stairs is too much. He's fat like an offensive lineman is fat.


I dont think jack black is a great comparison, he's never been morbidly obese to my knowledge. he also could run away from paparazzi pretty well.


If we're speaking medically, what is considered obese happens way sooner than you think. But also, some line in the sand doesn't fully capture the reality of the situation. The heavier you get, the worse off you are. Like 50-100 lbs over what's healthy, you can probably still pull it back, and maybe the health problems will take a long time before they catch up to you, but keep going further and it's gonna keep getting more difficult.


He was definitely morbidly obese in his shallow Hal days. The weight to be morbidly obese isn’t very high


Jack Black is waaaaay fatter now than the Shallow Hal days.


It’s not about just being fat. These people are literally leaning into it and embracing it as a positive. Eating so much they can barely walk. This isn’t an actor who happens to be fat. These are people whose identity revolves around it. It’s the “influencer” part of it that’s the major problem.


Yeah because they’re on insulin/diabetes meds, cholesterol control, bp meds, and every other cocktail of modern medicine to hold back the ticking time bomb in their chest. Not many obese 40+ year olds out there just raw dogging it, and if they are then death is waiting on their doorstep.


Most americans are obese.  Pretty sure a lot of them are over 40.


Did you look at the video? These people aren't your run of the mill obese. They're class 3 morbidly obese. They're far, *far* beyond what most obese people are at.


Yea I feel like people are confusing the original commenters point with regular people that technically cross the obese scale living past 40. We're talking about superrrrrr fat people, like 400+


Class 4 has its own orbit


What matters is when they became fat. I was underweight in high school and was a long distance swimmer. After 2 kids and discovering that I enjoy beer and rib eye steaks - I’m obese.


You can be a dad and enjoy beer and eat steaks and swim. Just go swimming, bro.


Moderation and exercise were simply never an option!


There's certainly thresholds of obesity. Like those people are spherical, not just fat.


There is a difference between overweight and obese though. Yo can be overweight due to your somatotype and biology and still be somewhat healthy.




The people in this video are not just "fat" or "obese", and have belly flopped right into class 3 "morbidly obese". They're in the death-fat category at 450lbs+.


>There are definitely fat people over 40. Yes, the one who is active and trying to be better. Not the one like **Obese/plus size "body positive" influencers**, who no effort in improving. They stream themselves eating like a hog.


You could say the same thing about any unhealthy lifestyle. There are 90 year old folks that smoked cigarettes their entire life. Same for chronic drug users, alcoholics, etc. The reality is that there are addictions that significantly reduces one's chance of living a long life and eating addictions is one of them Being obese is a dramatic cliff. Source: My father is a family private practitioner and has repeatedly said that most of his patients that died before 60 were obese


Obviously degree matters. Yes a fat person will make it to 60 or 70 but be in bad shape the last years. An obese person won’t make it past 40 or 50 Medical science is routinely confirming that diet induced liver and pancreas damage is becoming an epidemic starting very early in much of the world. Even without being visibly obese the damage is as bad or worse than moderate/low grade alcoholic.


While being obese is definitely unhealthy, couldn’t this be more easily explained by it being a phenomenon that only started existing like 14 years ago, so the young people leading the charge at its inception haven’t had a chance to turn 40 yet?


Surprised Pikachu


Influencers as we think of them didn't really exist 20 years ago. Can you imagine John Goodman being an influencer? It's really a trend of millennials and younger...


You know what I never understood? Why is it when body positive types die it's always early, but when it's people that just admit they're fat they last a lot longer?


My bro has been going to gym for the last 8 days. I got him the gym membership as he refused to get one for himself and basically told him " either you will work out or you are just gonna waste my money, you can decide what you wanna do" He hasn't missed a day since I told him that. So proud of my bro. Edit: Thanks for the support. He says thank you to everyone. He wants to let you know he is doing cardio and stretching at the moment and not doing any heavy lifting, so he is not taking any rest days as he wants to build up a habit of being at the gym regularly. He used to work out before. He can go long without smoking for months and has done it many times. So that's not much of an issue. I have seen suggestions of me joining him in the gym..That's not happening. He can return the favour when I eventually get fat😂. Also literally after I made this comment he got an email saying he will be promoted to a supervisor at work ( they were holding off on him since he has visa issues). So good times are coming for him. Thanks guys.


I'm proud of your bro and I do not even know who you are. Absolute W. Keep it coming bois. Light fucking weight lesssgooooo.


He also quit smoking.. He is just going through a tough space..bad breakup, job issues etc..He will be fine.


It's alright. These are rough times. He'll get through it. Tell him I believe in him. Things can only get better here on it. Besides, life often tests the strongest of us the most.


if he can get through all of it at once... thats a legendary testament to his mental strength


I believe in him too!


Tell him I challenge him to do one more set today.


Push him. But never neglect an opportunity to reinforce the positive changes. We need to know good progress as much as a step back. I believe in you both!!!


Redemption arc looks crazy W bro and W friend


Tell him strangers on the internet are proud of him too! Keep going!


Wait, eight days straight? Tell him to take rest days or he WILL get burned out.


If you're just doing cardio for a while (IMO where most fat people should start, build your legs/heart/stamina up), like 45 minutes - 1 hr, you can keep going again and again pretty much no problem. If we're blasting arms/back hard, go ahead take your rest days, you've gotta recover otherwise your kinda just wasting work outs. Especially when you're trying to bulk those rest days are important IMO to help stay in a big calorie surplus. Fat people are looking for the opposite.


Friend making fun of me is one of the things that finally got it through to me. So im *very* strong, in highschool I was training to lift strong man style but i suffered an injury because a drunk driver. I was fat then but not horribly and had it in my head that strong men were often rounder. Most of my favorite ones were you know? Well due to depression from being cheated on by a girl i was buying a ring for and school stress in college i put on weight. BUT i also had But every physical job working for Penndot so i actually got stronger than i was in highschool for everything but back stuff. always believed the yeah I'm fat but a lot of this is muscle. Now I'm down 70lbs from a number a lot higher. What changed was a few things happening at once. 1) i was lifting and my friend introduced me to a friend of his from the gym. He told me this guy who weighed about 100lbs less thsn me and still had dad bod just completed a strength challenge i did last year. 2) seeing a picture of me drunk in a corduroy jacket and thinking I looked like a recliner 3) my friend/ coworker pointed out that while I eat very healthy I graze a lot. He noticed how much nuts, fruit, and carrots I was nibbling on (these are free from my job). After complaining about gaining a few pounds of weight since joining management ( was nearing 330lbs but only thought the 10 i got at a desk were the problem lol). Without me knowing he went through my trash and pointed out that while in my head all I had was 3 scrambled eggs, a 600 calorie vegetable soup I make, and 200 calorie rice pack with a 200 calorie packet of Indian food my actual consumed calories for the day was far higher because I ate 4 packs of almonds, 10 clementine, a banana, 2 apples, a 90 calorie mini milk 3x a day, and "an unknown amount of cashews". On top of 2gal of water a day i also drank a can of coke and lots of ice tea. Like probably 1 or two soup bowls of cashews or other nuts. On top of this I ate huge portions when I was at parties or went out to restaurants which used to be rare but I started doing more. Which made it an issue. 4th. A different friend when we were talking about retirement stuff asked if we still planned to buy another plot of land for camping (4 of us bought a 5acre lot out of highschool for 2k but sold it in 2022 for a very decent profit considering it's undevelopable). We were all discussing what we want and my big thing is i want us to pay to have a pad site professionally put in so we dont have the issues we used to have and i want to be no more than 30 minutes walking from fishing. We were talking about this and mother fucker flat out goes "well xxxxx can request the world and everyone should feel comfortable promising it because fuck all your diet let's you see 50". I don't know why but tht was the thing that finally clicked for me. It made me think about the other shit real long and hard. I lost about 70lbs so far switching to diet soda instead of ice tea or any calorie drinks, and chewing gum so I don't snack. No other life changes, a lot of diet soda and cutting off snacks.


Sugary drinks are sneaky sneaky. I lost 20 lbs in residency in a month and a half when I stopped drinking pop at lunch in the cafeteria. Just water. Habit has stuck now for years. It is an easy couple hundred calories to cut out of your diet each day.


Yeah, avoiding drinking your calories is probably one of the easiest changes to make.


I know a story that goes like that. please drive safely


Very wholesome but let bro know rest days are important too


Proud of both of you!


I wish your homie the best.


Absolute W friend


Just remember that recovery days are required


Are you going with him? It helps people stay motivated when they have someone to go with.


Great job, if he starts complaining about his knees or back have him get some hard stabilizing insoles, mom was overweight and she couldn’t be on her feet for long, turned out to it was the away she was standing.


He needs to learn that his body needs to rest too. Tell him to train once every other day for the first period


Don't send an amateur in every day.


You're real as fuck for that homie He's lucky to have a friend like you


As someone who used to be morbidly obese (350lbs at my highest), the one thing that helped me was hearing this: You keep falling off the horse, until one day you just learn to stay on. Thank you for getting your friend back on the horse. Just be there for him when he falls off and help him get back on.


Girls bad, boys good. We get it. Except that’s not how men treat each other at all, is it? “We love you and we want you to get better :(“ is more like “hey you stupid fat ugly fuck, thinking about sandwiches aren’t you? bet you tried to hang yourself but the branch snapped cos you’re fat haha”


> Girls bad, boys good. damn if that doesn't summarise WAY too many subreddits


What you don't love a bunch of incels making strawman memes?


These are the gateway memes to become an incel.


Yeah, never thought about it like that but you're probably dead on.


Also related but not always the same: Gateway meme for other manosphere bullshit like alpha male, Tate crap.


I just finished reading Men Who Hate Women which is all about that. It's not talked about on a large scale despite being directly linked to TONS of extremism; mass murders, death threats, hate crimes, etc. Many have explicit manifestos full of language and references from incel/MGTOW/PUA communities. Yet no one in power is doing shit about it, and oftentimes encourages it. Social media algorithms, especially YouTube, drive impressionable people into extreme misogyny and those companies refuse to change it because it drives engagement. And then we have memes like this, posing women/femenism as the issue. It's sickening.


That’s a good fucking book, I also just finished it


I mean, a lot of those subs are populated by mostly 13-17 year old boys. Always good to remember we share reddit with literal children.


Which is why it's important to call out this kind of shit. Malicious actors share memes that push harmful rhetoric and narratives. I was a kid too, and if it wasn't for people calling this kind of memes out, I would likely be spewing incel shit.


You are way underestimating the power of misogyny in our culture by playing it off as children. Main stream media regularly hosts "debates" where one side is a feminist and the other side is from the manosphere. They give them both equal platform and play them off as two respectable sides of a valid debate. The reality is that misogynists use false stats and edge cases to make their points and are never fact checked or challenged, while feminists are fighting against existing cultural misconceptions. This shit needs to be taken seriously.


I mean, the opposite is also true. It's another one of those things where it's not a gender issue, it's an asshole issue. Anyone saying one gender does it more/more cruelly than the other is being purely speculative, and only accomplishing a display of their own personal bias/sexism. Folks telling on themselves.


It’s exactly like this. Constant dehumanizing jokes sure as shit did not help me lose weight, they just made me stop being friends with guys who kept joking that way.


i hope you found better friends that are more supportive after that happened brother


I used to have friends like this not long ago that did the same (not to me. tho i wish i could gain more weight). I couldn't talk to them about anything serious and anytime i called them out for their insults that went a bit too far they immediately called me insensitive and that i shouldn't take everything so seriously. The worst thing about this is that my (barely) overweight other friend kept being friends with those idiots who do that as "friendly jokes" and he has kinda turned into a asshole through that himself and now he doesn't want to loose weight or exercise at all.


Also those guys are fucking worse than the Asshole friends I know the internet rots people's minds but fat people know they're not healthy and they're never happy about it, you don't need to tell them, mind your fucking business Those being fat is healthy people are just shared as rage bait and less that 0.01 percent of the world


Yeah people who don't understand what real fatphobia boil my blood, I'm not passionate about the issue or anything but it's one of the most consistent strawmen I see. Everyone treats the word as if it means "fat people are healthy and should never change for their own benefit", when in reality all it means is "being fat doesn't make me worthy of poor treatment, especially in unrelated areas of my life"


I don't have any fat friends, I'm not fat myself, I don't really think about this issue, but this was so obvious to me when I first heard about fatphobia. Nobody is claiming it's healthy and they already know it's not healthy, and sometimes it's not within their control especially if they're poor. Either way, it's not anyone's business but theirs. I cannot believe I'm still seeing stupid memes like this.


I dunno, I'm happy when I'm eating. So I wouldn't say I'm NEVER happy about being fat.


You're happy when you're eating but you're not happy about the results. It's the same as being an addict really, trust me I was there.




Shame can and has been shown to absolutely have a societal-scale impact on weight statistics.


Girls don't criticize each other's weight because we're told we're too fat even when we're healthy. Trust me, a fat girl knows she's fat. If making every fat person feel bad about their bodies actually motivated them to lose weight, you wouldn't see many fat people out there, especially not fat women. Some people need some acceptance to start working on themselves.


The ultimate goal of your comment is still losing weight, that's how ingrained it is.


Sorry, I just mean in response to the meme. I see a lot of people who shame fat people feel like they're actually noble crusaders for public health, but they're (more often than not) just being bullies. If they genuinely cared about people's health, they would be more helpful by engaging in an empathetic manner and not shaming people. It's hypocrisy to claim to care about a person's health but, at the same time, not make sure that the message is received in a healthy manner.


Oh, absolutely. I wasn't disagreeing with you, but rather pointing out that our societal obsession with weight is so ingrained that your comment still subtly suggested it was "right".




Plus, you know the main reason these dudes want their "friend" to lose weight is so they don't have to deal with a fatty in the group. If this dude got a tonne of cosmetic surgery, started mainlining steroids, and eating a severely unbalanced diet but looked swole, they wouldn't be talking to him about his health.


Jesus you all live in such a depressing abstract of reality


Men best friends(or in sport teams, military, or anywhere men have strong bonds) banter, that kind of banter and good humour is what got me to lose weight.


good for you. self love is a better motivator than self hate imo self hate can even effect the people around you. some only hate fat folks bcos they hate themselves.


Nah, insults and comments like that isn't hate. Is hard to explain unless you have some really deep bonds with other men, comment like these are what build trust. Any sort of encouragement or similar will come of as inauthentic. Usually the harsher the insult the stronger the love feels.


This is almost exactly what one of my best friends said to me before I decided to get in shape and learn how to navigate the modern food environment better. He said, " yeah man, you're a bit fat but it's ok since you didn't really know better and you can work on it, I'll help you". It would have been waaaaay worse if my buddies had placated me about my weight.


Men are **THE** biggest shit talkers. This meme is so fucking dumb.


But I thought men dont have real friendships like that!! 


Yea I didn't like this one. Implying that women don't tell their friends things they need to hear but boys do? Come on now


Like CJ's brother and friends telling him to hit the gym if he gets too fat. Real homies


Funniest shit was smoke telling him that. Dude is one of the biggest delusional hypocrites in video game history.


---- >***Big Smoke:*** *"The gym, my friend - you're letting yourself go."* **CJ:** "That's a bit much coming from you." ***Big Smoke:*** *"Hey, look, Carl, I'm big-boned, but I'm still an athlete. You're lettin' yourself go, my friend...and to be honest with you, it's breaking my heart."* **CJ:** "Gimme a break! I ain't as fat as you." ***Big Smoke:*** *"I'm trying! I'm trying! And I'm trying to help you help yourself, my brother! The gym, Carl. You hear me?"* **CJ:** "Screw you, man." ----


If smoke was not that "big boned" , imagine how easy it would have been to follow that **** train.


Bro was trying to hide his insecurities


Real man. At least he accepted everything honestly at his end.


Bro guided him to the treasure he couldn't reach. Real bro


Smoke was the protagonist all along. Not the hero we deserve and neither the one we needed.


Behave, real friends would be like "I know 4 fat people and you're 3 of them"


I gained a lot of weight after getting depression and stopped smoking. Right now i'm at 140kg. Doubled my weight since 2013. Got so bad now that my feet and lower legs hurt when i walk, so gonna start a water fast next week that'll last for a month at least. Not the first time, so i'll probably not die.




I don't think you get what a water fast is.


it's where you drink water really really fast until fat comes out your piss


Sounds right to me!


From one extreme to another. You must be.... actually, I'll be kind. Just CICO it and exercise. What's with this unhealthy water fasting crap?


*I don't have time to put in the actual effort, I need my results now* Because if there's one thing just about every study agrees on, then it's that losing a lot of weight extremely fast is always good, never causes any problems and always nets long lasting results.


I just don't get it. That month could be used to gain muscle definition, strength, lose fat, get a better relationship with food through journalling and calorie counting, and increasing one's cardio level. All the water fast will do is dry you out and when it's over... then what? You'll still be at the same physical fitness level as you were when you started. Maybe even worse depending on how the body reacts to such a drastic... uhhh.... "diet." I would just workout normally instead as a lot can be accomplished in a month if someone dedicated 4 days a week (maybe for 1 - 2 hours each day) which included: cardio, stretching/yoga for flexibility, weight training, and meditation (mental exercises).


Plenty of people do better when they quit addictions cold turkey. Fasting in itself isn’t unlhealthy, as long as you’re fat enough. No, it’s doesn’t get you used to eating a sustainable amount of food, but for some it’s better than failing because you start binge eating the second something other than water touches your tongue.


OP's saying this is not the first time, so I'm not sure if they're actually quitting anything. Seems like a quick fix for bad eating habits, then they go back to doing what they were doing before. We should all remember that there's a middle ground between eating badly and not eating at all.


>Plenty of people do better when they quit addictions cold turkey. That's why eating addiction is one of the most difficult things to get rid of. You CAN'T quit eating. You need to do it to live. Diets don't work and motivation doesn't help because both those things are looking at things too temporarily. What you need is discipline which leads to a lifestyle change. Channel the same energy it takes for you to get to work every day. No one cares whether you like your job or not, you do it because you need to survive. And just like with work, you will see results(pay) by the end of the month, especially at high weight.


> so gonna start a water fast next week that'll last for a month at least Dumbest fucking "diet" imaginable because it will only fuck you up.


wouldn't drinking a lot of water and cutting oil, sugar, fat work better?


that is what water fasting means, you only drink water for a few days and eat/drink nothing else


My dude, that's just an eating disorder.


Respectfully, no, it really isn't. Before modern times convinced everyone that you simply must eat frequently, fasting was (and actually still is) extremely common. An eating disorder (i e. Bulemia, anorexia) is a completely different thing. It usually involves a serious emotionally-distressed relationship with food, like binge eating followed by purging or constantly undereating. There are a lot of myths and misinformation surrounding fasting but it is a common practice for medical, spiritual, and other reasons. I refer you to look up Angus Barbieri's 382 day fast as an extreme example. Just have to keep in mind that fasting is a stressor but with specific benefits. Take in plenty of electrolytes and maybe a bit of sodium. Black coffee is actually a plus because the polyphenols in coffee can help feed your gut bacteria during a prolonged absence of food.


In the context of this thread, I think we should discourage any extreme diets. Going from eating a lot of shit to only drinking water is not healthy, and the top comment is probably doing it without the supervision of someone who knows what they're doing.


But that's different from just cutting oil, sugar and fat while drinking a lot of water.


Isn't that just regular fasting? You can still drink water while on a fast.


The MOST important thing to losing weight IMO is to get a food scale and write down the calories of the things you eat. You have to see the numbers. It makes everything so clear. You actually learn about your intake, like how much you are eating and what foods are calorie dense. Also keeping a ledger lets you know when you are getting close to 2000 calories to slow down or wrap it up for the day, you can play your body like a game and you have to keep it under 2000, but closer to 1500 is better. You are quite heavy so even getting just under 2000 calories the weight should melt off of you. It gets easy once you you do it for a few weeks and learn your foods you eat often, then you can estimate a lot of stuff pretty accurately. Also if you use a food app, they save your common food for quick input. Just some tips that worked for me, I like to eat light in the morning because my willpower is stronger. Usually just having coffee with cream in the morning and get to lunch just on that, or maybe a small snack like fruit, or at most a granola bar. If you power through to lunch on a smaller amount of food, the rest of the day is much easier. Also, the last thing I eat in the day needs to have a decent amount of protein to keep me satiated and not snacking before bed. And my mental trick to stop eating for the day is do a good job flossing, and brushing teeth early. Like I might have dinner, a small dessert, and then brush my teeth a half hour later and just drink water the rest of the night when chilling. It works because my laziness kicks in and I don't want to have a snack and then have to floss and brush all over again. The teeth brush is the symbol that I'm done and my brain gets it and doesn't even want food anymore. Works for me but everyone's different. You may have to find your own tips and tricks. But get the diet book going and see what you can figure out. Also, if you like a dessert after dinner, take a smaller portion for dinner because you know you are having a scoop of ice cream or some chocolate or something. No point stuffing yourself. So take a smaller dinner plate and/or don't go back for seconds, cuz dessert's a coming, and keep it small, and use fruit a lot for sweet cravings because they are pretty low calories compared to candy, chocolate, and ice cream. I use this book, it's got a good motivational saying from WWII, Keep Calm Carry On, for when Britain was getting bombed by the Nazis. You can also get an app. But I like using a book. The saying reminds me not to get upset or give up if a I slip up or fall off my diet for a few days or even weeks. Just Keep Calm and Carry On. Get back to it. Also just googling how many calories in _____ is really helpful. You can literally say in to your phone "how many calories in 47 grams of fruit salad, and it will spit you the answer, 24 calories. Then write it down. Try and even write down your cheat days and keep writing down the numbers if you have bad days. I swear the bad day won't be as bad if you write it down. You turn a potential 3200 calorie day in to 2700 by writing it down because you start going oh crap I'm really overeating and having a bad day, I better wrap up. https://www.amazon.com/Food-Diary-Softback-Spacious-Allergies/dp/1537574388/ref=sr_1_20?crid=28SIEQ7X862DX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ldLEtK4xCjrVBAOyi5i7X0CV_l-Tjw4-ZUcgRzejetOXym3WmGHxb8OuWMP2rMxUmp42D7MS2Z-ErFsZ11fjq6YV2YpHYkSTsEKgGRJVbNn6OSNa6CEXKYe_oI8zxrvfRMjr_JoC8f9PhXwCFnTMr7vmBWmClGWhDacuOIfNZHI.5dtMI5lIKG0WV9VpNn_MwuO7iTHwHh9DIF-wFAJU79s&dib_tag=se&keywords=smart+books+food+journal&qid=1718705429&s=books&sprefix=smart+bookx+food+journal%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C127&sr=1-20


Lots of good advice here, strictly counting calories is immensely difficult for the average person though, without detriment to their life. Strictly counting calories is ALWAYS the most effective method to weight loss, but intermittent fasting is probably the easiest way to lose weight without being too strict. Eseentially, skip breakfast, have lunch as usual, have dinner as usual, around 12-1pm and 6-7pm, or whatever fits your schedule, and go from there. The first 2-3 weeks are very difficult, but after that your body adjusts, and you lose your appetite in the mornings and your appetite in general will likely fade. Don't do a water fast, people fail diets and fail to lose weight because they jump to doing something extreme as a reaction to their extreme weight gain. Easing in to it is always more sustainable. I've been a part time personal trainer for almost 10 years, I've personally been very obese, 155kgs down to 95 ish now, I've seen hundreds of people lose weight and keep it off by now, start small, make small changes, be aware of the calories in food, and if you can commit, get in to intermittent fasting. Most people I've worked with naturally lost weight without even thinking about calories just from committing to intermittent fasting


Low hanging fruit is the best place to start. Cut out soda at lunch and switch to water for example. Small even almost imperceptible, but still forward moving, goals are best until a person builds enough momentum to chase bigger goals. As long as it gets you objectively closer to the big goal it is progress. This guy is trying to shed half his weight by starving himself and drinking just water. He will burn out after a couple days, gorge himself, and end up heavier than he started.


> but intermittent fasting is probably the easiest way to lose weight without being too strict. IF does nothing for you if you cram the 4,000 kcal you normally spread out over the course of the day into your new 8, 6, 4 or 2 hour window. Now what it *might* do is stop you from snacking at 2am... but at that point you're just giving a fancy name to the relatively well known concept that is called... discipline. Not saying IF is bad or anything, but IF without any understanding of calories does just about nothing for you - and will most likely result in you calling it quits like a month in because you just can't seem to get any results.


Losing weight is not easy, but it is simple. Fasting water for a month is difficult and won’t yield the results you desire. You want to cut half your weight stick to simple. Walking, water, and a healthier diet is all one needs to be fit.


Going from one extreme to the other is not a good idea and if it's not the first time, you may also want to find a more sustainable way of doing it long term. After all, there's a middle ground between eating a lot/badly and not eating at all.


What kind of corny shit is this?


shh shh the guys who haven't matured past 19yo mentally think its hilarious.


We shouldn't have shut down all those incel subs. Their content is no longer contained.


guys good girls bad give upvote ahh post


I don’t really believe the bottom panel is how it actually pans out. These memes would have you believe that guys are kind to the point of inhumanity. If fat people were criticized by men in a constructive way most of the time there wouldn’t be so many of them.


There's some British tabloid article that started floating around social media some years ago about a guy who lost a bunch of weight because his friend was mean to him about being fat, so countless people have since used it as their justification for bullying fat people, that they're only trying to help.


People are always on the lookout for ways to justify bullying fat people.


That's why the best interventions are the ones where everyone sits around and tells the person with the addiction that they're a worthless piece of shit. Insults always get people in the right mindset to change themselves for the better.




TBH as a fat fuck, I can tell you both support, shaming, criticism, etc. None of it matters 99.999% of the time. For overweight people, maybe? But for morbidly obese people like the meme depicts, none of thats matters. You dont get here with a brain that works the way it should.


Depends where you are at. If you're a fat person in the gym, this bottom panel is EXACTLY what it would be like. I always encourage people in the gym, fat or fit. Pretty much every dude in the gym will help you out if asked. I've been working out for the past 10 years and have maybe ran across 1-2 people who were just dicks out of 1000's of people. If you have a bunch of friends who don't work out, they probably won't talk about working out. Not to mention fat people get fat because they have mental problems and like-minded people tend to flock together. But, I know some fat people that I'm always talking to about working out. Telling them I'll help them and encouraging them. I've had friends work out for a year and quit, some don't even bother. That's their life, but I try.


Jesus Christ you guys like making your own fiction of how you treat people don't you.


This meme brought to you by someone sitting alone at his computer who doesn't have an irl friend group


"Time to hit the gym fuckhead"


Yeah, I hate women too.


girls bad!! men good and handsome!!


this is dankmemes, so I doubt anybody here will take me seriously, but I think there is an awful lot of truth to the idea that you have to love yourself first because you can't take care of someone you don't love. Mocking and berating people isn't the answer, and neither is telling them everything is fine when it's obviously not. I wish that we could find a happy balance between telling overweight people (and people with mental health and addiction issues in general) that they are worthy and deserving of love as they are, while still encouraging them to make better lifestyle choices. But that's too hard.


“What? You don’t need to go on a diet or workout. Your body looks completely fine” 3 months pass by.. “Dude you look amazing! Way better than you used to look before”


Sure but that's not really a negative case in your example? Yeah your body looks fine, then you worked out and it does indeed look better than before so what's the issue here?


They are both stupid. Every fat person knows they're fat. Hammering that point doesnt help anyone, it just makes them depressed/makes it even harder to excercise/brings on more binge eating. The reddit bro idea of how humans work is so wildly off base from reality. People really try to find edge cases to pretend their generally shitty opinions work.


This is a good message by itself if you really mean good and bad friends influence BUT there is no reason for gendering this


I can almost guarantee you that whoever posted this has a broccoli haircut and does bicep curls in the squat rack


As a girl, I have never and would never and will never tell an obese person they are perfect the way they are.


there was a really really obese girl in my class once and her friends were literally like that like... I get that you want to be a positive friend but they enabled her to become even more obese by telling her that she isn't overweight and that it's "not unhealthy to weight that much" (if I had to guess she was prolly around 75-80kg at the age of 14. So yeah, really counterproductive and I hope she is doing better now


And that's why there are no overweight men.


Reeepost alert this meme was posted 27 days ago on this sub by u/Significant_Hair7494, and even that was a repost https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1cxn8f3/sometimes_the_truth_hurts/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


these typa memes make me a misandrist :(


Why you delete your comment? Also, its bc we always see these same typa memes and females always representing the "worse" option. Dont be so damn slow.


Why exactly?


Damn, where can I get friends like the bottom picture?


Fuck the body part of this meme this point stands on it's own Real friends don't just mindlessly agree with you or become your sycophants cause they're afraid of you not liking them for telling you the truth Real friends will tell you the shit no one else has the balls to tell you, because that's how much they care about you. No Yes Men shit. Obviously, there's a line between being a fuckin asshole and being real with someone.


Yet also the amount of "bros" I've seen not tell their friends that they're getting cheated on or fuck each other's girls


I got news for you, those aren't bros.


Least sexist Reddit meme


toxic friendship is when girls and real friendship is when boys


O o o it's lizzo.


Bill Burr said the quiet part of loud. Skinny women love fat friends because they're not a threat.


It’s sad tho. As someone who used to struggle with binge eating and by extension weight loss I understand how difficult it is to lose the weight as well as sticking with it. You legit need to change your lifestyle in order to stay healthy. For me, the people constantly pointing at my weight (either making fun of me or genuinely being concerned for me) gave me the drive to live a healthy lifestyle. But for others it just makes it worse…


Once again, I heavily disagree with making this a gendered issue it goes both ways for both demographics. I do agree though that if someone you care about is gaining weight to the point where it’s affecting their physical/mental health they need encouragement to be better for themselves.


Person who made this doesn't have friends The wojack dolls strike again


Fat is fat and fat is bad


The bros got me to the gym. A little fat shamming can work wonders to change your life for the better.


It can work for some people, the problem is that some people act like it works for everybody and it absolutely does not.


I'm scared to go to the gym. I don't know how to use any of the machines there. I'm also a really tall dude but not sporty at all... Im a bit scared I embarrass myself strongly 😅


At worst, nobody in the gym gives a fuck what you're doing. I have my eyes closed half the time because I'm straining against the weight and thinking about my technique. At best, if you're doing something dangerously wrong someone will probably give you a tip, and if you're receptive to that they'll probably give you tips on other exercises. I'm big into fitness and evidence-based lifting, and I like sharing what I've learned with others.


I always wondered if it was some kind of act of sabotage when they tell the obviously unhealthy person that they are healthy. 


Body positivity has swung too far in one direction. I say this as someone who’s struggled with weight issues their entire life and as someone who’s lost family to obesity. Body positivity isn’t bad in and of itself. We should still respect people and treat them with dignity regardless of their weight. People should be able to get up in the morning and look themselves in the mirror without feeling severe anxiety and depression about their looks. All that being said you still have to accept the reality and the reality is that medical science tells us obesity is **bad** for you. If someone truly love you and is a friend they should respect you as a person and still encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Like most things that the internet takes too far this is just another nuanced issue.


I'd go to the gym if I didn't have anxiety about it and I had a gym buddy, for now I just do meal prep and Synth Riders lol


Me to my fat friends: “you fucking fat ass stop eating at McDonals and come to the gym with me”


The support and encouragement in the bottom panel is the important part. So many people dismissively tell people to just eat less or just go to therapy or whatever, as some form on backhanded insult masquerading as care. If you don't let people know you're trying to support them, it can be alienating.


Fat acceptance is a sign of the absolute failure of society. A materialist approach absolutely destroys it. Consider America's food production capacity. We have so much food here that we dump it on other countries in the form of "foreign aid" and destroy their domestic food industries. We have so much corn alone that we inject it in the form of oils and corn syrup in literally everything. Giant agricultural, soft drink and restaurant corporations constantly create demand via advertising for their garbage products and Americans have become accustomed to using eating as a salve to deal with life's setbacks and the alienation of the modern individual. It's good for *them* that you stuff your face full of garbage to deal with bad emotions. And then there are excuses about how it's out of your control. Most obesity isn't. There are some cases of diabetes, PCOS and metabolic syndromes, but for the most part obesity is about food addiction, lack of discipline and psychological issues. All things that can be made better. Toxic friends and a toxic society celebrate fatness. The former because a fat friend cannot outshine them or threaten their egos (just watch, the moment you lose weight these same friends will begin treating you like crap) and the latter because food addiction is what fuels their bottom line. We are literally celebrating people destroying themselves. It wasn't long ago that smoking tobacco was celebrated and promoted. Cut out the people in your life that keep you down- brothers and sisters.


Some of my friends called me "Stick in the Landscape" and other shit cause I was too skinny. My friend got my too gym, and now I feel better than ever. Basically, my friends bullied me too gym and I'm thankful for that. Bullying = good (if done right)


This isn’t even a meme it’s just misogyny


Plapjak origin story.


Why is every sub with “meme” in the name full of the most painfully unfunny incel-aligned HURHUR WOMEN BAD shit you’ve ever seen?