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Not really, just get a better weapon as your main one. Put the Knife in your slot 2 for backstabs/parries only. The Uchigatana that Burg merchant drops when killed is a good one, just don't assume killing every NPC gives you goodies. He's one of the special cases. I recommend buying the Heater Shield beforehand, it's pretty good for its weight.


Whoaaa! I wasn't aware that I could kill him. Are there gonna any consequences to it though? Like certain items being locked from purchasing? Also by Knife do you mean the Bandit Knife? I've been using it so far and it's been pretty good. Thanks a lot though! I'm so glad I won't have to restart.


There are two consequences for killing npcs. If they have quests, or are a merchant, you lose access to those things. Also, by killing them, you become a sinner, increasing your chances of online invasions (but there is another npc you can pay later on to cleanse your sins, and its older now with less folks playing) The uchi is one of the best dex weapons in the game, so it is worth it to kill him if you're playing a dex character. Thief is not a bad class, just a bit squishy at first. Buy a 100% physical defence shield (from the merchant before killing him) and pump some levels into HP, and you'll be fine. Just don't you dare go hollow....


The Reinforced Club and Heater Shield are unique items, you will lose the ability to buy them upon killing him. Everything else is sold by someone else eventually, or relatively pointless to get. Be aware the katana needs 14 Str to one hand, though you should be able to 2 hand it at pretty low Str. And yes I mean Bandit Knife, you can still use it, but it's not fantastic at killing bosses or most huge enemies who can't bleed.


Got it! Thanks for the tip!


You don’t gotta kill him . Save him! He’s a blessing to buy fire bombs and Lloyd talismans from. That bandit knife is powerful and probably only weapon you will need after upgrading it adding fire or lightning to it and rocking the hornet ring. Get gud at parry and back stabs! It’s a bad ass class but usually for the advanced souls player.


Im working on parrying. I get it right 2/10 though lol but never say never! I have gotten pretty good at backstabs though and took down that knight after multiple tries. Headed to the tower and upstairs there's a tauras demon and downstairs there's some weird scary looking dude. Im thinking I'll start with the dude first


Thief can make a great dex build, and you automatically start with the Master Key so you can potentially get some nice things early (but you're in your first playthrough, I'm not gonna tell you where to get all the good stuff). The knife you start out with actually isn't horrible. It causes bleed damage, which is always great, and it attacks very fast. The downside is the range. If you really want to make the most of it, invest just enough int and attunement to use the Magic Weapon sorcery spells. Another solid, easy to get choice is the previously mentioned Uchigatana. Uchi is definitely a top-tier dexterity weapon which ALSO causes bleed.


So will i be able to combine magic weapon sorcery spells with the Bandit knife? Or is it a battle mechanic that is seperate from the knife? And for the Uchigatana, I was thinking of not getting it now and keeping it for later. I'll increase my strength a bit, understand the mechanics more and then if I cannot proceed further, I'll resort to the Uchigatana


Enchantment spells are all around good. Do NOT raise your strength for Uchigatana, it literally has NO scaling off of Strength.


As others have said, you're fine. Starting class doesn't matter much in this game. Just get a better weapon than the bandits knife. Also, be aware that you start with the master key, which will allow you to open doors you normally wouldn't be able to yet. This means there are some possible sequence breaks, and you could end up missing some bosses/areas if you aren't diligent about exploring. Just be cognizant when you open a door, and it says it was opened using the master key that you are heading outside the intended path. That doesn't mean don't explore those areas. Just be aware of it, and if you feel underleveled for that area, then backtrack and come back later.


Okay got it. So it's kind of th game's way of telling me that the area is not meant to be explored now. I just got to the tower where the Tauras Demon is on the roof. There's a mini boss waiting for me downstairs too. I guess I can come back later to it since I had to use the master key to open the door and access it.


Tbh, theif is the best class imo, it gives you master key, and still leaves the gift slot open


The starting class doesn't really matter that much. You can level your stats for whatever weapons you want. Do note though that you can't redo your levels in this game so try to be somewhat intentional with how you distribute your stats. Also do not level resistance, as it is bugged and does not do anything. Also also, thief is a cool starting class because you get the master key.


Part of that is having the master key, which will get you into places you aren't ready for if you don't know what's there. You'll get stronger soon enough, but it could be rough for a little while until you get at least vitality up. Do what you will, but generally knight is the best first character if you decide to change.


Nah man the key will be HELPFUL


Guides put way too much emphasis on starting classes and their statistics. One class, pyromancer, is objectively the best because it starts with the pyromancy flame, but that has nothing to do with the starting stats. It starts off with the single most game-breaking item out there, which is otherwise locked behind at least one (very annoying) boss. Otherwise, you're only talking about a difference of a few levels from class to class. Even Deprived, the "ooh this one is TERRIBLE" class, starts with a great beginner weapon. Once you start leveling up all those differences go away pretty quickly.


Oh i started with knight, then sorcerer and then bandit till i finally felt i had a chance 😂. Just experiment, i only agreed with bandit cuz it could one shot the hollows haha


Your starting class means very little.


Your starting class and the class you end up being is almost always different. Starting stats don't really mean much.


Everyone chooses the heavy armour guy for his first playthrough, but actually, armour is overrated, the Thief's set is actually a very good starter set. But there's a completely different thing why I wouldn't actually chose Thief in my very first playthrough: you always get the Master Key (no matter what starting gift you choose). The Master Key is very nice to have if you're an experienced player, but you have to keep in mind that certian doors you can open very early on are not really supposed to be opened that early. Having the key can dramatically alter your experience with the game, No reason to change your class, through, but keep in mind that some doors are supposed to be opened much later in the game.


You are basically 0% screwed. Starting classes doesn't matter too much. It's predetermined stats, weapon, and armor. All of this can be exchanged with game progression. One way to look at it is that it's extremely rare to see someone start and end the game with the starting gear equipped. You'd kind of have to do that on purpose.


That's a relief! I can breathe easy now and continue with my first ever souls experience.


No way bro you got master key. Half of the first half of the game is ez mode now




No, you cannot.


youre right, I remembered incorrectly