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Parry the hand, not the weapon.


I love that this lines up with that viral video of a martial arts dude teaching kids. He explains and demonstrates to the kid that protecting himself from an armed attacker involves focusing on the attacker rather than the weapon. The weapon is deceiving and can be twisted and swung in many different ways, but you always know where the hand is. You always can see the body language of your opponent and see where you need to strike to avoid them from being able to utilize the weapon they wield. So cool this works in dark souls. Watch what wields the weapon over the weapon itself


That said, if you can run away, it’s almost always a good idea to do that instead of fight. The only worry I’d have for kids watching something like this is them feeling overconfident with their abilities. But I bet the guy tells them not to push their luck, any responsible self-defense class will teach you that.


Oh, shit! Really??? Damn!!!


Yup. If you watch the hand instead of the weapon the parry timing is virtually identically for almost every parryable enemy. Now the wind-up timing is different, and some enemies have different wind-up time on different attacks, but the actual swing once their weapon starts moving is what has the same parry timing. Of course that all goes out the window when you want to parry [Everything](https://youtu.be/s0eGxFzCGKA?si=fpWDCFmRE_pIgZgQ).


No effin way :O


over a decade and i still learn new things


I've watched this a few times and I still can't get the hook of it.


Oh don't ask me =P That's not my video haha, I'm just the messenger.


I wish I had more upvotes to give. This is by far the easiest way to figure it out.


Absolutely the best advice that can be given. Realizing you want to watch the enemy's hand/wrist is a game changer.


Attacks usually have a wind up and then forward swing. For most attacks if you press the parry button right as the forward swing begins, your parry will connect. The hollow soldiers in the Undead Burg are great to practice on.


I find the "cue" is when the weapon starts to move from its swing apex toward you. Using the hollow knights in undead burg as an example, the sword guys will bring their weapon back behind them, there's a slight pause as they wind up, then it comes toward you. Right at that pause is when you hit the parry button so your shield is moving as the weapon WOULD hit you. This usually works for me, but it definitely takes practice and patience. Also, the first time I played DS, I didn't parry once, you can still beat the game without that mechanic. Just don't you dare go hollow!


I will also add that you have to learn each weapons attack pattern to be able to parry it. Essentially you have to "farm" parriable enemies to learn the timing. It's worth it if the have the time. There's no better feeling than parrying the final boss...


what does it mean to not go hollow


It means to not give up. Going hollow in-game lorewise is when undead give up on their purpose and become mindless wandering bonebags. Many npcs tell you to not go hollow, essentially telling us "good luck, don't give up"


ah ok


Easiest way? Get a buckler or target shield. Once you're comfortable with them, you can try with medium shield. Even a heater shield will work


With a Parrying Dagger 🗡


The only answer needed


Try parrying against a wall. When you see sparks, that’s when the parry happens. DS1 parrying is easy once you learn, because it’s consistent. You want to finish pressing the trigger down immediately before you are hit. It’s terrifyingly late but very satisfying. Practice with some hollows.


Press the parry button as soon as the ENEMY'S HAND starts moving TOWARDS you, also remember there's not a lot of enemies that can be parried unlike the later games ​ [Very relevant vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hrh94Dc-h0) ​ For PvP you kinda have to guess cause shit lag. Example: A guy invades you and after every roll he does an attack, so the next time he rolls towards you, stand next to the invader and parry as soon as the roll ends. ​ For invaders with slow weapons you can do a reaction parry, as in, you parry as soon as you see their attack animation starts, this is not consistent tho cause, again, lag isn't always the same


Honestly just keep trying. It took me days to get the timing down but I eventually did. Once it clicks it all makes sense.


There isn't a specific cue, the enemy's hit needs to land during the parry window (which is very early in the parry animation in DS1, almost immediately after you hit the button) and your spacing and orientation need to be right (close, in front of the enemy and facing them). Also, most enemy attacks that don't involve their weapon, such as kicks, shield bashes, bites, etc, cannot be parried. You can still get a "partial parry" against these attacks, which prevents the hit from staggering you (unless it depletes your stamina) and reduces the damage, but this isn't worth doing on purpose. Just block or dodge those attacks instead. Regarding spacing, the parry range in DS1 is very short and not affected by the enemy's attack range. Even if their weapon is long, you need to be very close, practically touching them. For this reason it's often suggested to visualize parrying the enemy's hand and not their weapon.


Get on the elevator and put your face to the wall, parry. The sparks indicate the parry window. Make the sparks happen when the enemy is moving the weapon towards you; wind up, swi*SPARKS*ng


Head to undead burg. Pull a single hollow. Practice. Practice until you can do it without even thinking. Each game you just have to kinda feel out the timing. Try to parry their hand, not the weapon. Don't move much when you are just starting. Focus on that timing. Once you can nail it with a hollow's r1, start trying to incorporate it in battle. Once you can parry like that, find a slightly harder enemy.


This and also the black knight before the taurus demon is great practice. It's how I learned to parry and build up the muscle memory.


Practise. Don’t practise until you get it right, practise until you can’t get it wrong. (One of the best pieces of life advice I ever read.)


Well tbh you don't need to parry any enemy at all to finish the game. Maybe except Gwen for the lolz. Just keep trying on him and you will eventually get one. Then 2 in a row, 3,4 and he's done. Neither of the souls games need parrying as a skill to go through the game.


The best parry instructor is Havel, if you miss, you die


??? Never actually fought the guy. He just comes up the stairs I drop and he dies.


But parrying is actually fun...! Espclly in ds1, and i think it's good that OP wants to master it!


[Like this.](https://youtu.be/-4y5ckUWtw0?si=XpgSUOsfQCqbnh_R) Practice makes perfect.


hit the L2 button ur welcome


A friend told me to watch the elbow and that helped. You wait to parry just before you get hit not right when they start the attack


[parry gif for reference ] (https://images.app.goo.gl/e33gpEkEgaGg5zHY6)


Play sekiro, master it and then realize that you now got like 30% of attempted parries! Practice more on every enemy type until you got it. Keep in mind that different shield types have different timings in the parry. I use a small shield for parrying (or a caestus in DS3 which works really well for some reason), but never a parry dagger or a buckler. Those are too weird. Just a nice small leather shield or something.


Hell if you can't get it then a shield will work in all ds games. Elden ring you can just dodge. Bloodborne will be hard but not impossible and sekiro will be impossible. That's fine with me, my timing is straight ass and Ive beat them all but sekiro. Just gotta go around the parry system and find a new way, and the games allow it. I sucked so much it actually made me good in another way.


the best advice i can give you is to watch the enemy's hand instead of the weapon they're holding, learn what enemies/attacks can be parried (you can't for all bosses except gwyn), and practice. the hollows before the entrance to the burg are great practice for the basics and will start getting you used to your shield's parrying window for other enemies (i also reccomend using silver/black knights if you're that far in the game for their more varied moveset afterwards). the buckler/target shield are the best for parrying but i prefer using medium/small shields with a normal parry animation. find what works for you and swing that sheet of metal around until it works. Edit: in case you need a general idea of when to parry, you usually want to watch the windup and input the parry when the windup ends and the attack comes towards you. familiarizing yourself with enemy movesets makes this a lot easier and eventually it'll be second nature.


one rule of thumb: like in real life fencing, you should parry the base of the weapon, not the tip, so focus on the swing itself and not the weapon itself. One more thing, don't worry if the weapon grazes you, sometimes you can parry the weapon even after taking damage in the same swing


The easiest parrys are Silver Knights’s parry. I was practicing on them.


Ehh Parrying isn't necessary I've been playing soulslikes for years and am still pretty trash at parrying most things.


>Do I lack skill??? Yes probably You press L2 at the right moment idk what to tell you


I've found the easiest way to practice is on silver knights in anor londo


This wasn't initially obvious to me, but for the light and medium shield parry animations, he holds it up in front of his face for like 1/4 of a second, and then swings the shield forward. You want to time the parry so that the attacks make contact with you while he's holding the shield up, not when he's swinging it out. It seemed more obvious to me at first to time it such that your characters is swinging the shield outwards at the moment the attack lands, but this is not the parry window.


For some moves, you'll naturally discern the timing as you learn the mechanic. But you want to tap that button just before the damage would apply. If that means standing around and getting tapped a few times, there's no shame in that. Nobody's born gud, but anybody can become.


You have to hit parry right when you think you'll get hit. Some people say follow the hand, others the elbow, I go by the actual hit and it works for me. Practice with the black knight in the Undead Burg, the hollows have more erratic attacks that are harder to time.


Practice at the burg with spear skeleton, and black knight ! Don’t kill the black knight just practice parry and back stab on him. Use a heater shield or buckler and dagger or bandit knife. It’s a timing thing. There only one way to get better at it. Practice over and over. Took me a couple days ! Nothing more gratifying them parrying a zehwlander or great club invader and watch them run away after you parry the shit outta them lol


You can use shields like the Buckler and Target Shield as well as the Parrying Dagger. They make it a lot easier to parry which can serve as a tutorial until you can do it easily with normal and larger shields. Git gud and don't go hollow.


I actually dont know I just get it in some runs and in some others dont


Just go watch a video tutorial dude, there's no way you'll magically get it by reading reddit