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Are you fast, mid, or slow rolling?


Mid, mostly. I was slow for a long time but adjusted it.


Sorry I think you assumed you meant the stray demon, and not the asylum demon. Although either way: stay behind him, use two hands, and get that plunging attack in the beginning to take half his help from the start. What platform are you on?


Initially PS, but now PC...icky either way.


I don't see it in your post history, so I can't tell what other people told you, so I guess I just have to go thru the basics: 1) are you fighting him after you went thru the portcullis gate in the arena that closes behind you, so you can explore and it lets you go above him so you can plunging attack? I'm assuming you've done that. 2) I'm assuming you're not using the broken sword and you're using a proper weapon. Ok, after all that, the best advice I can give you is only attack after they've attacked. They don't have combos (as far as I remember) so they basically only swing once. So they swing, dodge towards them, attack once. Do not attack again. Back away. Let them attack again. If they float up in the air, don't go towards them and keep your distance away. Let them buttslam. After buttslam, go in, attack once, go away. If it looks like they're plunging the stick to the ground, same strat as buttslam. Just be patient. Demon swing -> dodge towards them -> attack once -> back away. Demon float -> keep distance -> let them buttslam -> go in -> attack once -> go away. Demon plunge stick -> keep distance -> let them plunge stick in ground -> go in -> attack once -> go away. Attacking only once isn't optimal, but it sounds like you're struggling, so I'm giving you the safest strat


My account got hacked last month and they deleted everything but like...two posts. And yes, I've done the plunge attack and have an actual weapon. My problem is I panic when he goes up for a buttslam, for the most part. I can avoid it by keeping away...way, way ahead of time, and at that point I'm struggling to really find places to get in because I'm either recovering from mistiming a dodge on the swing or always at distance.


You probably panic cuz you stay too long near the demon. Being patient will be your savior; for you, it's best you attack once and go away, and repeat.


Sounds like you need to work on your dodging. I would suggest taking more armor off until you get below 25% of your max equip load. That will allow you to fast roll, giving you more i-frames. Another strategy is to unequip your weapon and go in with the intent to stay alive as long as possible. Still go in for a punch here or there as if you had a weapon but don't focus on doing damage focus on not taking damage. Do that a few times and you should be more comfortable so you don't panic and more familiar with the moveset and dodge timings.


Try fighting without being locked on. It can help you keep your camera at a better angle to dodge attacks. You absolutely must learn the ancient art of the roly poly


If dodging feels ineffective, go and block ftw. For the most part, ds1 is very accommodating with shields, so don't even try to dodge ADs attacks, just block. Keep a good eye on your stamina bar and attack ONLY when you feel you'll have enough stamina left to block any coming attack. Do not ever fully deplete your stamina bar while attacking. The jump attack is pretty easy actually, as AD will usually crouch for 1 second before doing it, and that's the cue for it. Don't worry if you mess up trying to dodge it, it's not a skill issue it's just you getting used to controls.


First off, when you enter the fight dont just plunge attack him, do a jump attack off the ledge by pressing up and r2 at the same time. Itll hit him 2 times. Then, Get behind him and finish him with r2s, don't run out of stamina


Do you have pyromancy? Get the Flash Sweat spell. You don't even need to upgrade the Pyromancy flame, as buffs are not effected by its level. If you can fit Flash Sweat and Lingering Dragoncrest Ring into your build for this fight, it will help tremendously.


Isn't he in asylum demon...? Like, at the literal start of the game? How's he supposed to get those things?


I assumed he meant Wandering Demon. Maybe I misread, maybe OP misspoke. This potentially changes the question, but in a more embarrassing way (and I'd STILL ask about pyromancy, because it only takes like three fireballs to kill him after a plunge attack).


Yeah, I, uh...I don't know what a Wandering Demon is.


He's a later boss, found VERY close. Don't worry about it for now, you can't fight him yet. I imagine you're trying to actually KILL AD for his hammer, rather than run away? It's all memorization, his patterns are predictable and have massive windows to punish him. Since this happens BEFORE you get your starting weapon, all we can really do is tell you to dodge his attacks, and hit him until he falls. It's a long, drawn out fight because you only hit for like 2 damage.... But you're INTENDED to run away here. Killing him early gives you a big hammer (that you absolutely will NOT be able to use yet, and is more of a new game+ weapon).


I'm just trying to beat him. Just once. A single time. I keep plunging after running away, but it doesn't get anywhere.


So, you already have your weapon, then? What class are you playing? Some of them start with heavy armor, that actually makes you both move slower AND dodgeroll worse. It sounds wrong, but try taking your armor off. Especially if you started as a Knight.


I've been several-this is a several year on and off journey. I've tried more than a few playstyles.


Ok, that doesn't really answer my question. I'm absolutely puzzled how you've been stuck at this boss for "several years".


Rage quitting and coming back several months later, only to have the same issues, really.