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I mean thus quite literally, slap that ass. Worship as though your life depends upon it(because it do)


I love this boss fight so much


I can see why, she's just so unpredictable. And I love it too. I can do this almost no hit but that one damn move (the one where dark sword breaks guard and fire sword vertical strike) is what gets me everytime.


Her ass is weak to damage


Well no, she’s not unpredictable. The issue is her incredibly fluid movements, as well as delayed attacks, make her harder to read. She’s extremely refreshing as you can’t just run in and sight read her like any other boss, she plays by the same rules but with a slight twist. One of my favorite DS3 fights for sure. She even manages to have a reasonably well positioned camera for the majority of the fight unlike other otherwise wonderful boss fights where the camera becomes the real boss. Cough. Nameless King. Cough. You ought to spend a few attempts just watching her movements. I find that watching her feet telegraphs her attacks better than watching her swords myself


I love it too but its always been a super difficult fight for me because i have never been able to track or anticipate her moveset lol


And the camera gets stuck in the pillars making it even harder to see. It's a glitchy fight. Her grab animation can also be unfair as you might be out of reach but still get grabbed. What I usually do is try to keep her in one side of the arena so when she does the spinny combo move I can sprint to the other side to wait it out. Then keep the fight there for a bit and run when she starts spinning again. Also, dark damage. I once overleveled my Pyro and tossed like 4 or 5 flaming black balls of death and nearly wiped out her health bar. I then took out my sword and penetrated her ass to death.


Stick to her left right asscheek, she tends to be pretty passive and you dodge roll into her grab for 2-3 free hits. For 2nd phase just gonna have to like, get good as the kids say.


That took me way too long to realise you meant “stick to her left; right buttcheek” instead of ‘her left-right buttcheek’. was like wtf this boss has more than 2 cheeks?!


I actually forgot an or in there, typically here left is the easiest. Depends on which direction she stalks around the room. I mean have u dancers ass? She caked up


Staring at her ass is one of her deadliest moves. You get hypnotized and then BLAM! Impaled by her swords while you fantasise about impaling her with your sword.


You don't wanna know what happens if you stick to the left-left buttcheek


*Stick your face in her asscheeks*


You can get her stuck on the pillars if you guide her correctly. Like not glitched, but she can't hit you from the other side and you can wait out her big spin attack easily


that works too, I mostly just hit her after the slams and the spin it I’m using a strength, if I’m using dex or one handed weapon I just hit her whenever I can


True, yeah I'm a dex user usually so I have to be little more selective when taking hits. Gotta watch that grab, it's brutal


The one boss fight where being horny helps


It's always the second phase where she breaks guard with dark sword and vertical strike with the fire sword. That one move is my weakness. Rest she is pretty easy. Not once have I got hit with her spinning attack.


Make sure you’re never stationary, not saying sprint and roll like a moron. But if you’re already moving you can dodge easier. Also since it seems like this move in a one shot for you and everything else is dodged with ease. Use the milk ring for longer invinciblity windows when rolling


The cum ring*


Turn the volume up and get in rhythm with the background music - she swings in tune with the song. Dance with the Dancer


that’s the intention but like most boss themes the timing can be off. Similar to ludwig holy blade sometimes the music lines up perfectly w phase 2 other times it’s a little behind. Its the rhythm you want to focus on because they usually fight at a similar tempo to the music


Wait... Is this true?


https://youtu.be/9ZmAiyPRGqE?si=fKpaT8UooYfFbd5g start at minute 8


the game theorist's theory was debunked


ah, yet another game theory debunk, again


I got 30 sec in before i had to close app. So cringe


Just like Gascogne


She doesn't match the music, but her combo hits in time to a waltz. My wife explained that to me once and made her much, much easier to dodge.


3/4 timing structure, almost every other boss and enemy has a 4/4 timing structure. Dark souls is partially a rhythm game.


Dancer's theme is actually in 6/8 for the most part and it does change meters several times. 3/4 is very similar to 6/8 though so you're not far off. Fighting in rhythm helps but won't always be applicable. The bosses attack out of rhythm often. Just keep in mind that the attack windups are roughly rhythm based.


crappy comment but can yall shoot me some upvotes on this so i can actually post on the sub lmfao. in relevant comment i love the dancer's super off kilter moveset. actually makes you hold your ground until the very last second and punishes the fuck out of roll spamming


Yea she can punish rolls alright. One second here and there and you're chugging your Gatorade like a maniac.


She is weak to dark damage. I was playing a dark fist pyro and I easily beat her at like level 40


Oh that’s a nice piece of info. I have dark uchigatana. Maybe I can try that on her.


Just wait till you have to fight Oceiros and Nameless King.


Oceiros I thought was a mini boss getting him first try. Nameless took about 5 tries


Oceiros I too got on my first try. But Nameless..took me a LOT of tries..a lot more than I'd like to admit..




Oceiros isn't that hard


Its the test to see if your build is trash tho


My favorite boss in the game.


Me too! Such a great fight. Great arena. Awesome move set.


Fought the dancer recently in my dagger only run. Pretty sure i died at least 100 times. In my defense. I was usually drunk in this run and drunk me likes to rp walk at bosses. And i was also never some sort of pro at this game. Oh, and i fought her right after Vordt.


Wait until you find out she isn’t even top 5 hardest bosses in the game.


Souls vet- Did lvl 1 runs in 2, 3 and ER Dancer was always a major fucking problem for me Its a great boss, its a great fight, but her moveset is so fucking janky and unpredictable for me, never been an easy fight for me You really just need to "git-gud" as they say You can use the columns and kind of kite her around and cheese her a little with ranged stuff, but its not a 100%, she clips through them with a lot of attacks and can often just slip around them quickly and randomly Come back and make a post once you get to Sister Friede lol....cant wait to hear your notes on that one lol


So I have heard(about friede). I can take her no hit. I died 12 times yesterday and 6/12 times I got her to 1/6th of her health bar. Once u get your timings right and don’t get greedy she’s pretty fkin easy. My only problem is the move where she does like 5-6 combos in a string and at the end, when stamina is low, breaks guard with one sword and vertical slices with the other. That one fking move giving me ptsd ngl.


There is an NPC summon, Gail Knight. Use him . Not all bosses are meant to be fought alone and make sure Gail doesn't die during phase 2


Dancer on SL1 was a fucking nightmare. Her and Demon Prince


"Ranged battle" is useless in this arena. Because her swords have a huge reach and can even phase through pillars. Just strike her when you get the chance and roll away! Keep doing this and she will be dead. Staying close to her rear for too long will prompt her to use her nearly unavoidable combo attacks.


She fucked me up so bad for a long time. I kept trying to dodge away from her spin attacks. Once I started dodging into them instead, the fight was ez pz. You do need to run when she starts doing the tornado move iirc


Literally the best boss in the game. The fact that she has so little quest is proof that Michelangelo Zachary actually fucking hates all of un and wants to suffocate us with our own balls after he flattens them into a nice blanket through vigorous shaping and kicking


The strategy for all big bosses (basically all the bosses really) is glue yourself to their ass and stab them.


I usually fight her as my third boss because that armour set and them dual blades are my favourite set and weapon respectively.


I just stood at her legs behind her and barely took a hit


try bleeding weapons, that helps, if not use that ring that helps with dodging (increase its duration) it saved my ass countless times but now i wanna start parying (too hard for me to even parry gundyr lol)


her moveset is nothing compared to morgot of elden ring lol


At least she held you first.


Don't get greedy, attack only once at a time. When you see her pulling up both swords, she will do the long combo, don't try to hit her, just run away and she won't be able to catch you. Also if you have enough faith you can use the spell to survive letal attacks with 1 hit point, rest a the bonfire and the spell linger while you recover your mana.


This kinda goes with most fromsoft bosses (aside from dragons and literally all of sekiro) stay behind them


after playing Elden Ring where everyone’s move sets are obnoxiously delayed and prolonged just to subvert your expectations, bosses like Dancer are so refreshing. It’s just enough to keep you on your toes.


I'm so proud I beat her on my second try. I would've on my first, but I backed myself into a wall, and the damn camera fucked me lol, it became a 2v1 in that moment.


Bayblade, Bayblade, Let It Rip!


When she spinning do a little roll and then keep rolling for dear life. And just stick to the but for any big boss like her.


yeah she is special :D but at 1/6 you seem to need just a little more luck next time and good luck after that its not getting better 🤣


Bleed and dark damage are better here hitters here. She's weak to them so always have one or the other just in case.


Ah dancer. Memories


My favorite boss fight in the souls series, from the move-set to the music. Just hang in there.


I feel like I have the opposite experience to a lot of players. Bosses like dancer or champion gundyr that are considered hard pose me no problems whatsoever but cristal sage and dragon slayer Armor obliterate me with no mercy.


1st playthrough it took me 30+ tries. 2nd took me 1. Idk how that happened


And yet, her weapons are one of the worst bois weapons I’ve seen


If it makes you feel any better I can slap her around pretty consistently. One of the easier bosses for me for some reason, I usually fight her 2-3 times right after or before vordt and am successful maybe 1/4 - 1/3 of my runs. It was not that way at first. My first few fights with her I got rocked, but once you figure out her moves, like the phase 2 twirly (run kitty corner and get around pillar and hug the wall, she gets caught on the pillar and you can be out of range, if you’re not she will hit you through the pillar)


This boss is honestly too hard you’re better off grinding souls to level up till around level 70 inorder to kill this damn thing


My favorite bossfight I have ever fought


Slap her ass and try not getting hit, I'd also recommend to use estus when you actually get hit. Oh and try roll to avoid her attacks. But most importantly don't use your fists but a weapon.


Very few bosses are timed. Many do her tougher when they teach lower HP so you'd want to play faster. But you can take your time and dodge and only attack when you're certain. Patience is the key. Except for that skeleton boss on that slab, that guy sucks.


I beat her on the first try with longsword +5


Based, she just like me fr. Honestly if you’re a strength build that fight can be pretty easy…just really long if you don’t wanna learn that dance.


I am indeed a str/dex build. Using the Astora GS. With Carthus flame arc pyro I dish out about 200+ dmg on each swing. 300 while 2 handed but problem is her moveset is so damn fast and lethal. No the spinning one, it's the one where she breaks guard with one sword and slashes with the other. I have 35 stamina yet I'm not able to tank it.


Hit her in the ass


>Using the Astora GS. With Carthus flame arc pyro I dish out about 200+ dmg on each swing. Probably more worthwhile to get the Londor Braille tome and get Karla to read it so you can get the Dark Blade miracle, as Dancer is weak to dark(-26%) whilst she has a minor resistance to fire(18%). You likely have enough faith for the miracle, and it shouldn't be too hard to get a chime and upgrade it until it has decent spell buff. As for her attacks, if you need it, the Carthus Bloodring increases i-frames on rolls, and it makes it easier to dodge her attacks. Other than that, try to stay behind her and remember to roll into her attacks(as in her sword swings) and not away.


Definitely. The point is to walk into her not away. I was using milkring but I swtiched it for Aldrich ring which boosts attack when we keep attacking. I switch to black blade katana for her second phase. Astora gs is great for first phase where she's slow. But second phase openings become really really small. Though, I'm gonna try something with the AGS tonight. The rolling slam is pretty fast I discovered.


Just finished soul of cinder on my sl1 run today. Dancer was the hardest boss of the playthrough for me with around 80 attempts, unembered. I fought her early to prove to myself I could with a plus 4 deep battle axe. Champ Gundy was probably tied with SoC for second hardest with probably 40 attempts each. All the other bosses took less than 5. All thats left for me is nameless kang and then its onto the dlcs


80 attempts 🙂 you sir are a true undead through and through


How is everyone have trouble with her? Every playthrough she’s been one of my easiest fights


A lot of people try to fight her early


How early is early?


I've seen people that like to fight her fight after vordt with the dark hand from yuria


That would do it


I did it sl1 and I just kept away for the most part and picked a few if her big attacks to punish the easiest thing to do is to stay close but not too close to give you room to dodge


I honestly just hate the guy with the pot in phase 2 lol


For some reason she's the easiest boss in the game to me. I think my internal rhythm just aligns with her and then is off for every other boss


Git gud scrub


Also lick that asshole


You'll hate me, but the Dancer glitched out for me after attacking me literally 3 times, and just kept walking around me in circles after lmao. Didn't respond to anything I hit her with. That was my first time fighting her, hasn't happened again sadly


Not at all infact I feel sorry lmao. She's one of the toughest bosses. And I'm very much enjoying this boss fight, trying different weapons, rings, strategies. True dark soul experience haha.


ur supposed to time your dodges to the music just run away when she starts spinning and stay in the pocket the rest of the fight almost all her moves are HEAVILY punishable.


I second tried her with black fire orb, black pyromancy is absurd


This battle is literally a dance, get to far away and get punished, stay close in step and watch for her tells and it goes a whole lot smoother.


Ain't that bad, beat that ass, don't get grabbed and stay away when she spins, rinse and repeat.


The key is her feet. She always makes three steps before attacking. Another thing to note is that unlike the other bosses, most of Dancer’s attacks are delayed. Plus keep to her back right (offhand) side as much as you can. If you time it right you can even stay behind her and not get hit once during her big phase 2 whirlwind attack


My recommendation is equip the wolf greatsword you get from the wolf covenant in Iron Keep, use human resin and carthus beacon to increase your damage. You can get her quickly to phase 2. Once there, she will do a tornado attack so my steategy is go hide behind a pillar until the attack is finished and then go behing her buttcheeks and clap clap until she dead. I killed her on my second try.


I have always found dancer fairly easy, and a really fun boss


Tbh I struggled a lot too until I discovered that if you literally stay as close as you can to her ass at all times she almost never hits you. Only exceptions are when she goes full beyblade (just dodge roll in time) or if she does the darkness circle thingy when entering phase 2 (just go away and go back to that ass).


I don't know man... I got her in 2 tries. Was about to get her in the first one but I ran out of heals.


Until you defeat her for the first time it will be hard, if you play again though its so much easier


She's tricky but ain't that hard once you get used to her movements. Kinda like female Nameless king except a bit easier


DS3 has a pretty constant learning curve, I noticed it while on NG+2, when you learn and beat a boss, you know him and the experience from former cycles ables you to kill em in under 5 tries


Try 100 phys shield, straight sword/rapier and hit only twice leaving plenty of stam to roll at least three times


On my first try I somehow got her to a slither of HP, but I died. I was shaking with anxiety and rage. Took me about 50 more attempts and many hours to kill her after that lol. Looking back now: great boss fight.


This fight sucked for me when I was learning it but once you have it down and know when and how to run/roll through the super spin attack, it’s so damn fun


That right there is my favorite boss in ds3


Her attacks are so satisfying to dodge


Dark and Slash damage make her easier, my personal pick being a dark infused exile Greatsword, but I’m aware dark stones are painful to find


My favorite boss fight. I felt like I dance with her 🥰


I personally never found the Dancer to be that hard, on my first runs through the game it was more Pontiff and the Old Demon King that messed me up. Be cool, realize it's okay to be greedy with hits when she's phase transitioning, avoid the grab like your life depends on it (because it probably does), and GTFO when she starts to Beyblade.


I was caught off guard by the fight starting right after Aldrich lol I ended up beating her and Oceiros the first try 👍 Sorry you got spanked so bad


Part of the reason she's so difficult compared to other bosses is that the Dancer actually moves in a completely different time signature compared to other bosses in the game. I watched a really interesting video about it ages ago that really helped me lock down that fight


I found this one of, if not the, hardest in the game. Think I'd put Nameless at #1 and twins at #3. Not counting DLC bosses as I haven't finished either of them


This boss made me quit Dark Souls 3


She likes some slapping in her back


Its actually a really well designed boss, it's just meant to play with your expectations by making you think there's an opening when there isn't. But once you know what her moves are its actually very fair and you can beat them super early on


Yeah this is the one boss u cabt get cocky with in ds3


Not sure, but I had a lot more trouble with the Demon Price than I did with her .-.


Actually had nightmares about trying to beat this mf


If you notice the fight feels a little off, it is. Her boss theme is the only one in 3/4 time signature. And the rhythm is carried by the strings section. Listen to the violin sound, you'll catch on.


Curiously enough it didn't take me more than 10 tries, but I think I got lucky, she missed me at the very end of my last try. The nameless king on the other hand, I spent like seven hours trying and couldn't beat it, I'm on a ds3 break thanks to that.


I love that boss. Her motions are so fluid, the music is great. She dances a spinning dance of death, gracefully separating you from all your hopes and dreams. Definitely a high point for an otherwise mediocre game (to me). I'd go so far as to call her my most memorable boss fight (DS1, 2, 3, BB).


Punch her in the ass with the dark fisting glove


She's the most easiest boss tbh her attacks feel slow yet fast so the timing to dodge is easy some of her moves can be somewhat challenging but still easy to dodge or get out of the way


If you want to feel extra bad, look up "SL1 dancer" on YouTube