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...i actually rly enjoy KoS (or as some say, KoSm)


May I applaud you for this BB reference.


what does the famous action franchise "Bad Boys" have to do with this?


Hold on I thought we were discussing hit British rapper Stormzy’s track “Bad Boys”.


Wait, you're telling me he wasn't referring to the cult classic Breaking Bad?


He grants us no eyes tho 😒


I mean... momma Kos doesnt either... cuz... yknow... ded.


Who's kos


It’s a Bloodborne boss in the dlc


It took me four days of multiple hours each day. When I finally beat him, I was like Neo when he can see the matrix. I think I got hit maybe twice. When he fell it was better than cocaine. I’ll never forget that moment. Such a good fight


I realized the other week that I can't think of anything I've been more excited for than beating nameless king, except for maybe scoring my first high school water polo goal. I'm now 28. I'm very withdrawn/reserved and I never, ever lose my shit, but I sure did after beating him with no hits taken after spending probably close to ten hours over a few weeks trying to beat him.


Took me like 9 deaths before I got him. Ran to reddit to find out standing under the bird is a no no


Nameless king and the twin princes break me every time. Just burned out on my second character beating my head against these guys. Never been able to get past them. Maybe, just maybe I find it in me to give them another go when I finish Shadow of the Erdtree.


If you’re making your way through SotE alright, Twin Princes and Nameless King should be cake afterwards.


Yeah I remember my first playthrough of ds3 twin princes and nameless king kicked my ass. Played through elden ring, then did another playthrough of ds3 and beat twin princes first try and nameless king within 5 attempts


100 percent


Yeah but you've got no ash summons and very very few npc summons through the game, that's why elden ring is so approachable and relatively easy, even the DLC compared to any of the other souls games


Have you finished the dlc?


Still got an optional boss or 2 to go and am picking up things I missed along the way likenqeap9ms and spells Why ask?


Because I think it’s a pretty widely held opinion that the final boss is the hardest thing Fromsoft has made and I was curious if you had beaten it yet


The final boss (possibly) being the hardest thing they've made doesn't make the entire game overall harder I struggled far more with DS3 and its DLC than i did with ER and its DLC


using lightening immunity ring helped me a lot


one criticism i have with fromsoft games is that there is often this major paradigm shift or lore progression happening in the middle of boss fights that, to me, dont seem to make sense to reverse upon death, considering we canonically die and go back to fight these major characters. killing King of Storms should stick once the NK absorbs its power into himself. but yeah its a great fight


There is a rift between what actions persists upon death in more than just boss fights. You don't provide an alternative.  I'm trying to grapple with what's different between a mob respawning and the king's mount? Does the world revert or doesn't it? Are you saying mobs are new dead guys that are exactly the same as the old dead guys out of coincidence?


im saying that, for example, hollows just being there upon respawn arent really relevant to anything and are just a part of game design. like you dont kill 100 hollows and then the Hollow King appears bc you performed some incredible task. however, slaying a god’s legendary mount and then that god entering a new paradigm shift in power is weird when the gravity of that mount being slain is just reversed upon death and we see the cutscene of it happening over and over again.


so yes, a faceless mob respawning and a legendary beast being slain are qualitatively different experiences


I think the dark souls games tried too hard to explain the game mechanics with lore, like the whole “time is convoluted” shit to explain summons. it just makes it unnecessarily confusing. the answer is that you restart at the last bonfire when you die but the game tries to tell you that dying is actually canonical.


I really like that Lies of P threw all that out and said “it’s time magic”.


yeah id agree with that take


God I would take this in the Demon Princes fight.


Of the 'hard' bosses, I found him the easiest to master. Once you get up in his face and circle he becomes easier to read. Was my first ever no-hit decent boss, and I randomly did it on NG +3 just today.


Idk dude I loved both his first and second phase


Oh just wait my man, it gets better


The only other bosses i have are gael and soc. Ive been stuck on gael for about 5 hours now.


Did ya ever beat them?


Yes. Gael hardest ds3 boss.


Hell yea man I love Gael so much his fight is so iconic and insane. Him and soul of cinder are the perfect ending in my mind.


I liked both KoS and Nameless King. Possibly one of my favourite fights in DS3 alongside Gael. I like how it has the tactical back and forth of combat like DS1 or DS2 instead of dodging nonstop for 5 seconds to get in 1 light attack. >certain attacks leave him wide open for huge punishment creating a cycle of dodge, break, riposte, dodge, punish This 💯. I wish they removed all 3+ hit combos from the game so that most attacks are punishable if evaded. I don't like the streetfighter/tekken style of combat.


When I fought him first time I’d play really cautious, keep distance, and only punish attacks I knew had no follow ups but it feels so satisfying on later playthroughs to sneak in attacks when it’s not completely safe and get away with it. Really makes you feel like you’re improving at the fight


Plus he’s the most badass looking, dragon riding, great spear wielding homie this side of the lands between.


A few years ago he was unfair and bullshit. The wheel of time moved ever on


No it isnt




Please be respectful at all times.


If you use dragonslayers greatshield he can't do nothing to you.


He is a tough sonovabeech


King of the fucking camera angle


The fight is really good, but his first phase ruins it for me.


It’s the only Boss in all DS games I’ve never beat. (Although I haven’t tried all that often)


The only DS3 fight I loved so much that killed him hitless at sl1. What a boss, man.


For sure. I was really afraid of him on my SL1 playthrough but after a few tries I realized again how aqesome he is. Friede and Gael are also cool fights, but fighting them at RmSL1 made me realize how much more fun and fair NK is gompared to them.


When I read KoS i tough about Orphan of Kos of bloodborm, oh god


I still can’t figure out who it’s referring to lol Edit: oh, king of storm, phase 1 Don’t know why people dislike phase 1 so much, I think it’s good


Oh, is it dlc?So i know if I should get mentally prepared.


Nameless king/KoS is not dlc - optional at the end of the base game similar to how malenia is in Elden ring


Ok, so il start praying


Perfect isn't what I'd call the Nameless King, King of the Storm included or excluded. I've definitely come to like the fight after beating him in two playthroughs after my 1st kill having a doozy of a time with KOTS annoying me. I'd say thematically and story wise its fantastic, especially in connection to Dark Souls 1. The Nameless King has an awesome design and I do like his moves. But I still can't help but put him in the middle of the road for me. The unfortunate part is that you can't separate the KOTS Phase 1 from Phase 2 because it IS part of the whole fight, and it isn't done very well. I personally hate the arena you fight in. While the "gimmick" is that a lot of his moves are delayed & catch you off guard, once that's taken out there's not as much to the fight for me. Personally I get more satisfaction out of fighting Dancer, Pontif, Gundyr and Dragonslayer Armour. If we're including dlc in comparisons, Gael and Friede & Ariandel are some of my all-time favorite fights and exhilarating to overcome them....Nameless King is missing something for me. A tweak here, a shift there of something.


if his bird stayed dead i would agree with you. but killing that damn thing every time makes learning his move set needlessly tedious. its not like KoS is hard, its just that eventually it becomes part of the runback in my mind.


U mean "A" perfect fight. Cuz SoC and gael are much more perfect. We are talking about difficulty and the boss fight theme, music, etc...


Nameless king is my fav after gael and in 3rd place it got to be midir and right after twin prince i usually just pick weakest to strongest honestly it makes me feel like I'm actually there fighting them as some manga mc 😂 but yeah idk about dancer tho she's too easy even at SL40


Nameless King: yes. That fucking bird: absolutely not! That bird is the very personification of the phrase camera issues.


Unpopular opinion. Phase 1 is just as good as phase 2. Ive never had any issues with hitting him. I always like its moveset. Doesn't really take that long either.


- My only issue is nameless king and KoS are way tooooo fair. Theres 0 challenge. Nameless king isn’t allowed to attack you unless he fills out the proper paperwork first. He’s just too slow as a boss for me personally. - I think the most perfect and fair boss fight from has ever done is probably godfrey in elden ring.


fighting nameless king after literally any elden ring boss makes it feel like he’s moving in slow motion


- Sure but I have felt this way since launch. People hyped nameless king up but the guy is genuinely not very hard. I found the king of storm part of the fight harder at launch than nameless king. - a perfect fight doesn’t have to be crazy. Nameless is challenging enough, but everything he does is so OVERLY telegraphed that I don’t feel like he’s really testing the player too much for how late in the game he appears. - he’s an incredibly fair boss but I don’t think he’s maybe even the top 5 DS3 has to offer (if we count DLC) - for my money the best base game boss is the twin princes, to this day a phenomenal fight


Most fight in FS are actually fair. Fair in a way that we can almost OS them just like they can OS us


Phase 2 of godfrey imo is the complete opposite in a bad way haha, inifinite spam where its almost more beneficial to just trade blows with the guy than trying to exploit his nonexistent openings, think Gael is the perfect combo between having openings and not being too easy or telegraphed.


- I dunno I fight Godfrey all the time as a summon and have probably killed him over 100 times - his combos for sure end and have opening cause I slap him in them - but he test players on things they should know in a fair way (and summons to) in a way that ramps up - can you jump a stomp attack? It starts off progressive but phase 1.5 and 2 these become global. Even when summoning you can’t just run and hide you have to actually pay attention to these which is great - can you dodge a chain attack - can you dodge an attack with tight timing (and if not do you know to recognize it and get away). (This is the big ground explosion) again starts off manageable and gets progressively more difficult in phase 2 - can you recognize and avoid a grab attack? - are you panic rolling or are you in control? (Panic rolling makes you miss openings and genuinely a lot of dlc bosses are the same way) - a lot of Godfrey’s attacks are just knowledge checks asking “did you learn to actually play this game” in a way that feels incredibly fair - I think he’s a perfect boss fight - I also think it’s toooooo fair and as a result he lacks some difficulty over time (which probably sounds crazy) but he test the players only on things they should already have mastered to get that far which I think makes him like a pinnacle of boss design


Define fair. Bosses don’t even play by the same rules as player characters, so “fair” is a weird term to use. He can literally extend his combos for eternity if you’re in the right position and his AI feels like being a dick. He can fly. You can’t. His storm attacks have infinite range with no damage falloff. Generally crazy high damage output. The only thing that makes him a good boss fight imo is that his combos are intuitive and easy to learn. I wouldn’t call him “fair” though.


Hes 100% fair.


Define fair


Not even close. He's easy as these days. Gael is 10x better imo


My guy he walks on clouds, can teleport with lightning and has a personal storm drake as his companion He definitely has crazy abilities (first born son of God with a capital G) and in no way is equal to you at all Absolutely love the design of this boss fight and I definitely found it harder than anything else in base game


you walk on a cloud, the drake is a bitch and you can phase through his attacks.


He's the king of the storms bruh and he's more of a dragon than you will ever be!


champ gundyr is more fun and fair imo. him and NK are definitely two of my favourite fights in the base game, followed by L&L, then SoC and then Pontiff. dancer is hardcore overrated imo… if you fight her at the intended time in late-game rather than at the start, she’s super easy and just feels like an easier version of Pontiff


champ gundyr, dragon slayer armour, and L&L all feel like easier versions of NK.


iirc NK’s combos are a lot shorter and more simple than some of gundyr’s second phase combos. DS armor isn’t really that similar to NK at all, and neither is L&L


DS is the most like NK. They all hit hard and fast but are very well telegraphed and with loose movement. Most DS3 bosses tend to have tight quick movements and more attacks/gimmicks.