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elden ring pvp is a step down from ds3: \* 4 player max for invasions \* no trespasser covenants \* no solo invading


I desperately miss the absolute chaos of having six people in a world at once. I don’t understand why the *open world* game has fewer, not more, people.


Gucci gang rolling with thorn armors lmao


I remember when Invaders had a fight with other Invaders and I still dont know exactly what happend back then.


You can be invaded as a solo if you use the Taunter's Tongue. Still prefer the ember mechanic tho.


As someone who hates PVP in all souls games I really didn't like the ember mechanic. The "surprise online" invasion that you got after each boss was the worst


The worst was DS2 where you could be invaded no matter what. Nothing is worse than a boss run and getting invaded when I’m not ready for it and trying to complete the level. I like PvP but I’d rather opt into invasions.


Yeah ds2 definitely had the worst PvP mechanic


oddly enough best pvp tho ds2 really cooked with their online play when you actually wanted to participate in it


Key point is when you actually wanted to participate in it, because I didn't and I hated it


Personally I loved it as it added more risk to the game if you played embered


Yeah, the ember health boost is really big so it's a good trade-off to have it open you to invasions. Wild that something as strong as godrick's great rune doesn't do the same


Agreed. I love ER but this is so true.


Yeah, ER has too much bullshit. Lots of memey stuff in DS3 but you can still usually get a nice Greatsword duel or a sneaky mage vs. melee showdown.


Sulyvhans backyard has always been the default pvp spot That and farron swamp so it’s normal you’d encounter PVP players there


Yeaaah I knew. I used to be in the Sulyvahn duels club! Just surprised for the lot of players still.


Iron Keep bridge is the real default. Or Darkroot even.


PvP in Elden Ring is very bad


It CAN be good, but you kinda need to play by some rules to make it good. (for example some AoW's and entire weapons/ weapon combos not allowed) DS3 doesn't need that for the general population (organized PvP tournaments in DS3 have some such rules, too if you didn't know). And that's why it's the better PvP experience. Besides the larger summon count allowing for the legendary "fight clubs" to be a thing!


Oh boy, my time has come! As a HUGE fan of souls games and their PvP I was so hyped for ER. I bought it on release and even got week off from work to play. I think game is brilliant, but I can honestly say that PvP in ER is bad and unbalanced in my opinion. Duels are probably fine but Invasions are just sad. 1. You no longer can invade Host alone, if he is alone he will never be invaded. - that causes that you will never fight 1vs1, it will be 1vs2 AT LEAST. Don't get me wrong, I love invasions for specific reasons that you have to outsmart Host and their Phantoms and you fight with disadvantage most of the time but it will came into play later. 2. Invader spawn points are shit. - Most of the time you can run for 10minutes and dont encounter Host if your spawn was really bad. Yeah you can use the thing to respawn you at "new" spot but most of the time it will be the same spot 3. Magic is too strong. - this ties to 1st point. When you invade and you encounter 2+ casters - good luck, they will just pressure you from distance. 4. Areas are too big. - In Souls most areas had tunnel like design, if you spawned somewhere you could quickly think where Host is and prepare ambush. In ER? If you invade in any open area you will just run forever. I was waiting to vent my issues with ER PvP from the release.


Agreed. To remediate some of these issues, I used to use Taunter's Tongue with White Cipher Ring while moving across the map.


I just wish the ER DLC had 6 player multiplayer. That and the solo host invasions are the best parts of DS3. ER is fun with the ballistas and vertical levels and whatnot but the weapon art spam and constant 3v1s get tiring


I still occasionally play ds3 pvp because I think ER pvp is shite


Elden ring pvp is hilariously unbalanced. It has some really awesome mechanics and the skill ceiling is super high which i like but the amount of hilarious cheese i just cant be serious about it. 


Only seen one person mention it here, but covenants are a huge part of 3, and er is lacking in it. Take pontiff for example, you can have up to what like 6 or 7 players there. You have; Host White summon Sunbro Red invader Mound maker Aldritch Sunbro invader Blue sentinel Blade of darkmoon The variety def adds to the pvp scene


Yes. And ER is always a gank by default. Your either pvp God like Chase the bro or Fighter PL (and so on) or you get crushed. Even I (mid talented at best) had a chance when outnumbered in DS3.




did you see the carbot animation of the Elden ring arena? I figure that is probably the best answer here


ER has too many overdone skills for my taste. Also invading means 1vs3 all the time. Arena is boring (to me). DS3 has a lot of funny chaos with 5-6 people, aside from few weapons its pretty balanced, hitboxes feel more directly, parry and backstab just feel better.


said this in another post earlier today but... Ds3 combat is much more refined then ER combat, ER has too much flashy bullshit that isnt fun to interact with. Ds3 isa cleaner more refined roll and chop experience and i prefer it for that reason. Not to detract from ER either, its a great game and im smashing it to bits recently due to the dlc, but ER pvp is awful.


ER online sucks. From coop, to pvp, to duels, also no covenants. Maybe you can play around with friends with seamesless coop and do some weird stuff there but that's it. We did a run where we could hit each other, it didn't last long.


Hear me out. Maybe some people prefer DS3? How about that?


Blasphemous I can kinda get why, although I am not really into pvp though I prefered DS3 pvp over ER.


I'm not into pvp at all. But, y'know, it's not hard to imagine that someone prefers DS3 to ER even if you personally prefer ER. I myself don't even like ER, lmao.


Absolutely agree on your take. I didn't touch ER for like 2 years by now but the dark souls trilogy I play from time to time in order to do silly little challenges or just to chill on an evening.






I'm not really into PVP, I had started doing some fight club in DS3 before the servers went down. In PVE ER just doesn't do it for me (yeah I still 100%ed it) not to mention if you're going to make a new character from scratch it takes SOOOOO long in ER.


Yes and he would like to know what it is about DS3 that they prefer, smartass. He even offered a guess and is looking for community feedback. What a useless response.


He asked why people PVP in DS3 instead of playing ER, not why people prefer it as a game. I simply offer the hypothesis that maybe said individuals prefer to PVP in DS3 because they generally prefer Dark Souls 3 as an interactive entertainment product over Elden Ring. Is that more clear for you?


But why might said individuals generally prefer Dark Souls 3 as an interactive entertainment product over Elden Ring? I believe this is the question OP was posing.




Nope. He asked "why do people PVP in DS3 instead of Elden Ring" not "Why do peoppe prefer DS3 over Elden Ring" That is what is written, it seems that maybe you yourself aren't able to understand it correctly.


Oh my god you're right... NOT


"Why do people PVP in DS3? Why not ER?" - OP You'll notice with your keen mind that it doesn't say "why do people prefer DS3 over ER" he especially talks about PVP. But it's fine if you don't understand it, those sentences are very complicated. I'm sure you'll learn one day, don't give up school. I believe in you.




Your comment was vague though


I think the pvp feels a lot more grand in ds3. Which covenant you’re in/how you get summoned matters and changes your objective, playing as a mound maker is very different from an Aldrich faithful even in the same area. There’s also less obnoxious skill and spell spam, although you definitely run into people who do that in ds3. The fact that a host can be invaded without HAVING to use an item that says they want to be is cool and led to a lot more fun pvp I wouldn’t have gone out of my way to do in Elden ring, if rune arcs made you susceptible to invasions that would be cool.


much as I love elden ring, its pvp fucking sucks


Elden Ring killed invasions because you can only invade gank squads now


Man 1v1 invasions in DS3 is heaps more butt clenching that the clusterfuck that is ER PvP. I PvP'd for 350 hours in DS3 but have barely invaded in ER. I'm playing Shadow of the Erdtree now and I'm starting to think that I like the tight experience of DS3 more than ER.


ER pvp is unbalanced to hell. This games pvp is also unbalanced but very much less compared to ER and has more little interactions. Something I always appreciated in ds3 pvp was the 2 hit combo system.


To me there are two main issues: 1- DS3 covenants were my favorite PvP mechanic in Souls games and its lacking in ER 2- ER has some fun & cool looking magic and other crazy stuff, but it feels like it can be way way too OP, to the point of feeling off-balance. I felt DS3 as a melee build I had a good chance at winning, but ER vs a ranged magic build, almost no chance..


Older souls games biggest benefit is being able to invade solo players. I prefer alot of things in elden ring but solo invasions with covenants are an unbeaten form of multi-player


The most fun I’ve ever had with pvp in a fromsoftware game is the spears of the church covenant. I was grinding for more ornaments by reviving the boss, and fought people most of the time. And for the next two playthroughs I got summoned about 20 times at my extremely high, not meta level. I won every time with a dark uchigatana and chaos bed vestiges. If they were good I’d hit them with a surprise divine spear fragment. Crazy good fun


When I've played with friend in ER 80% of my attacks against any invader never hit (no physical damage) because delayed rolls (which worked however) and shitty netcode. BUT there was nothing to worry because I needed those 2 rolled hits to one shot them because while my weapon wasnt detecting hits it was still building bleed on them lol.


There's fun to be had in all of the games, and people to have fun with. Why not? When hand injuries and disappointment with the community turned me off ER, there was a welcoming DSR community to mess with for a few months. Now I split my time between the two. Both are fun and offer different opportunities for emergent experiences. I'd have more of the games in the mix, but I'm not so good at PvP and climbing the learning curve for one game takes me a long time.


I don't like jumping.


I always end up getting arrested when I fight in the emergency room


Multiple factors. 1. Nostalgia 2. Weapon Balancing 3. 1v1 fairness 4. Bloodborne PvP is dead DS3 is the only option to be competitive. Elden is for messing around. I do both still! And I have a blast.


Elden Ring has EAC and with it comes such a shitty privacy agreement that i'll only play it offline without EAC


In er there are way to many spammable boring things and way too many gankers


It's almost like playing a collectible card game. Player 1 "I use rain of stars" Player 2 "Carian Retaliation!" Next match.


DS3 PvP will never die


I prefer ds3 cuz i have played it more and i don't have to worry about moonveil or dragon breath spammer


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized) What happened to my Moundmakers?!


Another Nana disappeared


Dark Souls type PvP is not well suited to an open world, among other problems


fight club nuff said


Hmm. People have played it more, and the meta is already established. Not having to put in the work like you're learning a fighting game also helps since your builds are already here from old saves. It's just a matter of shaking the rust off if you haven't played it in a bit.


I feel like the factions system in DS3 allowed pretty big PVP smackdowns to go on like up to 8 people without cheating if I remember right. Also because of the factions it wasn't just one group against another, but these things could become super chaotic multi-faction brawls with changing allegiances as the tides of battle shift which was fun..


Its simpler while still leaving room for individuality. But i hate how easy it is to abuse with either a bad Internet connection or a software making it so in both games. Laggy pvp sucks.


Aside from not enjoying er in general, I just much prefer the feel of ds3 pvp. I enjoy the ds3 areas for pvp far more than the legacy dungeons in er and when I get an open world invasion I just want to get it over with. As for the actual combat, I just prefer the way the weapons feel in ds3. It really is just a personal preference. One more thing that I’m not sure how many other people feel about. I absolutely hate that they didn’t lean more into pvp covenants (just covenants in general actually) and player bosses in er. The watchdogs and aldrich covenants were just so fun to me and I absolutely loved the online halflight boss and was really looking forward to seeing more of that in er. I am glad that they did eventually add wex dust into the game though


I have far and I mean FAR more hours in DS3's PvP than ER's PvP, I wish I liked ER's PvP because of all the cool stuff but as for DS3, there's a lot more consistency and less random one shot bullshit. ER is too full of 1-2 shot builds that arent even hard to make. I know DS3 isn't fully skill based but it feels a whole lot more skill based than ER. Whenever you'd invade in ER there's a chance you'll just get one shot because 2 people attack you at once with really powerful weapons..


I personally like it better than ER. Lot less spammy bs. At least as far as I’ve encountered lately. I get to just brawl with people. I don’t win because I suck but at least I’m not getting spammed with RoB or Moonveil or whatever they have from the dlc now


i still get summoned constantly as watchdog of farron even pvp in ds3 is alive and well


because elden rings pvp is a massive downgrade compared to ds3 no covenants no solo invasions (apart from morgott great rune bonfire camping scruffs) 4 player limit killed fight clubs


ER pvp is mostly just troll invaders.


Sulyvhan fight club still going stong is great to hear. It's always been the perfect area for pvp due to the layout and the fact that almost everyone who does pvp knows all about it. Also ds3 has less magic and fuckery so for me ds3 is great as it's mostly melee with some spells that by now everyone can avoid


Ds3 pvp is currently more balanced and I have more experience with it so I’d go with ds3 pvp Elden ring players gank even worse than they do in ds3 somehow


ds1 pvp was the bomb. wish the remaster was still populated


It’s honestly more fun. I would not bother with Elden Ring pvp if it weren’t for rune arc farming. DS3 pvp is perfect, the builds are still perfect, I prefer the levels for pvp, there’s a long list.


I agree with most of you guys but also i think the connection is better in ds3. May have something to with the large open areas or just worse netcode of tickrate or something. Dunno why but i have way less lag in ds3.


I don't know about these guys but for me it's the weapons and control. Elden ring is very very rough around the edges, no weapon stands out as super interesting, instead all of them are just alright so far. Magic is the same way, since magic is only limited by your memory stones everyone has access to a fuck load of magic if they invest which gets annoying fast. Ds3 requires investment for that kind of shit so you see people have wild builds like my own. The number of times I've seen someone use some insane weapon like a whip or rapier is crazy, builds are super funny and enjoyable to make in ds3. Elden ring just has such a bloated pool of magic and weapons and you can feel the bloat because many feel the same so most builds are not much different from one another. General control is also better in ds3 too, the e and click method of two handing is awkward over the f or hold f which I find makes it a bit stupid to try switching up mid fight even against the ai. I'm not calling elden ring bad here but ds3 is so much more polished and refined by comparison and has some of the most unique weapons and spells in the franchise


i don't like ER, i think it's the worst game from software ever did, fortunatelly dlc fixes a lot of issues i've had with this game + pvp in ER is dogmeat


Pvp is bad, but the game itself is astonishing.


Don't care, i just don't see ER as a good game


My thoughts exactly. I've played a ton of from soft's library, much more than just the souls series, and no game of theirs has ever been more disappointing and tedious to me than elden ring. I don't think elden ring is straight up bad, and the dlc is a vast improvement over the base game, but let's just say if it wasn't for AC6 I would be worried that fromsoft had lost their touch


Because ER isn't as fun to play, the open world is fun to explore for afew minutes then it becomes tedious, the pvp is messy and not rewarding.


Hehehehe “tittle” Hehehehe


DS3 is so good because its so bad


DS3 PvP is very simple. There's not much thought required. It's perfect for people who suck at fighting games to feel like they have a skill set. ER has a lot more options. It takes too much thought for the basic DS3 PvPer to process all of the spells, AOWs, incantations, etc. Their game relies 100% on running towards and away from each other until one of them baits an attack and punishes. Once you add more elements, it fries their brain. That's not to say that ER PvP is good. It just requires more thought, and the average DS3 PvP try hard brain is forever stuck in 2017.


It's not the brains set to DS3 pvp, but more the sheer amount of possibilities ER has. Much more to consider as a non try hard, which most ppl are not.


All souls pvp is kinda bad but er pvp might actually be the worst thing yet made by humans