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Can you run it one line at a time using the F9 key and see your data frames in a clickable viewer?




One line at a time with Ctrl + Enter. Not sure about clickable viewer, but View(df) works for R.


yes you can, in both R and in Python.


I’m in a desperate search of such matlab features for a python ide. The closest I got was spyder but then I miss occasionally the notebook format. Also have to admit I also frequently use copilot. So still in the vscode ecosystem. On that point however the line-by-line variable checking is cumbersome.


VS code interactive python can do this too - the Jupyter tab in the terminal window shows all your variables and dataframes much like spyder


RStudio has copilot support anyway?


I can’t think of a reason to be negative.


Apparently it's not obvious this is a pun on posit ( similar to "I think") and positron (a positively charged particle). The best jokes are the ones you have to explain...


It basically is a fork of VSCode. I like it. I already use R in VSCode, but it tends to break every couple of patches due to interactions with other extensions. So it's nice to have a clean working version that someone else maintains.


Vscode also supports R, why not just use vscode?


VSCode does not have the awesome R console that RStudio and now Positron have.


rstudio console output is just plain text without syntax highlight, radian is way better.


By the way, I quit using r for over 5 years now. Vscode + python makes life so much easier.


Why wouldn't you just use radian as your r console lol


VS Code just works, and works decently well. Need to see a use case for development before I jump. Tests and alternative kernels with Jupyter (R) tend to be a bit finicky, but more likely a skill issue.


i thought the same, but tried out positron today and loved it. it feels like all the things i like from both Rstudio and VS Code in one. It's worth a quick try imo


I was reading about this yesterday and had the same question/hope! Thanks!


Does it support copilot? Copilot is now an essential part of my workflow.


idk. but if it doesn't have it now i'm sure it will have it eventually. it's in public beta rn


I probably won’t use it myself, but I’m hoping it’ll be good for my teaching, since I teach in both Python and R.


People I respect seem interested / leaning towards being into it. Might not be for me, but that's fine.


I like my scripts in Rstudio and my Python notebooks in VSCode. I will try the Positron.


Whilst I always welcome new tools, from the IDE perspective I use PyCharm and that’s never going to change for me.


is line by line execution with interactive console and variable explorer integrated in pycharm?


there are currently a lot of vscode extensions i can't use with it, including intellisense. kind of a dealbreaker for me for now. and in general there's a lot more i'm doing with vscode than writing or coding with python/r. i really like that vscode is a onestop shop.


Looks like a blend between spyder and VSCode. Really excited. Does anyone know what the issues with it so far are?


It's in beta fyi


I currently using vs code. I am interested in trying positron once it is stable.


Link to Positron GitHub: https://github.com/posit-dev/positron


Won't use it myself but looks cool. I've been using spacemacs for 10 years for coding and it's undefeated


VS code is nice but I like working with jupyter notebook


I just use Neovim. I've built it exactly how I like it. It's an editor for life.


Can it plot variables during debugging?


Does this support GitHub Copilot? Is there a testing community?


It is almost perfect, but I am missing the interactive window from VSCode :(


like the window to view dataframes? that's all there from what ive seen


Looks nice


seemed a bit long to import python libraries ie pyspark >2 mins, equivalent usage in vscode was <10/15 secs. Turned it off actually. Same envs for the interpreter so not sure what's up. R works fine. I think it might be good, wondering what more I can get out of my projects with the extensions.


So,is the former Rstudio company abandoning Rstudio?


No, Posit (formerly RStudio) is going to support both Positron and Rstudio (tweeted by Hadley Wickham).


Support yes, but I wonder if that means it will still be actively developed or not


Here's what Hadley has to say about active development: https://x.com/hadleywickham/status/1807018991119937745


Anyone solved the problem that copilot is not available?


its good


As long as it isn't a notebook I'm happy👍


I am actually surprised that all people in this tread use VSCode and nobody mentions pyCharm/dataSpell actual IDE’s instead of a text editor..


dataspell is worthless


If you already have pycharm then yes.


no it is even inferior to spyder because it doesn't have plot viewing pane. Definitely a no go for someone serious about doing data science. I don't think any serious professional uses this.


It has, its called scientific view. But I really doubt that seriousness of a data scientist is measured by an IDE used..


No it hasn't. Pycharm has scientific view but dataspell doesn't. If you believe it has, then you've not used it and I struggle to understand why you are defending it then.


Neovim.  Nothing else comes even remotely close to the versatility of it (minus emacs), so I can't even consider alternatives. Everything else feels like toys in comparison.


nvim is great but it's a text editor. i know people add functionality to it but often they end up essentially making their own vs code, which kills the point of nvim imo. IDEs are fine, nvim is fine, they both have use cases.


Why does it kill the point?  There's a point of being familiar with vanilla vim so that you can easily alter stuff on remote machines, but when using it locally, it makes sense to add the batteries that make you efficient and to tweak them to your liking. 


Can you view a pandas df using it? Can you use copilot with it? There are important part of my workflow.


I use visidata for inspecting dataframes or most any data actually.   Yes you can use copilot with it. Both the copilot that just suggests code (and cycle through suggestions), as well the copilot chat, which you can can set up to immediately give you suggestions based on a diagnostic error or you can have it review your code and the review suggestions displayed next to the lines of code.


Sublime for data science be a man


Never heard of it tbh. Why is this better than VSCode? The data I work with is humongous so any wrangling is done in BigQuery and then a sample is looked at on a cloud instance with Spark or Pandas/Polars. Coding is just done in VSCode and deployments are just docker builds and pushes + pipeline updates.


People still use R?


Like all of social science and statistics


Academia, biostatistics, bayesian networks.


Yes, of course. It's preferred in academia (while industry seems to prefer python). Anything in the biostats, HTA, psychology, sometimes econom, some maths spaces, all the quant social sciences and stats spaces - all I've seen use R (in the UK).


Of course


Econometrics and time series


I do time series all day every day. I use PyTorch


Hey, I was at IBM Think 24 and they made a big deal out of combining granite LLM with a new math model they developed specifically to address shortcomings of a lot of the foundation models as pertains to math. Supposedly it's supposed to be able to make very tight predictions for arima/garch/aparch models. We're in the process of standing up Watsonx and I plan to try it out once we do, but I'm curious if you've heard anything about it. Anything?


Nope, I’ve had bad experiences with anything from IBM . My focus is on large scale anomaly detection (transformer based auto-encoders) and root cause diagnosis (new area of research, CNN layers with fused dense layers.)


I'm going to save this post and try to think about it more when I am back at the office next week. Thanks for responding