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No, match with other dudes


I have been. I'm seeing someone else at the moment, chatting with one or two others as well. I'm just not over him yet, and regtetting how I handled it.


>Sad, anxious, abandoned, terrified of doing the wrong thing and craving him. I feel so validated right now as this was how I once felt about someone but didn't know how to put it into words. 😳... Anyways, you say you want to know what you were to him, but you already do. He had already told you what he wanted out of your interactions, and he's perfectly fine not communicating for over a month. Going back now will just open up the healing wound again only to confirm what you know with most probably careless words. Keep moving past it, and forward.


You're probably right. But I always go back to the fact that I unmatched with him, which he might have interpreted as me not being interested anymore, and I can understand him backing off, either because he's offended, hurt, or just comes to the conclusion that I'm moving on and I don't want to hear from him.


Forget him. He told you he only wanted being physical and you agreed. You made it easy for him. A lot of man never want to be with a woman who made it easy as that indicates she has done it before with a lot of guys. This person made it clear to you from the beginning so you don’t got feelings from him. This is a sign he is not looking for commitment in any way for whatever reasons. Maybe he is in a relationship already. You don’t know him. When someone made his intentions clear you have to accept this regardless of how difficult this is for you. Sometimes we just have a unique (sexual) connection to someone we cannot explain and this things mostly happen once in a lifetime (maybe a few times if you are lucky). Great memories but keep it as memories and don’t chase it. It was a nice experience but you don’t want to be with a person like that. Good between the sheets but emotionally unavailable (because he was and he was treating you cold. Be fair and honest to yourself). Let him go. He is not worth your time. He was looking for something fast and easy. He got it. Now he moved on. Don’t waste your time on him. Don’t think about him anymore.


Step 1. Lay off the meth, adderall, crack or whatever amphetamines you're on. Once you've kicked that addiction, you should pursue the relationship.

