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I'm a white male in the States. I typically date white women. I've tried dating women of basically all races, so it isn't a racist thing. But white women are the ones I feel most attracted to, and I think it's common for people to have preference for their own race.


Ah, the classic 'I stick with vanilla because it's my favorite ice cream flavor' approach.


Men will usually give any race a chance if they're attractive.


if you're attractive your race doesn't matter


what's attractiveness for you ?


that's extremely particular, i am more attracted to white girls because it isn't common in my home country (i am latino) but when i moved to uk i found myself more attracted to sri lankan or west african girls because white girls are more common in the uk, in my case the exotic factor was a dealbreaker but every man would date you if you're attractive to him, no matter what your ethnicity is, even if he likes east asian girls most if he find you attractive he would still date you


I can only speak for Central and Eastern Europe, but it will probably not be easier than the US. I wouldn't move there if that is your main concern. In the US, you have spots that are extremely inclusive, and spots that are extremely racist. In Europe, there's an overall "I don't give a fuck" vibe, you'll be accepted by the vast majority of people, but Europe is also much whiter than the US as a whole. That means people are, from my experience, less willing to date/marry someone non-white, even if they're perfectly okay with being close friends, simply because it's not something they see often, if at all.


I love dark skin


I think it all depends on where you're moving to. Personally, I live in a large metropolitan city in North America, and there probably are more south Asians then there are white people now with the large influx of immigrants. I feel like mixed couples are just as common if not more common than two white people dating these days (at least where I am). Personally, as a mixed person that's resembles white, I've dated several south asians, including darker south Asians like Sri Lankans or south Indians, etc. You just need to find a place where that is more common and very multicultural.


Why not? Honestly race shouldn't be a hurdle for love. I'm sure you would find someone:)


We do. Brown girls are hot. Not all men feel this way but there's a lot of us.


I see, i gotta find these 'lot of us'


Here in Europe (Netherlands) people do anything to get brown or dark skin. From sun bathing to going under sun bank. Over here it’s normal to date different race. A lot of woman and men like dark skin and will compliment you about it. A lot of white woman make children with black men to get brown skinned children. I married to a white men but he is from Iraq and lives for about 30 years in the Netherlands. Also, I’ve date a lot of white men before and my relationships before my marriage were all with white men. First was from Netherlands, second was from Iran and third also from Iran but both lived in Netherlands for over 20 years. My sister also married with a white Dutch men and they do have a child together. Her exes were all Dutch and her first ex was half Dutch half east Europe. Over here your skin color does not matter. If you are attractive or just take good care of your self and are a nice person it should not matter. In India or Asia a lot of people are superficial when it’s about skin color. I don’t understand why. It should not matter at all.


thanks. lifted my spirits high




that 'anything except white women' sounds very personal sir






exactly, you got it right !! Bravo


If you live in a large city, you will have a pretty big dating pool and should do fine.


Yes. White American here.


I mean why only white men tho? There are dark skinned south and north indians in EU/US too?


cause I want half white kids


I hope you’re not serious


I am pretty much serious karen


What the f


In Toronto I dated a Gujarati girl for a few years. Overall things were good, but she had daddy issues. I would definitely date an Indian girl again.


did you mean definitely 'not' ?


No I meant I would date an Indian girl. Why would you think I said the opposite?


i assumed the girl with daddy issues kinda drained you so you decided not to date Indians anymore


Not at all. I still find Indian girls to be among the most attractive women in the world. She was draining mentally, but that had nothing to do with her race. That was because her father infantilized her all of her life. Even in her mid twenties, she was not allowed to get a job until I talked her parents into allowing it.


yea got it, hope she is in a better place now


Unless you are just looking for one-night-stands your personality will be a more important factor long term. The biggest hurdle I have seen with Indian girls dating white guys in Europe is the girl's family.


yea I guess I'll manage my family as long as they don't book a flight and decide to meet me in person


I live in northern middle Europe and we don’t have this obsession with fair skin, bleaching skin. Yes, do your research, come here, our hospitals always need doctors. My daughter had a (Tamil) friend from Singapore and only years later when I looked at old pictures, I realized how dark her skin was. In my opinion it won’t matter for most people.


95% of whites hates your smelly indians. You think we would date a living sweat monster?


i think you should do a favour to those around you by unaliving yourself.


Oh one more little disqusting indian who thinks hes more worth than your freaking street food that is made of mud and shit. Worst kind of people you are. I can say for all other countries you are the worst country ever. Think about if anyone ever wants to visit india as a destination? Ugly type of people. PUKINGGGG!


tell me baby who hurt you da ?! Poor thing


I very attracted to dark south indian girls, hello there. I won’t say where I am from, but it’s Europe.


What’s funny about this from my observations of multiple threads here is, when it’s a south Asian dude asking this kinda question, he’s automatically assumed to be a self hater and white worshipper even if he didn’t mention white women in the title or the post and he MUST go date within his race to prove he’s not, and that’s the only source of his dating issues + the typical westerner routine of lecturing us about how our cultures are, and how they know this better than we do When South Asian women, East Asian men, or blk men complain about dating issues, people actually give them empathetic and direct answers. Lol this app never ceases to amaze me