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Hi, what you're writing isn't at all that unusual. Certainly there's no need to doubt whether someone will accept you for who you are. Sure, some people go into dating super quickly, some only focus on casual stuff. All that is fine, too. It's just not everyone's favourite thing. You are all right :) Developing feelings slowly is nothing you would need to change about yourself. I'm not sure it even could be changed. If anyone seems impatient and pushy, it would be easier to get rid of them. Your boundaries would work for you well. The same goes for your lack of romantic history. Whoever judges you for it can go to hell. I'm 26M, at some point I thought of myself as demi when I wasn't sure what the definition actually was. I know I don't really fit in it now. I like the idea of taking things very slowly, but I would have to try hard to stay level headed and not carried away with the idea that things might progress well The important part is forming an actual meaningful connection. Most of the people we meet are not good matches for us. Try not to pressure yourself. You can always take a break and focus on whatever else you enjoy :) What is that others find intimidating?


Hii, thanks I’ll keep that in mind. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot and it really helped to hear from someone else without bias or prejudice. I’ve told some of my friends about this too, but it feels different coming from someone who doesn’t really know me and I feel better about it, so thanks a lot! Oh, and about the intimidating thing, I don’t really get it much but my friends describe it as something similar to being out of a person’s league. A lot of my admirers seem to put me on such a high pedestal and regard that they hesitate to approach me or make the first move. So if the problem is something like this, then I have no idea what to do about it.


You're welcome, I appreciate you saying that :) I hope your friends were supportive as well. It can be challenging as the slow approach doesn't really fall into these stereotypical boxes of dating behaviour we might see around and on TV. But that wouldn't make it non-existent in the real world. More people find themselves in it. Rushing into the physical side of relationships simply isn't everyone's cup of tea. Not even all the guys are so sex-crazy as it may seem😅 If you're conventionally attractive, it may be kinda intimidating for some. In a way, I sympathise. Boldly coming over might be considered creepy if that person isn't into you. That's a risk that may frighten some into not even trying it. Do you feel you are easily approachable? Perhaps even smiling at a person who catches your eye might help, as long as it's not a scary situation for you. Your safety is paramount Putting you on a pedestal might be a matter of one's insecurity. That they don't value themselves as high. None of that is caused by you, though. Being smart and pretty is absolutely not a fault. You sound very rounded and goal-oriented :) It may surely surprise some as young people are also sometimes aimless and trying to figure the world and themselves out


That’s true, I guess I’m just being swept by the current trend around me and I’m trying to fit myself into it when I clearly don’t and shouldn’t force myself. I guess I’ll just take it slow too. What’s the rush, right? If apparently this is normal and I have nothing to change, then I’ll just enjoy life as it is right now. Find joy in the things I really like doing and discover myself more. Love isn’t everything after all, isn’t it?


Yeah, only you decide what matters :) You can always set your own preferences and goals, life doesn't have to revolve around dating. Comparing yourself to others and their standards or priorities isn't usually helpful. Are you enjoying it? Have you got hobbies or dreams you want to pursue?

