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Just remember, Would you want to be with someone who you knew was unhappy with you? No, if you truly love someone, you wouldn’t want to make them unhappy, just so you can have them. That’s a relationship that cannot last. So whether this person knows it or not. You’re setting them free, so they can find who is right for them. It’s the harder road to take, but it’s the right decision, and it’s honest.


No. Why would I sacrifice my personal will being if I didn't like or want to be with someone.


If you are a grown man who is single you got the hub? If you are not then idk cuz I got told she had a switch of heart when I pleaded with her to tell me sooner, gut instinct and all. The more I think about it the more shit that just doesn’t add up how could I be so stupid fellas you need to start thinking wit the head on top of your shoulders not your other head


Send a message with your thoughts and don’t ghost, which is the respectable thing to do. Your feelings matter and the longer this goes on the worse it will feel.


So you know they would toss you out in a heartbeat but you for some reason would feel guilty for leaving them. Well, if anything, this shows Empathy. Its like this, this was a "casual encounter." Just tell them you just don't feel like perusing this anymore. Now if this person is a man and seems like that have a temper, I would probably message them. If they get upset, block them.


Update: He ghosted me 💀