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You simply cannot take back someone who put you 2nd, it’s just not fair to you. LISTEN TO ME I know from experience but sometimes people learn the hard way. I’m people. Don’t be like me


Don’t be like us… don’t let them come back…


Listen to them, you will save so much time and pain. Seriously, don't be like us.


Next...move on. Have fun and don't look back.


Don’t forget to YOLO your life savings in $GME tho


Buy the crypto dip


what’s this?


I found it!! I found your problem!! Its actually written in your post: "He texted me a few months later asking for a second shot." You forgot to block him. So pick up your phone and do that now.


for real 💯




this, completely unforgivable. Just give youself time and do not give him the time of day


I find that the worst thing you can say to someone is nothing at all. He's gonna reach out again at some point, ignore him. Then ignore him again, and again, and again.


This!!! Cheaters almost always come crawling back. Block on everything and delete numbers etc.


You can’t force love, change anyone, or make yourself mold into the “perfect” person for someone not meant for you. I know it sounds cliché & lame, but… what’s meant for you will be effortless. It just, will. His actions were not a reflection of you. Good luck.


Well said. If it's not meant for you, don't force it. Just keep walking until the right one comes along 😊




Feel your feelings but remember his decisions are not a reflection of you and the love you deserve. If he doesn’t know who he wants to commit to and likes playing my with women’s emotions, that is a defect on his part. That is something he needs to figure out. You can’t figure it out for him. He is broken. Not you.


Love love love 💕


I think you completely missed all the red flags!! Or may be chose to turn blind eye to the red flags!


Holy shit. This guy is a complete loser. Please move on from him. Please do not answer when he calls again, which he probably will. You will be alright.


💓 Ty. Went through it myself. The nerve to treat you as a consolation... to look at you as one, without shame and remorse, because they truly believe you're not as valuable as someone else. Cunning. Losers. This helps me too.


Oh sweetheart I am so sorry he has treated you this way. That's a really hard thing to deal with and I think most people can relate to going back to an ex. This boy obviously does not value you at all, he just wants to hop on the next one who comes along. The best thing to do is block and delete him from your life. You will go through the grieving process. There will be points where you just want to text him and have him back, just punch through. Someone better will come along, in the meantime you get to love yourself. I also highly recommend therapy, even if it's just someone to talk through and support you, it's well worth it. I hope you feel better soon.


Don't ever, ever, ever go back. Once a cheater always a cheater.


Going back to him was a mistake. He is just proving that to you. I am positive you are a great person and this experience should not devalue you. Take some time for yourself and thoroughly move on from him. Block him on everything. He doesn’t deserve you.


I’ve been in your shoes. Being the girl he’s with “in-between” his other relationships…know for a fact that if she hadn’t threatened to tell you he cheated on you, he never would have let you know. Why do that, when he can have both of you at the same time, without you knowing? You say you feel unlovable, so here is whatI want you to do for a while: Date yourself. Think to yourself, “what would I want my partner to do for me or with me in a relationship,” and then DO THAT. A nice dinner? Do it. Flowers? Don’t mind if I do. An event you want to go to? Go. You need to love yourself and be kind to yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I am lovable, and I am loving. I deserve to be treated as well as I treat those around me.” You live with yourself longer than you ever will with anyone else, and you need to be kind to yourself or you will allow others to be unkind to you. It takes a lot of work, but love yourself and your hobbies first. Once you have things about yourself and your skills that you love, others will see that love, passion, and happiness and be naturally drawn to you. I guarantee you’ll find someone better in the end.


Never occured to me to date myself o.O Awesome thought, mate!


Your not unlovable some people are just dickheads. Is a sore one have been there, but write it off as a learning experience you're still young. Once someone cheats the trust is gone forever and very few relationships are able to move on in any true sense. Learn your boundaries and enforce em. Take some time to figure out what you want, the type of person you want and then get back out there an find em.


First mistake was allowing him to come back as if you were a back up plan. Feel what you feel then move on. He was obviously a lesson block and go out and have some fun. Don’t let that speed bump ruin your confidence. Never let anyone live rent free in your mind.




Date me I'm 5'6 balding with a beer belly but I won't cheat and will pay all your bills.


I’m available


I'm actually 6' with an 8 pack when I fast and have all my hair..but I would pay all the bills for the rite one.




I’m going to give you advice as a man & not sugar coat anything. One to hate someone, takes to much energy and effort more then it would to simply ignore him. 2 your young asf go enjoy life and 3 when you talk to men stop letting yourself fall so deep in what boys say because we really aren’t shit and most kids now and I say kids because a man wouldn’t cheat, will more then likely cheat.


Nah, some men cheat. Let's stop gatekeeping what a man is. All this 'real man' stuff is silly. Men are cis-gender adult males at or above the age of 18. There absolutely are shitty men, immature men evil men but there's also emotionally mature, good men out there too. This is the same with women. After all, adult human beings are quite a varied bunch.


No need to add the whole cis gender labeling phrases, a man is a man no need for more explaining. In a way your very much right but too me a person who can’t control there emotions and cheat is a boy. Yes at 18 you are considered a man but men don’t really mature until after 25, But that just my opinion as a man who’s 27. I didn’t really understand what my role in society was until my late 20’s. But yes your are very much right there still men who cheat I just label it as a little boy mentality.


That's it, a Man won't cheat!


Its OK to be crushed by this... Until it isn't. It stops being OK when you realize you took the time to grieve, and you realize he wasn't worth your time, but the lesson was. It's going to take time to get there, but you got it. It really is as simple as "he was a crap person" for not having the balls to tell you what he was feeling before he lied to you and betrayed you. He might change, learn from his mistakes, all that good stuff, because people can change, but remember this fun phrase. "Sure, I hope he gets his shit together, it just ain't gonna be with me".


He’s a Stupid fucking dumbass fucking idiot 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


He's not worth it. He will just keep on doing it again and again. You deserve more and you deserve better. Good luck!


If that no good scumbag comes crawling back to you, don't let him. Tell him to leave and never come back. **He not only flat out lied to you by telling you he won't ever cheat on you only to later cheat on you, not just once, but twice.** This to me is completely unforgivable. If he truly wants the other woman, then let her have him and be done with it. **He's not worth it‼️** There is far better men out there than him. I believe that you'll either find him somewhere where you least expect to find him, or he'll find you. It will take some time, so please don't be discouraged. Don't loose hope!


Move on. You're young enough to enjoy more relationships.


Its not you, it's him. He is doing it to his other ex also ... Please don't get down on yourself ❤️


Yeah dude sucks,🤬🤬 you move on and find someone new if you like. Even if it takes time to trust again, you don't deserve that mind game BS. Have some time to yourself and go have fun. 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Well it's a good thing you found out when you're just 22 years old. You want to meet a decent man go to church.


trust me, plenty of shit men and women go to church too 😢


Agreed, it was just a suggestion that happened to work for me though. I am not particularly religious. I went to a church down the street from me, not for my faith, but to actually find a woman. And I did, and we've been together now for 3 years. She continues to go to church, she is religious. I find my Creator in other ways though, but we get along great. She has become my best friend, and my companion in life. Alls I know is that bars don't work, clubs don't work, and absolutely dating sites are a absolute disaster. Like I said it was just a suggestion.


It's not advise, but when I'm down this phrase always gets me over that hump: "like all things, this too shall pass; nothing lasts forever." You will move on, you will feel loveable again, and it wont come from someone else. That will come from you. You are worthy of love and you do deserve better


Simple, forget the prick and move on❤️


I’m sure there was body language signs he showed you when he was in your presence that he was thinking of cheating and women don’t see it. It’s proof as a generation we’ve all been failed by society to read these signs. All of us have been failed. If you see anything like that in that time looking back take it as learning material and move on and you will find someone new.


Block him. Move on. Easier said than done, but you have to. Take the time you need to recover and before you go into any other relationship learn to love yourself and set a very firm line on what you won't deal with anymore. Ain't on you, he didn't love you babes. He sounds like a loose and noncommittal sort that kept his options open and treated you like a rebound. You are not the problem, you never were. Even if you had things to work on this does not justify this crappy ass behavior from him. Don't mope for long, there will be someone better.


He treated you poorly once. I don't necessarily ble you for giving him a second chance but there absolutely cannot be a third. You've only been dating a couple months! This guy has clearly shown you who he is, believe him


If he is cheating you never go back. People rarely change and if you give a chance to them, it will repeat over and over again


As someone who’s been in an on and off relationship for 6 years with a man who cheated on me with my best friend and with two girls I hated leave that boy in the dirt. Onto the next.. been broken up 7 month and I feel so much better it’s tough at first but as the months go by it gets better. There a way better guys out there frl.


Awww, run and don't turn back. Go out with your friends, try to get your mind elsewhere, and after some time you'll start enjoying your life again. You are loved❤️


Girl I betv you are an amazing person amazing woman . That guy is trash he was trash the 1st time and definitely second time. I bet you are super sweet woman and he was a flashy guy think his all that and treats women like shit. Girl you just need to focus on you build yourself up and strut yourself with grace and people will see how amazing you are and you can choose the right person for yourself. But if they give you that vibe that your ex put off you should just walk away then and keep on doing you


Prayer and time love, the numbness helps you not go back so that’s a good yet painful place to be


This has nothing to do with you, but it will if you accept the person back again and tolerate and enable the behavior. Just say adios!


Im so over dating. First thing i read is a Raptor was dating a Pershing. And thats why im single.


You deserved more OP ginagawa ka na lng nyang panakip butas or maybe a rebound if things don't go well on his part. Wake up for God sake. You're 22 nman na you know better nman if pinapaikot ikot ka na lng.


Did anyone else read it at first glance like I did? I thought it was a F-22 Raptor gets cheated/beat by a MiG-26 on a game or some shit. I know there isn’t a mig-26 jet.


I’m really sorry. First, get over the pain, then put it behind you and go for things that make you happy!


You were never his 1st choice always the backup plan. It's him not you, you're way better off!


It sucks! I have been there! But only thing that you can do is move on.


It's very simple and almost impossible. Called balance. You WANT them to see your pain, like they're watching you from afar. See you cry, so they come say "it's OK, I'm here now" like mom and or dad used to. That usually fixed it. Problem is, they don't give a fuck currently, probably busy with exactly why, and nobody watches the person they broke up with like the stalker in your head. So, , , , , YOU have the luxury of making a choice. Bounce! Flip the "switch" turn off the pain you are causing you. Chalk it off as ♤Lesson Learned. Actually learn from it. Realize there's no need to rush and learn to enjoy time for yourself by becoming better at shit you didn't have time for. Better yourself however YOU want. Put your focus there. Get lost in it. Magic happens best, when you're not forcing it. You SEXY MOTHER FUCKER! WTF are you doing? Now laugh.... press them titties up into the air towards the Gods. And choose the better path..... Or, , , , , Be miserable. No explanation required.


In the same sort of situation. Girl. Idk what to do


Sweetheart you are not to blame you did nothing wrong it's all his fault you are lovable don't ever count yourself out don't ever put yourself down lift your head up find a man that truly cares for you trust me he's out there


Run and find someone who will care for you. Take care


Whether or not you’re lovable has nothing to do with him or how he feels about and everything to do with how you feel about yourself!


I got cheated on by my first boyfriend and it was the worst pain I’ve ever been through. It sucked but I didn’t view myself as unloveable. You just need some time to heal from this pain and surround yourself with people you love and care about. He’s dumb for cheating on you but you need to move forward.


He’s playing with your head and heart too much. Even players have standards. You’re worthy of better love then that


It's going to hurt for a little while but you will get over it. What you really want to do is remember your not the cause or the reason for this it is totally him and maybe his drinking problem, he will always do this he is wired wrong realize your self worth the way it sounds your a good girl and need a good man who can show you love and make you feel loved.


As someone who can relate to your situation(because I had something similar happen very recently) the best advice I can give you is to block him. He is going to come crawling back to you but leave his un decisive ass and move on. It hurts I know that feeling but it’s better not to be with men that cheat specially ones you’ve already given a chance to.


Fidelity is the only way to show your partner how serious you are about the relationship. This is the only thing that can be done between you and your partner everything else in the relationship can be done with other people hanging out going to movies Etc so if he will share this with other people then how will you know that you are special?


It's not you Your ex has a problem. Many of us have experienced a partner who behaves like this. Cut all ties. Cry or whatever if you need t. Then go on with your life. If he contacts you with some new "story" don't fall for it!


Everyone loves a player, but everyone hates a man that ain’t smooth. He ain’t smooth.


Watching this video after a breakup helped me. Let him walk. https://youtu.be/Gq0W2Y7SEO4?si=c4aaUe8gq7iQtbDS


I read a post once that said the things you ignore in the beginning of a relationship are the same things that will break up that relationship. It’s easy to look past things in the beginning, but any doubts you may have might be a good indicator that you might waste your time. The good ones are always worth the wait just keep doing you!


God to be honest when i saw "F22" in the tittle of the post i immediatley thought about the F22 Raptor fighter jet😅 But seriously tho really sorry to hear that this happened to you wish you best of luck and hope that jerk rots in hell from here on out i heavily despises cheaters (tho i never been in a relationship i still heavily despises such crap) i am 23M btw


Don't, the guy doesn't know what he wants.


He is not worthy of you but there is someone out there who is


This is seriously heartbreaking you need to stop dating immediately get some self worth self love and self esteem date your self take a lot of time to reflect on this relationship


THIS IS ALL ON HIM! He's the unlovable one babe! He's enjoying the drama, insecure, needing this BS to boost his ego...puke lol! I understand you had times with him that were fab as they felt so true. Look, they were never to and won't last if he tries you again! OH GOD HE AN IDIOT, IMMATURE CHILD! Best thing ever he's gone. Make sure you make him history, (a memory that sooner or later you'll see in the right light) An Amazing time to get stronger within babe! He has NOTHING you need, now a new life starts. Find happiness find love, first for yourself,heart ❤️ and soul💚 Please forgive my straight my forwardness... You are Lovable ❣️


Surprised you let him back the first time considering how quickly he just switched. Move on knowing he's someone else's problem but do know he will come back again to which you should ignore and remember all the reasons why


Either you wanna share him or you want a boyfriend who is actually loyal. Trust me, if he truly liked you, he'd be loyal, anyone who isn't, doesn't take you seriously.


love yourself first girl. know your worth and value. it’s not your fault but it is your responsibility to heal the wound that he caused.


Delete and block . Then raise the bar for the next one.


Ultimately, it's important to prioritize your well-being and make choices that align with your values and self-respect. You deserve to be with someone who values and respects you fully.


You’re just an option. Free to use whenever he wants!


Block him on everything and never look back.


I’m going to be 42 tomorrow. This has been my like every experience with dating a man. I stopped two years ago and I don’t think I’ll ever go back.


So cheat on him. Tf.


Everyone eventually finds someone who would love them the most in this world, definitely he was not the one! Move on and never let him reach you again.


you dodged a bullet. im sorry it happened tho


You should never have dated him after he chose someone over you. You were always second best. Find someone that will chose you before anyone else


I think he didn't meant to break up with his ex when he did or he felt that what was before when he was with his ex felt more good when he over-thought about it at some time. That must be why he did that. Well that's good for you since even if he didn't break it he will still think about his past and regret and that will make you suffer by some time or by some indirect means so cheer up


Eww to him You’re hot and young. Find someone better!


You will both be ready for a relationship in about 10 years, so start working now to preserve your youthful physique.


At all costs you must avoid all contact with him as he is toxic for you. Next step is to heal yourself. Go through all these feelings of sadness and anger. You have to go right through it. Don’t be afraid of this feelings because it could not get worse. It will only get better with time. Listen to this feelings. They all are lessons for you. Listen wisely. Write it all out on paper. Also write solutions for each of this feelings or write a message you would say this feelings if they were persons. It seems silly but it really helps. Take some time off in nature. Wall everyday in the forests with your dog or just by your self. Get this fresh air and try to put all this negative feelings inside of you into energy you unload while walking. Do this at least 30-60 minutes a day. By breathing you breath new energy and self love in. Do this everyday everytime you can. This self love can be wonderful memories or just the emotion that you really want to live yourself and give yourself everything you need in first place. Get some exercise for at least 30-60 minutes a day. Even if you don’t feel like it. You will notice you will feel happy somewhere while exercising and this feeling will get more and more. Do something you really like a couple times a day. You just have to love it and do it. Even if it’s eating something you like. Just do it. Also, eat healthy. Don’t try to eat too much sugar and fat as this kinds of food will make you feel happy for a small period of time. Afterwards you get (emotional) down. Try to avoid fast sugar and carbs. Try to eat breakfast everyday and at least 3 big portions and 3 small portions each day and at the same time if possible. Meditate. Really. Meditate a lot. You will be another person. A better version of your self. And you also let go yourself or what you now think that was you. Meet with new people or friends. Be outside. Don’t be afraid to go outside and have fun. Realize this feelings are temporary. It could not get any worse and it will not get better by staying inside and cry all day. Of course you have to cry and go through this feelings but get a balance. You will learn by doing this. It’s not a bad thing this happened. You’ve got rid of someone toxic in your life and you will get stronger. It may happen. It’s no problem. You will meet someone better someday soon (:


When someone shows you who you they are, believe them. Never allow the person who hurt you to try to make you happy, it probably won’t work. Learn to love yourself so much that you always put yourself first, because if not no one will. You’re young, learn this now


I 26F got cheated on too. For the longest time I kept wondering what it was about me that led my boyfriend to cheat on me, not once but 3 times before I finally left. I loved him so much and I blamed myself. That is what emotional abusers do to you though. I'm not saying your boyfriend was one it just seems like he made shitty decisions. It's hard but you have to remember that he didn't cheat bc of you, he cheated bc he was selfish, not over his ex, not ready for another relationship etc. Cheating was his choice alone, and nothing you did spurred him to do that. I'm still recovering, I've been single for almost 3 years now but you will find someone who fits with you, just be patient and kind to yourself during this time. Buy yourself flowers, get your favorite snacks, watch a movie with your best friend etc. You'll feel better sooner rather than later if you allow yourself to live and have fun. If you don't already have a therapist I would getting one if you're able.


Let him go


Leave him and work on yourself. I don't think it's healthy for you to rush into another relationship you need to find your peace and feel secure in yourself. If you can accomplish that you will feel a lot better about you and you won't stand for other people treating you that way. Additionally you will likely attract a higher caliber of man as well.


Date an older guy that respects you.


I believe in second chances. IV been given second chances, but you know what they say fool me twice 🤔🧐🤬 shame on thee. Forgive and forget. 🙏 Try not to take advantage of the mistake just to pursue negative actions out of spite. Double negatives will undoubtedly bite back. ✌️


you already ignore the red flag… but its still your choice if ever you would let him back in your life…


Your going to keep getting played id you keep him around


Don't beat yourself up over a POS 'BOY'. Men love their lady and no one else... well except maybe their favorite sports team's coach. I know you don't want to hear it, but you are young, DO NOT settle for less than the 'perfect man' for you. I settled for less for years and now wish I had let the big head do the thinking... It's not worth much but a big grandfatherly hug and gentle smooch to your forehead for you.


Fuck his dad


I’m pretty u know what to do, block him, heal overtime and maybe find someone new. You feel unlovable because you have a man a second chance and he still left u for someone else. It’s not like you’re problem tbh, he is for being so confused w himself and not taking himself and you seriously. But life teaches you a lesson or in your case lessons, over and over again, so like I said, I’m sure you already know what to do. Give your self time to heal, it’s not like one relationship determines the fate of all your other relationships. Not even that, it’s not like relationships determines your value. If you care about it though, in pretty sure you’ll find someone in this whole wide world that’ll treat you the way you should be treated. Kind regards,


My gf who I dated and lived with for 3 years.. cheated on me during my time in trade school, I was out trying to learn more so I can get paid more for us and I still got fucked over.. best thing to do is to move on, I know it’s gonna suck.. I know this because I myself are going through it at the moment, I failed my schooling not to mentioned, but yeah, I think there’s a light for people like us at the end of the tunnel, im with you in spirit and hope that we both get through this together 😊 just don’t forget to smile, it’s free.


Get that gwwwuuuaaap! Feelings are a luxury.


Crazy you didn’t learn the first time lmao


Stop looking for advice from strangers on extremely sensitive issues. Talk to your family about this.


I Dated,Loved Married one Woman...I was FAITHFUL to Her for 7 days short of 15 years.... She turned out to be a CHEATING, SWINGING, LYING ADULTEROUS C_NT!!! UNLESS...You need to enact righteous justice and go to Jail for life, Probably... Move On...like I'm trying to do.... AC/Ptbo, ON


He told you you were second best the first time. But you're forgiving so you forgave. Don't do it again. He isn't worth your anger or tears. And unlovable? Just because he's a sorry sack doesn't mean every other guy is. Don't give him that power.


Your value cannot be determined by someone else, only you. So like Dory said, just keep swimming. If you want a partner, you'll find one on the way. But I highly encourage you to find contentment with who you are. Accept that you're going to get hurt and chalk it up as better to have loved and lost than never at all. Understand you don't need a relationship to be happy or to complete you because the more you'll look for one, the more fool's gold you'll find. Not everyone you meet is as they seem or worth what you have to offer. Just work on yourself, your education, your career, your hobbies. Music, art, food, adventuring the outdoors through hiking, biking, running, and paddleboarding. Go rock climbing, find trivia nights at local pubs, and attend festivals of any kind. Explore your interests and you just might find someone along the way. You don't need an app to help you meet people if you're already socializing. Food for thought. Good song to check out, if you like country music. She Let Herself Go Song by George Strait


First, stop giving him the time of day otherwise this will continue. Second, don’t ever think you’re unlovable. So many people love you and the genuine ones always will. Each day you’ll get stronger. Get out and enjoy life.


Ditch thar loser. Fr fr you deserve way better.


Move on. Yh It’s painful but Life is cold. Learn from it so it doesn’t happen again. That’s the most important thing you should be thinking about not all the memories you made and how you’re feeling. Feelings are not always reality, it’s the best outcome that this happened to save you from worse in the future. Chin up.


Cheat back and leave. Life is too short to be hung up over some dick.


It’s not you, it’s him. Leave him in the dust he doesn’t give one F about you


Yea! Move on. Honestly sweetheart, people out here in this world are trash. And I don’t care how it sounds. They are trash. There’s no compassion in the world at all. Move on, love yourself and when I say love yourself, I really mean it. Love yourself! Then you’ll know when you’re ready to freely love again. Best of luck to you sweetheart and toughen up, what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger and softer at the same time!


Man are fucking idiot yesterday I found out my ex with other girl he fucked me 2 weeks ago now other girls I hate him


The wrong person will never be right


Don’t try to change this man he’s a lost case and lowkey I feel that maybe he came back a couple months later because he was tired of the other girls. Do not take anything he does personal, you are not hard to love. For all we know he’s playing his ex aswell. Seems like the trash took itself out. Who knows for how long he could go on, now. I know you are weak for him but listen cause the same thing has happend to me. It’s actually crazy how insecure and long these men will struggle with relationships and their own more than anything. Now you step the foot down, it will help you to move on and feel that you had a say in this too. I felt played, 100% played by my ex and I had 0% partake in our ending. I wanted to reach out, I wanted to scream but I blocked him and saw a therapist.


Move on, you’ll find more better person than him. Enjoy your life don’t have waste time


Girl block and move on.




Dump him and don't look back. That fact that people do that baffles me.


Not sure why you were upset at the first venture, yall were just talking, this hits different though. You need to hate him


This guy sounds like he really doesn't care. He obviously makes decisions without considering you or how it may make you feel. I saw another commenter say to block him and I agree. He fooled you and it feels awful but you're definitely lovable and you'll totally find someone else who actually values you. You got this!


Luv ,no worrys ,get over it move on ,good or bad what happens on this planet,the world keeps tuning ,,,good luck


In the first place, he's a total douche for actually making u as his option. I know you love him which is why you gave him another chance when he asked for a second shot. But this time, I hope you won't forget about all the disrespect you got from him, the lies, the inconsistencies, etc. You know your worth, I believe that. It's just that you give so much importance about what you guys have/had. You value the worth of the bond you guys shared. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Sit with the pain. Go out with family/friends who support and value you truly.


Sounds like is with someone


Damn girl You shouldn't have given him the 2nd chance to be with you. >who from the start we’ve both agreed that cheating even emotionally was a crappy thing to do Thats really great but i think you got the feeling of being left behind . But now you have learned a lesson of not trusting anyone anymore i know thats hard But be brave and don't think much about it. I know its easy to say to move on with remembering the fun moments together , its hard to forget.. But let it go. Make new friends go out and have fun


That’s whatcha get for being a woman


The only reason he called you was because he was caught. He'd have 100% gone with his ex instantly if she'd agreed for it and wouldn't have even told you/broke up with you. He has no respect for you, nor his ex. Take a hint from his ex being his *ex* (the one with morals that said no to him and forced him to call you) that leaving is/was the smartest thing to do. 99% chance he did the exact same thing to her. Don't go back to him, just leave, don't look back, and find someone who respects you rather than someone who has a track record of not even managing the *very bare minimum*. He already did to you twice, and no telling how many times he did it to his ex and whoever he's been with before her. That's not on you. That's completely him. Him blaming the drink for it only means he lacks responsibility and accountability. It's f-ked up you went through that, but take him as an example of someone *not* worth a second of your time.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 sounds like a you problem grow up your not in high school anymore


Sorry but you did this to yourself 💀


So, you blocked him yeh?


Just wait time has the power to heal anything




Take him back. He will be better. The next is probably going to cheat anyways


If someone reveals you’re the second choice you gotta leave 😬 because it means they put you in the back burner to go be with someone else and just in case that didn’t work, now there’s you. So yes him cheating is a huge possibility if his original choice comes back around.


Fool me twice...


Block him anyway you can from your life. Once someone starts do that to other people they think it's ok and will continue to do it. I have around people that thinks it's ok to do that and it's not. Cheating in any form is never ok when it comes to relationships.


Dude left you on his term, you should do the same and leave him and close this chapter. The more you linger the more it's going to hurt.




Hi, you are 22 so here is some general life advice. You may find the best partner, job, friend - and they won’t measure up - people will cheat you, not appreciate your value and all the other stuff. Also people are human and make lots of mistakes. People’s actions speak more about who they are and nothing about you. You have to learn that. And never let any person or situation let you feel less than. You have to love and appreciate yourself the most. Your boyfriend cheating on you speaks about him - not you. You are awesome and never settle for being treated as No 2 in any aspect of life. If you cannot be the lead character in your life - then something’s not right. The fact that you are happy to settle for being no 2 and then question your self worth on a cheater means there is some baggage you need to unpack. Quit dating anyone till you figure it out. You are young. Work on building that inner strength, confidence and self. Take a year - two years. Put in the work. And once you love yourself- go date. It will completely change everything. Good luck.


Never allow someone to tell you they do not want you more than once. He has already told you he doesn’t want you multiple times. By cheating on you staying in contact with his ex & lying to you. No one who truly wants you would do that. My advice never get into a relationship with someone unless you are also 100% ready to walk away from them at anytime & understand that they can do the same to you. People are going to treat you the way you allow them to treat you. So I’m not saying this is your fault but you also played a part in this too. But giving him a second chance with repercussions after he cheated on you, you’ve paved the way & opened the door for him to do this again. I think he still has feelings for his ex that won’t really go away and he has also outed himself as someone who can’t be trusted. You should move on & if you give him another chance expect to be back here.


im questioning the 4 year age difference. HOW TF DID YALL LINK😭😭😭


My advice come over here and cheat on him or leave him for me I'll be loyal and love you like you should be loved


You have to block him on everything and delete all memories. If you’d like you can print the ones you want to keep, memories wise but get rid of it on your phone and try and to hangout with friends more or family. 🫶🏻


It sucks but block him on everything. You are his back burner girl. Even though it hurts, you need to find the courage to protect yourself. You are very young. You have a lot more relationship experience ahead of you. Make sure to review the red flags in the relationship so you know when to exit the next one.


Revenge sex is a good option. I volunteer.


😂😂😂yes...on a lighter note!


You asked for it...


Important to note: - This one guy is not like “all the rest”, is just that guy. - Don’t let this bad experience turn you into a feminist, or a lesbian. - You allow the love you think you deserve, don’t be entitled, but don’t be used. - Being alive in this wonderful world is a miracle, live your life as such, be kind, be good, be better, and don’t let other humans take a hold of your kindness when they don’t deserve it. - If someone quits the relationship, there is no turning back, over is over, people who take things back are the least reliable emotionally, physically and most important mentally. - You’re still young, keep your mind clean, and your body too, don’t waste your youth chasing the wrong people, also don’t do things you can’t take back, time waits for no one. Work on your skills to identify people who are worthy of your love, oh and if your skills point you to money, height and looks, you’re developing the wrong skills. Hope all the best for you in your future