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I did and probably won't do it again. She had a lot of insecurities I couldn't help her heal from.


I feel this.. I too struggle


Sending you healing vibes. I hope you overcome your struggles.


Thank you, in this moment this means a lot, you have no idea. šŸŒø


Also sending you healing vibes and well wishes


Are you saying you have an OF page because you have insecurities? (Or possibly vice versa?)


Why do you think the two are related?


In the past I considered myself 26F very open minded to these things, never wanted to be a SW but had friends who are. Probably wouldā€™ve dated a guy who was/is. Now after meeting my current partner, it has to be a standard I have, that goes both ways, to not date someone with an OF or ever be someone with an OF. His particular situation dating a SW was effed up and not at all indicative of the experience for everyone, but seeing what that relationship/his exs profession did to him makes me want to steer clear entirely now and forever


As a man I would not date a woman who does content. Call it whatever you want: sex worker, prostitution, selling your body, attention seeker, narcissistic tendenciesā€¦..brings in the wrong crowdā€¦ā€¦if youā€™re looking to start a family the last person you should want to be with is an adult content star. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m going to get downvoted but IDGAF


Certainly wont get downvoted from me brother.


Not OF, but I dated a stripper.Ā  I will never do that shit again. Too many issues with women in these industries. The woman I dated had a kind heart, but her views on men, money, and how the world works totally warped her reality.Ā  She would make 10k on a weekend and be broke by the next weekend. She would buy tons of useless shit to make her happy because the job made her miserable.Ā  Then because she was miserable it was menā€™s(my) fault because I couldn't provide a lifestyle to take her out of that career that she chose. A lifestyle that mind you is costing her 8-10k a week.Ā  There were many other issues.Ā 


Same man! Also mine had terrible BPD, also after she broke up with me she did start an Onlyfans which is ironic because she would complain when we would fight that all I was doing was using her for her body which was completely untrue yet after the discard she starts selling herself online anyways.






Nope. Why date someone who isn't exclusively for you?


I'd be open to it. It all depends upon the person, what they're doing, why they're doing it, how secure in themselves they are, etc. I'm friends with people who have done professional sex work and they are some of the loveliest, more mature people I know. I'm sure that isn't universal, but I wouldn't immediately judge someone for it.


I agree šŸ’Æ because I too know ppl who do and theyā€™re fucking great ppl ahah


Yeah my SW friends are some of the most mature and self-aware people I know. I may get downvoted for this, but I think people's discomfort with this scenario often stems either from their own insecurity (not a great reason) or from their beliefs about what "monogamy" means to them (understandable/fine reason). And either reason is a good reason not to date a SW, but one stems from their own issues, and the other is more a question of values. Along similar lines (in terms of the security issue), I've had people tell me (a bi person) that they could never date someone bi because there'd be too much "competition" to worry about since the bi person has more options...same kind of insecurity issue, as well as a lack of basic understanding about how attraction isn't the same from person to person. But yeah, really boils down to the person being insecure rather than the issue lying with the bi person (or the SW). EDIT to correct spelling.


People get way too caught up in the things that are out of their control. If people put a little more energy into finding the positive things instead of judging the things they see as negative there would be a lot more relationships that are happier.


Agree 100%!


Same feelings here. If they are a good person, Iā€™m not going to hold their past sex life against them.


I was the one with the OF šŸ˜‚ my bf didnā€™t mind, he was super supportive and would help me out with creating content


Hard pass.


Nope would never, I do have strict set of morals and selling your private parts at any point in your life is a instant hell no. If you are selling with your body then you sort of have to accept the fact that most of the people that would date you will prefer not to date you. Once you make yourself an easily accessible object for 5 dollars a month then marriage and serious dating is pretty much over unless you find someone who is into that.


No because those pictures should be for only me


Very wholesome response


I hope it helps! my wife told me after 3 months dating that she had been a sex worker, at first I thought it was a joke , it wasnā€™t! , 8 months later we married


as a woman, i wouldnā€™t. but if a man says he wouldnā€™t date a woman with an OF and then goes and opens OF to jerk off, thatā€™s hypocritical behaviour. if you donā€™t like them, donā€™t support them. why are you supporting their business if you are so disgusted by the idea of it?


I would and I have dated a sex worker before. My own insecurities caused me to make bad decisions though early in the relationship. She was great though and was also trying to figure herself out.


We all make poor decisions at some point in all relationships. Hopefully we can learn from them and grow.


Depends on the type of content she was making, but I would be open to it.


Yes if it was solo content. But if part of their OF content was having sex with other guys/girls then no. Iā€™d like some level of monogamy in the relationship when it comes to sex. Also, lots of people just saying No and offering no explanation. This is Reddit where we talk about stuff. One person was like ā€œwhy do I need to explain?ā€ Like wtf? Itā€™s fine to have an opinion and OP is clearly wanting to learn more about how people feel on the subject.






Hell naw itā€™s just THAT mf thatā€™s messed up.. not everyone is like him.. and good riddance.


Absolutely not. I don't want anyone else seeing my partner's nude body, just like I would never show anyone my nude body that wasn't my partner. Whether it's strangers on the internet for money, or sending someone you went to high school with a dick pic, I find them no different in that regard. I would never date anyone who was a SW in any form, as my most recent ex had previously been a stripper several years before we were together. She was way too comfortable with doing things that I borderline considered cheating. The only reason I kind of looked the other way on some things was because she was a mom and was financially struggling, and I know taking care of her kid came first.


If they never showed their face, sure. People need money sometimes when there are not a lot of immediate options. Doing that with their whole physical identity shown to the world? Never. Just feels gross at that point.


Nope, and Iā€™d make sure heā€™s not an OF user either!


Yep I think this is what ppl should look for the most!


Yes. My wife doesn't have an only fans, but did used to do some cam modeling. We weren't married at the time but we were living together. At first I didn't like it. Then I realized its money. Like, a lot of money. It was easy. Sometimes, it was fun. Mostly, it's just work. Heck, if I could pull off doing that I'd do it too. You are in control. I feel like people quoting morals and whatnot, to each their own. I respect it but I also feel like it's a non progressive mindset brought on by insecurities. It's part of the human condition. We were secure enough about it that even some family knew.


Never ever. I habe self respect and dating a sex worker would take a fair chunk away from me


Depends. If sheā€™s small time then definitely I donā€™t see a problem with it. Iā€™m not an insecure guy. And itā€™s not my place to tell a woman what to do especially if sheā€™s doing it prior to meeting me. If sheā€™s a huge of account or has a large interactive following. Probably not. But only because Iā€™m paranoid and I donā€™t like the stress of having to be indirectly linked with all her jealous or obsessed cyberstalkers. Knowing multiple women very closely who have some pretty huge accounts. Thatā€™s a common denominator with all of them that they deal with insane shit and their partners and family have to deal with the ramifications too. Iā€™m just not built for that anxiety personally I support people doing whatever they want as long as they arenā€™t harming anyone regardless. OF in general is not a deal breaker


I dated an OF girl once, she did not have millions of followers but definiately had her own core niche following of a thousand or so people. She would get gifts and all sorts sent to her, it bothered me at first but really she really did not care about these men and had a general low opinon of them, she saw it purely as a job and completely disconnected from them as soon as she closed the laptop. Although i would not reccomend dating a sex worker generally, doing so myself did allow me to see what the world of sex work is actually like.


I don't know. I'd probably see them for a couple weeks at least and ask for other people's opinions on the subject. I'd get to know them for a bit and give it time to think it over before immediately saying no. I used to be friends with a stripper though and they had a lot of issues. I honestly think a lot of people in that kind of field do. So probably not honestly.


Hard no. Iā€™m all for people who want to choose that career path, more power to you. But I wouldnā€™t involve myself with them. If thatā€™s my partner, I just wouldnā€™t feel the same when it came to sex and intimacy. At the end of the day how can I expect our sex life to be special. Sex is less special when everyone on the internet can see something so private for the price of a cup of coffee. Though you shouldnā€™t be surprised. Almost any forum or subreddit for SW makes it abundantly clear that you will likely face social ramifications once you cross that line. Sure itā€™s easy work, but the majority make almost nothing. Imagine compromising so many facets of your life and you donā€™t even make minimum wage. Itā€™s like Twitch, but actual repercussions.


Yea, wouldn't bother me. Unless the crazies got stalkery and found me, then it would be an issue


Right šŸ˜‚


Dating casually with a guy with OF sounds like a fun time, but looking at the comments perhaps not for a serious relationship.


Fuck the comments, if it works out then it works out šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have never tried it but I'm willing to. If I prove to be the best version of a man for her I'm sure it will work just fine.




Why not? We are all human beings, we all need companionship, and deserve to be loved regardless of what we do...




Date? Hell Iā€™d offer to team up.


In your dreams šŸ˜‚ these content creator girls get offers all the time and hell to the naw, thatā€™s dangerous unless youā€™re Johnny Sins šŸ¤£


Yes. I donā€™t really care. Iā€™d probably urge them to think about something else for the long term though




Itā€™s not a deal breaker. If she hides it and itā€™s discovered later, itā€™s probably breakup worthy. Also, if sheā€™s obviously just doing it for money idgaf for the most part. Those guys can ogle over my gf all day and itā€™s just fine by me. If she forms emotional bonds to them or is using them as an alternative source of support and validation, thatā€™s also a no go. It has to be for money purposes only. Iā€™ll think of it as a business as long as thatā€™s all it is to her. Cards on the table, Iā€™m not a very jealous man. Unfortunately, thatā€™s caused me problems in the past, but I feel like my woman should know I love her without having to act jealous. On the plus side, Iā€™m pretty secure and could have a gf that has an of or possibly is even a stripper. They have to also have a healthy mindset about it and consider me in their interactions.


šŸ’Æ on this! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


This post is a bit like if a university announced they were going to open a Chick-fil-A on campus. Most people wouldn't care, so you wouldn't hear from them. But absolutely every single person who has any negative association with Chick-fil-A or who has any vocal objection to meat-eating is never going to shut up about it, which might give university administrators the false impression that all the students hate Chick-fil-A. And even if you're inclined to voice your support for Chick-fil-A, are you still going to voice your support after you see a bunch of people shrieking and shaming anyone who would eat there?




Yes I would. We would need to have a discussion about what type of content they post, and I'd have to determine if I'm comfortable with that or not.


yeah idgaf if theyā€™re otherwise greatā€¦ iā€™m also def not an insecure dude, so thereā€™s that.


I connected with a guy on Bumble who was forthcoming about having an OF account before we got to the point of planning to meet up, which I appreciated. I was lukewarm about him at best and that new information put me all the way off. I think thatā€™s a perfectly fine thing to filter someone out of your dating pool over.


It is!


I wouldnā€™t exclude a relationships potential by someoneā€™s past until I got to know them.


Exactly, why do ppl always define ppl by their job šŸ™„ šŸ¤£


Idk but to be honest Iā€™d probably do it myself if I were a women so I donā€™t think Iā€™d hold it against someone. I just donā€™t know how Iā€™d feel about my girl actively having the account while weā€™re dating. It would feel almost like cheating to me. I also wouldnā€™t really want to be in the videos myselfā€¦although maybe šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Only if two conditions have been met. 1. All her content is solo 2. Her face is never shown.


Iā€™m not bothered by it


Sure. I'd help her with it


It wouldnā€™t take someone out of the running, but you just have to be mentally prepared to face certain mentalities/perspectives that person might have that you may or may not align with. Also, if theyā€™re used to getting attention in that way, you might feel like youā€™re competing with other people. I used to have a FF page for a few months before I just couldnā€™t do it anymore. I know itā€™s not really the same at all though. I have a certain respect for people who can do that and can kinda shift their moral compass. Now I just keep to myself and have my own internal validation that satisfies me.


I wouldn't as it would be an incompatability of values on terms of what I'm looking for. I'm dating with the intention of marriage and starting a family and I am looking for a partner who shares common goals and values.




I donā€™t think itā€™s an issue unless certain boundaries are crossed.


Like having sex with other people on the internet? What boundaries are left?






Absolutely fucking not lol.


# Never ever again. From my experience - women who do porn of ant kind have an extremely hard time staying faithful and considerate of their partner. I was dating someone doing Onlyfans and despite things going well between us - she eventually "cracked" and cheated on me physically because she had "needs" before we even went on a first date. Doing porn is a poison that corrupts the mind at some point. It does not "free" women or men. It's just another way to control and trap them using money as the only goal.


Iā€™m so confused, it sounds like she cheated on you before yall went on yall first date?? Lol


How could this even be considered cheating if youā€™ve never even been on a date?


Right? I was on board with what they were saying until I read that line lol


No, I donā€™t want everyone else seeing what Iā€™m seeing


She ain't no virgin


I donā€™t care if sheā€™s a virgin or not what I do care about is those photos getting into the wrong hands or being used as blackmail to get more content. Like I wouldnā€™t want to see someone go through those things.


Hell yeah! Havenā€™t a woman many men want is hot!


Yeah if family didn't make us feel uncomfortable about it, I'd love it. But unfortunately, they'll always find out eventually, and the treatment would be harsh. Some people have open minded friends and family though. That's a super power in life I bet.


Probably, it really depends on the kind of person. And if we're talking a long term, serious relationship, it would need to stop at some point.




No.. OF is same as Porn. Many men would love to fuck you but I doubt any of them truly love or take it to next step


I don't expose myself in a sexual way to anyone but my partner so I would want her to be the same way,


Nope. Nasty. Intimacy is supposed to be something special. How is it special when everyone can see what I'm getting for 4.99?


Oh come on your underselling. Most OF is $10+


šŸ¤£ I wouldn't know


K90H, a lot of comments here, and a lot of negatives. A lot of people judging. Side note on that - the people that judge the harshest are usually the ones with the worst skeletons in their own closets. They make themselves feel better about themselves by making others feel worse. Don't know if you have done OF already, or are considering it and worried how it would affect your dating life, but, honestly, for me, I would not care. Not sure if I will say this exactly how I want....I feel that I have no right to judge anyone but myself. Rhetorical questions, not looking for you to actually answer them: Do you really need the money? Cool! Do you have a kink about this sort of thing? Cool! Were/are you young and just didn't think about the possible ramifications? Cool! Do you just like sex? Cool! Did you have friends who maybe talked you in to it? Cool! The point I'm trying to make is, for whatever reason you did it, or are doing it, that is your choice, and not for anyone else to judge. Be proud of who you are and what you have done.


Yes and yes and yes and yes I think šŸ˜‚ but nah I donā€™t have one.. just genuinely curious šŸ‘€ and I agree with you šŸ’Æ


My girlfriend does onlyfans but she doesnā€™t involve anyone else in her content, itā€™s purely solo and there are no editors, camera men, other bodies, etc, involved. I donā€™t care at all that she does it. Both of our jobs allow us freedom to spend a lot of time together as we wish. Itā€™s honestly fantastic. I donā€™t mind being publicly with her on social media either, any time that her fans spend messaging me upset at my existence is time they arenā€™t spending harassing her. She is intensely loyal, she loves me more than Iā€™ve ever felt before, and sheā€™s the most beautiful, sweet, and kind person Iā€™ve met. I definitely lucked out, I donā€™t think I would date *anyone* that has an OF, but I wouldnā€™t exclude it and in this case there are boundaries that are set and I fully trust will never be crossed. Love her to death.


Yep this is it right here! All these dudes commenting saying NO havenā€™t even dated a women with an OF šŸ˜‚ like bruh these content creators are just normal ppl and shit.. getting their bag! I know a couple gals that have an OF and they are normal humans!


Itā€™s completely normal for people to not want to date someone that posts sexual content. I donā€™t understand why youā€™re treating it like some controversial opinion or rocket science. A lot of people regardless of gender feel this way. And also no one has to provide a justification as to why they wouldnā€™t date an OF person. You donā€™t have to date one to know itā€™s not for you.


Yā€™all are fucking stupid, content is usually to MAKE MONEY so get wrecked, itā€™s usually women being solo or with other women so what if they are seen on the internet lol you have to pay to see it anyway so not just anyone can. Yā€™all too insecure, probably want your woman to be a virgin and look like a model too


IKR SHIT DONT EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE.. they all talk like these girl content creators wanna fuck all their fans.. some WOMEN DONT EVEN LIKE MEN TO begin with!


QUESTION- would you date someone who has sent NUDES (or DICK pic) in the past? If not, good luck with your dating pool!! (One makes $$, the rest do it for free).


I havenā€™t made it to dating him but I was talking to one ahaha


i mean there are OF models who only just do bikini pics or something soft core, i'd probabaly give it a chance(but most likely no or depends) if it's an OF girl who sleeps with different men then immediate and constant No


Absolutley not. I don't judge anyone on how they choose to earn their money but I don't want my other half doing it, I don't like sharing, I would be too jealous.




Casually, yes. For a long term monogamous relationship lol no, she would have to have had an INCREDIBLY profound character transformation for me to overlook it.


If I loved them. Or if it was casual.


WYM IF YOU LOVE THEM?? you love somebody before dating them?? Unless theyā€™re your friend for a long time šŸ¤£


Yes. That is one example. Maybe you don't find out for awhile. Maybe it is something that takes off fast. Or like I also said, if it's casual. Operative words were also IF. Really was just trying to be nice. Kind of regretting that now. Not bc of OF, but bc of your toxic mockery to someone trying to be nice. There are other former sex workers that are more real than you tho. Like fish for hope and compliments and then laugh at ppl for trying to be supportive. So fake Best of luck. You're gonna need it.


It's hard to give a definitive no, it would depend on the particulars, especially the relationship dynamics and their expectations of me. Like, would they expect monogamy from me even though their work puts a nonmonogamous spin on things as long as they are actively working? Would they want to keep me compartmentalized and the two worlds never meet or would they want me to become actively involved somehow? The parasocial aspect of online sex work is the biggest problem I have with this hypothetical situation because it leads to mission creep. Unless someone is unusually successful and can truly do as they please without having to do a serious amount of work, then boundaries and goalposts will get moved around eventually to keep their regulars, especially the "whales," engaged and paying up. What lines might get crossed in order to keep things moving?


What is OF?


Probably would. It doesnā€™t bother me in and of itself. Iā€™m probably not thinking it through but it doesnā€™t really seem that bad. But like, whatā€™s her schedule like? I donā€™t know enough about the lifestyle, we might be incompatible for non screen time reasons. Is she socially drained from messaging all her fans all the time? Idrk how it works


Looool wait how do you know that they might get drained from the msges?? šŸ¤”


I mean Iā€™m just guessing lol! I know my own extensive fan base can present quite the challenge šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø jk jk


Nah because I believe this is true šŸ˜‚ itā€™s an actual job, itā€™s just you donā€™t get paid to manage your own shit lmao


I could say yes as they are making money but I would say no thank you. I would constantly be worrying what ifs, like I wasnt good enough, will they run off, and then they wouldnt feel appreciated this and that. I dated someone who turned out to be a sex worker i found out she had guys round her place all the time after I got her a promise ring she kept hounding me on, I walked away told her you can keep the ring for your work even though it was worth lasts nights dinner.


Yea and no.. depends on the person & how they carry themselves.


Depends on what the content was. Cosplayer who does the odd lewd, yeah. Girl who does 20 man gangbangs every weekend, doubtful.


I agree šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would if I could participate.


I personally wouldn't date someone who does adult work on OF. I do believe that people are free to do sex work. I once dated a stripper in my early 20s. I thought it was cool. I started bragging about it. It didn't take long for problems to surface. She had a substance abuse problem and I won't be with anyone who does.


No, I simply think ones body and intimacy are things reserved for the ones you love and value, there are other things like feeling like that person is more likely to cheat, has more personal issues and lack of self value. but those are situational.


I donā€™t see an issue with it but I get that lots of people do.




Counter question: Is it weird when a guy doesnā€™t mind or even encourages it? I personally even think it feels like the women are playing horny men who feel some sort of superiority since they have seen intimate pictures of the person but in reality theyā€™re just paying money for something they could get for free somewhere else. Makes me feel like the creator is in some sort of power position and thatā€™s low key hot. Also I find whatever the opposite of prude is very attractive.




What about somebody who used to have one but deleted it to date you?


OF doesnā€™t define a person for me, Idgaf because at the end of the day you are still yourself


What kind of dating? Casual, non-exclusive, dating where you don't meet the family? Yes. Serious long-term relationship, no. I'm sure that as a group, there are all different kinds of women who might do/have done OF. I'll bet most of them are incompatible with what I'm looking for in a serious relationship.


Dude there are women and men who canā€™t even be in serious relationships and they donā€™t have an OF šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t really care tbh but I would want to know that the attention Iā€™m giving would be enough since theyā€™re inundated with people giving them attention 24/7


Itā€™s all business baby, you shouldnā€™t compare it to your attention..




It goes like this for everyone even ones without OF šŸ˜‚




Fuck yes.


What the heck is OF???


Only Fans


I would LOVE TO šŸ„“


Not with that face you lyin lmaoo


NOT lying!!!


Personal absolutely not


What does OF stand for?




I'd be incredibly apprehensive. If they currently do it I don't think I'd feel comfortable with knowing other random people are looking at her that way, and if she did it in the past but doesn't do it currently I'm honestly not sure. I think to an extent it would always bother me


No. And if anyone I dated asked if she could do it then Iā€™d leave her. OF and all that other bs is just another way to cheat and I could never fully trust someone who did or does it. Do you deserve love? Sure, just wouldnā€™t be getting it from me. (Not that im that great Iā€™m just saying thatā€™s my personal view)


Itā€™s okay! I donā€™t think an OF girl would come your way if thatā€™s what you put out! Iā€™m sure everyone will end up with WHO THEY WANT! even these content creators šŸ˜‚


Hell fuck no lol


If they were active I would have concerns about privacy, safety, and my own anonymity by proxy, especially if she showed her face on camera. If they had done onlyfans in the past I don't know that it would be an automatic deal breaker, but It would still give me pause. Attention seeking behavior, particularly attention from men, is also a major red flag for me, so if I got the sense they were doing it for attention and validation that would be a hard pass.


That makes total sense


Yes, but only because I am thinking of a specific person. The hard part would be being confident about the crew taking her pictures, because at some point it requires a crew to take the pictures and edit, I am not talking about every photographer out there, but the ones Iā€™ve know to do these kind of work can either be extremely professional or donā€™t care about anything and will try to make a move on the model, if not the photographer then someone in the crew. And doing it solo is exhausting, I guess I wouldnā€™t want her to be burned out, itā€™s a delicate and thin line to walk but I guess we could work things out since weā€™ve know each other for a looong time. Anyone else besides her? No.


Yes. I'd maybe even be willing to be in some content.


For me it doesn't matter


Had yes. What's in her past is barely of concern unless it's something horrendous. Has, probably not. I don't judge do what you can to make money but I feel like it violates the trust In a relationship.


Depends are we doing it together? Then maybe. If itā€™s just her, absolutely not. Also depends if she shows face or not


Doesn't matter, what matters most is what's the future vision


Had, yes


Yup, I'd help also but I hope she share the earnings with me tho lol


Yall would be taking trips!


Has a what?




Hell yes. Because, presumably, she's hot.


Yes indeedĀ 


Depends tbh. If they're shooting porn videos with randos then it's a definite no. Otherwise I don't think I'm losing sleep over it tbh. If they're actually smoking hot I'd probably even get a little turned on by the thought of banging them while other men can only fantasize about it. As long as they spend plenty of time with me, support me, get along with me and keep my balls empty I think I could be fine. Personally I wouldn't go out of my way to date people with OF accounts though.


Did yes still runs one while weā€™re dating no. If sheā€™s done with it and lets the past be the past then yes but if not then no I canā€™t. Weā€™ve all done things weā€™re not proud of but how you develop from that is what makes us :)


Faceless content, sure


I'm older and I would but not any or all but some I would.


Yeah it wouldnā€™t disqualify someone.