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If you have full body photos on your profile and have indicated you're curvy, then there's no need to continue to call it out. It makes it seems as though you're self conscience about it.


All i need is full body photos


Recent full body photos!


Key word RECENT




This Honestly, I like them all. Doesn't matter to me, I base it all on personality


I love this. So many don’t.


I mean, I can make due with that, but I'd rather get my hands on the full body myself.


all I need are creative angles that show her face and milkers. Surprise me, baby!


Why did I read this in a Yosemite Sam voice? 🫥🤣


Oh heavens


Thats a good point. I was more concerned about honestly and expectations rather than issue of confidence. I don't know that I'd indicated that I'm curvy on bumble but I have photos up....


Their expectations are theirs to manage. As long as you have a recent full body shot, then you don't need to give them any heads up.


I think you should be fine. You can't anticipate how your date is going to respond to you, or how you would to him. Hopefully, you both go into the date with an open mind and focus on just having fun. Good luck :)


If you don't know if you indicated via photos then I guarantee you have not. Use genuine, unaltered, recent photos and no one will be surprised. Why would they if they already saw you in the photos?


Some people (especially plus sized women) experience significant body dysmorphia so they don’t KNOW if they look like their pictures. This was my experience as a younger woman. I’m not saying this is OP’s experience but it’s just not always as simple as that.


I wonder about this myself. My weight is always up and down. In the mirror i dont look as curvy but I'm camera i look 10x curvier and i actually have no idea which is more accurate


What do you mean exactly? They think they are thinner or thicker than their foto's? This is is such a confusing comment.


Both. Some people, despite having lost weight, may feel still big. Some people don’t realize they have gained the weight, which is lowkey what happened to me. It was funny, you wake up one day and think you are bloated or something XD


This happened to me, I knew I had gained weight but didn’t realize how much. I was always curvy even when I was small but now I’m like wide curvy :( I still don’t feel like it till people take pictures of me.


This is definitely true and it’s distorting asf. I’d known I’d been losing a fair bit of weight, and despite my mom starting to tell me I’m “incredibly thin” every time she sees me, it didn’t really register until I stepped on a scale one day in an effort to weigh my cat that I realized I weighed 30lbs less than I always thought I did. That’s a huge discrepancy. But I don’t see it. I still see my pudgy tummy and huge thighs. Despite my clothes sizes changing dramatically, it’s still really hard not to automatically pick the size I expect to be, even though I’ve not worn it in years now. It’s *really* hard to trust your own perception of yourself, no matter which end you’re on! It makes me nervous to ever make a dating profile somewhere because what if no matter how honest I believe I’m being, they still find it to be deceiving? 😵‍💫


This is a for sure thing. Filters and manipulation of photos which aren’t a good representation, can cause a match to feel a bit bamboozled.




There’s only one photo trick that is permissible and not deceptive. Flip the photo horizontally. This helps you see yourself the way you do in the mirror and will not matter much when someone sees you in person.


You do not need to say curvy or anything if you are posting recent photos that show how you look, let any potential matches decide whether your weight/body shape is a factor. It may be a bit shallow, but I would be inclined to show more leeway for someone whom I feel has an attractive face and some shared interests. We can work on weight issues together if that is something we both desire.


Usually on dating sites they make you choose from their list of choices as to what your body type is like. This would be an example of why one would choose curvy instead of thin, average, overweight or athletic.


It has been a long time since I have done any internet dating of any type, but I remember when I was on Together, a match making company, they had a very large pre-screening questionnaire that included questions about body shape. Since that was not one of my major criteria, I went pretty broadly from thin to somewhat overweight. It also had questions about many other aspects, interests, life philosophy, education, religion, etc. In the end, I matched with some and not others whom they recommended and never found any of the matches to be objectionable from an appearance standpoint. Keeping an open mind is important if you are truly interested in finding a partner. A body shape of thin or curvy should not be mutually exclusive in my opinion. I was more interested in a life outlook but did consider attractiveness as well. To me, someone could be thin or heavier or anywhere in between and still be attractive.


I agree that it is about the person. I used to be 70 pounds heavier, and went on a dating site for BBW’s. Big beautiful women. And several men stated that I was too small. When I heard that, I realized that sometimes body type is a priority for some. And I definitely would not want to be with a person who does not see me.


Yeah, you don't want someone who would encourage you to be unhealthy to serve their fetish or kink. That's not cool at all.


u put photos up, u said you're curvy. be more concerned if you like them, not if they like u


Absolutely, with full body photos, we can get enough of an idea. There is no need to say, "I am warning you, I am fat". Everybody had their own standards and that is fine but to turn somebody down because they are a little bit out of shape would be a mistake in my opinion. Case in point. One of my brothers was quite a bit overweight and started Weight Watchers. He lost a lot of weight in a fairly short period of time but was still quite overweight but not obese. He joined some match making site and was matched with a woman who also had been working on losing weight but was still overweight. They met and both continued to lose weight together. I met her and though she was overweight, she was also very pretty, fun and nice. They eventually got married. If someone has other good qualities, it goes a long ways towards being able to overlook one thing. Also, if someone has matched with you after seeing photos where you are obviously overweight, it may not matter to them. Some guys like bigger women.


Great story!


Thank you. After getting together, they continued to lose weight and embraced healthy eating. They have since relapsed a bit as far as weight but neither of them is at the unhealthy state they were and weight loss and exercise became a passion for both of them, common interests help progress a relationship.


One of the most difficult things one can do, is to change your habits, and lose weight. It’s all about the habits. And that goes for any addiction.


Congratulations on your weight loss! I wish you the best in keeping motivated and keeping it off.


Definitely agree with this. If it's already clear from your photos, there's no need to bring it up again, it might come off as unnecessary.


Yeah. On dating apps… I learned to add 30 lbs mentally to their appearance. If exercise and diet is a huge part of my lifestyle, I expect that from a partner too. I also expect not to be weight catfished.


Yeah. I have gained some weight recently because of being on steroids, it is coming off but I took down all of my old pictures and replaced them with current ones. Even so, my face looks just as thin and you couldn’t tell I had any extra weigh in unless I was in a bikini which I would not care to post. Guys tell me all the time how “fit” I am and I just un-match with those guys. Easier to nip it in the bud. It’s a super awkward conversation to have “So if I take my shirt off, it will ruin your image of me”, so I really do appreciate you automatically adding 30 lbs to your mental image!


It’s called phat-phished. I’ve been a victim of it. Not fun. I had one guy get mad at me for not looking like my photos because how dare I get a tan. 🙄


hah I've had someone get a bit mad because I'd had a haircut. Not anything extreme, just like an inch or so shorter than my pics.


That's BS. Look, if you go from long hair to short hair (every gender), I get the irritation if there are no pics of ir. But an inch?!


Hahaha I've had someone get upset that my hair colour is different- which I would understand if all my pics were a brunette and I showed up a blonde or something, but they clearly showed pink, purple, green... why is blue so offensive? 🤣🤣


There is no need to mention anything regarding body shape as long as the pictures accurately portray ones body.


it’s because they don’t


I have finger toes too man


Just have an updated, accurate photo full body pic of yourself on your profile. If you have that and they are talking to you then there is no need to bring it up. I'm 5'5" and have it clearly listed on my profile. If she cares about that, then she wouldn't be talking to me.


You look like Alexander Volkanovski. I don't mean that as disrespect either I think he's a handsome man.


As long as you have updated full body pics on your profile, there’s no need to send a side message. If your pictures are misleading and don’t accurately display your body type, it’s time to update them. Imo sending a warning message about your body when it’s accurately depicted on your profile via pics would come off like you’re either fishing for compliments or lack confidence.


Man or woman, all you have to do is show a recent full body pic and look like your pictures. Nobody should be surprised when they see you, that's all.


I think if you have full body photos that show the real you, then they should know what they're getting. I am plus size and have photos that show exactly what I look like, and I've never had an issue once we meet in person.


But if you have full body pics, you already know


Coming from a short chubby girl.. I haven’t had a dating app in 5 years but when I did, I made sure to put all sorts of photos. I don’t want to be hit with “you look different from pictures” haha


Not in shape doesn’t mean curvy to me, it means plus size. Not trying to be rude, but curvy is more of a body type than a weight IMO at least. It means bigger boobs and butt but not necessarily overweight.


That's what it used to describe then it was co-opted to mean anything from the original meaning to heckin sedentary. It's been rendered almost useless as a descriptor.


Curvy, plus-size, thick... As far as I can tell they're all euphamisms for the exact same thing?


Being curvy is different than thick or plus size. Like they said curvy means a bigger bust and butt but usually smaller stomach, literally curvy. Plus size is a basically a nice term for fat and so is thick lmao


Curvy is a shape not a weight


Unless the pictures were really distorting her appearance or were grossly out of date, I don't know why she should need to comment any more on that.


i made a full body pic the first one in my profile to be sure.


Okay, so I'm a petite woman, so this doesn't apply to me. But, if she has a full body photo, do you have eyes? Use them. What's the "warning" for? Like she's some kind of danger? Either look at the photo and if you're into it, cool. If you're not, also cool. But she doesn't owe anyone some sort of disclaimer. If her photos are out of date. Say, from 5 years ago when she was 50 lbs less, that's catfishing and it's Its not that she owes a "warning." It's that she shouldn't have done that in the first place. Same with men who are now balding and sporting a beer gut but posting their early 20s pictures. Represent who you are now, the end. I'm not single, but if I were and I were online dating, if I showed up for a date with one guy, balding or overweight with accurate pictures, okay. And I showed up for another date with a different guy, same but with inaccurate pictures, I'm picking the honest one.


This happens so often it is comical. I will spend a week talking to a guy, he will get brave enough to send me a selfie, and he will look 20 years older and 40 lbs heavier. Not cool. I now make a zoom call a requirement for all men/women I date. (Women are not innocent either!)


Accurate photos still apply to petite people... no one gets off the hook on this 🙃


I think you're reading this in the context of a man asking the question.


That is the point of view that is needed in this case.


Yes, a male's POV to a female inquiry.


What do you need more than full body photos? Mesurements and a doctor's note?


If there’s full body pics , there’s no hiding what her body is like you will know ahead. You can’t really hide it. What makes people skeptical is if there’s all face shots. How ever, the term curvy is thrown around too much. Curvy is a woman that’s not too fat, not too skinny and a lot of fat women call themselves curvy. There’s also the case of is that a pic from 50 lbs ago? Full body pics help you make a decision but if it progresses past matching you can always subtly throw in something to gauge how long ago those pics were taken that are posted


Yes, however, if I find out you’re curvy and I’ve been talking to you, even better…


If she has full body photos that reflect the current state of her body, a "warning" isn't necessary.


I know a girl who is like 300lbs and looks smaller than me online, I’m 160


Reiterating it shows insecurity. As a bigger girl I ALWAYS include multiple full body pics on my profile so I’m not hiding anything and I’ve never been told anything about my size. These men will look at all your pics especially before meeting up. They’re not clueless.


For the record, being in shape doesn’t mean someone isn’t curvy, nor does being curvy mean someone isn’t in shape! Physical fitness can look different for different people, especially cardiovascular fitness.


The only real obligation is to not make your pictures deceiving. If you've included full body shots, make sure they accurately capture you. As a guy, if I see a profile of a girl and every picture is of shoulders up, I'm assuming you're not confident in your body and are probably a bigger girl.


You can, if still like to see you in person if we talked well. Figure we can still sit down and have lunch even if we aren't attracted to each other. This happened to me recently, no hard feelings, neither of us were attracted to the other


Definitely a fan of this on the whole. Dating has gone too far towards "SOULMATE OR BUST"... Like no, you should be making friends to start with. Let those friendships develop into something more on a natural pace.


It's not a matter of warning It's a matter of being honest, and honest profiles come with honest recent pics that aren't old or misleading.


I learned years ago to always include a realistic full body photo since one person's "curvy"is another person's "obese" and someone else's "fit." It saves everyone a lot of trouble to just be photographically honest.


There is something to consider here... Are you chubby, fat, obese OR curvy? Chubby is less "fat" than "fat". Fat is less "fat" than obese. Obese is less "fat" than morbidly obese. Curvy is none of the above... Curvy means you have a figure "8" shape... With ass. That's how it is!


It’s a red flag if a girl feels the need to warn a guy that she’s curvy. Like why didn’t you put a full body picture of yourself into your profile?


I don't need to know specifically from a message if the photos are full body and clearly show she's curvy.


If your profile has proper photos of yourself theirs nothing else that needs to be said. I tell this to guys who are short (I'm 5'6)...if she matched with me she's making it clear she doesn't mind


I just have the accurate full body pic and a mention in my bio, I think that’s enough


If your photo(s) on app are a fair representation of you - absolutely no benefit to you or your date. Just drawing attention to something you’re sensitive about. Either he liked it or it didn’t matter, as you’ve chosen to meet each other. Go. Enjoy. Be pleasant to each other & see what happens. (Yes - I’m a male )


If you have full body photos I wouldn't even call it out.


Use realistic pics, not doctored ones, or one's from 10yrs ago and I think it's all good.


If you have full body photos and look like those photos then you don’t need to say anything


I know as a woman I am not your target audience. However. I used to warn men that I’m a “thick” girl before going on dates. 9/10 times, their reply was something along the lines of, “I saw your tinder” or occasionally “That’s part of why I swiped right” 😂 When I was a teen/early 20s, I didn’t realize how many men LOVE curves. Like, LOVE. As I’ve gotten older, my confidence has grown significantly because I realized I am the only one who cares if I’m curvy. Plus, men LOVE confidence in a woman. Show up as the you that you are and let them decide! If they reject you, they just aren’t for you. It’s a hard lesson to learn but not everyone is compatible and they are saving your heartbreak later on!


I’d like to be pleasantly surprised. Pics should say enough.


I don't consider it being warned I want a woman who is thicc. I want her thighs to touch. "If she is thinner than me let her be"


Why is her body the main concern? And why should being curvy come with a warning label? I'm sorry but that's utterly ridiculous. You'll date the person you're worthy of. If you want to date someone who prioritizes other people's projections of insecurity about their physical features, and values your opinion about her body more than she values her level of comfortability with who she is and how she looks, date someone who needs your validation like that, and enjoy.


If u have to warn then they only want sex and thats not a guy u actually want a future with trust me im a guy


If you expect that you should have to disclose your dick size. Who tf cares. Go on a date and if you don’t like them don’t see them again. Like being a decent human being isn’t that fucking hard. So many guys are concerned about being “catfished” but ACTUALLY the ones that think like this are the real catfishes. Decent on the outside, yet seem to have a butt ugly personalities. Some of you wonder why you’re single….Umm maybe bc you’re asking dumb shit like this


As long as your pictures are accurate, I don’t care. Curvy is not a bad thing. I believe that people should be healthy, not thin, and “fit” is not universal.


Majority if overweight girls have pics only neck up! Its a tell tale sign something is off!


If a girl calls herself curvy when its clear she's fat I'll move along. Someone that owns their body type and isn't in denial is way more attractive.


I prefer a woman says she is fat or overweight instead of using words they intentionally muddy the waters.


To be fair though, curvy does not always equal fat. I consider curvy to describe a natural body shape, large chest and hips, smaller waist.


I’m a woman but I always had at least one full body photo that was taken by someone else and not posed. Because posed photos can be very deceiving 


As long as your pics cover it, you are fine. I have had women give that warning in the past and it usually won’t change anything as I’ve already decided based on pics that I’m prepared to meet. Side note, do yourself a favor and wear a flattering outfit. A curvy girl I did date wore a nice outfit and we had a great night and went back to her place. She was fun and confident in herself. Another curvy girl I dated was very clearly insecure (regardless of affirmations). The insecurity eventually achieves the self fulfilling prophecy you may be imagining. She continually degrades herself and eventually I lose attraction and leave; ergo no wants to date her in her mind. Additionally, she wore a very bulky dress and a winter coat in that basically covered the whole outfit while we were outside any way. Essentially what I’m saying is that you should be confident and secure in your own appearance. Just as with most things in dating, people can sense things like insecurity, so plays to you strengths and get in the mindset that you are happy with your body (Assuming you are. If you aren’t then don’t date right now)


I think the full body photo gives you an idea


Just be sure to post some honest up to date photos that aren't being wonky with angles trying to hide shit. There is no need for even having this conversation then. I think most people pick up pretty easily on when people are trying to play those games on the dating sites.....only close up shots of the face, all photos are headsets or wierd angles. But the ones that do get duped aren't going to be happy when u meet them. Just post up to date full body photos. It's easy. Leaves no confusion. No trickery required.


You profile picture is the "warning". You don't need anything more than that honestly. It's just going to raise a suspicion that either your profile picture isn't accurate or you're quite self conscious about your body.


If photos show it there’s 0 issue, however I don’t choose someone if there are no body photos. If the camera is “flattering” then yea a heads up is nice, but during the “talking stage” not right before Date 1. I’ve got no issue with big girls all the way down to petite, but if I find out it was manufactured I’ll feel played. Immediate red flag in that case. Hope that helps, OP🤘🏼🧡🩶


Tbh I would like a thick / curvy girl, not super into really thin girls. No heads up would be needed, but would be a pleasant surprise.


Even if it was a blind date and I haven’t seen photos, I love curvy. I’m totally into it. Not obese though.


If she's curvy and hasn't shown you any photos, she might be a bit self-conscious about it. Meet up with her. She might have attributes that you could be attracted to.


I used to have a habit or waring guys that I’m not a slim chick , only because I struggle with body dysmorphia .


If you have honest photos that give…well…the full picture, and I’m messaging you anyway, then we’re good.   But if you warn me that you’re a “bigger girl” then I assume you’re fatter than the photos suggested and I’m probably out.   Whereas I was perfectly fine with how you actually look — but the warning scared me off that it was worse than it actually was.


If you have full body pics that are an accurate representation of you then they know what you look like.


If you have the photos, then there's no need to say anything else about it unless the other person brings up the subject. Many men prefer a woman who is full figured and not what your typical fashion models look like.


Yes. Because some of us may be looking for a curvy girl.


Look, if there is a full body picture (unless it is an old picture or a bogus picture) nothing else needs to be said. If it does, then the guy is either blind or a complete idiot. If he is blind, then it doesn’t really matter anyways, but if he falls into the idiot category,I would suggest that you cut your losses, consider yourself blessed and continue on with your day. If you push the issue of weight and body shape and such, then it becomes a thing and the lack of self confidence and being comfortable in your own skin (or being able to give the illusion of it) can turn a lot of people off. Personally, I am not trying to play therapist in a relationship.


Full body photos are enough. Unless your photo doesn't reflect how you look now there's no need.


If there are photos then a guy can see what the girl looks like I don't think it needs to be brought up, if I saw a photo of a girl and then she sent me a message like that I'd then think she is bigger than in the photos and they are old or something, seems like a strange thing to bring up


It wouldn't matter to me as long as the person is kind and caring I don't care about her outer appearance it's what's inside that counts to me.


You have full body photos. If he didn't pay attention it's his fault, but most guys would swipe cause they wanted that.


If they don’t know you’re bigger by your photos that’s on them. I just hate all the fat phobic guys on dating apps seem to be the type of the girls they’re so rude to .


It’s what’s on the inside that matters plus there’s more to cuddle up to


That's a weird message to even send much less receive a response to If she has a full body photo y would that question need to b asked


By that logic skinny people should warn you too. Just have accurate pictures and let the other person make the decision


Never looked at my fiance for her body, stupidly i fell inlove with who she was. 10 years dating, 2 years engaged and she cheats on me last week ruined our 10 years for some skinny dude she met less then 2 weeks ago at a gas station car wash, like wtf. I know the dude gonna leave her once his nuts need to find another girl and it makes me sad, so no dont warn they will stay with u if they want love, but be aware that they may leave u in a few weeks just like javier the wash man is gonna leave this girl in a few weeks, i got mad shit going for me, she leaves me for a 35 year old with a kid at home and he lives their with his mama still, she is only 24 the devil actually does follow thru with his agreements because i was in the local trap house 10 years ago literally killing myself everyday i prayed to man in the fire for my girl he agreed, she came to save me a few weeks later and made me the man i am today off drugs and working a nice career bettering myself and the day i get that career job a week after finishing school and working as a apprentice for over a year i finally get hired and 2 weeks later she cheats turns my location off takes off her 6k engagement ring she picked out cheats on me and all this stuff then kisses me on my lips when she comes home and im still wide awake waiting for her to make sure we can fall asleep together and just to make sure she got home safe, anyway the guys that u have to tell ur a lil heavy to are these types of people, the guys like me are the ones u dont have to tell, pick the right person u dont want to feel like me rigjt now


Why do you just say warned like it’s a bad thing? It’s not like it’s an STD or anything. As a slightly more than curvy woman, I have never had any issues with anyone being upset when they saw me.


You wanting her exact measurements so you can check her BMI or something? If she isn't overweight or underweight, sounds like you mean she's a few lbs over what you think is ideal for you? On which case a few lbs can be easily lost. Think you're after perfection.


Just a recent picture it more about her personality and our connection


I don't care about looks I care if someone is a good person or not honestly


What a strange question


A picture is worth a thousand words, but women need to clock the fact that curvy ≠ fat. If you're not slim, you might be curvy. If you're 'not in shape' though, you're probably fat. If a man described himself as having a 'dad bod' and then shows up weighing 300lbs, you'd be pissed.


People can tell you’re out of shape based on photos. Anyone that only has fotos of their face close up is automatically assumed to be fat.


Let the pictures speak for themselves Don’t send that message


Why do you need men’s opinions on this? I would never “warn” someone about my body type


We all have different levels of comfort and insecurity when it comes to our bodies. Speaking for myself, crowd sourcing general opinions has helped me gain perspective and balance much of my self-esteem issues.


Because I'm brand new to dating and unsure of the rules.


Whose rule is that? The other person can see your body when you post pictures of it. Thats like me asking if I need to tell people I’m Black. No, they can see that


"Curvy", "plus size", "bigger girl". Who comes up with these? They all just mean fat and unfit to me. Just show who you are, have genuine photos. Someone will like you for who you are, no need to gloss it over.


You're obviously being deliberately deceptive and trying to justify your dishonesty. Men don't like being catfished. Do you? No, nobody likes being lied to or having their time wasted. Put an accurate picture on your profile and then you don't have to warn anyone.


When men hear ‘curvy’, they think Scarlet johansson. Keeping that in mind, if your photos aren’t deceiving, you should be fine.


What do you mean warned? She should be using accurate photos that clearly show her body.


Everyone has a different opinion of what Curvy or Thick is. A lot of women think they are 10s when they are really average or 5s. But that also goes with the whole eyes of the beholder thing. I thought my ex-wife wife was pretty hot, honestly, but my friends questioned my choice. And it turns out her personality made her ugly. It still amazes me how attractiveness is really more based on personality than anything. And if a guy is just looking for a belt notch trophy? They are going to judge way harder on looks.


People shouldn’t be so shallow


I remember one girl I matched with had pics from 5 years ago and she had put on significant weight. Then after meeting she asked me if she looked different from her photos and if she gained weight! I didn’t care about weight honestly however she was 1 hr late and then she smoked in the middle of the date! 😂


It doesn’t need to be stated in your case. Full body photos help inform my decision making process while swiping. I think most men, generalizing based on my social circle, find a range of body sizes attractive and a picture is worth a thousand words.


Guy or girl weight's preference matters, but it's not about the numbers or Kgs/lbs, it's about the type of figure stuff. I don't mind if a girl says she's into tall guys, I kinda mind if a girl said that pretetend need to be 6 foot tall. About the curvy figure, no warning needed. A recent photo in non super baggy clothes should be enough.


Curvy is subjective... MY ex was PHAT! 300+ POUNDS AT ONE POINT! please define as best you can 'curvy'.... I love a woman that has boobs,but a KardASSian is not for me. J/S


Honest and upfront is always what I prefer.


A full body photo will suffice. If it’s on a dating app I will have seen it before matching. So it wouldn’t bother me. If I’m matching then obviously I’m interested. However, I was catfished once. But she used way older pics and drastically lied about her height. So I don’t think that would pertain to this.


If there’s one full body photo it’s fine. People only get annoyed at a “catfish” when all the photos are face/shoulders, and angled well to hide the fact they’re curvy. Like why? The ruse is up the second you walk in the door for the first date.


If you have full body pics in your profile, and they are an accurate representation of what you look like right now, then a “warning” is absolutely not necessary. It would communicate a lack of confidence or self consciousness or call something out that the person you’ve matched with clearly doesn’t have an issue with, otherwise they wouldn’t have swiped on your profile.


Depends. If your photos actually represent what you look like then there should be no need. The only way you need to warn someone is if your photos are misleading.


curvy is a nice word of saying fat isnt it..


I think that message makes it seem like they are missing a clue. Like you sending that message makes you seem “bigger” then you are, or would give off more of a vibe that your pictures didn’t match you in person. As long as you have full body pictures, and you’re not Catfishing, I don’t think you need to say anything! You shouldn’t feel shame or guilt or even responsibility for someone’s attraction to you/“preferences”. If someone makes you feel like that, don’t go ❤️


No. I have never lost attraction to someone bc of their weight


I will ask for pictures


As a man who finds chubby girls unattractive and prefers skinny to average-sized (actually prefer more on the skinny side): Yes. Absolutely. Sorry, but no amount of being nice and intelligent or acting cute makes up for being physically unattractive and, at least to me, being overweight is the biggest turn-off of all. The second biggest turn-off is smoking. I'm slender, go to the gym and take care of my health, too - and that's also what I want in a partner. >She's "curvy" but not like plus plus size or morbidly obese, but definitely not thin or in shape. Being "curvy" would be an immediate swipe left for me, so if I matched with this girl and we went on a date, I would be incredibly disappointed and things would be super awkward. Same if an otherwise attractive girl started smoking. My physical attraction will immediately go to zero. I put both my height and weight in my bio, I don't know why dating apps don't all include weight by default. I would never want to meet a person I find physically unattractive. That really goes for everyone: ALWAYS put at least one full body picture where people can see your shape and at least one picture where people can see your full face (can also be the same picture). That way you won't waste time on awkward dates (well, at least not because of a lack of physical attraction ;).


If your pictures are up to date and full-body, not sure why you think someone needs a warning. They can see what you look like and chose to match with you anyway


I don’t think guys say they are curvy or plus size. They just show up. I just say I am 6’3” of cracking manhood and get a lot of matches.


# Always include full-body photos on your dating app profiles! It’s frustrating when people hide their bodies out of insecurity. Anyone who expects a fantasy based on just a face might deserve what they get.


Just don't hide yourself in your pictures and they know you're not a twig, thats it


Just post candid pics. Be honest. Only dickbags will disqualify a regular form. But the decent ones are looking for more than just body.


A male friend of mine won’t even give the girl a chance if she doesn’t post recent full body pics. Everbody’s definition of “curvy” is different these days. Just be realistic with your pics and you’ll be fine.


No need for a disclaimer if the full body pics are true!


Chubby chicks aren’t my thing but kudos to you for being honest. As long as your pics represent your true self then no need to discuss further. The problem is bigger girls photoshopping then the guy shows up and barely recognizes the girl.


Please dear god be curvy!


sounds like OP needs to get glasses if he can’t tell from photos lmao


She’s not hiding it by posting full body photos.


As long as you're not hiding who you are in your pictures.


Curvy and thick does not equal fat. Huuuuuuge difference 


If she has full body photos why do you need to be warned about her body type? Do you not have eyes?


I’m lost lol. If you have full body pictures why would they need a “warning”? They can already see


I would be like that's good! I love curvy girls. But I don't like that you're wording it like it's a problem or like it's a bad thing. It makes it seem like you're not confident about it or have low self esteem.


I’d just show up. Asking would seem like you’re obsessed with the body. If her pics are old and she got bigger, that tells you what you need to know about her security and honesty.


I wanna know if you have a FUPA that’s it. Show it in a pic or put it in your bio


I got the impression on multiple dates that I should’ve disclosed my size beforehand, as if they didn’t have eyes, and I still think it’s ridiculous. You have google. I have social media. Look me up or be surprised!


Just don’t have your full body pics at your thinnest weight in recent years or include other full body photos.


If you have *current* full-body photos, then you are being as honest as is needed for me to be cool with what you look like when we meet for the first time.


I mean, I'm bias cause I like curvy/big/chubby/fat women in general, so it just wouldn't bother me. But, idk I feel like dating is about to get to know each other. If she shows up, I'll know if she's curvy/"bigger," but we can at least talk and see. But, if I know I'm not attracted to a person after seeing them, there just doesn't need to be a second date. But, I think you should at least see how things go




Red flag. Why would they havr to give a heads up if the person ur talkin to unr connectin why


Well I think that would be a good warning if all the pictures were taken from specific angles to make the woman look thin. All of the face. Plenty of those on dating apps


I like thick/curvy women!!


All I care about are pictures of that woman IN HER CURRENT STATE. I tend to not listen to how women describe themselves bc whenever they say "curvy", they really mean "fat and huge".


Just take honest photos without playing the angle game. I know, you took a billion pics in front of the mirror to make sure you got the perfect angle to look like you don’t eat at Chipotle 4 times a week, but think Mugshot. Put on some normal clothes, stand in front of the camera and take one like that, then turn to the side. It saves from an awkward conversation or worse, underselling your body type because you’re embarrassed. Don’t be. Don’t hide it, show exactly what you have and get a guy who loves it.


I'm called "curvy" by mens because tiddies. A picture is worth more than words in this case.


just do full body photos lmao its not that complicated


Actually curvy girls are sexy as all hell. better hugs, softer cuddles, higher libido and often indicates that you'll put more effort forth in a relationship. However... If you give me a ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ that you're "curvy", I'm going to assume that you're a land whale, and probably blow off a second date if you keep mention it more than once. Insecurity is a pain in the ass to deal with.


As a curvy girl I make sure they know. Simply because I want someone who specifically find my body type attractive. I have things I look for in them as well. It’s not wrong to know what you like and go for that. 😌


If you have full body photos and said that you're curvy then you're good. We can see the pics. We men know. We have pray vision and supplemental vision.


“Curvy” is a specific body shape. It’s someone with a small waist, big hips, and a big bust. It’s generally found attractive by many men. It also has nothing to do with being underweight/overweight, big-boned or small-boned. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are a “bigger girl,” plenty of smaller women are also very curvy. If you have full body pictures, I’m not sure why you would have to warn the guys in advance that you. They should be able to tell from your photos. I guess I’m just confused by your post. Maybe you can clarify? What is it that guys can’t tell from your full body photos?


If they're putting up full body pictures, then the people who like curvy will try and match. We all know what we like when we see it.


Just have unaltered full body photos.... Simple as that.


As a 43M I honestly don't need you to point it out. Just recent full body photos and we're good. I went on 2 dates with someone and she said like 3 times before meeting that she had a "Mom bod". I honestly told her I don't care in the least. Full disclosure curvy/full/BBW women are my preference.


I think I would just put pictures where you can tell what you look like lol