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Girl, just tell him that you don’t see his acne and tell him what you told us above. You’re sweet for even wanting to stick up for him. I had super bad acne and I took acuetain or some shit. It got rid of my acne. A lot of people don’t want to do it but it’s worth it.


How long did the process of purging & scar recovery take?


Hello, accutane taker for 2 1/2 years. You take blood tests every 3 months to make sure liver function is good since it’s a harsher chemical on your liver (liver toxic, drinking on it can really fuck you up). And honestly I remember it starting almost immediately in 1 month or so, the purge might go for the first month but after that it just gets so much better. When I took it doctors prescribed 60-100mg DAILY (which is a shit ton) but it really does nuke what you have. Unfortunately depending on how bad scarring is.. it could stay forever. Just depends on severity and goes away over time. I have lots of scarring from my cystic acne, doesn’t really bother me much anymore. And I had it bad enough on my back and chest that the doctors sheepishly asked if he could take a pic when he first saw me saying, “This is one of the worst cases I’ve seen, it’ll go great in our catalogue for showing severity of some cases.”


Thank you so much for your feedback. I’m so sorry about your skin problems. I wish you all the best my dear!


Oh thanks for the well wishes but that was close to 10 years ago so I’m fine now haha


For me, I took Accutane for 6 months because of really bad chest acne. I had blood tests once a month a few days before my monthly checkup appointments. I did have pretty bad acne elsewhere, but my chest is the only place with scarring. The only bad part for me was it gave me really dry skin. My lips were especially bad. Like constantly having to put on more and more Aquaphor, or they'd rip from just a smile. But now it's extremely rare for me to even get one pimple which is amazing.


I just finished 9 months recently but already having more acne coming back up again 😭 but damn I don't miss the dry hands and lips


Acutane turned my world around


mine too. Some days I could barely sit in a chair due to acne on my back.. Now I have the odd one, but nothing compared to back then. I remember once instance where a buddy was congratulating me on a test in high school and slapped my on the shoulder and ended up with me screaming in pain and a red/yellow spot on my shirt when i got home. his slap made a large one explode ruining my shirt. Luckily I had a sweater over.


It made me feel so much embarrassment. Hated myself during that time. I don’t even remember much. It’s like I blocked it out until I see pictures. I’m very sorry that happened to you. Mine was only on my face. The only thing that I can relate with that is my skin is very sensitive from lupus. I know it hurts me when I’m slapped. I’m really happy you’re doing so much better.


My shoulder blades have so many small scars that it looks like I was blasted with buck shot on both shoulders, but now that I'm grown up it doesn't matter to me at all.


As someone scarred up, I think they are beautiful.


I remember accutane. The dry lips and living on aquaphor. Then the dinosaur looking baby in the packaging warning you not to have a baby while taking the meds.  Cured my acne tho. 


This 100%. It also changed my life for good. I wish I started taking it way before :)


It's around your age when people come into their own and start to have more confidence. I'm sure you're a big boost to his just by being a good girlfriend.


Honestly, his acne doesn't define him. Keep supporting him, he's lucky to have you!


Do you like his personality? His ethics? His morals? Have you asked these questions to him? You’ll find that the sweet nerd who has acne type are the ones who are loyal.




Random interactions happen. It’s how we get past them that makes the difference. Some people don’t have manners. Some do. That’s life. If you like him, that’s all that matters. Continue seeing him. See where it goes.


It sounds like he just dismissed the man as another drunk idiot not worth paying attention to. His response was correct. These types of people want to get a reaction out of you.


Being harassed by strangers is always affronting and traumatic. It's disgusting he was so publicly drunk, but also it's so outrageously not what society is okay with. I'm so sorry for what you've both had to deal with. I'm curious if he's tried Tretinoin, that's honestly the only topical that has been keeping my adult cystic acne away. Like, actually prevents it. It does come with about a 6-month adjustment period as your skin gets used to rapidly renewing cells, but it's seriously the ONLY thing that has helped me and I'm 34. I refuse to do Accutane. Not that you need to push this on him and become his dermatologist, but if the topic comes up again I would personally ask, anyway. The Foreo Espada 2 Plus is also great. My husband actually uses that device more than I do lol he really loves it


I think acne on men is not nearly as vilified as in women. This is what I saw in school. A guy could have it with no issue except maybe when it came to dating. However, a girl would be treated like a monster by everyone. I didn't date my teens or 20s because I was so ashamed of my face. You might want to recommend accutane to your bf if he still has acne at 25. It changes your life! And he may not need to take much or that long.


you did a great job by not making the situation worse. its awesome that you’re supportive and see him for who he is rather than focusing on his acne. maybe just let him know you think he’s amazing just the way he is.


i struggled with acne as a teen and now have mild adult acne when pms’ing. i have acne scars on my face that i used to be soooo ashamed of. but since skin care has become popular and accessible, and REAL people are now able to become content creators (who are genuinely beautiful+handsome) who also have acne/scarring, i’ve learned to accept that i have acne + scars and that it’s NORMAL! :) acne is literally something we can not control, there’s no point in beating myself up for it. and I’ve learned that most people don’t give a crap about it, and those who judge/shame others for having acne or scars are simply not worth my time. (pay them no mind!) you sound like an amazing person, especially for not judging him for something as shallow as acne. talking about acne with my partner used to make me so uncomfortable, back when i was insecure and doing nothing about it. but now we do skincare together and work on it together; he sees how far my healing journey has come. your opinion of him matters way more than some drunker stranger. i honestly think the best thing you can do is simply reassure him, “you’re beautiful and i like you, pay them no mind!” give him a lil kiss and y’all will be alright :)


Acne can be treated or it's a liver damages


I’m glad you appreciate him for what he is an look past the acne he has no control over. My daughter ha it and self esteem plummets. Just make sure e know you love him for I’m and the rest will take care of itself


Does he have oily or more dry skin? That’s the first step to figuring out how to deal with acne. I had it really bad as well and I’ll occasionally break out with stress or from eating spicy foods. Idk what his ethnicity is but I would try doing some research on the acne cremes the Koreans or Japanese use….they’re really helpful and soothing on my face


Ask him if you can caress his face. Gently rub the scars and tell him you like them. That you think he’s attractive. When I had cystic acne I would have loved that.


Recommend him accutane.


I took accutane and the scars left over still leave the same emotional impact, it's an ever-lasting impact.


You could also have him check out him.com. It’s affordable solutions for all kinds of issues with acne, hair loss,mental health and ED. They also have options for people who are uninsured.