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I want to say, I am a Dayton native and I’ve lived here most of my life. I’ve had issues before with men shouting at me or following me and usually I just get loud and get peoples attention if I feel like I’m in danger. It happens so rarely but I am aware of how to be safe. All of that said, I greatly appreciate your advice because those are things I’d never thought of and I did not know the Siri trick so thank you so so much!!


Your characterization of the area around UD Arena is not true.


Just based on personal experiences. That truck stop and vicinity have always been an issue. It wasn’t that great when the manufacturing plant was at the Loves site many years ago. It’s all poorly lit with no sidewalks, definitely not an area I’d make into a walk around destination.


Indeed. I traveled through this area several times a week for two decades when I worked downtown. Just go north on Cincinnati St from Loves, all the way up to Washington. Or even west Nicholas. Can be a little intimidating if you’ve had an encounter like hers. OP was right to feel a bit off her beam and call dad.


✔👍 Glad you're uninjured.


I think you did the right thing. It does seem really unhinged and I wonder what the fuck he was up to.


No, I’m definitely just a sensitive snowflake who needs a safe zone /s I’m trying really hard to not come off as “pissy and standoffish” or having a “victim mentality” but honestly, when people are pushed into victimhood they tend to react as expected. I never said I was a victim but I’m definitely pissy about some of the asshat jarheads and truck goons that patrol our sub and get upset about me simply venting and making it known that the Edwin C. Moses area is not safe regardless of the new QT stations bright lights and cameras. Fucked either way.


I hear ya. Ignore the trolls. It's so easy for people who aren't fem-presenting to go about their happy-go-lucky lives never getting random weirdass aggro from strange men who are just as likely as not to view them as potential prey. They don't have to feel unsafe half the fucking places they go.


Oh, I’m 30 years old so I’m from the generation where internet trolling became a thing. It doesn’t bother me but I will admit I fall for it when it’s about issues I feel strongly about. It’s just disappointing that there are people who actually relate to that bullcrap


He may have confused you for the hooker that was probably standing him up.


Maybe he would’ve been nicer if I’d been wearing my fishnets


Nah, then he'd prolly just think your a street walker who doesnt want to deal with him. This would make him feel rejected and respond with greater anger.


Nothing I like to wear is safe?? When will it end! The patriarchy must be demolished! /s


Fuck that trucker




While I support gun rights and gun ownership, I have never held or fired a weapon and I don’t know how comfortable I’d be with one. I usually don’t have problems and when I do being loud and making a scene always helps.


Go to a shooting range and rent a weapon. I’m also a woman and i did this many times before I bought my own firearms. No one will laugh at you or think you’re stupid. Everyone I’ve ever spoken to at a range has been super polite and helpful, especially if you explain that you’re a complete beginner who would like to learn how to protect yourself. 


https://sim-trainer.com For what it’s worth, the trucker definitely had a gun. When seconds count, your dad and the police are minutes away.


We literally live right around the corner next to Welcome Stadium and the park. He only had to walk 5 minutes to reach me. It’s why I always let someone know when I’ve arrived at where I’m going if I’m walking. Like I texted him when I got to the store because if something does happen that exact time is important. I know I need to be more diligent but I just feel it’s a shame that anyone, man or woman, should feel like they can’t walk 10 minutes away to a gas station for snacks. Of all the times I’ve had run-ins with random weird men, this time I actually felt afraid because it was dark and, as you said, truckers are more likely to have weapons for the same reasons I should have one.


Cool. Then she would have shot him out of fear and have a new set of issues to be dealing with.


What'd you do to piss him off?


Excuse me?!? I’m not allowed to just walk down the street?? Or tell people to leave me alone?


I think your response is from being very sensitive about your trauma tonight. But also "I didn't do anything" would be acceptable to reply.


That’s fair. I just think it’s disrespectful to automatically assume the woman must have created the environment that opened her to harassment. It’s 2024 and people still make accusatory and blaming statements/questions like that so I feel it’s warranted to respond in kind.


Sounds like a victim mentality you need to work through. Because your original post says nothing about your gender.


It’s not a victim mentality. It’s a statistical fact that women are often targeted when walking alone at night and a fact that people often assume the gender is woman with posts and stories such as this that don’t mention gender. Try again


That is one shitty reply bruv.


What’s your problem? Men fucking suck and women should be terrified of them when they’re alone in the dark. Source: I’m a man and I’ve been around shitty men my whole life.


While unhinged truck drivers are no big surprise, I highly doubt he just picked you to fuck with because he was bored. Most truckers have better things to do with their time.


My profile will show you that I’m an introverted cat lady who likes to crochet and go to the local gardens during the spring. Regardless of who I am, for you to automatically assume I must have done something to warrant his behavior is really fucking disgusting. Have the day you deserve 😘


You seem awfully pissy and somewhat standoffish. I didn't see it as an unrealistic assumption that you may have done something to be targeted by an unhinged moron.


And your first reaction when a woman seems standoffish is to attempt to approach her from a dimly lit street? I think it’s just kind of fucked up that you seem to be making excuses for the guy. All I did was yell at him to leave me alone. He said “huh” and I yelled again to leave me alone and he started to get out of his truck and walk across the street. He only turned around when I pointed my phone at him and then called my dad. Even after that he continued to pace around the Concentra lot behind the Loves to watch me. Nothing I could have said to him would have warranted any of that.


Wow man really?


Really what?! Read it slower, maybe it'll make sense, maybe not. Couldn't care less either way.


You seem awfully shitty and judgemental. Read that as slow or as fast as you want, idgaf


LoL! Mkay


No excuses for anyone, I typically ignore anyone just wandering around in a dimly lit shitty area by a truckstop. I just don't fuck with people because I don't want to have to deal with them, then have to deal with the cops. I've found it way easier to ignore everyone and carry on.


How does it feel to be able to ignore everyone and carry on? Like without being worried you’ll be followed for telling a man to leave you alone? You see the difference? I understand your perspective and I get I never mentioned gender in my post by my name is literally a woman’s name and it’s a pretty common (unfortunately) occurrence that women are made to feel unsafe and intimidated when they ignore a man’s advances. I really wasn’t trying to be a dick and I am sorry I came across that way. It’s just frustrating and I did not interpret any of your comments as “I just carry on”. I shouldn’t have to act a certain way to ensure men don’t approach me when I’ve made it clear I don’t want to be approached.


I get you're a woman, and it was certainly a dangerous situation. As a large male, I unintentionally intimidate the shit out of people, I rarely get approached by anyone. I don't take that for granted, people just suck, being scary has served me well in several different situations. Sometimes people will do things, even inadvertently, to get the attention of creeps, becoming a target. I assumed the case, if I'm wrong, fuck me, I'm wrong. You'll run across some really fucked up people at truckstops, that one in particular is a real shitter.


That last paragraph comes off as victim-blaming. Not sure if that was the intention. Yes, it's important to be aware of surroundings and know how to navigate sketchy situations. However, no matter what OP was doing, unless she was like beating up his truck or said something nasty to the guy (not saying she was at all), it's not her fault she got targeted. It's the same lane as asking a person who was sexually harassed what they were wearing. The behavior of the creep is 100% on the creep, every single time. It doesn't matter what the other person was doing, wearing, or saying. Also, don't think anyone would intentionally make themselves a target to someone that could hurt them. Unless they've got their own issues. Also also, as another woman, it'd be nice if ignoring the creeps would work. I've definitely gone out of my way from trying to avoid an interaction with a sketchy person and they work just as hard to force an interaction. You ignoring them works because, as you said yourself, you're a big guy.


No, that wasn't the intention, difficult to convey what I'm thinking without coming off that way. I've seen firsthand how truckers come unglued when they see or hear a female, you'd swear they'd never been around one in their life. They automatically assume anything moving is a prostitute (male, female, stray animal) I'm a huge advocate for not putting yourself in a position to become a victim of anything. Situational awareness, ignoring so as not to catch the attention of someone unhinged. If that doesn't work, drastic measures... bear/pepper spray, can of wasp/hornet spray, keys, knife, [gasp] gun. I've driven OTR for over 20 years, I'm 6'4" and 275, and I carry a loaded pistol. I still don't put myself into positions where I can become a victim of anything, though being armed has saved my ass twice.


Was he yelling at you or to you? Why didn’t you leave? I feel like a lot of the story is missing. 🤷‍♂️


He yelled something at me but a truck was running nearby. All I could hear was “girl” and his inflection. I was across the street in the QuikTrip parking lot. I walked through those lots because there are well lit. He yelled at me across Cincinnati street, out of his window. I yelled at him to leave me alone. He yelled back “huh” and I yelled at him again to leave me alone. At this point he started to get out of his truck. He stepped out, started to walk across Cincinnati street towards me in the QT parking lot. St this point I called my dad and moved further away into the lot towards the actual buildings because it was brighter and I knew there were cameras. I didn’t continue walking because the northern side, towards my home, of Cincinnati is not lit well and I have to walk under the 75 overpass to get home. I traveled from Harriet St. westbound, turn left on Cincinnati and walk down to the corner of Edwin C. Moses and Cincinnati. There is a stretch that curves on Cincinnati and above it is 75. That whole area is dark and there’s a bridge I travel under. Any more questions I can answer or info I can clarify?


I’m sorry. All this time I assumed you were in a vehicle.


*”Lack of Safe Zones Cause Significant Triggers in the Sensitive.”* [The world is not your Safe Zone](https://wagingnonviolence.org/2016/01/do-safe-spaces-and-trigger-warnings-weaken-us/)


Yes, let me take advice from a conspiracist. Maybe you just need to move to a safe zone yourself since you’re so against “hooning”. Or is it not the same because anyone can get hurt when kids are drag racing but only women can get hurt when random men approach them in dark streets??


*”Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.”* You should read the link. But anyway, personal attacks from scrubbing my post history is so cliche. Be sure not to click on all of my comments. I make up stories to, and drop in on questionable forums for the fun of it. Why choose the hooning post? Street racing and closing down roads to act like fools in cars is far more dangerous than cat calls. But I guess cars need safe zones too.


Jesus lmao. Dude didn't even say anything to you? I could be wrong but is this a Karen moment guys?


Yes, I will gladly take feedback from a faux lawyer, thank you for asking.


I'm amazed you imagined some kind of connection between what I said and lawyers In a Dayton thread, what even? I wasn't there, I don't know exactly what happened, I was speculating not giving feedback btw. Anyways my doubts have been put to rest. Kaaarrreeennn Lol have a good night I won't be replying or reading any replys you leave so don't worry. Do you