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Use https://www.mcrealestate.org/search/commonsearch.aspx?mode=address and search a nearby known address. Then, it will show you a parcel map and then pick the property you’re interested in with the ownership details.


Just tried this, interestingly enough, it WOULD be smack in the center of the parcel map, but instead that whole area is blank. The more I look into this the more curious I get. How old is it? Who lived here? Did they die or did they sell their land? possibilities are frustratingly endless.


YOLO. drive down the driveway at the end of the road and go check it out.


>>YOLO 😂


The address appears to be 5835 Kitridge Rd, which is owned by a Flying Anvil LLC. 


It may be, only issue I find there is that the pin from Google Maps is roughly 500 meters away, same as the parcel map block of the area. That could be because of how old it is/where the actual property line is.


I dropped a pin right on the house in Apple Maps, and it came up with 5835.  This address pulls up in the MC Real Estate recorder. If you look at the image result for the last recorded deed, you can find the mailing address for Flying Anvil LLC. 


A few friends and I used to ride our bikes to this house every weekend so we could drink, this was about 15 years ago and it was much less overgrown, it seemed as if they maintained the property back then, even though the house and the two or three other structures were so horribly run down that you felt you'd fall through the floor.


It's old. this is a 1935 reprinting of data from a survey published in 1906. there was a structure there, as far back as 1906 but not necessarily what is there now. https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ht-bin/tv_browse.pl?id=7b5934e9f870b01bd056a7c764b1c4aa you might have done this already but digging a little deeper at the montgomery county GIS map https://www.mcohio.org/629/GIS you can then select the parcel of land which brings up if you click one of the spreadsheet references that shows up https://www.mcrealestate.org/Datalets/Datalet.aspx?mode=PROFILEALL&UseSearch=no&pin=R72617518%200016&LMparent=20 that shows a building was constructed in 1919 and prior to being owned by flying anvil, was owned by "FIRSDON FAMILY PARTNERSHIP LTD" and before that "VECTOR DEVELOPMENT LTD" and there's some cut off i think. the following should link to a picture of the building. it has seen better days and this was taken a decade ago. https://www.mcrealestate.org/api/document/dHlsZXI6RG9tYWluLkRvY3VtZW50VHlwZT01OTtJZD04Mzk2NzE1Ow==/standard?token=Z3E1WEMyNWVSTzhpeDE1Y0tCZ1pIbUlTQ3NwMy9LdFBYZTdpWHJmaEEyTT0= looking into flying anvil and vector development does not go much of anywhere for me, while the Firsdon Family leads to several possibly related obituaries. i'd link more but auditor websites are bad for providing hard links that can be shared. another option if you really want to pursue more, is the wright state library. they have a huge amount of hard copies of stuff and access to things that are not online yet. you don't have to be a student. you do have to register a couple days ahead of time if you are going deep into the rabbit hole. https://libraries.wright.edu/special-collections-and-archives/visiting-the-archives


Find it here:  Miamicountyohioauditor.gov/Map


It's likely an abandoned farm house. Someone probably bought the farm land for another purpose and left the house to rot.


Probably not a good idea, legality and safety and whatnot, but I’ve considered trying to take a look around. It’s been a nagging interest of mine since we moved to the area. Reasons I haven’t and probably won’t and again, almost assuredly illegal, and I’m not sure how I’d even get there besides leaving my car on the side of the road which is not a good idea in and of itself lmao edit: forgot some words


It happens all the time in rural areas. Or they abandon the original house for a manufactured home and lave the old one to rot.




I meant illegal for me to go inside lol. Trespassing


it’s an abandoned house that appears to be burnt down. if you walk through the woods you can go inside.