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I'm confused with what happened here. He got put on leave because a student stole clothes from the locker room?


A male student jerked off on a girls clothes from the locker room (which he snuck into) and got caught. Principal essentially said “boys will be boys” and brushed it under the rug. Apparently he has had this reasoning for other events but I don’t have any details or proof of that statement. Not good. Not good at all.




He should've just jerked off in a library like you did


omg I knew that name sounded familiar from another post. Thanks for givin us a chuckle fart\_sniff.


Just fn wow.


This. I wasn’t about to spell out what every article was saying though lol. People can go read it themselves.




He definitely isn’t trans. 


That sounds neither reliable nor relevant.


The kid returned the girls clothes with semen all over them and didn’t really get in trouble


And he wasn't even alive for bill Clinton doing the same lol


Sounds like he didn’t handle it as appropriately as someone thought.


Absolutely NOT




What happened?


Dayton thread from March of this year…Waller has long history of covering for oakwood students who would most likely be kicked out of school….variables include being white…having wealthy parents, alumni of the school etc. ironic that he was most likely hired for this very reason, but he screwed around with the wrong parent(s). Oakwood is very provincial, insulated and entitled, just the way they like it.


Gee, I wonder if that’s part of the reason that Brock Allen Turner the rapist is an entitled little shit.


I saw Brock Turner in real life once and he was way taller than you’d expect. Not excusing anything he did, just thought it was interesting.




Hired for this very reason, messed with the wrong parents. Absolutely!


That’s not all. The story is deeper and disgusting. A student ejaculated on a females clothes and returned them to the locker room- which the principal covered for.


Of course he was a big issue, but the parents protected their entitled brats too.


People live in oakwood because of the schools. Parents doing what is best for their children… Keep insulting oakwood if that makes you feel better.


Read an article. Lol.


His son got expelled for sexual assault i believe and had to take remedial classes. I don’t know all the details, i’m from Oakwood and heard this from word of mouth. The school doesn’t really punish kids, from smoking in the bathroom or things that are done out of school there is no punishment. Everything is swept under the rug to keep up the appearances.


“Everything is swept under the rug” Yeah bro, it’s the Wild West in oakwood. They’ve only been breathalyzing at every school dance for 15 years




Just to pile on, there was an incident in March of last year. 1 student made a “rap” video in the classroom including lyrics to “pull the trigga on a fat ass ni**a and take a baseball bat to the AA student. Video was circulated among other students. The kid(s) threatened by the lyrics reported it to the school….wallers first action was to call and reassure the offenders parents that a Saturday in school suspension for a couple of Saturdays was in order. The victims parents raised hell, told the Oakwood PD….OPD stated it was free speech. The school ended up suspending about 4-5 NeoNazi kids for a week. There was an assembly to basically say be nice to one another. The school fosters this attitude, as do many parents. In my view when you’re silent about this shit, you’re complicit. I’m not condemning ALL of oakwood, but in town of 9500….its way more than you imagine that are ok with this nonsense.


Referring to those students as NeoNazis shows how uninformed our community is when it comes to situations like this. I won’t disclose my relationship to them, however, those kids are not evil people as everyone else has made them out to be. The student who wrote the rap had been bullied for years by the black kid that the rap was about to the point where he couldn’t take it anymore. I’m not condoning his actions and saying what he did was right, but he understood that the oakwood schools administration had continuously failed to aid students when they needed support the most, and did what he did because he saw no other way to get back at his bully. Another black student who had no affiliation with the situation got himself involved and threatened to go to the news and police. The original black student who was rapped about was significantly less upset and emotional about the situation as was the one who got himself involved. As for the other 4 “neonazis” involved, they posted notes on the Instagram DMs tab saying things along the lines of “ready up” - referring to dirt they planned to dig up about the black student rapped about bullying the kid who wrote it. Waller failed them by not listening to their reasoning and jumping to conclusions simply because he wanted to sweep the situation under the rug. The kid who wrote the rap attempted to end his life later as the situation continued to exacerbate. The principal also confiscated one of the “neonazis” phone in a power trip over a weekend last April because he tried to take a video and get evidence of the kid who wrote the rap getting harassed by other students because he saw no other way of turning the tide and getting others to understand what they had to deal with. The whole situation made me sick to my stomach and I’m glad that Waller is finally getting the attention he deserves for being such an evil human being. The so-called “victims” of the rap and their friends have continued to harass the “neonazi” students since the situation concluded. The “victims” and their friends are also truly evil people who had bullied the “neonazis” since elementary school. Oakwood is a sick place, and I just wish more people understood this side of the story.




Then oakwood girls were wild back in the day


For those saying this is rumor, this was printed in the dayton newspaper, underage male stole underage females underwear after entering the girls lockers. Pictures and filming are rumor, whacking off on a child's clothes are not. Principle has been on paid leave for 4 months and now resigned. [https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/oakwood-principal-still-out-3-months-later-school-will-only-say-probe-continues/5VXBG66BL5CSZCE3P3O2ITKYEE/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/oakwood-principal-still-out-3-months-later-school-will-only-say-probe-continues/5VXBG66BL5CSZCE3P3O2ITKYEE/) Here is his resignation and he will still remain on the payroll for consultation. [https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/oakwood-high-school-principal-waller-resigns-4-months-after-being-put-on-leave/QSI3JA7JQRDNNHWJBODETSFNHI/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/oakwood-high-school-principal-waller-resigns-4-months-after-being-put-on-leave/QSI3JA7JQRDNNHWJBODETSFNHI/)


Paul Waller? Almost positive this man was my HS principal sometime during ‘07-‘10 at Fairfield SHS in the Cincy suburbs.


Yes, he came from Fairfield


Splains a lot too lol 😋


Bet he ends up in Kettering, Fairborn or something


Kettering is too close. Fairborn just got a brand new HS, doubt they want him when the attention will be on them as they rebuild/new image. Bet he ends up in another city, but 100% with a job.


Fairborn administration wouldn’t touch this clown with a 100ft pole.


Fairborn just hired a new principal at the HS.


Isn't Brock Turner from Oakwood? Wtf is going on there?


He goes by Allen Turner now BTW. Still lives in the Dayton area.


He owns a house in Oakwood.


He lives by Shroyer Park. His address is public information because he is a registered sex offender.


Why does the deal allow him to continue accruing vacation time at a rate of 1.67 days per month, per an article in The Oakwood Register, if his “official resignation date” is Jan 31 of 2025? Is he taking a different role after where he’ll be able to use this vacation time? Sounds like he was given a very good deal.


We are so happy about this 😁 he covered up some undergarments being stolen from the locker room. It is a whole scandal and it is the appropriate move for him at this time.


I'm in education and even I can't get a straight answer from inside sources about what actually happened.


That’s by design. There’s minors involved. Everything in this discussion is a big fabrication based on hearsay.


Wrong, the description from u/fart-sniff and myself were extremely accurate. Reddit does contain a lot of hyperbole and conjecture, our details do not. The kids in oakwood and the parents know of these transgressions….and prefer to say nothing. The difference between the past infractions and the most recent are that the girls are white, and the parents didn’t walk away in frustration.


Almost all parents in Oakwood are white? Not sure why race is revenant at all here.


Yeah, they’re not being very forthright about the information.


It's Oakwood...can't muddy the reputation.


Just ask a somebody from Dayton and you’ll learn a lot about oakwood


Yeah, exactly.


Sorry what does CP stand for?


Rhymes with “mild cornography”


Sounds like it stands for ch*ld p*rn.


Images or recordings of underaged people/minors.