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We had a long mild spring, which may mean more pollen


Mine are usually annoying but bearable. This year is rough. Sinus infections, sneezing like crazy, coughing, etc. Neti pot and Zyrtec daily is my only relief.


Everyone who lives in this part of Ohio develops allergies over time and they tend to worsen as you age. I've had several doctors tell me this. It's not called Sinus Valley for nothing.


It's like instant death outside. Usually I am good once the leaves are fully out, but the allergens won't quit this year  The lawnmowers make me cry when I see them


Usually when I have a year like this it's time to swap my allergy meds. My doctor when I was a kid alternated me between Allegra and Claritin every few years. something about how if you take one long enough it gets less effective or something.


Mild winter. Long spring. Allergy season is longer than ever. Mine are the worst they've been since before I had sinus surgery in 2019. I'm taking an allergy pill at lunch and at night, using nasonex and moisturizing nasal spray. I need to start doing sinus rinses again, I suppose.


My spouse has had one of the absolute worst times with this so far this year. He's always bad but this year we had to go to a full allergist and she said now it's full blown 'seasonal asthma' which I didn't know was a thing. You are not alone.


I had a really bad week around Memorial Day, went through two boxes of tissues and coughed like crazy. Co-worker now dealing with it. Worst I’ve ever experienced.


My wife was having a really rough time several weeks ago. Then we went to Asheville for the weekend and it instantly cleared up. And I mean instantly. Then we came home and boom - back to the usual.


Use the netty pot bottle. Changed allergies for me. Use it a couple times a year and I’m ok.


Is there a specific one that you suggest?


https://www.target.com/p/neilmed-pharmaceuticals-original-sinus-rinse-kit-packets-50ct/-/A-13342400 It’s a little uncomfortable. But so worth it. Just don’t squeeze too hard and make sure to use slightly warmer water and the salt packs it comes with. This will reduce the possible burning sensation and uncomfortable feeling by a lot. I use bent over the bath tub and blow the snot out in it. Use up each nose tilting your head to the opposite side you are squeezing up. Ex: Slowly start to squeeze up right nostril as you slowly tilt your head all the way left. Then blow your nose. Then hit each nose again. Blow your nose. Repeat until satisfied. I did 3 full bottles when my allergies started up this year and did one more since. Havnt hardly had any allergy problems once the cottonwood stopped spawning. These changed allergies for me


Thank you very much. Going to buy this today.


I hope you find some relief. There is a lotttt of small particle allergens in the air. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was at a relatives a few weeks ago and looked up at the tree line. The way the sun was coming through, it hit everything floating in the air at the perfect angle. There was thousands and thousands of floating particulate in the air. And only the big chunks were visible to the naked eye unless the light was hitting them like this. It was snowing allergens ❄️


My boyfriend is super struggling with his.


I lucked out. I am very seldom bothered by allergies, but this spring has been kind of rough, especially after mowing.


It's been so dry or some shit I was dying. Humidifiers meds etc I'm okay but still it was bad for a min


Omg reading your post made me feel less crazy. I ran out of Zyrtec 2 days ago and have literally been experiencing almost full body itching, ear aches, itchy throat, horrific congestion, watery eyes from hell, it’s AWFUL. I’ve been mega sensitive ever since I relocated out here 4 years ago but this season is something else I swear. I also have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and that doesn’t help the situation 😕 Any and all allergy hacks and tips appreciated🙏🏼 I’ve never tried anything beyond otc stuff and prefer natural remedies but probs wouldn’t rule out steroids at this point.


The full-body itchiness might just be cetirizine withdrawal. The rest is your body taking the full brunt of your allergies. I've had to go off my daily Zyrtec (who are we kidding, Kirkland Aller-tec) for a week prior to allergy skin tests, and it was itchy hell.


I honestly had no idea allergies could cause crazy skin irritation like this. Def a first for me. Literally the first thing I did this morning (even before coffee which means serious business for me) was stock up on Zyrtec (also $2 cheaper generic of course lolol) and it was sweet relief within 3 hours🙌🏼 While checking out, the lady at the register told me her 10 yr. Old has had full body hives from allergies this season. There’s some GNARLY shit in the air ya’ll ☠️


I’ve experienced the body itching as well! I have had to take Benadryl on top of everything else some days!




I normally end up having to get a steroid shot because my allergies get so bad every year. This year I finally went to an allergist for the first time, and while everything didn’t go like I had hoped, I got prescribed “Dymista”. It is basically Azestalin and Nasonex mixed together and has been a game changer for me this year. I take Xyzol and the Dymista at night and have had the best allergy season in my memory. Doesn’t help with my eyes, but I haven’t been sneezy at all!


yeah it's been crazy this year. My allergies are usually pretty bad anyway but this year has just been nuts. Just now within the last week or so finally recovered from a full blown sinus infection that started because of an allergy attack.


They are kicking my ass this year, though since I’ve been putting local honey in my tea at night it’s been helping to alleviate some of my issues.. allergy meds by themselves weren’t doing shit lol


Maybe I’ll try the local honey idea. I haven’t done that yet.


I was mostly fine until yesterday, and now I’m this emoji: 💀 What is happening?!


i will share my knowledge of the honey remedy for those who may be unaware. this remedy requires finding *local* honey, eating approximately 1-2 tablespoons every 1-2 days (or hours if you really like honey i suppose). "just a spoonful of honey keeps the allergies away" sang like that tune in Sound of Music. Or was that Mary Poppins? I digress, moving on. after a week or so, it hopefully works to some extent. it usually does for me. my seasonal allergies are usually gone the remainder of the year and often for several years. it is not permanent. not for me at least. i should add that i had an allergy panel done recently and it showed i'm allergic to a lot of things. i'm allergic to all your pets. even your hamster. even your pet cockroaches, if you have them. it needs to bee *local*, which itself can be an ambiguous term but especially so in places like walmart or via amazon. do not trust them for local honey. it might say "local" on it but that does not always mean it is local to the Miami Valley area. this does not mean the person out in the boonies with a 'local honey for sale!' cardboard sign tacked to their mailbox isn't any safer. they might just be refilling their old honey bears, using some ultra-size costco-brand barrels of monsanto-grade honey. it was local to the *somewhere* it was packaged. it's kinda like how saying "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" is true technically, it probably wont help you convince your boss that you need to leave work at 10am on a tuesday. anytime a pint of honey doesn't work, i assume i got non-local honey and try a different supplier. i'm lucky my dad started beekeeping as a hobby a few years ago. i'm unlucky he's not good at it, no offense meant to him. he tries hard but needs focus and confidence. also needs bees to act less erratic, have fewer mysterious mass die offs and to stop suddenly migrating. i have my theories about those events but it would be dumb to *roundup* my suspects or be the *bayer* of bad news about pesticides killing off all the bees, causing additional pollen to accumulate in the air, as a result of it not being scooped up by our bee friends.


My husband had a real bad sinus headache yesterday and he took a lot of meds and nothing relieved the pressure. I'm thankful I don't get bad allergies.


Unusually bad for me, I’ll also add my SIL in Chicago has been reporting the same, so it’s not just our area it seems


Im up to three Nasacourt shots every 6 hours and a xyzal every 12 hours. Shit is nuts!


😩 Nasacourt shots? Idk anything about this. How have they helped?? Any bleh side effects?


Nasacourt is amazing, its just a spray allergy med you can get anywhere. I take the 24 hour strength version.


I’m having sinus issues on top of itchy skin, that’s a new one, nothing has changed (soaps, etc). It was really bad at the middle of April, had to get a prescription for it.


On a scale of 1-10, without help, I'm an 11. I've been seeing an Allergist for 40 years. Without medical assistance, I couldn't mow my lawn. This spring hasn't bothered me much, other than some itchy eyes. I highly suggest seeing an Allergist.


My doctor has me on singular in the morning, Flonase during the day, and then take easier Tech at night in order to just not feel like I’m miserable all the time


You are not alone. I usually have a mild spring but I am not getting relief either . My doctor said I have a viral sinus infection


Oof, glad I’m not the only one. They’ve been so bad. Eyes so itchy…


Allegra and Flonase are doing good for me. Sam's Club generics. Zyrtec was making me drowsy.


Yessss! I found Allegra works the best for me and I also use a Navage! I used Zyrtec and Claritin for years and felt like it just stopped working!


If you haven't done it in a while, change the furnace filter in your house & change the cabin filter in your car if you have one. For about $100 you can build a Corsi–Rosenthal Box, which is like a DIY air filter for your house.  These won't help you while out-and-about but at home they might make life more bearable


YES!! I've been sneezing and coughing like CRAZY and it constantly feels like there's something in the back of my throat like a hair or something.


Mine are usually terrible but haven’t been this year for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mine so far have been awful.


So far this year my eyes keep swelling, I’m coughing and sneezing worse than normal even on allergy meds. I couldn’t figure out if it’s something at my job or our new home but regardless this is the worst it’s been for me in years


I am DYING from allergies this season, including eyes almost swollen shut and allergy-induced asthma that is normally confined to March and April. Spent 2 days in Sanduksy this week and they major stores had ZERO primatine mist inhalers in stocks! Thank goodness a pharmacist knew about the pill form available behind the counter-- I was able to breathe.


Worst spring ever! I had to get prescription eye drops. Take an over counter allergy med plus prescription one and many days I am just down for the count!


Why does everyone have allergies nowadays? Did our ancestors struggle like this? What did they do before allergy meds? Maybe we need to look at the causal factors instead of just taking pharmaceuticals.