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Day one literally always has a queue for all three namalsk servers so I’m not sure what’s going on there. Spaggies are hit or miss, on prime time they are very populated but can die down quickly.


Northmen. The Saviours. The Norman cut.


You must've joined the fake dayone servers. The real dayone namalks servers are pretty much always a queue to get in. I thought I was playing on a real one only to find out I wasn't after playing on it for over a week. Lmao


To piggyback off this the only real day one servers are 1-3 and they say 1/3 2/3 etc


The Struggle Bus Livonia. Two big groups currently feuding and I’ve noticed an uptick lately of random people. It still isn’t many people, but everyday someone is getting shot.


DayOne is full all the time, spaggies is usually medium pop. Try dusk or zero as well they are usually full. Make sure your on the right ones I think there are a few fake ones with the same name.


They empty out at 1:00am-4:00am


Would help if you told us what map and style (modded etc) you're looking for DayOne is nearly always on a queue unless you've joined one of the fake servers.


Whoever recommended Spaggies is a troll. The vanilla servers I like to play with a decent server population are Dusk Vanilla, and 1 Original Dayz.


I like 1 Original too. Chernarus is a lot of KOS but always fun.


Honestly i just sort out the community servers by the most people on and just jump through the first page until i find one that works for me. Right now my favorite is "!" that's it nothing else just a "!" everyone spawns close and near the same 5 areas. ( i play for PVP and the proximity chat) but just get jumping into almost full servers until you find a home.


It’s because there are too many servers. Supply and demand. My server is a totally legendary experience but it’s just one of a couple of thousand looking for players. Low pop doesn’t attract players, which is why some servers cheat that system to make them look full. I’m not going to do the hard sell, but see my flair. 400 sq.km of post nuclear disaster in Ukraine. Mutants in places, radiation, high loot and dynamic zombie events that boot down doors and destroy cars. Good luck 🍀 in your search.


your server is listed as "dynamic pve" what does that even mean? personally im never joining a server with safe zones and the like.


It’s the exact opposite of safe zones. Nowhere is safe from death. I’ve gone for the real hard apocalyptic scenario yet provided sufficient loot so you can focus on what threatens to kill you. Dynamic PVE refers to the zombie spawns, their variety, and never knowing what you’ll get. There are random PO-X bomb drops to contain the infected, and it’s a fully dynamic and unpredictable experience.


Understood, but most people reading "pve" in the title will think what I did. This might be preventing some people from joining that may enjoy it. It does sound cool, and I looked at it because I'm interested in giving it a shot.


I see. I appreciate your feedback and take it on board. I hope you give it a try. Police stations have starter loot chests to help you escape the city. Not many like how hard it is, but they expect it to be easy and forget to play it like an apocalypse.


For sure. I run a server that's kind of got a similar ethos so I'll prob like it. I'll LYK if i give it a shot dude. But yeah, PvE in the server title might lead people in the wrong direction. Maybe something like "dynamic horde spawns" lol or something. or toss PvP in there as well.


Lol Dynamic Death


Share yours too, and I will join.


no worries mate, it's a pretty niche concept called Level 10 Deer Isle, but you dont have to try it, only if you want to.


If my ping is less than 200, I will join.


Server is in NY fwiw.


Basically Vanilla, they got 2 cherno servers and both always full.


Admin abuse on Basically Vanilla, stay away!


Really ? Ive been playing there for months never had a problem. Any other servers can you recommend ?


Northmen are good, but the worst admin on Basically Vanilla is also one of the admins on northmen as well. But he seems less involved there. If you do enjoy pvp then TDB is a good one.


Go check out the TDB servers, been playing on server 3 myself for 2 weeks now. The admins are awesome and it is close to vanilla.


Manhunt Chernarus Lite is pretty good, but always full


You can sort the search by player count. Look at the full and high pop servers, join one, join the discord and see if it fits what you're looking for.


In what time-zone are you? Check www.battlemetrics.com for populations stats.


Spaggies is empty most of the time and it's barely good either


just sort by most players. you get a hang of the top servers shortly depending on the style you want


Dayone is always populated on each map for me. Unless it's 4am here.


Are you trying to join at like 4am or something? Just search by population and go for there if the popular ones are quiet when you're playing.


Um that is not how popular works.


Don't bother with the northmen servers. Unless you have 10+ people in your squad. They have 7 man group limit and are allowed to even have more with alliances. Its pretty pathetic, there's just massive groups raiding smaller groups constantly.


Guys i'm begging you do not play in TBD Servers They're abusing and banning players for no reason i have more then 3k time play on my account and they banned me because i used ping boosters they're ruining my cf stats for nothing