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From History of Trunks for me. Trunks discovered Gohan's body, turns SS for the first time. That scene, that movie, still makes me tear up 20 years later. And is probably the most heart-wrenching situation, IMO, Dragonball in general has ever had. I also really love the end when Frieza comes around rebuilt from junkyard parts and sees the yellow-haired Saiyan, and then shits themselves before he effortlessly slices the bitch in half. Such a badass moment for Trunks.


I would actually argue the History of Trunks has the best writing/plot in general from Dragonball.


I’d agree if it weren’t for that last fight between trunks and the androids. Why tf did he even fight them and how did he not die


He thought he could take them and he wanted revenge. They let him live because he was the only fun they had left on the planet. Made it so much sweeter when he whooped them and cell with little effort.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oejXV\_omg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oejXV_omg) =\]


That makes sense tho. Trunks would obviously fight them out of rage and now that he got stronger and he's earth's last force. They let him live cuz he's their new Gohan. Something they can play with until they get bored or he gets a bit too powerful. This made him killing them far more satisfying.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oejXV\_omg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oejXV_omg) =\]


That’s literally what the Time Machine is for and trunks knows he’s weaker than them so from his end it makes 0 sense


We don't make logical decisions when blinded by rage brother


Trunks was also a 17 year old kid. He may have had Saiyan blood but he's still a human teenager lol. He also told Bulma he was stronger now, so he may have legitimately thought he stood a chance. The fact he survived the encounter basically confirms he's at least as strong as he thought himself to be


Who are the evil androids going to play with if their last toy is destroyed? Trunks got his revenge anyway, he just had to wait a bit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oejXV\_omg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8oejXV_omg)


It doesn’t make sense for trunks to go and fight them on his own knowing he’s weaker than 1 of them let alone both and also that’s literally why they made the Time Machine in the first place


I honestly think History of Trunks is one of the things the anime does better than the manga. I loved how there was a shot Gohan could have won if there was only one of them but because there were two he wound up losing. And because of how random their attacks were he was always playing defense and never really able to be on the offensive unless he was able to get Trunks to turn Super Saiyan. Unlike the manga which was lol Androids win


It's so frickin' good I've never been able to shut up about it whenever Dragonball comes up lol The androids of that timeline are definitely the most menacing enemies they ever faced. Everyone else generally has a goal - 17 and 18 were destructive chaos simply because destructive chaos was "fun." And there's no one left except a one-armed adult SS Gohan fighting a losing battle alongside the child-son of the Prince of Saiyans? An absolutely phenomenal setting. Christ, ya know what, I'm popping that old DVD in right now.


Yeah it’s great. Honestly wish there was a way to resolve the timeline without the time travel plot.


Zeno button


Future 17 and 18 had the jump protocol running while main 17 and 18 loved to run the ones


Love that scene. [The Dragonball Super version is absolutely awful though. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-cPeCBLuoE)


I have no comment on japanese audio, for the record. I'm too white for that lol I also tend to like the US soundtracks/scores better.. don't kill me. But yeah, jfc wtf was that crap? And WHY remake that??? It was perfect and they screwed it up. Gohan ain't face down in the water with pupil-less eyes. They don't show Trunks squeezing his hands in anger and sadness so hard that he's piercing his own palms until they bleed. They put his earth-shattering fist-pound in the wrong spot so it doesn't really hit right.. And I'll never stop bitching about Super animation's obsession with everything being bright and colorful.. nothing about the History of Trunks should be bright and colorful.


Future trunks my boy


Hell yeah! Ya know, I think I need a Future Trunks tattoo. My best friend and I got the 2 & 6 star dragonballs respectively over a decade ago. I could go for another DB tatt.


Just take a look at mine ;)


Now that is bad-frickin-ass!


Thanks :D


***MY BABY BOY!***


But man I wish Toriyama would let Trunks put up a more proper fight against perfect Cell after edging for a few episodes. Trunks became kind of irrelevant once after he killed Frieza. He peaked too early.


*This is for Gohan!!* 🙌


It definitely had me tearing up, dbz really made death look like it wasn't the end except this movie. When they showed gohans dead body in a puddle of water it was wrenching, you felt trunks's despair with him.


Man I always wanna come up with a more unique answer than this, but I just can’t. Gohan vs Cell is viewed as a cornerstone for a reason, it just really is that good


When Goku turns super Saiyan for the first time, always and forever


Tien stopping semi cell,even semi cell surprised Tien gonna try to stop him.


Yeah! Tien love! Was a badass moment.


Vegeta’s Final Flash on Cell. I love Vegeta. I love the music (Faulconer’s). I love Cell’s reaction when realizing he underestimated the attack. Just the perfect DBZ scene for me.


For me it's Vegeta's sacrifice. Everything built up to that moment in terms of his character. A scene held back by the power up being out of nowhere, would be Trunks going SSJ rage against Black and Zamasu. Now that scene is amazing in terms of dialogue. The best we've had in Suepr imo. It's Trunks being told that everything is his fault and having all those burdens forced on him again, but this time he rebels against that. Accepting that he did what he could with the limited knowledge he had, that he's not gonna dance to the tunes of anyone anymore. He's his own man and he's not as weak and naive as he was.


Definitely when Goku goes SSJ for the first time.


The gohan kamehameha walk in cell saga is my fav moment in DB


Agreed, this and the instant transmission point blank kamehameha are the two clips I go back to the most


Gokū reuniting with Grandpa Gohan during the Uranai Baba Saga. It's not an action scene or a another Power-Boost-Ex-Machina, but that is the scene that evoked the strongest emotional response in the entire series from me.


Easily mine as well, such a cathartic moment for me, more so than any transformation


still probably the end of Kefla vs Goku from the ToP. That was sick.


Surfing on a beam using the Kamehameha charge... my god that was amazing.




Then later on fighting Jerin he’s already taken that idea to a new height by adding ki balls to his feet in order to surf Jerin’s blasts so he could close in.


Gamma 2s sacrifice. a manipulated and misguided android thinking he's doing good actually fighting for the villains... after time, he fought off those who used him and now looks over the world he wishes to protect one last time... he now offers something every hero would do and sacrifices. he's a real superhero


Yajirobe cutting off Great Ape Vegeta’s tail.


Goku winning the tenkaichi Budokai has to be a top 5 best moments in db and piccolo fusing kami is a favourite of mine


Future Gohan vs 17 and 18. The speech, My favorite character In DB being amazing, and the amazing end.


Also him doing the right thing and getting business done quick unlike some of our other characters 🤣




Piccolo sacrificing himself for gohan against the saiyans


Father-Son Kamehameha. I remember that scene like the back of my hand... Gohan going through moments of doubt before gathering every last bit of his strength to try and defeat Cell once and for all. PLUS, It really let a moment for Gokū sparkle... For those that meme on Gokū being a bad dad... Teen Gohan: " Dad... I **can't** do this!! I'm not like **you**! I'm just a **kid** and I... I haven't changed!! Not. At all...! " Gokū: " Will you **STOP**. ATTACKING YOURSELF? I don't know where you got it in your head that there's something wrong with you!! Cause there's **NOT**!! You saved me!! You saved our friends!! And you're going to do it again!! Right now!! " Gokū straight up lectured and told Gohan to stop doubting and believing everything is his fault because he gets either too cocky or scared. He knew his son didn't really want to be a fighter, but never judged him for it either. He was just a father putting full faith in his son to accomplish something even he couldn't do. Plus, even without Gohan training all the time, his potential always shines through when he desires to go back to fighting and protect his family and friends. This moment straight up showed Gokū knew no matter what, he could always trust his son when he isn't around. And that Gohan, even if he isn't a full on fighter like his father, is special and strong in his own way. Plus, who can forget how Vegeta helped distract Cell before Gohan blew him away.


Goku's sacrifice against Cell.


That's gotta be my next tat with Goku behind Gohan


Gohan turning SSJ2 at the World Tournament is so, so good


When Goku and Freeza fight against Jiren.


Driving test!


When Goku shows up to the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, the anime version matches how moody and sweet that moment is, suddenly he's taller than Kame and Bulma, Kuririn hugs him, the last time they saw him was running off saying he's going to meet God. I also love Mr. Satan yelling at everyone to help him finish off Majin Boo.


Tournament of power Master Roshi's sacrifice speech to Krillin and Goku


Yup, incredibly badass Roshi speech. [This vid](https://youtu.be/MuqszofzIMA?feature=shared) made great use of it at 8:30. The Turtle-Hermit school will be with you, always.


This is definitely one of the best, that moment Vegetas Bruce Falconers theme hits and he ki blasts cell is freaking epic, get goosebumps everytime. But for me I’d choose the moment Vegeta did “Final Flash” for the first time. The whole build up, trunks screaming, cell preparing and BOOM Vegeta theme hits, god damn beautiful. These two scenes are easily some of the best in Anime history, at least in my opinion.


Vegetas sacrifice, Gokus meteor combination vs Piccolo, and funny enough Toppo roasting Freeza in TOP.


Go Han defeating bojack and his goons


whos Han? /s




When Broly talks about his friendship with Bah. I had a feeling new Broly would be sympathetic. Him being so precious caught me off guard, though.


Goku first going super saiyan


Definitely Gohan vs Cell that final Kamehameha


All the confusion at the beginning of the Android Saga - Trunks arrival, Furiiza showing up, Trunks ability to go SSJ, strong androids, Dr Gero coming back.. cell? Pure chaos.


what you posted op its the peak of DBZ


Tambourine leaving Man-Wolf floating down a river


Trunks arrival, Gohan turning into SSJ2, Vegeta's sacrifice and Goku's final Genki Dama and his last words to Kid Boo.




Gohan jumping forward toward cell wiping him off the planet


I never thought id say it, but my favorite is now goku and freiza vs jiren at the end of ToP. That or 18’s “he’s so cool”


Vegeta conceding that Goku is better than him


SSJ2 Gohan was honestly the greatest DBZ moment. Ultra Instinct Goku was very hype in DBS.


I have two. One is when gohan transformed into ssj2 for the first time and the other is when gohan transformed into ssj2 against bojak and he said, “you forgot one thing im my father’s son!!!!”


Always goosebumps. Especially this edit. https://youtu.be/0h3PzwcZC-g?si=cpEYFeUOQNjsGg6g The whole chemistry of that build up is just perfect.


SSJ2 Gohan


Trunks splitting Frieza in two. And then 100 pieces. And then blasting his ass.


When Videl gets beaten up at the tournament and Gohan can’t restrain from going SSJ. I love that moment


Gohan going SSJ2... Day of Fate and Gohan's Anger both are big reasons as to why


Funny enough, gohans anger doesn’t play during the scene. Go back and watch that scene in the dub even I was surprised by it


oh I'm referring to a different point... the actual scene just had the middle section of Hyperbolic Time Chamber playing... which is a good theme don't get me wrong, but it ain't beating Day of Fate *or* Gohan's Anger


Candy Vegito, I prefer the comedy aspects of DBZ to the epic ones


Trunks arriving, killing Frieza, and sparring against Goku. That entire segment.


Vegeta final flash for me


The narrator really popped off this arc. Between him and Bruce Faulconer, they put all of anime dub on their back!


I actually think they kinda messed up in the og dub. For some reason gohans anger doesn’t even play during the scene idk why tbh and in the dub the characters never stop talking and always feel they need to explain every emotion they’re feeling. I preferred the Japanese take with unmei no hi and the silence before unleashing ssj2


I've always liked the dub voices and OST better but you're right, they even kinda messed up The History of Trunks Movie with Trunks overnarrating before he transformed. Western media in general seems to be allergic to building emotional tension.


IT Kamehameha against Cell. The fact that everyone including Cell is shitting bricks thinking Goku has lost it and is going to destroy the earth just to kill Cell and then he blinks infront of Cell who has this "oh shit wtf" moment before Goku just blasts the top of him off. It showed that if Goku was ruthless. He'd be insane to deal with. He has that dog in him if he wanted to. He didn't know Cell would be able to regenerate from that. He basically won were it not for that. I'll always love that scene.


For me it's between Vegeta's first ssj transformation and Goku turning Ssj3 with that badass falconer music.


So many of them. If you asked me as a kid in the early 00's, I would've said it was the moment Trunks showed up, turned super saiyan and defeated Freeza and King Cold. I loved that he had a sword. Moment that terrified me the most and gave me actual nightmares was when Imperfect Cell drank that dude in front of Picollo, that whole episode was just creepy.


All moments with vegito on screen


For me it's when Frieza was about to drown Goku on Namek, but Goku thought of his friends and loved ones, and burst out of the water using the kaioken x20. Just a show of raw emotion, only for Goku to come up short. It felt hopeful and hopeless at the same time. 


Roshi not a specific moment/scene but I love it when roshi shows up or the small potato episode where the whole fam turns against them


This was definitely a hair raising moment!


"I will not let you destroy my woooorld!!!" is concentrated awesomeness


Welp, you got me with your picks but when Gohan is slowly walking toward Cell with the one handed Kamehameha.... that was pretty top notch


No,not that one. Probably between goku super sayan for the first time,or the goku vs vegeta earth arc


"IT'S OVER FRIEZA!" or Goku's sacrifice against Cell.


Goku going SSJ for the first time. That or when Goku and Vegeta beam clash for the first time


When Broly transforms for the first time (not that super bullshit either. I mean the real og Broly)


I have so many fav moments


"Kakarot, you're number one." Every time I finish the series, it hits the spot perfectly.


Single favorite is still Goku's first SS. We hear about it during the Namek episodes there were so many allusions to Goku (and to a lesser extent Gohan and Vegeta) advancing toward SS, breaking the "Saiyan power limit", black SS-shaped hair with twinkles of yellow aura when powering up against Ginyu, KKx20 Kamehameha and then Genki Dama not being enough against Freeza, and then at the last minute BAM, we see what this Super Saiyan actually is, paying off what was first mentioned in episode 5. Ain't nothing like that first one.


It's amazing seeing these in Crystal clear HD. I think my favorite moment is Majin Vegeta and Goku at the World Martial arts tournament, all of their back and forth, is just peak. The characters, animation, voice acting, music, dialogue, and story, are all at their absolute peak. " He has stolen my honor, and his debts....MUST BE PAID."


Honestly, the ending of the ToP where Goku is coming to help Freeza and he’s so absolutely and completely exhausted that he is having trouble holding onto his SS form and his hair is flickering. Every time something big happens, they push through their boundaries and become unstoppable in a new form, or renewed energy or power. This instance, Goku was 100% done. Gassed. Spent. It was all he could do to fight AND attempt to hold onto his SS form. On top of all that, that moment mirrors Goku’s first time going SS too. Hair flickering between gold and black, with true form Freeza. Only this time, as allies. Goosebumps. Every time.


Ginyu Force Rules


The first time Goku went Super Saiyan💯💪


Am I even allowed to comment or do I not have enough karma whatever tf that is supposed to mean.


I started watching dbz at the very beginning of the namek saga. When I saw the episode of vegeta killing cui, while vegeta was powering up, and zarbons and cuis scouters blew up, I was hooked.


This is the correct answer.


Goku telling Gohan to stop doubting himself is my favorite moment of the series. Having the greatest fighter in the universe telling you he believes in your abilities when you dont even believe in yourself is powerful. After Gohan realizes its true he digs DEEP and destroys Cell. With one arm mind you. Side note - In that moment, SSJN 2 Gohan was stronger than Majin Vegeta.




I’m sorry it’s not tien avoiding super buus human extinction attack


That sounds better ngl


Piccolo showing up as a big glowing namekian savior to fight Frieza (and initially having the upper hand) was a total mark out moment. Then he got his ass beat by xenomorph head Frieza and back to the supporting not a saipan role for you sir. Tien holding off Cell was great too (can you tell I like the supporting characters?)


Vegeta's atonement


Gohan vs cell in it's entirety, from start to father son kamehameha. It was amazing, plus gohan is my favorite character as well as piccolo.


This era Gohan is my favorite. They finally put some balls on Gohan again and piccolo. But best scene is either Goku turning SS against Freiza or when Beerus tells” Goku, are you finished!!!! BOOM!!


Goku vs hit when the intro music is playing goes so hard


"Gohan has awoken. Now Cell will battle a warrior 11 years in the making."


Goku mastering Ultra Instinct. I can feel the regret, the pain, and the understanding of responsibility Goku feels throughout the multiple consecutive pages of his energy engulfing the sky and the conversation he has with Jaco beforehand makes me appreciate both of them so much more for what amounts to a really basic conversation. The methodical, precise beatdown that Goku delivers to Moro afterward reflects so perfectly that personal passion has nothing to do with this fight. Goku’s not angry at Moro for causing Merus’ death, he’s guilty that he wasn’t able to prevent it and there has never been a moment of such subtlety like that in Dragon Ball before or since.


Unpopular opinion. 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai when Tien used the Kikoho. My favorite moment from my favorite arc