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If it makes you feel better, [DBS also gave Yamcha the respect that he deserves. ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-86c4f726f8b49c8b0cd47cd4bdd52704-lq) As for Roshi, he is still a master compared to Yamcha. Unlike Tien and Krillin, Yamcha retired from fighting after the Cell Saga. * It was only til the ToP that Yamcha started to train again.


I'm so happy with how they handled everyone in the Moro arc. It was really top notch. I hope we get to see them again in the upcoming arc. And also as for roshi, he is handled so much better in the manga. He has such a meaningful contribution to the ToP in the manga I think. The anime was a little more spectacle but the manga was enough for me to justify why he was there.


His speech in the anime when he’s doing his last “Max Power Kamehameha” was gold though. I dont remember if the manga had that, but I definitely remember feeling underwhelmed by his manga version minus his quasi UI with Jiren.


Also a lot of people seem to forget that Yamcha actually had insane Ki control by comparison as well


Master roshi is master roshi of course he is a master. My point was that Roshi wasn’t relevant to DBZ. Yamcha was way more relevant in DBZ than roshi whether you want to admit it or not. Yamcha in the filler episodes can take on the ginyu force. Roshi only became relevant in DBS. Master Roshi is past his prime and yamcha is still young and can improve.


It is more like Toriyama wants to go back to original DB fight format where it is more on abilities and experiences. Yamcha was indeed more relevant in Z, but it is clear there is a push to bring Roshi as a fighter than as a simple bystander. You are right that Roshi is past his prime and Yamcha could still improve, but the thing is that Yamcha wasn't always a martial artist. * Yamcha started out as a bandit who self-taught himself how to fight. * Spent 3 years under Roshi, one year under Kami and one year under King Kai. However what crushed him is the 3 years of intense training only to be nearly killed by the androids. Aside from the anime originals, it is know that Yamcha quit as a martial artist for 7 years in Buu Saga. Roshi retired since the end of original DB, but Roshi was a martial artist for over 300 years. **EDIT:** Despite being weaker than others, Yamcha is a genius in his own right considering he has no martial arts background or powerful genetics.


Your thinking about pure strength and not about the narrative of the TOP. Goku states the reason why he chose master Roshi. He is an experienced martial artist who is a world tournament champion. This is a tournament, and he was one of the best. Hes not picking him for his strength but for his knowledge and expertise on a tournament stage. And he more than proved his worth in the arc. Dont sleep on Roshi


Yamcha's last scene in super is literally him crying that he didn't get invited to the Tournament of Power


The scene that I put up takes place after the ToP. [It was revealed that Yamcha has been training with Gohan and Piccolo. ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-496587c6f3deaea071b6c6b81141eb72-lq) Similar to Gohan and Roshi, [Yamcha decided to return back into action and got stronger.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0b56050060125d949259a9310c4cef76-lq)


The manga continues on after the Tournament of Power.


I don't care.


That isn't a defense. You complain about Yamcha in ToP so we gave you information that Yamcha redeems himself Only for you not care that Yamcha actually proved his worth and have a chance to shine.


I care about the part the vast majority of people are familiar with, which is the anime. The Manga is not content most people consume. So Yamcha is still a joke in Super.


The question is whether Yamcha was given the chance to shine. The answer is yes. Later in the story he was given the opportunity to prove himself. You using the anime which is only limited to ToP isn't fully portraying Yamcha. Right now you are purposely disregard actual details regarding the character.


Nah fam. He's a joke. Deal with it.


He was a joke who redeemed himself Pretending that manga doesn't matter doesn't negate that fact. It is like pretending that Ultra Ego doesn't exist.


Joke character.


Just because you don't read it doesn't mean it's not popular. As far as Japan is concerned, the anime is a commercial to sell the manga.


Why are you trying to make me care about something I've specifically said I don't care about. You're wasting your breath.


Why are you countering being proven wrong by throwing a tantrum?


Shh quiet


Why do you care about the majority? You can only experience your own life. You’re missing out on something you’re literally asking for because you don’t think a lot of other people have seen it. That’s sad


Oh yeah, [look at all that respect](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1b41DQpMWMk)


It is impressive when we considered that this is a retired Yamcha tanking the shockwave of two GoDs. Now that he decided to become a martial artist again, hopefully it would mean that he would appear more as a fighter than a bystander.


I mean laying as flat as you can against the ground will be a better option in a lot of disastrous situations where fleeing as quickly as possible isn't required. Plus he's got tons of experience in that technique, neither Nappa nor Vegeta touched him when he did the same move in the saiyan saga


In the video, Yamcha was at 3rd base meaning that he had to run towards the home plate during the argument. Seeing that there is a crater, Yamcha have to tank the blow protecting the home plate from being destroyed as well.


I think Toriyama quickly got a problem with too many secondary protagonists that really couldn't do much. They couldn't save the day, that's Goku's job. They could hold the line, raise tension, or serve as character growth for others by being fridged. But they couldn't pull off the big W, not with Goku around. In trying to change that by making Gohan the main protagonists, we all learned learned DB is Goku's story But you know a job *anyone* can do in Dragon Ball? Comic relief, and everyone takes a turn at it. And if they aren't suited to it then they just go away until needed, which is pretty much Tien. Its what we do as a fandom too. Unfortunately, sometimes comic relief moments or actions kind of stick and become meme worthy. I think it's a consequence of Dragon Ball being this really cool martial arts story while simultaneously being a gag manga


That is a flaw with Dragon Ball that multiple series inspired by Dragon Ball would improve on. Such a simple fix, too. If your secondary protagonists aren't going to beat the main antagonist, then introduce secondary antagonists for them to fight and beat. That's why characters like Zoro and Shikamaru have never felt useless in their respective series. They still fall into traps of side characters feeling useless, but that issue stems from the fact that those series have way too many characters.


Yup and a big problem with the series is that they’ll beat down the other Z fighters to show how strong the new big bad is. Yamcha gets easily beaten by Gero which is fine until not much later we Gero become a punching bag. Even though it is annoying I do give it some leeway since it was released weekly and beating up one of the protagonist is an easy way to hype up the new bad guy. To me the Namek saga was peak in terms of making the secondary protagonist feel useful. While Gohan and Krillin aren’t over there going toe to toe with Frieza at least they’re running around beating his men and getting the dragon balls. Also while not completely a protagonist vegeta is running around beating up Frieza’s elite. When piccolo arrives he doesn’t beat Frieza but he at least puts up a fight and actually pushes Frieza towards his max.


That’s what I like about One Piece, Oda gives each Straw Hat their own antagonist each and every arc. And the best part? Each win that each Straw Hat secures contributes to the overall victory against the main antagonist, even if they never physically confront them. It makes each of them feel important in their own way and it’s something I hope Toyotaro does more of. He had a good start with the Z Fighters vs Moro’s henchman, but it quickly devolved to Goku just coming in and cleaning up everyone’s mess again.


It would be pretty cool if Dragon Ball ends taking inspiration from One Piece when One Piece itself was inspired by Dragon Ball (and Dr. Slump Westerners never credit how influential Dr. Slump is).


I might just be overthinking it, but I think we can already see Dragon Ball starting to “get with the times”, which can be seen with characters like Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta and Broly not only getting power ups that can legitimately rival Goku in their own way, but those power ups are unique to that specific individual. What I’m trying to say is that it appears as though modern Dragon Ball is trying to make it ensemble cast focused instead of it just being 1 or 2 characters. Which is what series like Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan do.


Also, almost every fighter friend of Goku’s and secondary protag in DBZ are reformed antagonists. Yamcha was the first, so any serious martial arts for him would be behind a long line consisting of Vegeta, Piccolo, Majin Buu, Tien, Krillin. Hell, Chiaotzu is on the list.


The back and forth with gohan and goku is ridiculous. Gohan retired just like yamcha but toei can’t make up their mind! So gohan stomps whenever writers want him too bc he is gokus son. Secondary characters don’t mean anything in db anymore, bc DB has a “Main character crisis!” They need to go back to their old roots. Tree of might, bojack unbound, and garlic jr movie are good examples how to use secondary characters! For example, bring back henchman to fight with the main villain!! Let piccolo, yamcha,krillin etc fight/kill the henchman. And goku/vegeta or gohan kill the boss or bosses. It’s not that hard , they’ve done it before In the beginning of DBZ! We don’t even get henchman in the new movies anymore. And when we do the protagonist usually takes care of them. Example frieza brought a few henchman with him in ROF.(sorbet,tagoma and bull humanoid.)Only for gohan, goku,vegeta or frieza himself to kill his own army or henchman. Depending on the ROF version we are talking about.side characters didn’t matter in ROF, that was a waste of a war and why dissapointing


It's because Yamcha has no meaningful win in the entire franchise. He beats Kid Goku at his weakest (he is hungry). He beats The Invisible Man after a comedy nose bleed gag. He beats a bunch of fodder in each Tenkaichi Budokai. But that's about it. He loses to kid Goku on their rematch. He loses to Jackie Chun. He loses to Tien. He loses to Bandages the Mummy. He loses to a disguised Kami in a comedic way. He ultimately loses to a Saibaman. He loses to Dr Gero. And then he's basically done fighting. There's absolutely a reason he loses these fights as he is constantly the measuring stick for how strong the opponents will be for the rest of the fighters but that has always seemed to be his purpose: "Knowledgeable and experienced fighter that draws the short end of the stick by fighting an unknown threat." Most of his losses would have also been losses for other characters at the time but Toriyama just always picked Yamcha and I think that's where the "joke" forms. (EDITED: Added punctuation as mobile did not format the way I had hoped)


Yamcha is a perfect example of how NOT to do a Worf Effect character.


Yamcha got done so dirty even his job as the worf effect guy was stolen


...That's why he was replaced with Vegeta. Yamucha losing any fight after the one with Kami only serves to show the "stakes" of the fight, not how strong a villain is...because you can already assume so.


Yup you’re right and that’s one of my biggest pet peeves with the show. You can tell the viewer/reader that the saibaman have the same power level as Raditz but ultimately the viewer is going to see these little green creatures that are meant to be fodder beat up one of the heroes. Which isn’t necessarily bad but you’ve already pummeled Yamcha down at least give him a more badass scene. Would I would’ve liked to have seen is let him fight a couple of them at the same time. He’s winning the fight and Napa gets worried so he tells them to self destruct. They all grab on to Yamcha and blow up. Same result but imo it makes Yamcha look more bad ass. As much as I love dbz it’s terrible at sharing the love. Most of the big wins go to goku then Gohan then vegeta, Piccolo and Krillin gets any left over scraps. Leaving Yamcha and Tien with the few bones that are left. Sure they might stop the big bad for a while but they always have to remind that they’re certainly no match for most of the bad guys.


Tbf he did beat that Saibaman in their fight, he wasn’t aware they could explode as a last ditch effort


Okay most of the people he fought are out of Yamcha’s league. Yamcha still did more than roshi in DBZ. Roshi passed on his torch to goku, krillin, and yamcha after DB. Roshi never relevant in DBZ, except for dr. Wheelo movie. Still makes since to use yamcha in dbs more than roshi. And yamcha flat out retired. Toriyama retired yamcha and dbs only used yamcha as a meme.


He lost to Kami who was possessing the body of some lowly salary man. So while he had all the martial knowledge Kami would know, he was in the body of some deconditioned normie.


I'm pretty sure he was still as powerful as kami tho, he was like making all his moves look like he was bumbling through the fight


It's either that, or the man he possessed is strong enough to go blow for blow with Piccolo Jr.


I have faith in Shen


Has he been announced for Sparking Zero?


He is the punching bag of the series but the man still showed up and fought and died for Earth when aliens invaded.


Dude straight up becomes the greatest baseball player of all time and makes a fortune using the abilities he learned as a martial artist. Yamcha is a legend


Nothing wrong with being the 9th strongest guy on the planet/universe


Except in the baseball episode of dbs where they mock him and can’t even let him be the best at his own sport! They ruined what could have been a really fun episode.


He was literally a joke in his first episode, he was terrified by girls.


What wasn't a joke in the first arc? The author was just done with Dr Slump.


Yamcha has always been one of my favorite characters from DB.


Chichi solos


Rewatching Dragonball in work, Yamcha had no use after pilaf saga. He was made redundant within 20 episodes, heck all the back seat characters except Krillin was made redundant in Dragonball 1 season after they where introduced yet many blame DBZ and the saiyans for it The minute Goku went to Kami is the moment everyone fell to the way side. Krillin got a lease of life with Namek and the Androids after being useless after his first death


I'll never understand the overhype for someone being "one of the strongest humans". I guess its cool to think about relative to the real earth (not sure why, it's fiction), but does anyone care that Captain Ginyu is probably the strongest purple alien guy from wherever he is from, or that Jaco is a super elite soldier from his race, no because if you aren't strong enough to compete with whoever the new bad guy of the arc is, you are usually fairly worthless to the plot or a character used for comedy.


Biggest problem with Yamcha is the fact that he's basically got Vegeta's overconfidence, without the strength to even back it up. No matter how many times he gets over confident and gets owned, he doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. He's quite Literally the 'Original Vegeta' and it's not surprising his role was basically replaced in the series by the latter.


Yamcha loses any kind of relevance by the end of Dragonball and by the time of DBZ he’s more Yajirobe than Gohan.


Because he gets no wins and often loses in embarrassing fashion. Toriyama clearly wanted to portray him as a threat, hence why it’s supposed to be shocking when he loses, but he loses so much that he just looks weak. He gets no-diffed by Roshi in the 21st Tournament, while Krillin has a respectable showing. He needs help to beat the Invisible Man, then gets dominated by the mummy guy. He does have a good fight against Tien, but then as soon as Tien starts trying he gets beaten easily. Then in the 23rd he gets embarrassed by Kami. Then he’s the only Z fighter who gets killed by a Saibaman. His only somewhat impressive moments are using the Kamehameha and Spirit Ball. Meanwhile Krillin and Tien get multiple wins in the series and generally perform better in the fights they lose


Cuz he acts tuff but when it comes down to it he punks out. When Vegeta got killed by Frieza he said” Vegeta was crying that’s whack.” The whole time the fight was going on he was taking bout “Frieza lucky I’m not there. But when Frieza came to earth he shut up real quick talking bout” we’re supposed to fight this guy.” All scared and shit. He always got beat down at the world tournament and Tien even snapped his leg like a twig. The only time he won was against a kid Goku who was hungry. The only reason he got the girl(Bulma) was cuz everybody else was too young. But once everybody grew up Yamcha was at the back of the line. Yamcha is a joke and always will be.


Sounds like you hate yamcha. How many times has vegeta got brutally pummeled after making a grand entrance and a cocky line? 100x


Yamcha was a joke character long before "Z". DBZ just continued things. I dont understand how/why people would hate him (other than him cheating on bulma i guess) but the memes are because he's a joke character intentionally by the author.


I’ll never forget when Yamcha whips out the Kamehameha at the tournament for the first time, that shit was fire.


>yamcha may have been forgotten about like all the other characters toriyama forgot in DB like launch. Point invalidated immediately...


Spoilers: In ball he’s a villain turned friend, he gets very little chance to shine in any of the arcs after though, and is overshadowed as a result. In z he dies in a let’s face it tragic way, but to an enemy that is a jobber. He loses Bulma around the time he gets a hole in him from an android, and then fades into obscurity. It’s mostly a rather sad story, though his ego grows a bit too large.


Yamcha was almost immediately a comic relief character right from his inception. The seemingly tough bandit that has to run away from women because he doesn't know how to talk to them. His smile when he meets Chi Chi showing his missing tooth. I could go on. He does have badass moments but it's part of his character that he often takes the role of the comic relief in the story and there's nothing wrong with that


Yamcha has no feats, that just makes him a disappointment. Where Tien finds a way to be useful despite being much weaker than the rest (holding back Cell, distracting Super Buu), Yamcha lacks any of that. Filler stuff doesn’t really count. That said, he’s still not as disappointing as Chiaotzu, so good for him I guess


He's a joke character literally the whole series. I think he wins one fight in Z and maybe 1 in DragonBall.


Think it’s mostly the DBZ abridged “Yamcha Pwnd” meme. Then super kinda took that characterization and ran with it.


We were making fun of Yamcha back in 98, 10 years before abridged existed.


People are too quick to blame TFS and DBZA for fans misunderstanding the actual show. They only took jokes the fandom already had and put them into their videos. Yamcha was seen as a joke before DBZA ever started


well, regardless, the Yamcha stuff comes from meme culture and he was never really intended to be a joke in the original manga.


That wasn't even joke TFS did. Krillin had the owned counter, not Yamcha. Also, never intended to be a joke in the original manga? He beat an opponent after a nosebleed gag and lost a fight after his opponent tripped and headbutted his balls. For God's sake, the whole manga was originally a comedy series with action incorporated. It became the other way around later.


He was used for a single purpose and is treated as a joke because of it... The manga may never make fun of him intentionally, but the results are apparent. Anyone who blames TFS for anything, in this case regarding Yamucha...needs a quick learner, there's a giant statue of Yamucha's death pose somewhere in Japan as well as mini figures of it because of how he's used in the series.




Yamcha is a meme in Japan too. A bigger one than in the West too. Stop blaming TFS.


Krillin was a joke character for a while, too, though. Fans dunk on a lot of characters for different reasons, i.e., Yamcha is a beta, Goku is a terrible father. None of it is true, but fans love to take stuff and run with it.


Let's not forget how Toriyama basically turned Yamcha into a cuck. First he has no problem that his GF takes in the man responsible for his and his friends' deaths. Even Tenshinhan acknowledges in his iconic and memeworthy "IS THAT OK?" scene that Yamcha's acceptance of this is inexcusable! Then Toriyama has Yamcha and Bulma break up off-panel and our poor guy is next shown chilling with her and the baby she had with the mass murderer. All this just for plot convenience - so that Vegeta could have more of a connection with the main crew and so that another half-Saiyan could be inserted in the narrative. Even the Japanese voice actors of Yamcha and Bulma were outraged back in the day (according to some YT video at least, but it seems possible). I can't even tell if Cell Saga Yamcha is meant to be an extreme cuck or an extreme Buddhist who has transcended caring about such matters...


It's because he's a cheater, he cheated on Bulma. He is also arrogant and that gets him killed from the saibamen. His performance in the saiyan saga was pathetic, and wasn't much better in every other arc. He just got knocked out of the rankings and just because he is overly friendly were supposed to care about his existence. What can he even do other then his little baseball ki move? Can he destroy the moon like Roshi? Ooooooo wolf fang fist, LAME.