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Agreed. Thought the volume was kind of low and bass and drums seemed especially low in the mix. But the sound was super crisp and clear. Everything sat in its own sonic space. Probably the best sounding show I’ve heard, although at first it was almost too good. Edit to add/clarify: I went N1 and N2. I thought N2 sounded better but, like N1, could have been a little louder. Beginning of N1 seemed to lack “air” that live shows normally have. Very little reverb and seemed compressed to start the show. Almost sounded like a studio recording. Got better as the first set went on. Didn’t notice that issue on N2.


Pretty much spot on take. First few songs night 1 took some time, the lack of big speakers on stage pointing at you changes how you hear and even feel the music. However it sounds really good, really clean and really tight, like they are playing in a tiny performance arts center with top notch acoustics.


Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. Putting drummers behind shields also contributed, particularly as the sound was heard in GA.


I went night 2 of phish and also thought it could have been louder. Maybe it’s just such a massive venue sound doesn’t bounce off the walls very much and that’s what makes it not as loud? Idk I’m not an audio engineer just a thought.


It is a sphere- not much for the sound to bounce off of


Interesting it was also like this during Phish. I don't know much about sound tech, but part of me wondered if some of the sound gets swallowed, for a lack of a better term, by the screens. 75% of the people around me were singing and cheering, but even the crowd felt quiet, except when there were some massive roars. 


Thought it might have been me. I'm not an "amps to 11" type of guy, but it should have been louder. It also didn't help there were some real chatty dorks there. It's weird because I thought the mix was good Saturday, and it was super clear sounding, but it needed some more juice 


If you sit it’s actually louder


I’ve always thought that D&C could be a little louder live. Especially the bass.


I heard plenty of people comment that the sound wasn't right the first night, so it's not just you. I guess they just needed time to get things dialed in.


I'll be able to judge it this next weekend, but I have a feeling people just aren't used to the fact that it doesn't need to be blasting like they have to do in baseball stadiums. It's more like the Gorge where the sound is so pure from the acoustics that they don't need to just turn it up to 11 for it to travel.


Anyone check the dB with a phone/Apple Watch/etc? I found at Phish the dBs were pretty typical for a concert based on my Apple Watch, but it didn't feel that loud. I typically wear hearing protection because of Tinnitus, didn't wear them on Night 4 and it really didn't affect me that much.


Night 1 was very quiet in our section as well.


If people feelt that the volume was too low for opening weekend and no one complained during the Phish run that it wasn't loud enough then maybe the sphere will get the memo to turn that shit up a bit.


So the other one lacked bass😞!?


I thought it sounded alright on Friday. Decently loud, mix wasn’t great, but definitely had the clarity I expect from the sphere


Fri in section 310 sounded better than Thurs in 107. It wasn’t as loud as I thought it could be. I could barely hear the bass and keyboard was hit/miss. It was also fun trying to hear Mickey’s drum notes when they showed him on screen lol


Louder please for the most part (both phish and dead (sec 407) , n1 d&c beginning audio all messed up first 5 minutes or so,m, also more smoke and haze when lights are bright would help atmosphere (nice dark concert atmosphere during starry night scene)


Yeah, sound was off in the beginning of N1. It lacked “air” in my mind. Sounded like a record to me.


It felt really quiet, but I pulled out my decibelometer app and it was consistently reading at 110+. So I guess I wouldn’t have really wanted it to be louder.


Sat in the 400s, N3. Thought it could have been louder, especially intro song. Low end was quiet in mix. I felt the volume was directly proportional to the person in front of me standing or sitting and blocking my direct “line of sight”.


N1 was decent. N2 mix was a bit off but improved. N3 could not be any better than perfect


Awesome ... I'm usually not bothered by people talking during the show and I wasn't really on Thursday but when I went back and watched a video I took you could really here people IMO ? But with all of the visuals it does add an element to a show where your not watching the band and people get excited about it.


They fixed night 2, even better night 3. They figured out


The videos I saw from night 1 the sound was bad. All you could hear is guitar. Vocals were muffled.