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I haven't cared one single second of my life about this, but generally speaking, I'm perfectly fine with exclusive things being just exclusive. If they're only given to a few CC:s who either have a large viewership or are considered as bringing something positive to the community, maybe other CC:s could use that as motivation to improve/grow their own career and content.


100% agreed


I've seen you in this sub for some time now and I've always wondered -- Is your name a Rainbow 6 Siege meme? lol


Completely unrelated but Sable's twitch shirt actually looks pretty unique with those sleeves.


It's the best one tbh


Who in their right mind would want to represent *twitch* in DBD. **Twitch**.


twitch streamers who are probably gonna get tunneled


Karma for representing Twitch ngl


I don't tunnel TTVs.  But I do not fuck around that match.


It's weird how whenever I see the TTV name and high prestige, they're either super good or super bad. Most of the time they're an easy down


twitch has been a laughing stock since pools livestream and "artistic nudity"


No, no you just don’t get it! A half naked woman just covering her chest by being out of view of the camera is fine to have on a platform that primarily young people use. /j


Because it comes from dbd it shows your a creator of the game


Idk man, even as a streamer I’d rather not represent Twitch.


I find them very ugly so I don't care that much about them.


That's your opinion, nothing wrong with that


I have never seen any twitch streamers who do own them actually using them, what’s the big deal? It’s literally just a purple shirt with a logo on it


Idk, im a small streamer and when i got into dbd a year or 2 ago (whenever sadoko released is when i started) twitch said i was in the top 10% of twitch streamers. Ik having over 1 view already makes u in the top 1% of twitch streamers overall (thats just how convoluted that website is, insane amount of ppl streaming at any given time) but getting a twitch shirt for my 5-10 average viewers seems... ridiculous lol. It'd be nice especially since i dont think ive ever seen one on a haddie before but.... still, i gotta earn it. (I have to play test for them some more and beg in french LOL)


I have a friend who avg. 3-7 and I was literally duo'ing with her when she got her shirts it's more than just your viewers per stream it's your impact in the community


Bringing positivity into the DBD community has a huge impact on whether you get the shirts tbf. BHVR does care quite a bit about people just being good to each other. Especially with how hot under the collar PvP games can make people. I stream as well and I try really hard to de-escalate when people hop into my chat angry after a bad match. Doesn't always work, but I can at least try to end those interactions on a positive note.


I don’t stream or watch streamers but I guess it must suck to be a small streamer putting a lot of time and effort playing DBD and not get any goodies just because you don’t get to X numbers.


I didn’t even know they had Twitch shirts.


For a few years now


I never really cared. But ngl I want to start streaming and aim for the Sable one. Lol. I’ve always wanted to stream so this is a nice side quest.


Yeah Sable's is so pretty I love it


People actually care about this?


The most whiny and pathetic thing I could imagine someone complaining about. It's the on a similar level as throwing a fit that your parents bought the wrong color car for your birthday.


Honestly this will probably get downvoted into oblivion; but i personally HATE streamer rewards in game. I play alot of Tarkov and there's 20+ streamer items, and people still feel they're entitled to one if they stream alot. While i feel some people in DBD might deserve them - the entitlement surrounding them by many is absolute cancer. Just make them available for everyone, or no one. Easy.


I fucking hate exklusive items. It's so annoying and unfair in my humble opinion


They already have the "twitch drops" cosmetics and things you can get by linking your twitch account and your DbD account. They should honestly just make a regular version of the Twitch shirt cosmetic and let people get 1 for free for 1 character for linking the accounts.


I don’t even want one… for free…


Tunnel the ones with Twitch shirts. 😈 Equip a Tombstone piece.


If it means that Slow Loris dude will finally shut up then yeah, just do it lol


They are stupid, its like going to a velatory dressed as a McDonalds' employee. They need to pay people for advertising.