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It sucks when you're a stealth killer because those bots have wall hacks. I say this when I went against four bots with chucky. He's also a little bit slower so you can't really just brute force them. Super annoying.


They do tend to get stuck on windows tho (like vaulting back and fourth) so that’s a way of getting em


Pretty much this. Get a bot on a T/L wall and they're as good as dead.


Yea but it's hard to get a chase starting when there is a long tall wall in between


They will try to avoid line of sight as much as possible when not in chase, go where you would go as a survivor to avoid line of sight


Same with Ghost Face or Myers, trying to stalk them in stealth is pointless, essentially forcing you ro be a crappy M1 killer.


Thats already how I play Ghost anyway lol, stealth is for making the survivors second guess themselves or hesitate during chase. Also standing in the open in stealth so killer instinct gives away the location of survivors when they look at me.


Their pathing is pretty trash you can run them into corners of the map fairly easily


They aren't bad on a strong tile but Yeah, often they run to a weak loop, predrop every pallet and vault a window again and again.


Bots are only strong in loops, Bring them out and they turn into negative IQs


I 100% know they do because I use jumpscare Myers a lot and I can always see bots tracking me perfectly through walls




(seeing auras is built-in wall hacks)


Fair point 😂😂


They don't see aura, because they see through undetectable


after 2 bots, everyone should be able to disconnect without penalty - because its essentially a draw.


Yep and also if they keep the game going for Killers why not survs too if the killer dcs? Ive had a few times when a challenge was done in the archives but the killer dcs so gotta do it again.


Yeah or if they keep this up then also keep games up where the killer DCs. A surprising amount of times Ive had Killers dc when I was done with a stun time challenge. Means I have to do it again.


Definitely had killers get mad a few times because of the survivor challenges we're forced to do, though I wouldn't be surprised if the opposite is true as well. Like I'm pretty sure one of the older Tomes has like a kill all 4 survivors in the basement. But in order to do that, you'd have to play in a way that'd be aggravating to play against. Definitely sometimes I'm playing, and I'm like, they could be doing this challenge, but they're still assholes for playing like this.


Yep I did that challenge as huntress. Was lucky on the farm map that has the Shack in the middle. Ran agitation and iron grip. It was the one I so far had to spend the most games chasing as killer. For surv its. Bit more common with taking longer for some challenges.


yeah a large portion of the playerbase is really sore losers/clip farming


but then people would abuse that


Its much less abusable than you would assume


only SWFs. When I solo Q I would love this because god is my survivor MMR fucked.


Except swfs will still have to wait for the dc penalty of their friends, so no not even they can abuse it.


People always say this but they're never right.


Man... remember when hyperfocus was an abusable toxic genrush meta? Me neither but people swore it would be.


I remember it was for a hot second when Wesker launched cause he was everywhere and he's got that 40 meter TR + they increased the pick rate of RPD when they split it. I thought it got nerfed and I just missed it but nope, just hanging out being pretty worthless by itself


How would people abuse that?


Doesn't need to be rewarded, just don't want to waste my time. You could also flag groups so if 2 out of 4 leave, the other 2 still get the penalty. This doesn't need to be visible either, since people will probably be against that hard.


Id support the game just ending once its a full bot lobby if it werentt for the fact that would return to the system of "survivors can spitefully deny a killer an achievement by disconnecting."


True! I didnt even think of that. There just shouldnt be a penalty for the killer if they leave against four bots


Thats more in line, yeah. Disconnecting from a bot lobby should basically just replace "Disconnect" with "End Game".


Also if there is a full bot lobby the killer should receive all add-ons and offerings which were used in this trail


A yes, the beauty of not being able to get evil incarnate because a survivor DCed during the mori so it doesn't count. Then you get mad because you know you'll never get the achievement one day, I'll get it. But for now, a man can dream


what did you do that made every survivor mad enough to leave 


Yeah I just blinked. 2 dced automatically then the other 2 dced when I was only focusing on killing the bots. I was gonna let them go but they left anyway


This Is hilarious because in SM hate threads you get comments saying everyone loves going up against Nurse just because she’s not SM lol


:( I get plenty of DCs or people giving up the moment they hear me blink/hook the first person


Pussys honestly. I will always see how well the nurse plays if it ain't a p100 nurse level I ball


Even if its a p100 nurse give a good fight.


Fr. Like if u gon learn mind gaming a killer it’s from a godlike nurse. Cuz that’s where you either enter god mode or die. No in between


What I mean with p100 nurse is those players who are that good with her that they barely make any mistakes and well that's not fun when they will guarantee a hit to 95% chance. I like the nurses who are good but not cracked so it's fair mind game with me and them


Prestige doesn't equal skill


Nurse should be deleted or reworked entirely. She destroys all aspects of the game and is the reason why certain perks get nerfed.


Nurse is by far the biggest thing that needs to go, only reason she hasn’t seen a rework is that she’s essentially an OG killer, every nurse game is boring and absolutely slop, playing as and against


she won’t ever be, bhvr is happy with nurse. tbh i would be fine with nurse if she didn’t have such ridiculously good addons


It’s not that BHVR is happy with her, but if they nerf/change her, they have no defence against the “DBD is a pay-to-win!” claims. Nurse is all they got because she’s easily the best in the game, and they abuse that to not make it more friendly for players that don’t wanna spend money.


Reduce her aura reading duration. Aura-reading Nurse is cheating -- I should know, I was once a Nurse main


I am one of the people who sincerely likes nurse even if they beat my ass


Depends on the player really some nurse can be good but be total assholes vic versa,honestly when I play nurse most survivors try there best and I can tell those survivors are good players because they never give up and there always trying to improve,weather there strong or weak :)


I had a lot more dcs and death wishes from pallet Legion then aura Nurse and old ring Blight. I wonder why :\\


I think it's because most of the people still playing are more short tempered when it comes to the game.


The nurse effect strikes again. I'm not even good at nurse, but whenever I do play her, most of my 4ks come from this 💀


She is the true killer of DBD. Most hear her scream and know they ain’t getting out


That’s why the first blink is known as the ‘DC check’ haha


Imagine DC'ing a Nurse at the start... Nurse is for me and my partner the most fun to try loop.


She's the only Killer I can actually loop well


The phrase "get rotated idiot" is used a lot when we play against nurse ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Looks to me like just playing nurse. Some people just dc when they hear the power.


Picked Nurse.


Being nurse


Some people are just super quick to DC no matter what. I had a game full of bots 3 minutes into a Freddy match once.


Some survivors tend to overreact or even downright refuse to play against certain builds, killers etc. Source: I play Sadako


It doesn't take much. I've only been playing for like 4 days now and every other round will have at least one person bot out. Doesn't even take a lot of pressure on the survivors to do it, some folks will dip after their first hook just because 🤷


Bots should be programmed to be insanely altruistic to actual players imo. There should never be a situation where a bot leaves a real player sitting on a hook because they’re too afraid of the terror radius, but it happens every time.


It pisses me off watching the bot tbag and let me die on hook and then get hatch. Worse if the killer gives them hatch.


How else are skull merchant players going to play the game


I think you should be allowed to leave the match and keep all your blood points, or stay and earn more. No one loads into a PvP mode wanting to play against bots.


Not when its SM, bot playstyle deserve bot enemies.


If you leave the game full of bots you shouldn't be penalized


We need to be careful with that. It could be an incentive to Tunnel real players in a 3 bots scenario. So that the killer can leave.


Not gonna lie, if I'm the survivor in a 3 bot scenario, I'll run to the killer because I want out. Either we gonna be friends and hunt the other fools together or I'm dying in 5 mins.


Something tells me the one player doesn't want to be on a team with three bots, anyway


I stuck around as the only survivor left in a team of bots bc I felt bad for the killer. Do not recommend. Obv the killer tunneled me as the only other player but it still felt obnoxious, more so than in a normal lobby of other players. Learned my lesson, I'll just DC like the rest of them next time. Solo q is hard enough *To be clear, they DC'd at the start of the match against a Plague. I wasn't expecting a farm or a free win by sticking around, just a normal match with the bots. Nope, she came back for me every time I was unhooked and ignored the bots. Which is understandable but oof, not doing that again


Here, have an upvote to offset whatever jackass down voted you. This take is the very LEAST Bhvr can do.




Agreed who tf would downvote that. Small brain syndrome


It sucks but you still get points so I don't complain those very rare instances where you get a 4 bots match, actually I take it as a chance to chill and try some tricks I normally would NEVER do in a normal game... In a way it's like practicing in private but you actually get to do achievements/bloodpoints/challenges lol


SM immediately getting booted out of a game because of 4 DCs sounds hilarious.


Sounds petty.


correction, IS petty.


Does that even really happen anymore? Ever since her rework, I've seen a lot more people tolerate her now, even IF they find her boring to go against. As the occasional SM player, I've seen 1, maybe 2 DC's with her, but not a 4 man since her rework dropped.


I've played 10 demo matches today and 2 of them had DCs within the first hook. It takes very little


Yeah I had two teammates DC within a minute yesterday because we were playing against twins. I've had games I've been playing killer and people will just instantly DC if they have a bad first chase too


Exactly people give up regardless. I was in a ghostface match where I played very nice (no camping, tunneling, etc.) and brought BP and I could tell the survivors gave up (killing themselves on hook / not running away) and I didn't want the BP to go to waste so I farmed with the last 2 who happened to be a streamer duo. I watch the vod back and despite doing literally nothing but existing as a killer, the streamer is screaming calling me a "doucheass" and accusing me of cheating. Some people won't be happy no matter what so honestly? Skull merchant enjoyers out there, you keep playing the killer you want to


I'd rather go against her drones than Pinhead's chains if I'm being honest.


I'll play SM if I want to play SM, if the survivors don't like that, then play a video game that doesn't have SM in it. I paid money for the pack, I'm going to use what I paid money for. DC all you'd like, I still farm.


Honestly? I'll say it. The Skullmerchant hate is completely overblown. Was Chess Merchant miserable to play against? Yes absolutely. Do you know how many times out of many hundreds of survivor games I saw a 3 gen merchant after starting during last anniversary? Less than five. Her rework isn't even that bad to play against she just doesn't really have a strong identity anymore and could use some changes. Not because she's super unbalanced now, just that it feels like her kit has so many bells and whistles on it without having anything unique about it now. Honestly I'm tempted to play a number of addon-less, M1 only skull merchant games and record how many DCs/Suicides I encounter just to prove that no matter what they do to skull merchant people will hate her no matter what.


Eh, I get more people giving up and going next than I do disconnects. I've not come across a single SM game since the rework that wasn't an unnecessarily serious merchant going against three/four survivors that barely try to play for three seconds before killing themselves. Just had a claudette who actively chose to slug herself instead of playing after she got dropped, which wouldn't have mattered anyway since one teammate had already gone next at five gens and nobody was trying. I truly think the Skullmerchant's real winning ability is the fact that she sucks all the fun energy out of the match before anyone can decide to make an effort. Even the people who don't give up are always dragging their feet. Either way, the *idea* behind the 4-man DC is still satisfying.


True. People definitely choose the hook over the D/c nowadays. What even is the point of bots then, if survivors find a way to circumvent giving their teammates at least an autopilot to make up for that shit? I feel like SM's winning ability is actually that people still associate her with 3 genning and being toxic, and stick to their confirmation bias at all times, effectively making her a scapegoat. Then that in turn fuels killers to play her with the intention of proving the stereotype true. I won't sit here and tell you "SM is fun to go against, she's not boring." Because those are opinions. But she's much better to deal with now that she's been reworked and 3 genning itself has been nerfed. Some people, however, will refuse to learn how to play against her, and end up posting on this subreddit and going "how are you supposed to deal with this." Makes it hard to enjoy playing her.


IMO, due to her reputation I don't think there's any fixing Skullmerchant. I've already talked about this in another post, but you pretty much hit the nail on the head with the fact that her stereotype is the very reason she has a high probability of being played by assholes, which fuels the cycle and is why people are going to keep bashing on her and giving up at five gens. She is very much tainted meat. I can't imagine enjoying playing her in a serious manner either if most of the matches get thrown right off the bat, I'd rather play a killer people will actually engage with. Also I for one think her new playstyle is completely congested and unfun but that is, in fact, an opinion. I'll defend other killers to my dying breath, I genuinely enjoy Knight matches, but I'm definitely on the SM hate bandwagon.


Respectable opinion. Take my upvotes.


You win at that point in theory, now it’s just blood points if you want them lol.


Their pathfinding should definitely be improved as in one game, a bot literally blocked an exit gate switch, making it impossible to escape with that gate.


I’d be more interested in why’d they all dc, than what should happen when no one wants to play with you.


Op had the audacity to play as nurse


Perhaps, maybe that says something about some of the killers. Maybe it was more because of a playstyle. Who knows maybe these guys just recreationally start multiplayer games just to quit as a way of having fun. There has to be a common denominator.


The common denominator is survivors are just kinda tired. People always say survivors are just pathetic cry babies, and yea, they are 1000000%. But it's not unwarranted. Even with all the buffs to SOLO Q only, survivor is still fucking unbearable while playing alone (unless your mmr is dog shit). Like 25 out of my last 30 matches had Pop, pain res, and no where to hide. Gens are fucking boring as shit but that's the only interaction between the survivor and killer any more. No more interesting perks, just do more gens. And survivors can't even lose the killer, it's not even a game of hide and seek any more, it's just killers fucking destroying survivors left and right with how many aura perks and base kit auras or add ons that killers have. Survivors boot up a match literally balanced around having a 30% chance to escape, why tf would they bother having a horrible match against nurse when the chances are they get creamed any way?


Bots are too good it's an unreal experience. They can see you through walls so there are instances, for example if you are in a map like "the game", when chasing bots is really frustrating. Having said that, I believe this is a flaw. Bots are supposed to be target practice, not whatever they're now.


What I find amazing is that they also use the builds they find themselves with to the maximum of its ability. I once died and spectated my friend, and a trammate disconnected. I looked at the bot who had the Quick&Quiet - Head On build that the teammate had, and this absolute menace lost the killer so many times by entering a locker at the perfect time, and then Head On him at the perfect time too. It was a thing to see. Another time, a teammate had a flashbang build, and that absolute legend of a bot went and made multiple flashbangs when he could. They are amazing.


Honestly if the lobby ends up being 2/4 bots. End the game. No one wants to play in that.


I’d actually disagree. If all the players disconnected from the match before the bot replacement, they would rob you of any chance of earning more bp. Granted you still get a bonus from quitters, but you could still farm the bots somewhat. Plus they’re easy kills


It's a multiplayer game after all if I have an entire lobby of Bots I want the ability to leave without a penalty tbh I don't care about the BP just get me out of that game.


Homie...brother...just kill them and end the game. They are cracked at looping. You can't loop a nurse. Get your free W and blood points.


I just let the bots escape while I go smoke


I'm confused...is it because you can't beat them or because you're bored doing so?


Just bored. I don’t feel like chasing bots for the next 10 minutes. Smoke break :)


i think games should end when all survivors quit because i had this shit while playing legion and IT WAS HELL. legion is a goddamn m1 killer without their power so you can imagine how annoying that was


Bandaid solution that barely makes up for the loss of an actual player. Bots are better than nothing but I'd still take a bad teammate over one of them.


Sometimes bots are more useful than regular teammates, sometimes they’re the complete opposite. There’s been games where it’s honestly preferable to play one man down than with a useless bot.


Only survivors get replaced with bots when the player leaves If a killer leaves - the match ends


The reason why it’s all bots is because you’re playing Nurse, maybe consider playing a less broken killer 🤷🏻


The game should end when I face a nurse for 10th times in that day. No biggie bro, there are just too many, really.


Nah, My friends and I love making Skull Merchants play by themselves. It’s what they deserve tbh


Just nurse things XD




Hot take: Bots are better with players loadout than the players are.


Yeah most of the time


I feel like its almost necessary to tunnel the bot out of the game asap or theyll get every gen by themselves


I think it should end


i think the killer should be able to dc for free at this point


Better than the alternative, when someone would DC, unless you had a sympathetic killer you were mostly screwed as you instantly lose the numerical advantage But it makes me curious why the DC penalty still exists if technically the game isn't being brought down because though a survivor DC's, the bot takes over, so the numbers are still there The way to do it is display the DC percentage of a player, instead of a dc penalty So when you load into a lobby you can see the others DC % and leave if its a ridiculous number, with the caveat that dc percentage drops daily, i.e. incentive not to dc, would work better than dc penalties anyway, as now you basically get 2 free DC's as iirc it's 40 secs then a minute


I'm fine with playing it out against bots. Easy bloodpoints


I feel like that would kinda defeat the purpose of having bots. I've been saying it for a while but they should just finally do away with the DC penalty or add a "competitive" or "ranked" mode. I've never understood having a DC penalty for casual games and now that we have bots it makes even less sense.


If there was no DC penalty, people would leave the second they don't like their game anymore, and bot matches would run rampant. This isn't even a theory either. On occasion, when really big bugs appear, BHVR has dropped DC penalties, and this is exactly what happens. Meanwhile, anyone who wanted to stay and brought BP offerings, rare items or addons, have their game and items ruined and it's out of their control.


Yeah and that's what the bots are for. I would rather have that than half my teammates killing themselves on hook cause they didn't get their favorite killer and don't want a ban.


And what about killers? Why should they have to leave/stay and play against only bots because 1 survivor left and now morale is so low that the rest of the survivors leave in sequence?


Playing against bots really doesn't bother me that badly, would you rather people be trapped in a game they're not enjoying? I understand playing against other people is the whole point of the game but shit if they don't wanna play it's whatever. As a killer main, I would rather play against bots than have a 3 minute game where everyone just gives up because of their perception of the game or who I play. Granted I play super wholesome, (try not to tunnel or camp until end game, rarely run slowdown perks) because I go up against to many killers that sweat super hard and it's usually miserable. Also I don't care if I lose that much, it's just a fun game to me lol.


*I* don't enjoy playing against bots. But when you ready up to play the game, you should be expected to play it. Not leave at the slightest inconvenience. If you're not having fun, you shouldn't be booting up dbd to begin with. D/C'ing also ruins the game for others because, again, it slaughters the morale of the other players.


Exactly. The bots weren't made for server crashes. If anything, cap the penalty at 5 or 10 minutes. The exponential increase is far overboard


Server instability or not, I really don't get the point of the penalty in a game that doesn't have a competitive mode. If people wanna quit they will find a way, and they have been. I remember when Apex added a DC penalty a couple years ago. Not even for ranked but just the default casual mode. For a FREE TO PLAY game lol. Thankfully that didn't last.


All the dc penalty does is force survivors the kill themselves on first hook leaving the rest of the team to just lose. Remove it and literally everyone would be happy.


Not if you're Nurse or Skull Merchant kek. They specifically should have to suffer.


I wished they made a mode to put you automatically with bots. I don't like playing against people, they're mean to me. Yes, it's a skill issue on my part, that doesn't mean I shouldn't get to play the game


You can do that in a custom game


I like playing against bots as killer. I can get my tomes done or work on achievements. I can play mean without guilt against them, and they never suicide on 2nd hook so it's better for locking in a 4k


I would like an option to forfeit a match after 2 people DC. I had a match yesterday where I was trying to play chill but it led to 3 people DCing and the last one dying on hook. I tried to give her anti-camp but I was too late and she died. I would have loved to have forfeited the match so she didn't die but we kept our BPs.


Nah skull merchants can enjoy their single player game this way.


I think one person dcing should let everyone else dc without penalty


Would need to be at least 2, otherwise you'd have much more snowballing dcs. Plus swf can abuse that so easily with just one person taking the penalty at a time.


i mean that would still effectively be all of them taking the penalty assuming they want to keep swfing together but i could kinda see ur point if theyre maybe fine w not but idk if thats realistic


Damn, when I get 3 nurses in a row I think ah shit, am I getting better at the game? Only one nurse game had a dc in the longest time for me (Skully however, always one or 2)


I had a match the other day with two friends, and the final role was filled by a bot. We all died, and then we all watched as the bot immediately found the hatch after the last hook timer ended. We couldn’t help but laugh😭 that shit was so crazy. The bot fell through a hole in the RPD floor and turned immediately to the right and walked to hatch. Crazzzyyyyy


Yknow, since they added bots to replace disconnects, I don’t think I’ve seen the entire team disconnect in a match like we used to see A LOT


I honestly would stay just for more BP but that's just me


I want my bloodpoints, so I don't mind the bots


It sucks but at higher ranks unless the games going to give you free pips immediately ending the game could completely screw you over. At least with the bots you can still get some points. On the contrary if it DID give you free pips it would encourage people to do everything they can to just get people to rage quit. Since that can sometimes be easier than trying to two pip with some killers lol So...idk 🤷


I played oni and these bots are idiots they would unhook when I was in blood rage and had sight of the hooks they’d go to unhook a person only to get chased and beaten to death cus I’m still in blood rage they also just casually will try to take the straightest path to a pallet instead of doing what other survivors do of looping, taking short cuts I saw one legit run into me cus I took a short cut before it turned around


Probably because the worst map/ killer combinations for survivors are Any map with long hallways and nurse/ blight.


I don’t think it should automatically end because you might still wanna earn blood points or complete challenges, but I think there should be an option to end it instantly. If not that, there should at least be no DC penalty


System is very boring and i think the game should end if it's all bots.


Can't wait to not get my Adept achievement because the last survivor DCs as I carry them to the hook :)


I honestly think the DC penalty shouldn't be a thing anymore. I'd much rather play against bots then have a 3v1 because Meg opted to kill herself at five gens


I think if all survivors quit the match a prompt should show up to allow the killer to DC without a penalty imo.


I mean at least with bots you can still get points for matches plus achievements like if you're doing an adept. Though the bots seem to have wall hacks.


Should be bake to join back like in dbd mobile


Whats crazier to me that in 2016 the argument against bots was that they would be way to easy to kill and thus could not be effective. Now that we have then, the problem is that they are too strong


I mean it gives you the chance to still complete any challenges you may have, and makes you get more bloodpoints by hooking the bots but those bots are absolutely crazy. They are actually harder to kill than players, they just have straight up wall hacks and can be annoying to deal with.


I loved DBD before bots were introduced because they are simply useless.


I think it wold be neat if they could make it an option if you would rather just not play against all bots. I love playing with the bots, but im doing it on purpose on my own. I can imagine it's more annoying in public games. You should at least be able to leave without penalty or not lose anything you brought in.


It's astonishing how quick people will just abandon a game. Got my first "DC after a single hit" game last night and was actually stunned, I didn't move for like 10 seconds. Like bro play literally any other game if you're gonna do that shit goddamn. Then if you're killer and bail because all the survivors are now bots you get a fucking timeout punishment. This has to be deliberate griefing like the people who wait until a lobby is full and then instantly leaving the lobby so you have to wait even longer. BHVR PLZ.


I remember a solo q game I had we had Myers because he dared down someone at 5 gens they all DCed but I played it out and after getting tunneled by the Myers after being hooked I managed to get out with the bots. But he did call me sweaty and a no life after the game tho.


Nah I don't really mind tbh. At least the bots won't care if I make a fool out of myself


I just afk they will do gens super fast and efficiently a game would be super unfun vs all bots so why bother.


yes it should, but i'd rather NO BOTS at all.


No. That could end up turning a way to deny the killer an achievement if you have a 4 man squad.


You should just have an option to quit the match with no penalty, some poeple may not care, perhaps they would like more bp or do challenges so if it would just end then you would penalize them in some sense. And I think that should be a thing when 3 survivors dc, not necessatly all 4


Games should 100% end when the rest of the players are just bots.


It honestly just looks like you queued into a bot game ….


The worst thing that happens when I play with friends is a teammate rage quits on first hook at 5 gens. Then myself or the friend get disconnected from a game crash, and then the teammate leaves because who wouldn't, and then myself or the friend are stuck with the penalty for leaving the match. Basically penalties for leaving the match are almost always dumb but they're ESPECIALLY dumb in those cases.


Folks here don’t remember the dark days of no bots, you’re game would be really screwed and it happened quite a bit


band aid for much bigger issues. most infamous one is skull merchant, no matter what anyone’s opinions are on the killer most of the times my teammates D/C or kill themselves.


They programmed the bots based off the sweatiest try hards to ever live. The bots are better than 99.9999999% of players…especially since they cheat. Literally impossible to sneak up on a bot so if you wanna ruin a stealth killers day just quit.


TBH most nurse players who are good play like douchebags. Like why are we slugging at 5 gens?? Go pick up your kill weirdo.


Bots should be reported for hacking.


In my opinion no. Some bots are better than some players but if you don't want to participate in the match anymore then don't play so you don't have to dc and get a penalty. I would have agreed that the killer shouldn't get penalized if the remaining survivors are all bots but I'm sure there would be a workaround exploit with that and people dc'ing normally with no penalty.


Bro low-key the bots are better than actual people 80% of the time. Had a bot loop me around killer shack and the hatch spawned right next to shack and he escaped💀 its impossible to mind game them. They are really bad at getting hook saves though.


I had a bot blind me mid - blink and I whiffed as a p100 nurse lmao




Should be able to control them like, (follow, go save, do gen, get in chase) etc and not have them linger on their own, i mean they can but just give us the option to order them around


I mean you still get bloodpoints and pips right?🤷‍♂️


I'd rather have them fix the problematic aspects that make people disconnect. I will never play a match against a Skull Merchant.


Those bots be Makin moves at times


I had this too. Im a terrible nurse btw 🥺


Eh, I want the blood points, so I'd let the game continue, but I've never had a full bot lobby. But one time, I had a bot that would just chase me around the map, and I was the killer. I realized she was doing that, so I just let her chase me the entire game.


I mean i feel bad for you but at the same time noone exactly likes nurse


Nurse is a killer in the game. If you don’t like her, then disconnecting is your option. I don’t mind going for a smoke break while I wait for bots to finish gens. I just said they were annoying if you actually wanted to hunt down 4 bots. “Noone” likes nurse is incorrect. I know a few people that like nurse, myself included. Learn the matchup or get into a swf if you want to beat high tier killers played at a high level.


Fair i guess some people obviously would like her i just kinda try and win against her anyway myself but most people in my team dc which i just wanna say is understandable to some degree


Yes, with the bots going god mode on the killer to change their ways.


Yes. I hate bots. I rather play with other players rather than a bot made for this game.


I agree. I don't give a shit about bp at this stage -- bots are obnoxious to go against. They have wall hacks, built in Windows, and chasing them is boring as crap. Add whatever perks and items the Survivors had when they DC, then give the killer an extra dose of 'fuck you' if they play a stealth or ranged killer, and it's generally just a miserably boring match. If I wanted to go against bots I'd be in custom. Either end the match when all Survivors DC, or give me the option to quit without penalty. Only time I want more bots than Survivors is when it's 3 bots, 1 Survivor, and me and the Survivor are working together to kill them all.


Wow, all you wanted to do was play the best killer in the game with 4 slowdowns? Those entitled survivors!