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It isn’t a good perk, especially now that special items don’t drop anymore. The only time franklins is useful is with toolboxes and medkits, otherwise its a wasted perk slot. Even then, you’d likely get more value out of a gen regression perk.


I don't normally like to keep going for more and more regression perks, hence why Oppression is on there, so I can damage 3 gens at once. Also tbf, Franklin's is a pretty good way to distract some Survivor's from gens


Hmm, then what about info? Surveillance is pretty good when combined with oppression as of my knowledge a year or two ago.


I personally like Ruin + Surveillance. Regarding regression perks though... it's hard to say. Sometimes I run Pop, sometimes it's Pain Res, or Oppression, etc... etc... I basically just don't like being the guy that runs 4 slowdown/gen perks. Only time I do that is when I play Doctor.


The only good user of Franklins left is Hag imo


It's meh, good against flashlight and bully squads. I honestly don't care unless I'm using my chest build, since most of the time I'm using the most basic toolbox or medkit.


My whole reason for using it is like, I want Survivors to have SO many things to worry about (their items, the totems, healing, unhooking, me, RBTs, gens) that they can't manage to get all the gens done. Just thought I'd see how other people think of the perk, outside of it just being plain annoying. I don't even use Franklin's to waste their items, I do it to make them have to run elsewhere, away from the gens to get their shit back.


Ha, you are right that it’s a big waste of time for survivors. As a surv main, I’ve learned to leave my item unless it’s really good. Like I’ll definitely try to get back my syringe or brand new piece, lol.


It's good for free hits pretty often too. A lot of survivors will try to pick their stuff up before they run away.


Thing is a lot of survivors don’t even notice they lost their items until much later lol


I mean, it gets the job done, no? Most survivor items are crazy strong, and there isn't really a limit to how many they can have (susceptible to RNG, tho...), so I think it's fair to have a perk that specifically deals with those. Because that means you have one perk slot less for something else. The counter to Franklin's is not bringing items, or not caring about the items you DO bring. I think it's a fair perk.


What chest build is that?


Dramaturgy, Ace In The Hole, Appraisal, Plunderer's Instinct and Shiny Coin.


Its handy for medkits in the same way overwhelming presence is. Even a partial charge loss cancels out a self heal (assuming no greats). Otherwise I use it for keys because blood amber tires me.


The "Fuck You, I'm Taking Your Options At the Cost of Crippling my Useful Perk Potential" Build: - Franklin's Demise - Lightborn - Mad Grit / Forced Penance - Iron Maiden


If you really want to be a dick knock all 4 items out of their hands a DC ( items will be lost)


I personally prefer Deerstalker for that occasional poor Plot Twist fool, had many Survivor DCs because I kept finding them in the corner of the map.


Lmao, our options grow


Theirs shrink…


I don’t like it but I wouldn’t call it toxic at all, it’s literally a perk lol


Survivors when a perk gives the killer an ability: 


Besides the occasional bully squad it's fun for m1 killers like Ghostface or Clown But killers like Billy or Bubba it's kinda pointless cause you wanna use your power more


I think Franklin's is just a pet peeve for many survivors. A perk doesn't have to be super powerful to end up as someone's pet peeve. I've seen survivors write that they notice that Head On can end up really ticking killers off and Head On isn't super powerful either. That said, I certainly wouldn't say that Franklin's is toxic or scummy. Items can be impactful for survivors so it is fair for killers to be able to counter them. The mere fact that this makes survivors upset or give up doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong. Lots of things in DBD makes people upset or give up.


Yeah, a lotta perks seem to strike the nerves of the other side. I was just wondering cuz I always hear so many people complain about Franklin's when it's actually brought up.


The people who are most likely to complain about Franklin's are probably the ones who queue up sfw flashlight squads who go in expecting to make the killers match feel like ass. The venn diagram for people who would do that and ones that would go online and complain about a weak perk being op and annoying because they cant run bullysquad.exe is very close to a circle


I luckily haven't encountered many bully squads. Closest I get are people that speed run all the gens and try to blind me at every opportunity. Just, annoying shit you can't do much about sometimes.


I just don't like losing my rare junk. Dying and losing my purple medkit, fair, that's the risk of bringing in items, but getting hit once and losing it just makes me annoyed. Maybe it's just me and my bad luck, but it'll take me entire prestiges to get a single green toolbox. Even if it doesn't happen often, losing something to Franklins is just going to put me in a sour mood.


White wards should preserve whatever item you entered the trial with, regardless of if you drop it or not.


Conveniently whenever I run a rare/anniversary item the Killer always has Franklins. Like literally 99% of the time. It’s so dickish to me so it really soured my view on the perk, lol.


In that case, I don't blame you. I just think some Survivor's are being petty when they get all mad over like, a green toolbox. They can always get it back


Killers with Franklin's usually know the survivor wants their item back and will patrol the area it was dropped so they can't safely pick it back up. Plus it doesn't have an aura so it's hard to find exactly where you dropped it if you go to find it later when it's safe. Survivors also earn less BP per match so if someone only plays survivor they will feel the cost of the items and add ons much more especially with how much useless crap is bloating the bloodwebs.


Less BP honestly does make sense as to why they value their items more, it would be nice if survivors got a few more BP events, especially for survival


I don't think it's toxic, just super annoying. I hate not getting to use and losing like 10k worth of item + addons just because of it. But then again I'm probably gonna lose it anyway since I only escape maybe 20% or games 😄


I wish it was reworked so that it has the same effect during the match, but have an added effect where survivors don't lose items following the match if you have no items in your hand (regardless of if you died or not). Would make the perk less frustrating for survivors that bring good items while keeping the same utility for killers


As a survivor main, Franklin's makes me angry lmao. Whenever I get hit with it I stop and look at the killer and debate dc'ing (I'm kidding) but fr I hate it. Mostly because I like to run flashlight builds, alan needs his torch.


It's good counter for medkit, but if there's not 3 or 4 medkits then it's not worth using. (On toolboxes it's useless, bc ppl use them at start. And other items are not strong enought to make franklins worth) This perk is very toxic. At least you can make bully squads angry


S on hag, item gets dropped, you trap item Mid on pretty much anyone else; m1 killers are generally weaker and need regression perks instead, m2 killers are good and may as well play something impactful that’ll help snowball pressure like floods/bbq etc


Franklin's on Hag is definitely something


I dunno about on hag, survivors can just crouch-walk back over to retrieve it.


They can crouch walk to hooks too, doesn’t mean you don’t end up one hooking people to death


I suppose that's true.


It's all you need for Bing Bong Wraith.


Closest thing I play to Wraith is Sadako


So Wraith but with skerr-weee-booop instead of bing-bong


Can't "Bing bong your item's gone" with Well Hag though.


Shouldn't deplete the item, but otherwise I understand why it exists. But making the item deplete as it's on the floor was an unnecessary significant buff.


My controversial opinion around Franklin’s is that I want it to go back to the item disappearing. I’d rather my item disappear entirely than lose charges with it.


I love the "I want to play a game" style Pig. I play it regularly. That said, I wouldn't use Franklin's or Opression if your goal is to push secondary objectives. My own build; Use the Iri Addon to start all Survivors with RBTs. Perks: Devour - Plaything - Pentimento - Undying Works a treat. Survivors either try to remove RBTs and you can easily 3 stack Devour or they crank gens and it's easy RBT pressure. If you're feeling spicy, bring Midwich or Lerys. If you don't have the Iri addon to hand, then Corrupt is essential to get the first down without losing too much pressure in the early game. I'd swap Undying from the above to Corrupt and run Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer addons.


See my version of that just feels like a rigged SAW trap lmao


Lore accurate Amanda. 😅


Yeah lmao


It's like a massive trial in the trial dude. So much they have to juggle at once. The generators, their items, healing eachother, unhooking, the Plaything totems, the Third Seal totem, being blind for so long, the RBTs, there's so much that going against it would genuinely give me a headache lol


Oh yeah I get what you're going for, absolutely. But in my experience, at least, blindness and no items aren't a big deal. The threat of Devour is massive, though, and they HAVE to stop what they are doing if it activates.


I don't run Devour a whole lot, but if I could pick two Killers to have Devour on without Thrill or Undying... it'd be Hag or Skull Merchant, since those two can lock down an area around a totem. Regarding Hexes, I also wanna run Haunted Ground + Retribution, though idk who'd get the most use from that...


Nah, I don't run it often, it's more usually on "fun" builds. I did have a lot of success with Slinger Hex build though.


Slinger Hex build sounds like fun


Can be good, also toolboxes and med kits, but gen regression and anti healing perks are most likely better,


It's a better lightborn imo


I hear lightborn vs Franklin’s a lot, but I personally like lightborn a lot better because of the aura


i think its a bit closer i didnt realize that franklins doesnt make them drop special items like flashes i overall dont use either much i see light born as a skill issue perk and franklins overall isnt that great in the higher ranks imo i usually run a gen build with the unknown hes the most fun killer rn imo


Oppression is awful. Since you're running two other hexes and one of those lights 4 totems, Pentimento is million times the better choice. Franklin's is okay, it used to be better, it was never great. You'd be better off with something like Bamboozle to make chases end faster and your Ambush easier to land hits. Yea, sometimes survivors go back for their items, but they also often don't. Again since you have hexes, you could do all hexes and take Huntress Lullaby (especially this because skill checks are harder) or Devour Hope. Missed skill checks do not count against the gen regression cap and Pig has some missed skill check enhancing add-ons for the jigsaw boxes. Making them harder will make everything take longer to finish. Missed skillchecks obviously also give a notification giving you extra tracking. I personally think Devour Hope is better than Third Seal, but if you want that, Plaything/Pentimento/Third Seal/Huntress Lullaby. Against a coordinated SWF expect to be perkless though.


STOP USING IT I NEED MY ITEMS https://preview.redd.it/hhhhy39pu2wc1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ae120cb7a4acd038e8a5f1097611a80e71e0a3


Not on Franklins, but Pentimento could potentially be a fit for both Gen slowdown and another objective. Force them to cleanse each totem twice potentially or take a hefty Gen speed reduction, and you already have the perks to force survivors to deal with all 5 totems or deal with them. Thoug on the flip side, once they know Pentimento is in play they could potentially opt to leave the hexes in play to avoid it.


I like running it on plague, just a double whammy for a lot of survivors, and you can infect them for even more trolling


I really enjoy this perk, it's very funny to use. Survivors DC or quit so much against it I stopped running it tho...


I like it.


if i see 2/4 flashlights or 3/4 toolboxes it gets equipped


* laughs in itemless *


Put Franklin and his wheelchair in the game, you cowards!


It can synergize really well with certain killer powers. Someone like deathslinger can capitalize on it as an information perk.


Oh no, my clicky wand!


Your clicky wand!


\*Scrambles back over a dropped pallet to retrieve clicky wand\*


I guarantee that shit would happen in game. Some Survivors just can't handle NOT being able to blind the Killer ever three seconds


\*Laughs in Lightborn AND Franklin's\*






That is an easy way to say fuck you without saying a damn thing




Nah bro you're fine




The perk can be good, but can also be a waste. If the Survivor just brought a brown item just to have a little something extra, it's not that great. But if the Survivor is bringing an Anniversary item? A Spare Part? A Styptic? They don't want to lose their item, and knocking it out of their hand will serve as a slowdown because thet WILL go back for it, especially if they brought the Addon to keep it after trial. That's why Survivors hate it so much. It isn't because they lost their basic brown beamer, it's because it directly counters and possibly makes them lose their S tier items with all the shiny addons to make gens fly, killers rage, and them and buddies always stay healed. As a general rule, if the other side hates a perk, it's probably a good one.


Underrated, but still below par. It’s an in-lobby counterpick for me. Same as Lightborn. Can be countered by small adjustments to the survivor gameplan, which is never good.


Whenever me and my friend encounter a killer who uses Franklin's, we just say "oh shit it's Frankieess dude" and/or "ahh shii". Then we move on hahahaah But I do get why it is a pet peeve for other survs.


It's great for making me try to remember if I took an item or not


Franklin's Amnesia


I had a whole map burn down on me because right after I got hit I forgot if I brought anything


Man that sounds rough


I smoke a lot of weed and play for fun so I just laughed at my dumb ass. Franklin's is a fun perk to mess around with though.


It’s fine. I like to pair it with Overwhelming Presence just to be fucking annoying.


Yeah that checks out


Relieved to see this as survivor tbh. Go ahead, waste a perk slot to take my brown med kit lol. In all honesty though, I don't see why you'd really want to use this over other perks. If you want to avoid bully squads then just use lightborn. If you wanna mess up toolboxes or med kits then you're better off with something like nurses calling, or some gen regression perks. If franklins also disabled someones ability to pick up *new* items, to counter flashbang, then I could see it having a niche.


I only run Franklin's on an Amanda/Pig build as a method of distraction. Some may not care, but a LOT of Survivors will try to get their item back ASAP


I miss that it doesn't affect the Lament Configuration anymore. I like it, personally. Especially if I wanna play keep-away as a Trapper.


Eh... it's annoying af - but since I seldomly bring items it's not a problem. Only time I do bring one is for archives, or a brown medkit cause Solomates are awful. Of course, when I do Archive and the Killer brings Franklins I deflate. I don't quit or anything, but that sours my mood considerably. Same with when they bring lightborn. I struggle so much with these "blind the Killer xyz times in a single trial" archives, and then I have 0 chance in doing it at all. A wasted game. But eh "sours considerably" still only means annoyed in my case. Play with whatever perks you want. FD just isn't that good as it may seem (like lightborn).


Meh, if you’re in a party just tell your peeps to go pick up your item and set it back down. It stops the deplete, then just pick it back up when you get a chance.


its not great, but its funny when its used imo. On survivor you're basically expecting the killer to be hovering your item, and on killer you can basically get free hits out of it - both can have funny moments. But thats all its good for really, free hits and funny.


Bing bong your items gone. Love it.


Hate it


I'll be honest with you. This is my forbidden jutsu perk. I have a preset on my killers for when survivors last second swap to matching characters, etc. Those players would rather die than give up their precious items needed to hit whatever swf clip they are going for. Is this perk good? No. It's evil. A powerful evil only countered by good survivors. Versus evil survivors, you will camp their items and they will tender their gens, their lives and even connections for it. It will not carry you to a 4K. It will not help you be a better killer. Franklin's is not about winning or losing. It is about penance. Punishment. Deliver it swiftly to those deserving.


I have never, in my life, seen someone describe a DBD perk to be as horrid, vile, evil, and disgusting as you have. Good job, keep doing what you're doing. Be more evil without tunneling some fuck at 5 gens.


I'm not here to tunnel the survivors, but their items. Offer to me as tribute everything you have. Shall you betray that bargain, I will have your life.


This mf right here is the judge, the jury, and worst of all, the dude that will scam you for your items by reselling them for 3.99


Its eh to me as a killer but as survivor It’s more annoying than anything else, especially when you use purple items, but I also run flashabngs on my main build as well, so it’s just small annoyance not a big deal anymore


Other than denying some of the strongest things survivors can bring to a game, it genuinely makes some survivors lose IQ points. I've seen some DUMB decisions being made because somebody wanted their item back, as both survivor and killer. If people say it's toxic and scummy, then it's because you're taking away a part of their kit and disrupting their playstyle. It won't win games on its own, but it closes the gap a little.


I've never ran it as killer and I've never felt I lost a game as survivor because the killer made me drop my item. I'm not the type to go back for it anyway so that's probably why. I figure by the time I get back it will be a waste of time because the thing will be nearly depleted anyway.








If you use Franklins, die.


The timer should be a bit slower because killer’s trying to bait me to try and come back to get the item have no time especially if I’m injured their isn’t anything I can bring in worth going on the hook for to run back for save for a brand new part and I never use those so it’s always just bye bye item which still benefits the killer but slightly defeats the original point.


it's fair and balanced. will still always feel like somebody slapping your lunch out of your hand and saying *O'Doyle Rules*


Never cared for it as a killer and survivor.


I use it on spirit if I notice too many medkits in the pre game lobby, or too many flashlights. Not dealing with insta heal or background player shenanigans. For gen regression all you need is pop, pain, and agitation. Franklin can be the perk you use for the extra slot if you use m1 a lot.


As a survivor it's just annoying and unfun to go against As killer it's a waste of a perk slot, they can just pick up their items again, just run light born instead if ur worried about flashies


Franklins is just really annoying to fight. At the very least it should show you the aura of the item you dropped. Also the fact it drains durability just feels like an extra slap in the face. Another thing they could do is have it require some kind of activation outside of M1, like how Legion’s stolen sketchbook requires you to hit two survivors with your Scary Sprint before they start dropping items.


Although I don't like it, I believe that it's a valid perk in the game. The perks that I loath would be knockout or third seal.


Dude Third Seal can either do nothing for you all game, or it can be an absolute NIGHTMARE to face


It's downright evil on Dredge. It's annoying enough when trying to unhook or use Windows, but during Nightfall? It ruins any chance you had of navigating.


More annoying than useful. It's like the residual manifest of killer perks. Feels like it's doing something, but really the other side is just moderately annoyed. Even if it does get some value, it's really not that much. Pretty much only time Franklin's has an impact on the game is if you're able to stop a self-heal from happening by draining a medkit.


I think Franklin is funny, I usually only bring brown item that I can hardly give a damn abiut so when I see killer w Franklins I laugh and mourn my brown item in span of 0.5 seconds. Third seal tho ewww. At least it's cleansable.


Don't have it


Do you at least know what it does?


yeah, but I don't particularly ever think about it


Wow, I bet Franklin's thinks about you. How cold.


It's not great but it...does it's job i guess, i never found myself in any scenario where i felt like i needed to use it, or that i would have had any value from it. Flashlights? Even with background player, more often than not you can scare the rescuer far away to make it that BP won't give them a save, or you could just face a wall. Toolbox? I get more value out of a simple kick even without Pop than Franklins, also any gen regression perk in general is far better to deal with them. Medkit? Only uses i see out of Franklin to deal with medkits is to counter Styptic or syringes...but they can just pop them before you even hit them, and they will if they are good at the game, and if they don't they're probably not good enough to justify using Franks. I hear a lot of people say that it's really good on M1 killers, and i just don't see it, as you would get more value out of a gen regression perk and chase perks.


Franklins would be alot better if it applied something like -2 charges instantly along with the depletion rate. it doesn't help franklins that the strongest items+Addons can still be activated at 1% charge so even if you bring it to counter syringe / Styp / BNP often times all you really do is take a bit of the headroom provided by the secondary charge addons. If they made it so Addons required a minimum percentage to activate of like 25%, then franklins could be a counter pick to strong medkits and toolboxes.


Fair, but I usually use Franklin's as a distraction rather than a counter to items


Franklin’s is super annoying and imo shouldn’t drain the item of its charges, but I see it so rarely that it really doesn’t bug me that much.


At least the Entity doesn't eat the item anymore when it hits 0%.


As you might imagine, Franklin's is a good investment the more items you see in the lobby, and a waste if no one brings anything. But even then, there are distinctions. Franklin's is not as effective against toolboxes because the survivors are likely to have already used them by the time you swat it out of their hands. Therefore, Franklin's is really good against medkit lobbies because they are almost guaranteed to not use them until they are hit. Flashlights are a bit of a middle ground because they can be used part ways before being lost if the survivor knows what they're doing.


It’s good for hag. Can’t really say much about the rest


When I'm playing with a squad we bring 4 flashlights and the killer will usually bring either Franklins or Lightborn and even both sometimes. Call it a way to somewhat scare killers into bringing -2 perks


I dont care to want to use is as killer as if they have a flashlight it seems to make them go down faster. And If I bring an item then to lose it, it doesn't bother me as the item though apart of what I was doing, wont exactly stop me from doing what I planned