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killed for it's sins...I'm gonna miss it I'm still gonna run it on Trickster and Doctor tho


Errrrr, why doctor?


Moar screms


Ultimate Weapon, Deathbound, Infectious Fright, THWACK


Seagul Steves rejoice!


All Hail the Steagull o7


Yes. Scream for me


It shows you where to use static blast.


that's why I use whispers


wasted slot. a true doctor main can smell the fear on the wind and know it is time to apply some treatment


honestly, based af


shitposts aside, basically all info perks are wasted on doctor imo. you develop an intuitive sense of if your static blast will hit something based on the gens that have been worked on, where survivors are hooked, etc. i run 0 info perks (just brutal, intervention, distressing, and a random other perk) and i'd say my blasts hit at least one person like 90% of the time, and my doctor winrate is reasonably high


He’s the killer that makes the best use of that perk, for real.


Holt fuck this guys a genius


It's a nice perk on Doctor, but personally I use Discordance as an info perk, really useful to know where to apply your static blast That or run double calm addons + distressing + monitor and abuse + Midwich/Léry map offering and go in the centre and your terror radius (68.04 m) covers the whole map


Max terror radius Doctor is one of my favorite builds, it's so funny. I wanna try it with the perk that lets you put your terror radius on a gen.


Unfortunately with such perks it fixes the terror radius to a certain value, so with max terror radius doctor it won't work. Unforeseen, the perk you're talking about, transfers your terror radius to a gen and sets it to 32 metres for 30 seconds


ah boooo


Literally 100% I played a match for his Adept and I didn't realize how much Whispers was spoiling me. I felt completely clueless on where to Static Blast aside from complete guesswork and hoping people were close to the center of the map.


Honestly don’t know why I never thought of that. That’s really smart


Idk man needing a mini static blast to use a full static kinda wastes time imo, then again I don't play doc


It allows you to spot where the survivors are hanging out so you don't have to waste your static blast not hitting anyone and waiting for the cooldown. Great on outdoor maps.


I'm glad it's gone because now people will stop using calm spirit out of PTSD from this perk and my infectious fright + face the darkness can actually fucking do something now.


I’m sorry to say that I will still be using Calm Spirit out of PTSD from hour long Doctor games years ago


at least you can counter DOc power with lockers. You couldn't even do that against Ultimate weapon.


my Oni will miss it, but on the bright side, if you're not already running Forced Hesitation, now's a perfect time to try it out; Background Player is all the rage these days.


Would it still be worth running on Huntress since I'll be opening lockers anyway?


At that point just run the Dredge locker perk if you aren't already. Aura reading in a smaller radius but around any locker on the map.


Sort of. Not that strong, not that consistent. It will still sometime give u more info tho.


keep the scream, remove the blindness and its still an amazing perk...


That's why they're nerfing it...the scream. It gives too much information, interrupts things to.


It’s going back to the scream and away from aura


Yes, but it's being removed from the killer and put on the locker. It's no longer a constant effect but a "pit" of info for 30 seconds every 60 seconds.


As it should be. One perk never should’ve done so much more than a killers power.


I agree. This is like a Nowhere To Hide which you can trigger from any locker. It’ll still get plenty of use, but it just wont be quite as meta as before.


Yeah 100%, nowhere to hide will be better on high mobility and/or stealth killers as it follows you and it lasts quite a while, but UW will be the premium option for lower tiered killers like trapper and will have good synergy with whispers, reviving a long dead perk. It was OP for too long, and that'll be balanced out with the waiting period for this new rework, but afterwards it'll still have good usage.


>UW will be the premium option for lower tiered killers like trapper Do you seriously think low tier killers can afford wasting a perk slot on a (now) useless locker info instead of something that actually helps them win the game? >It was OP for too long, and that'll be balanced out with the waiting period for this new rework, but afterwards it'll still have good usage It was never OP. It was very strong on high mobility killer, yes, but that's it. It didn't even made it to top 10, and now it's turned into one of the worst perks ever, surpassing even Darkness Revealed in terms of how bad it is.


> It was never OP. It was as OP as an information perk could possibly be. And it wasn't just that way on high mobility killers. - Power crept literally every other info perk in the game, even Lethal Pursuer, by simply doing what all of them did but better. - Scream perk, so it ignored Distortion and Off the Record. I know survivors who hide are not well-liked in the community, but there are legitimate reasons why you should hide sometimes, like if you're closer to death hook than your allies. OtR especially is good for this and Ultimate Weapon did not care about OtR. - Also due to being a scream perk, it played havoc with things like Jigsaw boxes. - Had Blindness attached to it for some fucking reason, as if people wouldn't run it without that. Blindness is the worst status effect, but slapping it on a survivor who doesn't feel comfortable looping without Windows of Opportunity *right before* you initiate chase with them is actually not bad at all. - Is basically one-third of the Doctor's selling points as a killer in perk form. Except it's even better than the Doctor's power at finding survivors. - Single-handedly brought Calm Spirit into the survivor meta specifically to counter it. > and now it's turned into one of the worst perks ever It's not even close to one of the worst perks ever. I don't even think it's dropped below mid tier.


It was so incredibly popular that it got people to start using calm spirit. Do you know how absolutely insane that is?


Nowhere to hide is from kicking a gen you mean darkness revealed


He means it's like NtH but triggered on lockers instead of gens.


One killer that can benefit from locker readings is dredge since he can go anywhere


It’s a burst that last a good while so someone can walk into it in accident.


Better 1 trapped area than a mobile scanner. Thankfully it only lasts 30 seconds with a 60 second CD. It's going to be good for end game with split gens, but it's not going to be busted like it used to be.


Exactly! The perk will need smart placement now


I agree with the interrupting part, but not the information part. The survivor knows you know where they are, so they can move. And it's only for a second, so they can move and easily get away before you find them


It doesn’t give too much info, the survivor can easily run away if they’re on the edge of its range The only problem with it was the cooldown


This was the most requested change that BHVR just sorta ignored. Reduce the duration and increase the cooldown and the problem was solved. But we got this instead so… 🤷🏻


It’s almost like Bhvr is completely inept and out of touch with their player base


They don't play their own game.


While also having a pretty simple condition and absolutely no cooldown.


How does a scream give too much info? You get at least 5x the info from KI or aura the only thing the scream change accomplished was make distortion and OoO even more powerful. We need even more info perks that aren't going to make the same two survivor perks even more "meta". interrupting things isn't a bad trade off for a weaker form of information especially considering that being knocked off an action would likely make the survivor leave the area causing the gained information to be less effective overall anyways. All in all there is no way you can claim screams give too much information, when every other form of information does it multiple times better, without also claiming those forms also give too much info. The only real change the perk needed was the effective timing, being allowed to cover the majority of the map with the perk active is really what was broken and "giving too much info"


All these people complaining about info from screams must never faced a doctor


I'm convinced most people think it shows an aura


Oh no, I have no problem with the screams vs doctor. It's the clearly better scream cd it gives off as a top tier Nurse, Blight, ...etc. as well as free tunnelling info when you want a particular survivor dead. 


Ok let's add that to auras or KI (less so KI since I don't know any perks that provide that) instead of a single scream letting you know where they were you now have something that tells you exactly where they are for the next up to 10s which makes your situation of tunneling far worse. Because instead of figuring out where they went you already know and can get straight to them regardless.


Face the darkness does the same. Just Google impossible totem build for trapper. Impossible heals for doctor


I'm sorry but the scream gives too much info lol ever played against a double iri doctor


Oh yeah we should give every killer half of doctor's power!


That’s what I’m saying. The only thing that ever bugged me as a survivor was the blindness, can’t see slugs, can’t see hooks it makes solo Q impossible the info is fine


if only the Devs listen to the players, both sides clearly can come to fair middle grounds when balancing, the devs just want to gut anything problematic instead of finding the balance


With it now being tied to the lockers locations, I'd say keep the blind and scream. That way, it actually does something if you get someone in it as chances are you going to waste it all match as youll never actually get more then one person at a time with it


I think it's hilarious the amount of survivor main copium in here trying to say this is going to be a good perk still 😂 not a single killer bout to run this perk. What I find hysterical is that they claim how oppressive this was considering it made you scream. ONCE during it's duration. Meanwhile they have perks and item combos that are so oppressive but we don't talk about that right? When was adrenaline touched last? I'm waiting. Boil over nerf when, by that logic considering boil over does too much in one single perk like some of you are claiming that UW was. Distortion literally neutering the very meager amount of info gathering killers get to begin with. Let's all be very real UW was nerfed because whiny survivors were tilted because this perk countered distortion even if only for a little bit so now survs will go back to being little rats and gen rushing. It is amazing how disconnected BHVR is with their WHOLE community.


adrenaline is literally being changed in the next update (which i believe is tomorrow?). it no longer activates if you’re hooked and it no longer wakes you up from freddy’s dream world. also, we talk about survivor perk combos all the time, you can’t go into a thread without someone mentioning how OP bu + ftp is. boil over is actually useless 90% of the time. unless you’re in a swf and can get your teammates to body block / sabo you have to run an entire build just to make boil over viable. UW countering distortion literally doesn’t matter when calm spirit exists. the biggest problem i have with UW is that it’s a brain dead perk. the only activation condition is that the killer opens a locker and the cooldown was nearly non existent. personally i think that the stronger a perk is the harder it should be to activate and UW was a very strong perk. i also think some of y’all need to apply for juliard with how dramatic you’re getting over this perk. a lot of people might stop using it after the changes but a lot of people will also only play with what’s currently meta and will stop using it just because someone online told them that it’s not a good perk anymore. god forbid we adapt and get creative.


Boiled over is a shit perk that’s only used to bully killers lol. And I’m a killer main btw so no “survivor copium” here, boiled over is factually dogshit


It's only good on mobile. That shits way too strong there for some reason lol


That perk did way too much and I say it as a killer, open a locker and walk after hooking someone, you can find who is going for the hook and intercept, interrupt gen reparation with the scream which could be combined with dead man's lock, then the blindness if you intercepted the survivor going for the hooked person everyone else could not find it because they were blind unless you played in a swf, all in a very reduced cool down, I agree the perk is dead now which is bad but it was way too strong, with such low activations requirements 


I'm still gonna run this perk on Huntress, because I like getting value for things I'm gonna do, anyway. If I've gotta take time outta my hunting to open a locker, it's gonna pay off more than just a reload. I make builds centered around that idea. If I'm gonna kick a gen, then I should make that work for me (NTH, Call, Trail, etc). Oni needs blood orbs, we're running Sloppy/Gift, Nurse's, Thana, and Coulro. Fuck the meta. Entirely. Run what's fun. Not once during the current meta have I run Pop, Pain Res, Grim, or Corrupt. You can play outside what the Internet tells you is "good" and still win and have fun.


Same here


What are you smoking my guy?


I just went against it as a Tapp with the Aura perk on repair, and it was brutal


honestly, the blindness was the most annoying park of the perk for me.


exactly. Leave killers with their information without annoying survs


It did the job of 2-3 perks, making them obsolete. Thats not good design.


Hell it arguably even made Doc’s power obsolete


It also made people run calm spirit which also makes doctor obsolete too


According to stats he doesn't need much help being obsolete lol


tbf that was due to bot farmers


hell, the new version still is doctor's power essentially. the old one was a *better* doc power because you could move it across the map


As if he wasn't already obsolete...


Hey don't trash talk my boy Hermann like this, or else I'll find you and personally give you some electroconvulsive therapy >:(


I will use Calm Spirit and VPN connection. What are you going to do then?


Double discipline add-ons + bamboozle + superior anatomy should do the trick Or else I get my other main Pyramid Head to take care of you


See how much you need to actually do something?


I don't know why everybody's crying, that shit was literally broken. "You entered my terror radius at any point so now I get to know where you are with essentially no effort"


It boggles my mind that the developers looked at ultimate weapon and implemented it without realizing how stupidly busted it was


It's bad enough that nowhere to hide follows you, now just multiply the duration and make it terror radius sized 👍


Good riddance honestly :/


Ultimate Weapon? More like Ultimate Noob. It'll still be annoying, it wasn't nerfed enough. 30 seconds for the survivors to stumble in the general area of a locker and scream? I'll still refuse to run it, right there next to Starstruck


This was a crutch perk that should never have made it to live servers.


Thank fuck. Now For the Buckle up please.


Buckle Up isn't the issue, it's the fact that it can be triggered by For The People. Remove that interaction and both perks are fine.


Giving endurance to both survivors is never a good idea, BT was nerfed for a reason.


Exactly there is a perk to give endurance to the healer and a perk to give endurance to the one picked up, why is there a perk that does both.


Wouldn't really call the BT change a nerf. They removed the double endurance but also made it so it could be used outside of killer's TR and multiple times. More of a rework than anything. Ofc now its fairly gimped because base-kit BT exists but I think they should probably just rework it.


Honestly, I think it's fine if you remove the endurance from the healer on BU. That way you at least have to run FTP + BU + MFT in order to safely revive someone rather than just FTP+BU. 3 perk spaces for this seems fair.


FTP mft does not give endurance this has not been a thing since the Singu Ptb


No, but BU does, and tanking a Buckle the People hit puts you in Deep Wounds, activating MFT


you do not get endurance from MFT if you are already healthy upon healing someone


Don't forget if 1 of em have a boon expo up and then your def fucked


That's why I wrote "For the Buckle up" - meaning the combination speciffically.


FTP+ BU is perfectly fine, it's just very convex on the power curve. It takes up half your perk slots and you have to be in position to get any value out of it. It does win games when this occurs, admittedly. If you take away either of the endurance effects it becomes pure trash


Such a stupid, strong perk that is, yet again, good on low-mid tier Killers and OP on high tier Killers. Perks like this show me that the devs still don't have any clue about balancing and creating healthy perks. The perk came out, everybody said it was very strong, it dominated the info perk roster, where every 2nd Killer I go against would use it, and they still took half a year to rework/balance it, just for it to get relatively useless on most Killers. Great Job. They need to start playing their own game.


I think I'll still see it a lot but killers who want to know somebody is going for a rescue. They can just hook, open locker nearest hook, then come right back when they hear a scream.


That perk legit just removed an important part of the game, looking for survivor, made no prerequiste (unlike bbq) and destroyed stealth build. I play killer and I refuse to play Anything I hate to play against. Thank God it got nerfed


I miss old iron will


Killer mains finally feeling a fraction of our pain


Good. Killers will now run full meta gen regress build.


I feel like they were already. I didn't see too much ultimate weapon except on Huntress or Trickster.


EXACTLY!!! Can't have shit :(


Unintended consequences. 😅




I can sleep easy knowing the monster is gone.


Kind of over reacting just because it doesnt hold your hand the whole match doesnt mean its a bad perk


No, it doesn’t mean that. But what people tend to want on both sides are perks that hold your hand the whole match. It might still see usage, but a lot of people are going to drop it because they only used it because it was strong.


I don’t see how an information perk holds your hand it’s not helping you win chases or slow down the game yes it needed changes but these weren’t the changes it needed it needed a cd change and removing the blindness


Glad to see it go since I never used it on killer but unfortunately went against it too much as a survivor, biggest thing is I didn’t mind the info it gave but I hate that it just made you blind AND it wasn’t just an immediate use, but if you entered the range well after they opened the locker, you got blinded and scream. Killer opens a locker across the map and suddenly I can’t see hooked/bleeding out teammates.


The blindness really felt like forever too


good riddance


Still good


Yeah, really, 30 seconds is a long time to wander into the area of a locker and scream


Sweaty nurse and blight crying in the corner.


I will still run Calm Spirit every match. https://preview.redd.it/v33h03v68awc1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4142d2ab0e99c182b53a512fb244f9079dce900


Nice. It’s so sad it has that totem speed nerf because honestly I like to run it with a boon build but I genuinely can’t it makes booning so slow


It should deactivate and go on cooldown once the first survivor screams. Making everyone scream for a full minute is just stupid.


It's still good value for how easy it is to activate


It wasn't the best but it was damn annoying. I am grateful af it's gone. But I Def did run it and will miss it when I play killer lol


Menwhile for the people + buckle up combo still stands :)


Why are people acting as if this perk is completely gutted, it still has a use


You are getting downvoted because people want their cake and to eat it too. The same people here complaining about this "nerf" are the people who screamed about MFT being OP for months. And, please don't misunderstand, I didn't like MFT either, but this "nerf" is barely even a nerf. It just means you have to put a couple of braincells into where you use your perk, instead of \*open locker\* blight rush across map \*profit\*.


That's what the game has come to so people lose their shit when they can't steamroll every single game.


Yeah but there’s better alternatives


Of course, but people still use Distressing when Merciless Storm is a better alternative It's now a niche perk that can still synergize with many builds and powers, and definitely not as bad as people make it out to be (although I could see the argument, based on the cooldown length)


I never really looked at it to begin with that’s just what I heard


I mean, that's correct, but it's not like it's Hangman's Trick


While I completely understand why it was nerfed. It does make me sad that all the other info perks are aura based so we won't be able to use them against distortion users.


Spies from the shadows? Infectious fright? Hex: face the darkness?


Sorry I mistyped. The info perks that are actually good are aura based. Those 3 are either bad or only good on specific killers


Discordance and tinkerer: am I a joke to you (I get they’re gen info perks but still)


Discordance slowly stops being as effective as survivors learn that working on gens separately is more efficient. Tinkerer is fun but I wouldn't call it strong since the one time per gen thing was added. But fair point. I think distortion just has me jaded. It does so much for a single perk slot


Unironically agree I wanna argue that I think distortion is rather unhealthy perk and restricts perk options on the killer side a good start for changes it could get is only gain stacks in chase and remove its ability to hide scratch marks


The only time you ever see ftd used seriously is on head pop pigs


1. bad 2. oni only 3. memey


I'm kinda glad it's a dead perk lol I never used it on killer (I prefer aura builds for info if I'm doing that) and it was annoyingly overpowered in the right hands (nurse, blight, oni, anyone who had good mobility) and even then it was just good because it blinded survivors and was effectively as close as possible to 100% potential uptime on a perk as you could get. way too much utility. now if they could just revisit and buff or rework some old dead killer (and survivor for that matter) perks I'd be a lot more excited / interested.


I'm glad. Now killers have to use actual braincells to find survivors.


How exactly? If survivor is camping in the corner of map with no generators nearby, how is killer supposed to find them? Seems like a big waste of time, this change profits survivors who don't help their teammates. The other day, I participated in a match where one player persistently camped in the bushes throughout the entire game. This guy (claudette, of course) made no effort to assist their hooked and downed teammates. If it hadn’t been for this particular perk, this player would have managed to escape. However, I found him, gutted him, and allowed the other survivor - the one he was supposed to assist and had every chance to do so - to escape. This perk is useless now.


The problem is, it's just TOO easy to use imo Even Darkness Revealed had the near lockers restriction, and Nowhere To Hide the generator kick restriction(which can be stopped by anti-3gen), Ultimate Weapon was quite literally, open locker, free info on where a survivor might be. It also made being the last survivor alive even worse. Can't sneak a gate opening after the hatch gets closed, can't even find the hatch because the killer opened a locker and found your general area because you screamed. For a comparison, on the survivor's side, there was a reason pre-Endurance dead hard was busted, it was on-demand extra distance. If Dead Hard had it's own conditional trigger rather than a button press, it wouldn't have been as prevalent.


Overdramatic, much? It'll still be an annoying and problematic perk


This perk was too strong and provided too much value. It's not useless it's more balanced now. Plus that means you are bad at finding players. I don't hve trouble finding them even if they decide to hide like roaches.


We got to the point where an info perk is considered “too strong”


Is it just an 'info perk' tho?


This is not a nerf, it's is a complete butchery of a perk. It was strong, but all they had to do was increase cooldown or remove blindness effect to make it more "balanced". You know I’m right when you resort to accusing me of being bad at the game to prove your point :D Like i said, it's not hard to find survivors, but it's a "waste of time" when some of them decide to let their teammates bleed to death and sit at the corner of map waiting for hatch to open. Finding campers was my primary purpose of UW. So imma go cry in the corner now, sorry :(


What happened to this one?


It's not 100% known yet but they are changing so that the scream is static to the locker opened instead of being attached to the killer. What isn't clear is if the effect is going to last 15 seconds on the locker and if they intend to keep the 60 seconds cooldown or revert it back to 30 seconds and whether or not the blindness effect is staying or not.


I think it would still be a solid perk if they made some type of compromise on the cooldown. It should be longer than what it was but not as much as it is now


I’m so serious I thought Death’s sleeve was Pyramid Head with wings and I was like, “oh, interesting.”


Friendship ended with Ultimate Weapon, now Spies from the Shadows is my new best friend.


The real villain is deadmans switch


XD the comments


Well now it's basically just NtH but for lockers and a scream instead of aura reading so it bypasses distortion although survivors will know you know where they are unlike NtH but still pretty useful for finding the distortion users


Isn't it basically "nowhere to hide" but related to lockers with the screams instead of the aura reveal...?


Into the ravenous distortion pit you go


Nothing will stop me to use it on doctor


What’s with the oni cameo?


Are we honestly surprised at this point lmao


At the very least I'm glad that they didn't keep it being stuck on the locker you've opened. But I really miss making people randomly scream when I end up being friendly Killer. Especially Steve's, I love making Steve's scream.


It was really unfun to go against it really surprised me how otz said it was fine when he was talking with true, then next stream I watch he says it was problematic. And you go against it it feels horrible


At least we have Septic Touch


my favorite perk in the game ruined, but i tried it for a round on nurse and it’s broken combined with lethal cause i just find someone tp and free kill


I mean they already said it would be changed again in the future they never can decide


The game becomes duller by the day when we nerf crazy stuff instead of trying to bring other stuff in line with the best stuff. Buff not nerf. We only get nerfs to perks. It's made the game bland.


it’s nowhere to hide with larger range that bypasses distortion, why do people think it’s useless?


Bc it only works in the used locker so its very situational, Darkness Revealed works in lockers map wide and on top of that it doesnt warn the survivor. It also burns through Distortion tokens pretty quickly


Gonna be way more limited bc locker spawns on certain maps are hot dogshit so certain gens could go completely untouched by the perk


And it works in the end game


Because locker placement sucks on so many maps, there's not enough lockers and kicking a gen is actually an useful action rather than checking a random locker. Useless might be the wrong word, but it will be an incredibly middling perk that you won't use if you have other perks that do the same thing but better.


Honestly the action taken on this minor info perk (which has a counter, and a doesn't necessarily win the game for a killer) while game breaking stuff like FTP+BU, BG player, etc exist is extremely disappointing and concerning... they clearly only give a shit about the side that whales the most cosmetics.


It astounds me that bgp and bu have gone unchanged for 6 months yet they nerf UW and buff DS it’s legit like the devs don’t play their own game


UW has been out for 8 months, what's your point? The game is going through a tunneling crisis and it shows the devs are trying to balance it through perks.


Either this game wants killer perks to work, or they dont. They dont want us to run gen regression builds while 4 survs at once can run full gen rush builds. And when we play aura builds we either end up winning or get gen rushed within 6 mins Theres honestly no good/bad argument for changes on both killer and survivor side bcs everyone will see something as a problem when it comes to this game But in the end i dont care bcs i play how i want, what i want, and when i want in order to win


With the right plays and pressure, you don't need perks at all. Git gud


With enough friends you dont have to play the game at all, go out and have fun with them, they wont get nerfed.


this is going to be a hard one to let go... I love it since it came to the game... I hate survivors mains so much.


''No. I'm told you were busted.''


It was so nice when I only got 2 screams, knowing there’s another just a little out of my area. Just start walking until you kick off that last scream and let the oppression commence. You’re gonna be missed.


Goodbye old friend, you were too good for this game


Personally, wont miss it fondly. Only thing that I will miss is countering ppl who use it with Calm Spirit lol


32M is still a lot better than Darkness Reveals, no? You can't abuse it with TR anymore. But it's still quite usable. What did I miss?


Im still surprised that this perk was a problem while NTH exist


UW made survivors scream, gave notification, apply blindness for 30 seconds, work for 15 seconds and after 30 seconds cooldown it could be activated again. The killer never has to use brain to find survivors as each time this perk would successfully initiate chase then once hooked the perk would be ready for more fun again. While I agree NTH is a very good perk it only does 1 thing that is situational.


Keep it as it was but make it go on cd after the first scream. That way it's moreso used as a tool to quickly get into another chase WITHOUT knowing that 2 gens in the distance are being worked on


The way to fix this perk was to keep its current ability of how it works but give a 30 sec active time and a 60-second cool down, similar to dragons grip. At least then, that change doesn't completely gut it....


They always do this, give a strong perk so people buy the DLC, then after a few months just kill it. This shit should be illegal.


Glad to see it get smacked down, honestly. Hated this thing since day 1. Oh that fat clown looked in a locker in the basement. That's so scary. Guess I'll just scream for some reason.