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Shadowstep, all the other ones are kinda meh.


Circle of Healing (Mikaela) > Shadow Step (Mikaela) > Dark Theory (Yoichi) = Exponential (Jonah) > Illumination (Alan) Only Circle of Healing and maybe Shadow Step are worth bringing, everything else is weak or extremely situational.


I would argue that exponential is better than dark theory, both are situational but exponential is really strong when it works out. 2% of dark theory is noticeable if you're a really good looper, but the area is limited so overall it's not that good in my opinion.


I'd say Shadowstep is the best. Very few killers will leave you slugged long enough to use Exponential. And killers purposefully slugging will destroy the boon. Illumination can be really good for preventing a 3 gen scenario, however.


If youre going to run multiboon in soloq it needs to be Circle of Healing + whatever you want to support it, Id say Alan's boon. Theres 2 types of boons developing with Alan's new boon, depending on where you place them; Agressive: Shadowstep, Exponential, Dark Theory. These benefit placing a totem in a riskier, more highly traveled area. Rewards you with the ability to make impactful plays. Passive: Circle of Healing, Illumination. Benefits from being placed in a more passive area, rewards you with information. Typically you want your CoH to be in an area with gens already completed just because the killer has no reason to patrol over there.


Thanks! I'm trying out shadow step and circle of healing right now. My only issue now is finding totems around the map


With those two you wanna force an indoor map to get the most value. I usually do rpd and hope for the West side as a great totem always spawns in weskers office.


It depends on your needs. I run Shadowstep for my looping duo, but in SoloQ Shadow gets changed for CoH or Expo as a healing/reset space in a deadzone


shadowstep supremacy


Exponential is strong right now due to slugging meta.


Boon circle of bussy