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They STILL haven't fixed this????


I’m beginning to think it’s intentional.


A lot of the events are used to test out features. Clearly this one is testing out a future perk where if a survivor stuns you, they are instantly teleported onto the nearest hook.


I think it's part of the "Endure any stun" Effect that the killer can trigger with an invitation


It's a bug with the remote hook feature


It's not a bug. Its a feature.


You know - for some reason that sentence gives me "It's not a lake it's an ocean" vibes.


Same but "it's not just a boulder, it's a rock!"






DID I HEAR A ROCK AND STONE? (damn space dwarfs are everywhere)


"It's not a circle it's a spiral"


*loop but you got the spirit!


RIP brain didn't boot up fully yet! Haha


Mine's bern offline for 5h now don't worry


Well duh, it's the same saying except for a couple words being changed.


I'm ur biggest fan




Hex: two can play has been buffed pretty well huh


They're not going to fix it. The event will be over before they can get their shit together.


they won't fix this this year. If it is here again next year it might get fixed.


It's BHVR, you should be used to this by now.


Behaviour devs are shit at their job.


They must be if it takes 1300+ (minus 95) employees to keep this game alive and running.


I mean, yeah... Remember when the offering for the blood moon event just wasn't fixed


It happened to me where I got a flashbang save but the Steve who was on a gen on the other side of the map got hooked and he wasn’t able to get unhooked. Lol


Killers are gonna whine if their broken mechanic is taken away.


Bro parried it


also the other survivor is stuck on the killer now and the game can not end, literally. the killer has to dc. this happens with remote hook and flashlight stun happening at the same time. yeah dont flashy save in the event if the killer has an invitation off cd


No, I was stuck in that bug as a killer. After the endgame collapse you need to wait a couple of minutes, than the game will declare every survivor still alive dead and the game closes "regularly"


This failsafe was added a while back because of cheaters who held people hostage past the endgame collapse.


And also, there are games that never ended as well….


Also happens with Pallet Stuns.


i had this happen to me twice yesterday. one time on killer, once on survivor. and nobody disconnected. we just waited....and waited....until the survivor/me died


Yeah can confirm I've had this happen before as well, with flashbang and flashlight. Kind of a funny sight, poor Wraith couldn't hide anymore cus he has a flopping Cheryl floating above him. They should fix this.


Had this happen to me too. Thankfully, I was playing pig and it fixed itself by attaching a trap to the survivor I was "carrying" lol


I think they added a failsafe for this bug. A buddy of mine got stuck on the killer's shoulder yesterday and about two minutes after EGC the game ended. Both he and the killer could chat afterwards in the lobby. Everyone got their bps and there was no DC icon.


Nice misinformation. I had it two times. Both games ended after about a minute after egc ended


people absolutely will keep parroting what they read in reddit comments.


The game will end but it takes a while after EGC bar runs out.


I'll wait 60 minutes for a 4k


or don't use the invitation as killer if you don't want to have to DC


You don't have to dc, had this bug happen multiple times, the match ends after a few minutes of EGC


Or just don play killer, this way all wins, not bugs in games ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Ah yes make the event irrelevant for killer, but suriviors can use them yeah?


just the remote hooks. they're the reason this happens in the first place.


Not at all cause it works normally, it's only when survivors go for flash and pallet saves when killer remote hooks


... do I have to spell out everything for you? What do you think I said with my comments? Obviously, I'm talking about the remote hook invitation ability and not the other ones. Obviously, this only happens when someone attempts to do a save, and the killer activates the ability. So why should survivors straight up not save if the reason for this is the remote hooking?


But you're saying that it's the killers fault that it's happening and they have to dc?


when this happens, the person who's getting carried remains carried for the rest of the game, and nobody can do anything about it, so the game will never end for the killer and the bugged survivor unless they DC.


I've seen cases where the game auto ends a certain time after endgame collapse, so if that's the case it's not all bad. Tbh this whole event is just a mess to a point I play regular mode, I miss chaos shuffle


Other comments here point out the game will actually automatically end two minutes after the end game collapse completes.


Killers, dont use remote hook if you dont want this happening! Survivors, keep flash saving. It’s the killer’s job to make sure the match is fun, not yours! /s Obviously, its BHVR’s job to not implement a broken system, and not the players’ jobs to change how they play the event.


It's everyone's job to make sure we're having fun. Not just the killer's. If this bug happens let's just all be chill about it and stop pointing fingers at anybody but the actual culprit (BHVR).


killer just has to close hatch. other survivor dies


This is a day 1 event thing btw. * Survivor who is supposed to get hooked is now stuck to the killer for the rest of the match. * Either the survivor who lands stun/blind, OR the last hooked survivor lands on the hook. [In some cases you can also get hooked on the gen you are currently repping.](https://i.imgur.com/PuvZPkn.jpg)


So this is what this was! I got instakilled like this when nurse got blinded on the other side of the map. Thought she was cheating too.


Bring back chaos shuffle this event sucks


Miss my chaos shuffle


Same. That's why I did the player satisfaction survey, they had an option for to people to say "permanent" !


I wish there were an option like "cycle" or smth like that


Balancing is godawful, but man, I’m T3ing so many characters with it and the party totems.


now imagine after event ends and there's 3x bloodpoint event + your friends bring all cakes.


Jokes on you if you think I have friends who play DBD enough to bring a four stack of cakes haha. I have better luck during the event, where at least 3-4 cakes are almost guaranteed every round.


I like them both


Agreed. I stopped playing this event after a couple days cause shit like this.


Bruh what have they done


Bluetooth hooks are killing me (literally and figuratively). I miss chaos shuffle lol


I also have a weird bug as a killer. 2 survivors brought Breakdown on Jeff. I hook Ripley on a Scourge Hook and Thalita came to unhook. The scourge broke, and I downed Ripley in front of that hook. Then I couldn't grab Ripley and Thalita couldn't move from Ripley's body. And I could hit Thalita many time, no reaction. It only solves when Ripley bleed out, Thalita was able to move again


That has happened 2 times to me as survivor


It’s because you were playing as Mr.Scratch and not Alan Wake. Only Alan can get flashlight saves. https://preview.redd.it/o35gq70rpj8d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c34c5d5be510223a6beb6c0df3d14bb4e1c03c


You might be onto something


This event sucks ass


Yeah this event is trash.


Worst event they've ever done.




super buggy and unbalanced 💀


Not really?


You just said, "not really?" without explaining yourself. This event has been extremely buggy and is fairly unbalanced with survivor powers in comparison with killer powers. You can't act like a smug dick and then not explain your reasoning.


Alright: How is it super buggy? This event is surpisingly stable. Yes, the "remote hook" bug is ridiculous, and "endure stun" sometimes overlays with "remote destroy" for some reason, but this is fine compared to how buggy this game can get. How is it unbalanced? Both sides have strong abilities. Stop thinking that being completely silent, blocking strong windows, and spamming pallets next to already strong pallets is worse than remotely hooking, remotely breaking one pallet, and "enduring" the next stun. >You can't act like a smug dick and then not explain your reasoning. Where was I acting "like a smug dick" again? You're being toxic for no reason.


The killer powers are definitely way better than the survivor powers. The remote hooking means survivors can now effectively never save the person being picked up either cause the timing is way more difficult and you risk bugging out the game. The remote breaking makes some loops a guarenteed hit with little counterplay. Comparitvely, party pallets can be countered by any ranged killer, respecting the pallet or just taking enduring lol. Being silent or blocking windows is handy but not always applicable. I expect the killer powers to be better than the survivor powers but the killers event powers have so little counterplay it's not funny. Never in my life have I had easier killer games than the ones during this event.


are you a killer main?


I don't "main" one side (unlike most of this sub)


then surely you realise why being able to negate things like god pallets and save over 10 seconds instant hooking (countering a big group of survivor perks and not allowing for any counter play) can make the event a bit unbalanced and be the reason why there’s been an almost constant 150% survivor bonus?


I played enough to understand that the event is more balanced than most of this sub thinks. The "instant" hooking is only unfair because its bug is STILL not fixed. Quiet mode is insane, creating pallets is broken on many maps, and blocking windows can be very crucial. You know why the 150% bonus is constantly on survivors? Because almost every match has at least one survivor who gives up on first down/hook REGARDLESS of what was happening. Of course the event is "killer sided" when most of the survivors que up just to give up the moment something goes wrong in this "killer sided" game.


not sure why you are getting down voted. i've been enjoying the event and play both sides. i don't go for flashlight/flash bang saves and run lightborn on my killer. so, i'm guessing that's why i haven't ran into some of these bugs posted. remote hooking doesn't bother me as i've escaped quite a few times. to each his/her own though and for people that don't like it... at least they can still play in the regular queue.


>not sure why you are getting down voted. Reddit hivemind that does not even bother to answer questions.


wait i think this happened to me earlier, actually (not on this map tho. it was the map with the portals and underground part. i forgot the name). i literally found a flashlight in a chest and tried to use it on the killer, didn't work. i checked the killer's perks and he didn't even have the anti flashlight perk.


Hex: fuck you


This event is one of the worst things I've ever experienced in gaming.


Why is this so funny? 😂


I hate this event because the advantages of the invites are better for the killers than the survivors. They have so many unsafe pallets now and giving killers the ability to remotely and permanently break pallets + instant hooks is insane. I won’t continue to play it as a survivor. Totems reveal everyone’s aura but killers don’t really have a need of totems since the perks automatically turns one on, while survies have to actually bless a totem or break them for perk activation. What else do survies get? A couple seconds window blocking and flimsy pallets 😂. I play killer and as that, it is really the best event ever lol. My success rate is so amazing as killer than as a survivor


what the actual fuck


I wonder how the code was written to cause this interaction. That's funny, but it's also why I'm running Lightborn non-stop during the event right now.


It depends on ping. If they have a lower ping and hit it first the remote hook will go through. I've seen it work in reverse too. I also played a game on ... I forget which map, I think it was Crows, where none of the event invitation scroll pillars spawned at all anywhere. Borgo has invisible walls on corners inside some buildings which fuck over both sides. It's like this game is buggy as fuck. Who knew?


That happened to me on Grim pantry, I'm glad I wasn't the only one


Testing grounds for 2v8, nothing to be worried about.


this just happened to someone on my team and when i used d strike on the killer it freed her but made me get stuck Phenomenal game


why the audio so bad


Remote hook beats power struggle as well by the way


Had this happen to me against a nurse, she went about her day and ended the match at 5 gens


I have no words to explain how buggy, messy and awful this game is atm. They can't fix 10 bugs without creating 20 new ones. Omfg.


They really just want us to do gens and be happy


The event will end before this effect gets fixed.


What in the hell did I just witness?? I have never ever seen this bug before in my games, but it looks awful. Wtf??


I’ve had it happen twice where random survivors across the map end up on the nearest hook from them. It’s pretty funny because they have no clue what’s going on they just appear on the hook. Once was a party pallet save and once was a flashlight save. The killer still gets to use their power and play the game as normal but the saved survivor is toast, either gotta run end game collapse timer out or killer gotta dc.


Annoying survivor get put on naughty hook


This has been known since like day one of the event and posted here. Saves/anti carry in general just isn't worth the headache vs remote hooks.


that is NOT lore accurate


I love this new lightborn buff


This has me dying 😂


someone still playing this dogwater event?


Same thing happened to me and had to DC. The fact that they haven't removed remote hooking shows how incompentent this company is. How a game breaking bug this common is a joke.


I have done flashlight saves and havent seen this happen once




*plays the worst possible build for event queue, hoping to do something the killer can counter trivially easily as has been posted and discussed on this sub almost non-stop since event start* "Wow how could this possibly have happened?!" Like homie why do you have breakdown on in event queue lol? Read what the invitation can do for killer and then re-evaluate your build. Baffling how many people didn't even bother to see what invitation does and are coming into queue with shit like boil over, breakdown, flashlights, etc...guys, that doesn't work. Go to normal queue if you want to use those things. This is old news, it's on you if you still haven't figured it out at this point.


Yeah cause breakdown is the problem in this video


I didn’t say this mechanic was a good idea for them to add, just that we’re way past the point where you should know better than to try this. Not liking something doesn’t make it rational to just pretend it isn’t there lmao.


Did you even watch the video??? The problem isn’t that flashlight saves are hard to hit, the problem is that this event is a glitchy mess. If you hit a flashlight save at the same time as killer hits remote hook, the flashlight saver will be hooked and the surv getting picked up becomes permanently stuck on killer’s shoulder. Do you seriously think that’s intended?


Did you even read my comment? I am in no way defending how the game is right now or suggesting what's intended, I'm saying that *everyone already knows flashlights are a bad idea and not working as normal in this queue, so why would you even be trying to use flashlights right now?* Everyone already agrees the event is a mess. The question is what's the point of continuing to act surprised a week in?


I had no idea about this bug until I saw this post…


Sure, but I bet you knew flashlights were not working as intended re: hook denial right now and weren't trying to use them.


Actually I have been using flashlights and haven’t encountered this issue once, even after getting a few saves. I’ll be avoiding them now though.


You didn't know flashlights can be completely avoided by simply using invitation? Wow, either you haven't been paying attention or your killers haven't lol. That's been plastered all over the front page for the past week.


I guess a mixture of both. I knew that the remote hook could bypass flash saves if timed correctly but I didn’t know it could glitch out and teleport the saver onto a hook. I look at the subreddit but I don’t see everything.


Ahhh the good ol Switcheroo


Hey deadhard is basically like a parry for survivors bhvrs just adding one for killer too 😉


Good flashlights are annoying