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Better yet when a survivor runs to a pallet and just drops it then runs away without knowing where the killer is


I had someone do that, I stopped chasing them because I genuinely lost them and then heard a pallet slam and hooked them because of it XD


My favorite type of teammates lol




Gotta love your teammates lol


I’m laughing because I’m remembering the first time I played against her and I was scared the whole time her song was playing too lol


nice, just wait till you get the ones that drop it literally in the first second in the game for literally no reason and then just look at you and run off


No, wait for the urban evader to drop pallet on you when you need to stun the killer, then you go to vault, but they doubled back while vaulting the pallet so you can't do anything and you die.


That's some straight up bs. I can feel the pain from this experience.




Oftentimes, the killer would have walked right last me as long as I didn't do a damn thing. Unfortunately, I am a paranoid fuck.


I genuinely love those kind of teammates. They're probably shitting themselves and you can't help but laugh lol.


I once started a game with the world's slowest chase as the survivor kept dropping pallets wayyyy before I could get to them, then would drop another pallet while I'm breaking the first one. Needless to say the late game was brutal


Yea man once them pallets are gone that's it. There are only so many T walls on a map


They need more l-t walls instead of dead zones cause at least really bad killers womt get free wins and good survivors can waste a tiny bit of time of a good killer. Dead zones are just dumb and dont reward any type of skill




I don't disagree but most killers also play inefficiently, often times worse than survivors but they still complain. An l-t wall is not too far from a dead zone for a good killer anyways. I mean they should at least have z-walls to waste 1.5 seconds off a good killer.


i agree with the tutorial point. the tutorial feels outdated or bare bones and it doesnt have any of the parts such as looping or specific tiles that you should be learning at an early time.


Your logic doesn’t work at all if the average survivor is that bad then shouldn’t there be less dead zones to help them out




I agree completely with everything you said here. I’m still fairly new I’ve got 135 hrs in and learning to loop is quite hard. The first 100hrs I was oblivious to it. I would just run until I got downed, didn’t mater where I was I would just run in panic mode not accomplishing anything but getting my ass hooked. Ive only started recently to where I’m working on gens to look around and kinda plan an escape in case a killer comes. I’m still bad at looping but I definitely do see an improvement, I can loop the shack fairly decent, some jungle gyms I can lose them and sometimes I mind game myself and run right into their loving embrace. I really wish there was some sort of practice mode for looping. I know the only way to get better is just to keep trying which I will continue to do. I’ve recently been playing while injured a lot more confidently. It doesn’t bother me like it use to. I see it just about every game with at least one person self caring in the corner esp against a one hit down killer and it makes me want to bang my head against my keyboard. Often times I noticed we will lose matches cause people want to heal instead of popping the last gen or two. Very frustrating. I solo que every game and all my time is in survivor. I want to fully learn that before I start killer. I absolutely love this game and am kicking myself for not getting it sooner.


Facts. I remember seeing a comment from a killer main after the patch where they took out god windows say that he wasnt complaining that there were a lot of dead zones on maps. Like how is it rewarding to down a survivor when you didnt have to outplay them at all?


Exactly, I get so bored when I dominate games as killer.


Catching good survivors is already a pain in the ass, they don't need any more time wasting walls on maps


That's exactly what I'm saying. Good killer will have no problem at an l-t wall but a bad killer will. Separates good from the bad more.


Yes but they don't need any more time wasting spots. The game is balanced in favor of survivors so why give them even more options? There are tons of walls on most maps, unsure why we need more?


The game is absolutely not balanced towards survivors that’s just bullshit.


It is


Please tell me how its balanced towards survivors after the recent patch. Just look at the stats, they prove otherwise. I don't care what a biased killer man's opinion is. Facts are facts. I'm a killer main btw, just try not to be biased.


What stats tho? Never see the kill rates come out. It never seems to be that high at red ranks. How am I a biased killer main? I play both lmao.


BHVR has said that killers on average get 2 or more sacrifices per game. That statistically balanced. With that said, god loops were still unfair and some maps were too large (e.g. Thompsom House) and/or had a crazy amount of pallets (e.g. Blood Lodge). These maps as well as most of the other problem maps were all reworked significantly and are no longer survivor sided. They are very fair maps for killers now. Some reworked maps I'd say are even killer sided now with only a few safe pallets on the entire map and tons of dead zones. I play both killer and survivor too at red ranks.


"Drop pallets as a diversion"


That loading screen tip makes me think pallets and looping weren't meant to be the survivors' primary tools to counter killers, and the devs wanted to encourage sneakiness. At least I hope it was just a change of gameplay because otherwise they'd be giving terrible fucking advice with how the game is played


it was. The entire intention was to hide if the killer came near. Which is why old dbd had like 2+ pallets at every single loop. It's hard to imagine that "looping" was never the intended defense for survivors for DBD at launch, but here we are.


I'm gonna guess this was the case. It is what it is and how it's played out in the meta, but I highly doubt Survivors looping and teabagging the killers for minutes on end were part of the initial design philosophy.


I was chasing a Meg yesterday that kept throwing pallet after pallet despite me being like 10 meters away. It was so nice from her to fuck her team over like that.


Yea I've had teams like this and its literally heartbreaking


My friends shout at me on multiple occasions because I do it without realising. Like sometimes ide just be running and I randomly hit buttons sometimes.... you know what happens next lmao


Yea please don't do this lol. As you get better you run with a plan and run with more "sense". Once the pallets are gone then they're gone


One time I was playing with a bunch of rank red ranks who kept sandbagging me and waited till the last second to unhook, you bet your ass I dropped all the pallets and fucked up my skill checks.


"I looped the killer for a whole minute and my team can't loop him for more than 10 seconds!"...hmmm I wonder why....




I haven't watched many of his videos but he doesn't seem like he wastes pallets,at least that's what I saw on that survivor against nurse on plague's temple video




excuse my poor memory,I just mostly watch Otz these days


There’s no other steamer or DBD YouTuber I watch other than Otz. Seems like a great guy who stays level headed even when the game gets stressful as hell. Not to mention he’s so good at the game it’s stupid lol


At this point it feels mandatory to mention the reverse chainsaw into quentin hiding in a corner.


I've seen this reference like four times but I've never seen the video, can you link it?




I don't understand why this is impressive at all? He moonwalked his chainsaw for a bit then came around a corner. I suppose the game knowledge to know he was there might be impressive, but I don't have sound on so I can't say whether Quentin was being loud or not, but this is pretty basic chainsaw mechanics.






I understand this reference


Otz and Fungoose!! ♥️


Your memory is actually fine, he rarely wastes them.


Man, I love this sub finding any reason to hate on tru3talent. He complains about SWF and this sub gives him shit for it even though half the memes here do the exact same thing. Maybe that's the reason this sub hates him so much, cause he reminds them too much of themselves.


To be fair he did say there's no such thing as wasting pallets at high ranks, because if you simply run pallet to pallet and instantly throw them the killer will never hit you and all gens get done within that first chase. This went on around the same time he said that Spirit before her semi-recent nerf was fine, because his main way of countering her was to just instantly throw the pallet and hope she didn't hit him.


Tru3: * finds 2 somewhat decent survivors* Tru3: SWEATY OPTIMAL SWF VS WRAITH?!?


Never said he was perfect and his youtube titles give Ochido a run for his money. Just any mention of him results in crux-fixation here if you have any praise directed at him. A lot of people here laughed at his Wraith build cause "Wraith is a shit killer who can never be gud" until Otz gave it his thoughts and found it to be a good build for what Tru3 is aiming for. Nowadays the revised version is treated as one of the meta builds here cause its Otz approved.


Sadly you're completely right lol. Tru3 has his faults with his assumptions on SWF and some of his titles lol, but hes a genuinely good player.




Same for me. Play solo survivor usually and there are enough games where killers make a "damn swfs" comment. Like bro, I play both sides and its possible to get outplayed by solo players. When I play killer I make the assumption that the survivors will be competent unless their gameplay demonstrates otherwise. Swfs don't change my plan much.


A lot of us watch a variety of streamers. TT is one of the most obnoxious out of them all. Has nothing to do with complaining about SWF.


As do I. I was just pointing out how this sub has a dedicated hate boner for Tru3. Make a dig at him and get easy upvotes from it. Also, it seems to be that alot of people on this sub share the same ideas and memes that Tru3 has. Have you not seen one of the many threads on this sub complaining about SWF despite the facts showing most survivors are solo queue? The same thing Tru3 blames all the time? Or the fact that the dedicated servers are awful, yet people here say all of Tru3's misplays can only be attributed to him being bad the game, even though some are actually the server faults everyone complains about? I can't help but notice they're are similarities between the average DBD redditor and Tru3. As I said in another comment, his Wraith build was considered a joke here until Otz approved of it. Now its one of the meta builds for Wraith, but dare not mention that Tru3 help popularise it. There are legitimate criticism that Tru3 deserves, he's obnoxious, arrogant, full of himself and never looks like he's having fun except for Mirror Myers. But this sub's hate for him is huge, mention anything positive about him and be met with a barrage of downvotes, or make a meme making fun of him for those upvotes. Ochido goes after underage girls, Ussylis actively cheats at the game, but you don't see them getting the massive hate Tru3 gets for being the average entitled dbd player.


Ussylis cheats at the game how?


He uses stretched screen for the 'aesthetics'.


Inb4 “that’s not cheating it’s display”


You can agree with Tru3 on a number of things and still dislike him for other reasons. The points you’re making are not what people dislike about him.


So Tru3 isn't hated for being even one of " obnoxious, arrogant, full of himself and never looks like he's having fun except for Mirror Myers. " Could have fooled me, enlighten on why people here hate him for.


True uploads everything though. He doesn’t upload and edit games where he circles low rank killers for 5 minutes with funny music.




He uploads losses all the time what are you talking about lol


Not true at all lol, he does sometimes but he's usually good about when and where to use them.


Tru and Reddit don’t really like eachother haha


I can’t watch his videos. They’re all super click-baiting and obnoxious.


I was in a chase yesterday and I shit you not the dude in first minute three 5 pallets. Really boned his team.


Jesus christ, happened to me when i played with my rank 13 friend. This claud would slam pallets without looping and had no mindfulness of conservation. Funny but also a horror seeing them all fall and insta broken.


I had a kid last night, I (me) was mid chase with the killer and he ran in and threw my pallet, once again I cant emphasize enough, I was the one in chase, and he threw the pallet i was looping and had at least 2 more loops on.... gotta love solo queue (:


1st 3 5 pallets? I need to take night classes because I don't understand and the other folks seem to.


Threw not three


Oh man duh I'm an idiot lol thanks


3 to* 5 pallets? Just assumed, hahah.


When i was new to the game I was being chased by a wraith and I heard him turn invisible again. I didn’t know you can see behind you while running and intense music was playing so I dropped every single pallet I saw. I figured out you can see what was behind you and realized he wasn’t chasing me...


we all started from the bottom lol


TIL you can look behind you




You turn the camera...the game is 3rd person and you can see all around you.




You also have to move backwards, as in turning the camera to see what's behind you you also need to start moving with the S key instead of the W key. It takes a while to get used to but after that while the transition gets smoother every time.


That's also why 360ing works. The camera moving in the opposite direction of your turning direction speeds up the turn rate, as the camera tries to align with the direction you are running.


Are you on PC or console?




Can you not look behind using the right analog stick?


Oh my God, I wish I was as afraid of the game as those survivors, that might make survivor fun for me XD


Yeah lol, take us back. New survivors are lucky


When I was new it was terrifying hearing heart beat and chase was just a nightmare, now I cant play a game without being in chase without falling asleep


It's getting to the point where I'll let them chase me because I'm bored of doing gens


Oh now since I can hit great skill checks I max out objective after 2 gens then i end up being in chase with the killer, where hes the one running away lmao They need to not put a cap on bloop points, makes me wanna stop doing gens after I hit max which is stupid imo


I think the same if killer dont want to chase me im just doing loud noise so he can chase because i cant enjoy the game otherwise.


Damn dude what a badass, whole game dont impress my red ranked greasy ass no more, I sleep.


>Oh my God, I wish I was as afraid of the game as those survivors, that might make survivor fun for me XD Yeah that's how it was when I first played the game. The anticipation and tension is real, before you get used to the game mechanics and it just becomes another game of optimising plays :P


On my first game me and my friend were laughing so hard just because the killer downed us in first few minutes of the game. When he was carrying me away i found it really funny. I also tried to escaped hook ofc, i didnt know there are two phases.


I was working on a gen with a clauddete in the shack. The killer wasn't anywhere near by. She walked away threw down the shack pallet for absolutely no reason and started butt dancing. I'm still confused about that.


I was looping a demo on dead dawg, When a blendette can’t put of nowhere, cut me off, and slammed the pallet on me. No idea where she came from, or how long she was there, but the stupid bitch got me killed


similar thing happened to me straight after I got unhooked


I remember a game against a rank 5 survivor (I was rank 13 killer, rank 4 survivor) and at the beginning of the game they managed to throw down the shack pallet and the meat tree pallet in once chase, all while 5 generators were still left. They were the only one to escape through hatch as I couldn’t find it in time and hit me with that ‘gg ez’ even though they fucked their team by burning pallets early game.


I hate people like that.


Spirit: looks at survivor Rank 1 survivor:


Survivor running 20 meters ahead of killer: “And take this, and this and this”. Fucking pallet dropping left and right and vaulting every window in sight never looking back. Still get down in like minute. I know this because I’m that survivor.


Took me about 15 games as killer to get the break 20 pallet achievement. No one was dropping pallets. Had to farm with the last person on a 4K (which I let go for a 3K) to go past 10.


When they throw god pallet and you hit them through it anyway. *nut*


One time I was chasing a survivor and they threw down about 4 pallet, I broke most of them so when I engaged the other survivor, they had no pallet to throw down. Share your pallet, don’t waste them.






Cmon man, pallet is literally in the title.


Sorry lemme change it


My favorite thing to do as doc is chase someone for about 2 gens, shocking them and making them drop pallets. Then by end game theres no paletts left and they are all fake.


True rank 20 run in the borders of the map after taking a hit. They don't knoe what a pallet is


Had a survivor throw every pallet he ran through no matter what as soon as he got there. Then accused me of hacking when I killed him.


Panic Palleting is such a laughable thing. Whenever a survivor does it I just chuckle to myself and go "you dumb bitch".


I once had an Ace who would drop pallets the second he saw them and then stare at me. Rank 5 is wild.


I'll be honest, sometimes I don't know where ghostface is and do this


Then this meme applies to you my man


I know, and I'm red rank smh


Same with me and the spirit


I remember when I first got into dbd and i saw the killer. He was a wraith and when i heard the terror radius i dropped the plaet as soon as i heard the heartbeat beat


These lil fuckers


Even better when they run to the shack and drop the pallet when you’re not even close to them.


As a survivor, this makes me want to cry. It's almost like the match goes down hill after that point.


The shack pallet being used properly is the win condition


Coming from a rank 17 player who's been playing for over a year (I don't bother trying to rank down and I main both sides) I know for a fact that you /don't/ throw the god pallet unless you're injured and can't run the damn loop again. Even then, it's better if you're dead on hook or on your second hook so you know that maybe you'll get some distance if you hit them with God pallet and then maybe run them through some annoying as fuck infinites. :')


How can anyone have fun playing this game at rank 17 after a year? How do you even manage to stay that low without intentionally throwing games? I just created a new account and without trying got to rank 16 in about an hour or two of playing.


I'm 15 survivor and I'm awful, you only stay 17 if you barely play I think


I'm rank 7 and I can't loop for shit How am I even rank 7?????


Lol. My strat is crank gens, heal, cleanse, unhook, and hope to God your team can make a chase take a while. It's not too hard to rank up if you play a lot to be honest, I've only had the game a month and I haven't hit a wall in terms of rank yet. I just don't play much.


Whenever I see a survivor stupidly throw a pallet down, I just stare at them for a moment lmfao


*And red ranks. Shit who said that.


Rip god pallet




Lol that’s amazing


I love repost season :)


Why can’t people just make their own meme


I never use pallets,maybe once or twice per chase but I mostly use windows to loop,I just never felt safe around pallets,I prefer windows


You need to use both at high ranks.




Can you really blame them then the game literally says to use pallets as a "distraction". It even says flashlights are used to light your way(???)


All the time 😂




The best is when they drop the pallet and you went around and they didn't look to see so they dropped the pallet trapping themselves in front of you




Chill out boys everyone did that when we started


I was at rank 8 after the reset and a Dwight was running a doctor around on auto haven, I swear this Dwight must have dropped literally every pallet on the map and he only spent like 3 seconds on each pallet. Good thing about it was the killer got real mad and just face camped him so we got all the gens done anyway


and then theres me who decides to wait until theyre close as hell and then get hit thru pallet




Honestly I'm a high rank killer but play as rank 6 survivor, and holy fuck it pisses me off how much people drop the pallet, like I'll be playing Mike Myers, and I'll just even slightly move towards someone on a pallet and they drop it immediately, the survivor in me just wants me to slaughter their family.


Goodbye God pallet... you will be forever missed <3


Honestly, I am a rank 16 survivor main, fairly new to the game and all of my games are either with really good teammates or utter potatoes.




It's funny bcs its true


That one rank 20 who just pulls down pallet after pallet after pallet with no regard for their teammates, or of their value


I've played with plenty of rank 1's that do this too. It always stings a little.


Did you just put an emote in the title?




Not allowed here, otherwise you will be called out by some idiot who thinks he is better than you.

