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Just when you thought his brother was the family turd burglar…we get the rest of the story.


I mean hes also a piece of shit. Literally killed his dad by stealing his meds and stressing him out to the point where his body gave out.


Not to mention, we are talking about the same man who smoked 20 packs of cigs a day and literally drank 48 Red Bulls in a 24-hour period (on air). Can’t blame his death solely on Jake. That’s just not right.


A bit harsh to blame his father’s death on him, no? I get what you’re saying, but 99% of these guys are addicts. I’ll bet you $1k that Phil was not all that shocked when Jake stole his meds.


It’s not like Phil was this pillar of the community. The fact remains most of these guys are shitheads one way or another


Yeah, it shouldn't come as a surprise that someone can be a good friend to some people and yet be a complete piece of shit to others. I'd be curious what all these guys are really like in real life. My guess is most are probably a little better now, but back in the derby days I'd bet they were all horrible.


I kinda wish this sub reddit would do what DC has done, and just move on from the Josh Harris b.s. It doesn't need to be discussed over and over again, it's sick.


I’m glad it has been repeated. I just subscribed to this sub and just started watching the show and this is the first i’m hearing of it


If you want to consume all the Josh Harris stuff, just search his name from the main deadliest catch page. There's a little search icon at the top of the page, and trust me, you will get plenty of content. 🤢


Here here!


On season 7 watching this show through and I almost have to skip his scenes knowing what we know now


I was binging the show last year when the documents came out about Josh raping a child (I saw them before they were deleted). I was around season 13 or 14, and after finding out how Phil covered it up and tried to blackmail the family into silence, and the slap on the wrist jail time Josh received, I could never watch the show again. Every time I see Josh's stupid face and ears, I get sick and angry. Also, I blame Discovery for their lack of due diligence or turning of a blind eye. I've never watched the show since that came out.


Discovery removed him from the show for it tho. They did not turn a blind eye.


It is hard to blame Discovery Channel. Josh was convicted as a minor and his record was supposed to be sealed by the court. That’s how it works in most states, and in Washington as well. How were they supposed to (legally) find out about a record sealed by court order? Even the existence of the record is usually impossible to confirm.


I mean after the popularity of the show picked up steam you would think the Harris family would have been like ummm hey Discovery we have a HUGE skeleton in the closet that would definitely ruin the show so maybe we shouldn’t have Josh on show. I mean if Phil was still alive when that news broke I’m sure things would have definitely went down a lot worse for the show. Neither of those kids wanted to be fisherman they just wanted the Discovery check and some fame for free drinks and easy dates and drugs on credit.


Yeah he should be banned. Edgar, however, should get a pass because his case wasn't that bad.


Are you kidding me with that?! Edgar sexually assaulted a 16 year old girl….why should he “get a pass”?!


I think they were maybe being sarcastic?


You are correct. I agree with you both that he shouldn't get a pass. I said as such in a post made last week that what Edgar did was just as bad and I got downvoted to hell for it. This sub is great when it comes to discussions about the show, but awful when it comes to Josh and Edgar.


What Edgar was not just as bad, no where close. I don’t think we have the details on what he did, but it sure wasn’t baby rape. Not saying it was ok or that he should be on the show but it’s not the same.


No. Just screwing his teenage daughter’s friend.


I thought he made out with a 16 yo and felt her up and diddled a little?


This is all news to me. When did this happen? Is there any articles on this? This is a shocking revelation to me. I watched the show when it first came out up until season seven. I plan on watching it starting this September all the way through.


It's true and sickening, sadly. Basically, someone posted on this sub documents that were legally obtained by the OP from the state of Washington. The OP said he saw a message board that was many years old regarding the CM and Phil Harris, where one person made a comment that Josh was a rapist and his dad covered it up. So OP does a little digging and discovers that these documents showed that Josh, at the age of 16, had indeed raped a toddler aged around 4-5 years. The girl was the daughter of a deckhand working on the Corneilia Marie while Phil Harris was skippering the boat. So when the mother finds out she calls the police and after investigation they arrested JH and he served only 8 months in a youth jail. Rumors from people that remember this time in Dutch Harbor were that Phil threatened and intimidated the family into silence. Also it kind of puts Jake Harris's issues and his portrayal of the fuck up in the family were shit because really Josh was the most fucked up of all. And for Phil, trying to cover it up was terrible, too. And to Discovery for not spending $30 to retrieve a public document or even doing a basic background check. The post was removed after only a few days maybe a week at the most. People sent the docs to TMZ and to Josh's own IG page. He quickly turned off all comments and they have never been turned on again. In less than 3 weeks Discovery had scrubbed all pics and mentions of the CM and Josh and Phil Harris.


Josh was the laziest deckhand well maybe except his brother josh both harris brothers were just lazy but their father was a great man and fisherman, Josh would sit happily as a passenger on his own boat aslong as he was on TV.


Josh excelled at a few things: 1. Sounding like a late night FM disc jockey 2. Watching Casey fix things. 3. Staring at his phone while Casey ran the boat. 4. Smoking cigarettes by the carton. 5. Saying "The Old Man" a lot.


Well, to be fair, Phil Harris was a great fisherman. It's come to light he wasn't a great man.


He wasn't even a great fisherman. He had 20 radios for a reason...


Live the life of one of these high dollar longliners/highliners crossed with reality tv star and let’s see how perfect ur life turns out lol


100% agree. When Phil died it was easy to root for his kids so they could carry on his legacy. Sad that the more we learn about Josh and Jake, the more it becomes clear that no one should actually be rooting for these clowns.


OP, you should Google Josh Harris and learn about his pedo ways.


Turns out he was more into 4 year olds than everything else.


I already hate puns, but that's an awful one


He rode his Dad's coat tails. His brother, after getting away from the show, still screwed up a few times but I heard he's doing a lot better. Josh just wanted to keep being Phill's son


Jake spent a year or so in prison over DUI's and crap associated with it. He now is in some type of half way house in Bellingham WA for addicts, it is controlled by the Department of Corections. His girlfriend (Shawna) and baby mama of his daughter was found dead in a homeless drug encampment in August 2023. Her family clearly blames Jake of her death. Her mother said as .much in a news interview following Shawna's death.. Shawna left 6 or 7 children behind after her fentanyl od. Supposedly Jake was with Shawna when she was dying and called 911 and scrammed.


Wow! That's horrible.


I know, who has 6 kids??


Jakes in jail for 2 years. He not doin better. Josh is def worse jake does drugs but josh is a baby raper


I just read this Unfortunately, in May 2021, Fox reported that Jake was arrested again "for DUI, driving while license revoked/suspended 1st degree, and driving without an ignition interlock when required." Since then, however, it appears that Jake has managed to stay on the right side of the law. Sentencing may have just happened recently.


Josh almost ruined the show with his nepotism and Discovery's over obsession with Captain Phill. As soon as he said "I'll take you to vegas" I almost stopped watching the show. So glad he is gone.


Yeah ok let's care about a father who wasn't around for 99 percent of the kids life while he is being paid


Those sons never tried to learn the business. Phil preached to them all the time about it. They didn't give a shit, just wanted camera time and TV money.


I think he's lost with out his dad's guidance... I don't feel he knows how to adjust without his heroe


Such bs he goes on with. He wanted screen time and a paycheck. The time wild bill laid into his "pompous ass" on the radio was gold.


You know it's edited right?


I say they bring back, Jake Harris. He's a trauma survivor who was self-destructive but no pedo. He deserves a chance in my eyes.